1 | /********************************************************************\
2 |
3 | Alarm handler of the Evidence Control System
4 |
5 | - Checks periodically if all required servers are up
6 | (later it should try to start them if not)
7 | - Listens to the 'Status' service of each server.
8 | - A text describing the state of all servers is published as DIM service.
9 | The states are described in StateString[].
10 | - A master alarm (indicating most severe of individual alarms) is published.
11 |
12 | Oliver Grimm, January 2010
13 |
14 | \********************************************************************/
15 |
16 | #define SERVER_NAME "Alarm"
17 | #include "Evidence.h"
18 |
19 | #define SUMMARYSIZE 10000 // Bytes for alarm summary text
20 |
21 | const char* StateString[] = {"OK", "WARN", "ERROR", "FATAL", "UNAVAILABLE"};
22 |
23 | //
24 | // Data handling class
25 | //
26 | class AlarmHandler : public DimClient, public EvidenceServer {
27 |
28 | DimStampedInfo **StatusService;
29 |
30 | void infoHandler();
31 |
32 | public:
33 | AlarmHandler();
34 | ~AlarmHandler();
35 |
36 | DimService *Summary, *Master;
37 |
38 | char *AlarmSummary;
39 | int MasterAlarm;
40 | int *State;
41 | char **Server;
42 | unsigned int NumServers;
43 | char *ServerList;
44 |
45 | void UpdateAlarmSummary();
46 | };
47 |
48 | // Constructor
49 | AlarmHandler::AlarmHandler(): EvidenceServer(SERVER_NAME) {
50 |
51 | AlarmSummary = new char [SUMMARYSIZE];
52 | MasterAlarm = 0;
53 |
54 | char *ServerNames = GetConfig(SERVER_NAME " servers");
55 |
56 | // Create DIM services
57 | Summary = new DimService(SERVER_NAME"/Summary", AlarmSummary);
58 | Master = new DimService(SERVER_NAME"/MasterAlarm", MasterAlarm);
59 |
60 | // Copy original list of servers to observe
61 | ServerList = new char [strlen(ServerNames)+1];
62 | strcpy(ServerList, ServerNames);
63 |
64 | // Extract DIM servers to observe
65 | Server = new char* [strlen(ServerNames)];
66 | NumServers = 0;
67 | char *NextToken = strtok(ServerNames, " \t");
68 | while (NextToken != NULL) {
69 | Server[NumServers++] = NextToken; // Subscribe with handler
70 | NextToken = strtok(NULL, " \t");
71 | }
72 |
73 | // Subscribe with handler to 'Status' service of all servers
74 | StatusService = new DimStampedInfo* [NumServers];
75 | State = new int [NumServers];
76 |
77 | for (int i=0; i<NumServers; i++) {
78 | char *Buffer = new char [strlen(Server[i])+10];
79 | strcpy(Buffer, Server[i]);
80 | strcat(Buffer, "/Status");
81 | StatusService[i] = new DimStampedInfo(Buffer, NO_LINK, this);
82 | delete[] Buffer;
83 |
84 | State[i] = 0;
85 | }
86 | }
87 |
88 | // Destructor
89 | AlarmHandler::~AlarmHandler() {
90 |
91 | for (int i=0; i<NumServers; i++) delete StatusService[i];
92 | delete[] StatusService;
93 | delete Master;
94 | delete Summary;
95 | delete[] State;
96 | delete[] Server;
97 | delete[] ServerList;
98 | delete[] AlarmSummary;
99 | }
100 |
101 | // Print messages of status changes to screen and update status string
102 | void AlarmHandler::infoHandler() {
103 |
104 | // Identify status service
105 | for (int i=0; i<NumServers; i++) if (getInfo() == StatusService[i]) {
106 |
107 | // Ignore DIS_DNS (has no status service)
108 | if (strcmp(getInfo()->getName(),"DIS_DNS/Status") == 0) return;
109 |
110 | // Update State: unavailable or current severity of status
111 | if (getInfo()->getSize()==strlen(NO_LINK)+1 &&
112 | strcmp(getInfo()->getString(), NO_LINK)==0) State[i] = 4;
113 | else {
114 | State[i] = *(getInfo()->getString()+getInfo()->getSize());
115 |
116 | // Print message
117 | time_t RawTime = getInfo()->getTimestamp();
118 | struct tm *TM = localtime(&RawTime);
119 | printf("%s (%02d:%02d:%02d): %s\n", getInfo()->getName(), TM->tm_hour,
120 | TM->tm_min, TM->tm_sec, getInfo()->getString());
121 | }
122 | UpdateAlarmSummary();
123 | }
124 | }
125 |
126 |
127 | // Update alarm status summary
128 | void AlarmHandler::UpdateAlarmSummary() {
129 |
130 | int Offset = 0;
131 | MasterAlarm = 0;
132 |
133 | for (int i=0; i<NumServers; i++) {
134 | snprintf(AlarmSummary+Offset, SUMMARYSIZE-Offset, "%s: %s (%d)\n", Server[i], State[i]<=4 ? StateString[State[i]] : "unknown", State[i]);
135 | Offset += strlen(AlarmSummary+Offset);
136 | if (State[i] > MasterAlarm) MasterAlarm = State[i];
137 | }
138 | Summary->updateService();
139 | Master->updateService();
140 | }
141 |
142 | //
143 | // Main program
144 | //
145 | int main() {
146 |
147 | DimBrowser Browser;
148 | char *ServerName, *Node;
149 | bool Exists;
150 |
151 | // Static declaration ensures calling of destructor by exit()
152 | static AlarmHandler Alarm;
153 |
154 | // Request configuration data
155 | unsigned int Period = atoi(Alarm.GetConfig(SERVER_NAME " period"));
156 |
157 | // Check periodically if servers are up
158 | while(!EvidenceServer::ExitRequest) {
159 | for (int i=0; i<Alarm.NumServers; i++) {
160 | Exists = false;
161 | Browser.getServers();
162 | while (Browser.getNextServer(ServerName, Node) == 1) {
163 | if (strcmp(ServerName, Alarm.Server[i]) == 0) Exists = true;
164 | }
165 | if (!Exists) Alarm.State[i] = 4;
166 | }
167 |
168 | Alarm.UpdateAlarmSummary();
169 | sleep(Period);
170 | }
171 | }