Installation instructions for the Evidence Data Display Edd A) The packages Qt, Qwt and DIM are needed 1. Qt can be downloaded from Test have been made with version 4.6.2 which can be downloaded aat It should well work with later version as well. Installation instruction are given in the package. Usually, they amount on Linux to executing './configure', then 'gmake all' followed by 'gmake install', all done within the unpacked directory. Before the following steps, it should be assured that the right version of qmake is used, as many Linux installations include an older version of Qt. Use 'qmake -version' to check and adjust your PATH variable if necessary. 2. Qwt can be downloaded from Tests were made with version 5.2.1. Installation should simply be done by executing 'qmake', then 'make', and finally 'make install'. 3. DIM can be downloaded from The latest available version should be fine. Follow the installation instruction on the web site given at the download link. Note that the command line option in 'unzip -a' is mandatory. Compiling is done with 'gmake all'. B) Compiling Edd An environment variable QWTDIR should point to the Qwt installation, and DIMDIR to the DIM installation. The subversion repository should preferably be checked out fully, as the class describing the M0 raw data format is currently needed. Issue 'qmake', then 'make' will build the executable Edd. To start, the environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH needs to include the location of the Qwt shared library.