1 | // The FACT collaboration
2 | // Dominik Neise and Sebastian Mueller October 2014
3 | // A callisto like CERN-Root script to process the FACT DRS
4 | // (Domino-Ring-Sampler) time calibration files.
5 | //
6 | // The basic script is taken from the October 2014 analysis framework running on
7 | // La Palma, maintained by Daniela Dorner and Thomas Bretz. There it was called
8 | // "callisto_drs_time.C"
9 |
10 | // Dominik and Sebastian:
11 | // Our first approach was to use the MWriteFitsFile class but we have not been
12 | // able to use it.
13 |
14 | // MWriteFitsFile fitsfile(outfile,
15 | // MWriteFitsFile::kSingleFile,
16 | // "RECREATE",
17 | // "fitsfile",
18 | // "atitle");
19 | // fitsfile.SetBytesPerSample("Data", 2);
20 | // fitsfile.AddContainer("MDrsCalibrationTime","DANDELION");
21 |
22 | #include "MLogManip.h"
23 |
24 | int produce_drs_time_fits_file(
25 | const char *drs_time_file, //* path to raw drs-time-calib-file
26 | const char *drs_file, //* path to drs.fits(.gz) file
27 | const char *outfile //* output path like yyyymmdd_rrr.drs.time.fits
28 | ){
29 | gLog.Separator("produce_drs_time_fits_file");
30 | gLog << all;
31 | gLog << "DRS Timing " << drs_time_file << '\n';
32 | gLog << "DRS 1024 " << drs_file << '\n';
33 | gLog << endl;
34 |
35 | MParList plist0;
36 |
37 | MTaskList tlist0;
38 | plist0.AddToList(&tlist0);
39 |
40 | MDrsCalibration drscalib1024;
41 | if (!drscalib1024.ReadFits(drs_file)){
42 | gLog << "Error while opening drs amplitude calibration file:"
43 | << drs_file << "Aborting" << endl;
44 | return 52; // DN: Why 52 I don't know.
45 | }
46 | plist0.AddToList(&drscalib1024);
47 |
48 | MDrsCalibrationTime timecam;
49 | plist0.AddToList(&timecam);
50 |
51 | MEvtLoop loop0("DetermineTimeCal");
52 | loop0.SetParList(&plist0);
53 |
54 | factfits drstimeRawFile(drs_time_file);
55 | const int NumberOfChips = drstimeRawFile.GetInt("NPIX")/9; // --> 160
56 | const int NumberOfCells = drstimeRawFile.GetInt("NROI"); // --> 1024
57 | drstimeRawFile.close();
58 |
59 | MRawFitsRead read0(drs_time_file);
60 | tlist0.AddToList(&read0);
61 | MGeomApply apply0;
62 | tlist0.AddToList(&apply0);
63 | MDrsCalibApply drsapply0;
64 | tlist0.AddToList(&drsapply0);
65 | MContinue cont0("MRawEvtHeader.GetTriggerID!=33792", "SelectTim");
66 | tlist0.AddToList(&cont0);
67 | MFillH fill0("MHDrsCalibrationTime");
68 | fill0.SetNameTab("DeltaT");
69 | tlist0.AddToList(&fill0);
70 |
71 | if (!loop0.Eventloop(0)){
72 | gLog << "Error performing the loop over the drs-time-run:"
73 | << drs_time_file << "Aborting" << endl;
74 | return 8; // DN: why 8 I don't know.
75 | }
76 |
77 | ofits drstimeFile(outfile);
78 | drstimeFile.SetDefaultKeys();
79 | drstimeFile.AddColumnDouble(
80 | NumberOfChips*NumberOfCells,
81 | "SamplingTimeDeviation", "nominal slices",
82 | "see following COMMENT."
83 | );
84 | drstimeFile.SetInt("NCHIPS", NumberOfChips, "number of drs chips");
85 | drstimeFile.SetInt("NCELLS", NumberOfCells, "number of cells of each chip");
86 | drstimeFile.AddComment(
87 | "The SamplingTimeDeviation specifies the deviation of the actual ");
88 | drstimeFile.AddComment(
89 | "sampling time of a certain cell, from its nominal sampling time.");
90 | drstimeFile.AddComment(
91 | "It is measured in nominal slices.");
92 | drstimeFile.AddComment(
93 | "In order to convert the sample index into the actual sampling time");
94 | drstimeFile.AddComment(
95 | "just do: ");
96 | drstimeFile.AddComment(
97 | " cell_index + td(cell_index) - td(stop_cell_index)");
98 | drstimeFile.AddComment(
99 | "where td(i) refers to the SamplingTimeDeviation of cell i of the ");
100 | drstimeFile.AddComment(
101 | "current DRS4 chip.");
102 | drstimeFile.AddComment(
103 | "This gives you the actual sampling time of the cell measured in ");
104 | drstimeFile.AddComment(
105 | "nominal slices [nsl] with respect to the stop cells sampling time.");
106 | drstimeFile.AddComment(
107 | "Convert it to ns, simply by multiplication ");
108 | drstimeFile.AddComment(
109 | "with 0.5 ns/nsl.");
110 | drstimeFile.AddComment(
111 | "");
112 |
113 | drstimeFile.AddComment(
114 | "In FACT it became common practice to measure un-time-calibrated ");
115 | drstimeFile.AddComment(
116 | " DRS4 data in 'time slices' or simply 'samples', while ");
117 | drstimeFile.AddComment(
118 | " time-calibrated DRS4 data usually measured in ns. Since the method,");
119 | drstimeFile.AddComment(
120 | " that is emplyed to measure the DRS4 time calibration constants has ");
121 | drstimeFile.AddComment(
122 | " no possibility to assert the actual length of a slice is really half");
123 | drstimeFile.AddComment(
124 | " a nanosecond, this practice is not advisable.");
125 | drstimeFile.AddComment(
126 | " I propose instead to call un-time-calibrated data 'samples',");
127 | drstimeFile.AddComment(
128 | " since this is what they are. If one wants to stress the fact,");
129 | drstimeFile.AddComment(
130 | " that no drs time calibration has been applied one should refer to ");
131 | drstimeFile.AddComment(
132 | "'uncalibrated slices'. Since it *should* be common practice to apply");
133 | drstimeFile.AddComment(
134 | " the drs4 time calibration in all cases, I also propose to use the");
135 | drstimeFile.AddComment(
136 | " short term of 'slices' or 'sl'. If one wants to stress, that the");
137 | drstimeFile.AddComment(
138 | " drs4 time calibration has actually been applied to the data,");
139 | drstimeFile.AddComment(
140 | " the term 'calibrated slices' or 'nominal slices' or short 'nsl'.");
141 |
142 | drstimeFile.WriteTableHeader("DRS_CELL_TIMES");
143 |
144 | // By drs_sampling_time_deviations we refer to the deviations (measured in nominal slices) of
145 | // the actual sampling time compared to the nominal sampling time of every cell of every chip.
146 | double *drs_sampling_time_deviations = new double[ NumberOfChips * NumberOfCells ];
147 | for (int chip = 0; chip < NumberOfChips; chip++){
148 | for (int cell = 0; cell < NumberOfCells; cell++){
149 | // Dominik and Sebastian:
150 | // We ended with using DrsCalibrateTime.Sum() in order to retrieve
151 | // the contents DrsCalibrateTime.fStat.
152 | // First we wanted to access the member fStat of class DrsCalibrateTime
153 | // which is declared public but it did not work out of the box.
154 | // drs_sampling_time_deviations[chip*NumberOfCells+cell] =
155 | // timecam.fStat[chip*NumberOfCells+cell].first;
156 | drs_sampling_time_deviations[ chip * NumberOfCells + cell ] =
157 | timecam.Sum( chip * NumberOfCells + cell );
158 | }
159 | }
160 |
161 | drstimeFile.WriteRow(drs_sampling_time_deviations, sizeof(double) * NumberOfChips * NumberOfCells);
162 | drstimeFile.close();
163 |
164 | return 0;
165 | }