/* ======================================================================== *\ ! ! * ! * This file is part of MARS, the MAGIC Analysis and Reconstruction ! * Software. It is distributed to you in the hope that it can be a useful ! * and timesaving tool in analysing Data of imaging Cerenkov telescopes. ! * It is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. ! * ! * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its ! * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, ! * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and ! * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear ! * in supporting documentation. It is provided "as is" without express ! * or implied warranty. ! * ! ! ! Author(s): Thomas Bretz, 12/2002 ! ! Copyright: MAGIC Software Development, 2000-2003 ! ! \* ======================================================================== */ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // MHCamEvent // // A histogram to store the sum of camera events. This can be photons, // currents or enything else derived from MCamEvent // // Setup // ===== // // To count how often a certain pixel is above or below a threshold do: // MHCamEvent::SetThreshold(5.5); // Default=LowerBound // MHCamEvent::SetThreshold(5.5, MHCamEvent::kIsUpperBound); // // // Axis titles // =========== // // 1) If no other title is given 'a.u.' is used. // 2) If the title of MHCamEvent is different from the default, // it is used as histogram title. You can use this to set the // axis title, too. For more information see TH1::SetTitle, eg. // SetTitle("MyHist;;y[cm];Counts"); // Make sure to set an empty x-axis title. // // For example: // MHCamEvent myhist("Titele;;y [cm]"); // // Class Version 3: // ---------------- // + fNameSub // + fIsRatio // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "MHCamEvent.h" #include #include #include "MLog.h" #include "MLogManip.h" #include "MString.h" #include "MParList.h" #include "MCamEvent.h" #include "MHCamera.h" #include "MGeomCam.h" ClassImp(MHCamEvent); using namespace std; const TString MHCamEvent::gsDefName = "MHCamEvent"; const TString MHCamEvent::gsDefTitle = "Average of MCamEvents"; // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Initialize the name and title of the task // void MHCamEvent::Init(const char *name, const char *title) { // // set the name and title of this object // fName = name ? name : gsDefName.Data(); fTitle = title ? title : gsDefTitle.Data(); fNameGeom = "MGeomCam"; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Initialize the name and title of the task. Set fType to 0 // MHCamEvent::MHCamEvent(const char *name, const char *title) : fSum(NULL), fErr(NULL), fEvt(NULL), fSub(0), fType(0), fErrorSpread(kTRUE), fErrorRelative(kFALSE), fThreshold(0), fUseThreshold(0), fIsRatio(false) { Init(name, title); fSum = new MHCamera; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Initialize the name and title of the task. Set fType to type // MHCamEvent::MHCamEvent(Int_t type, const char *name, const char *title) : fSum(NULL), fErr(NULL), fEvt(NULL), fSub(0), fType(type), fErrorSpread(kTRUE), fErrorRelative(kFALSE), fThreshold(0), fUseThreshold(0), fIsRatio(false) { Init(name, title); fSum = new MHCamera; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Delete the corresponding camera display if available // MHCamEvent::~MHCamEvent() { if (fSum) delete fSum; } Bool_t MHCamEvent::InitGeom(const MParList &plist) { MGeomCam *cam = (MGeomCam*)plist.FindObject(fNameGeom, "MGeomCam"); if (!cam) { *fLog << err << fNameGeom << " [MGeomCam] not found... abort." << endl; return kFALSE; } // combine name const TString name = fNameEvt.IsNull() ? fName : fNameEvt; fSum->SetGeometry(*cam, name+";avg"); if (fTitle!=gsDefTitle) fSum->SetTitle(fTitle); if (!fTitle.Contains(";")) fSum->SetYTitle("a.u."); if (fErr) fErr->SetGeometry(*fSum->GetGeometry(), fErr->GetName(), fErr->GetTitle()); return kTRUE; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Get the event (MCamEvent) the histogram might be filled with. If // it is not given, it is assumed, that it is filled with the argument // of the Fill function. // Looks for the camera geometry MGeomCam and resets the sum histogram. // Bool_t MHCamEvent::SetupFill(const MParList *plist) { fEvt = dynamic_cast(plist->FindObject(fNameEvt, "MCamEvent")); if (!fEvt) { if (!fNameEvt.IsNull()) { *fLog << err << GetDescriptor() << ": No " << fNameEvt <<" [MCamEvent] available..." << endl; return kFALSE; } *fLog << inf << GetDescriptor() << ": Assuming to get MCamEvent from Fill()..." << endl; } fSub = 0; if (!fNameSub.IsNull()) { fSub = dynamic_cast(plist->FindObject(fNameSub, "MCamEvent")); if (!fSub) { *fLog << err << GetDescriptor() << ": No " << fNameSub <<" [MCamEvent] available..." << endl; return kFALSE; } *fLog << inf << GetDescriptor() << ": Will subtract '" << fNameSub << "'" << endl; } fSum->Reset(); fNumReInit = 0; if (!InitGeom(*plist)) return kFALSE; if (fUseThreshold!=kCollectMin && fUseThreshold!=kCollectMax) fSum->SetBit(MHCamera::kProfile); if (!fErrorSpread) fSum->SetBit(MHCamera::kErrorMean); return kTRUE; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // The geometry read from the RunHeaders might have changed. This does not // effect anything in PreProcess. So we set a new geometry. We don't move // this away from PreProcess to support also loops without calling ReInit. // Bool_t MHCamEvent::ReInit(MParList *plist) { return fNumReInit++==0 ? InitGeom(*plist) : kTRUE; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Fill the histograms with data from a MCamEvent-Container. // Int_t MHCamEvent::Fill(const MParContainer *par, const Stat_t w) { const MCamEvent *evt = par ? dynamic_cast(par) : fEvt; if (!evt) { *fLog << err << dbginf << "Got no MCamEvent as argument of Fill()..." << endl; return kERROR; } switch (fUseThreshold) { case kNoBound: if (fSub) { if (fIsRatio) fSum->AddCamRatio(*evt, *fSub, fType, w); else fSum->AddCamDifference(*evt, *fSub, fType, w); } else fSum->AddCamContent(*evt, fType, w); break; case kIsLowerBound: case kIsUpperBound: fSum->CntCamContent(*evt, fThreshold, fType, fUseThreshold>0); break; case kCollectMin: fSum->SetMinCamContent(*evt, /*fThreshold,*/ fType); break; case kCollectMax: fSum->SetMaxCamContent(*evt, /*fThreshold,*/ fType); break; case kMeanShift: fSum->AddMeanShift(*evt, fType, w); break; case kMedianShift: fSum->AddMedianShift(*evt, fType, w); break; default: *fLog << err << "ERROR - MHCamEvent::Fill: Unknown type." << endl; return kERROR; } return kTRUE; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Take the mean of the sum histogram and print all pixel indices // which are above sum+s*rms // void MHCamEvent::PrintOutliers(Float_t s) const { const Double_t mean = fSum->GetMean(); const Double_t rms = fSum->GetRMS(); *fLog << all << underline << GetDescriptor() << ": Mean=" << mean << ", Rms=" << rms << endl; for (UInt_t i=0; iGetNumPixels(); i++) { if (!fSum->IsUsed(i)) continue; if ((*fSum)[i+1]>mean+s*rms) *fLog << "Contents of Pixel-Index #" << i << ": " << (*fSum)[i+1] << " > " << s << "*rms" << endl; } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Return fSum for "sum" and fRms for "rms" // TH1 *MHCamEvent::GetHistByName(const TString name) const { return fSum; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Set the camera histogram to a clone of cam // void MHCamEvent::SetHist(const MHCamera &cam) { if (fSum) delete fSum; fSum = static_cast(cam.Clone()); } TString MHCamEvent::Format(const char *ext) const { TString n = fSum->GetName(); const Ssiz_t pos = n.Last(';'); if (pos<0) return ""; n = n(0, pos); n += ";"; n += ext; return n; } void MHCamEvent::Paint(Option_t *opt) { TVirtualPad *pad = gPad; pad->cd(2); if (gPad->FindObject("proj")) { TH1 *h=fSum->Projection("proj"); if (h->GetMaximum()>0) gPad->SetLogy(); if (TString(opt).Contains("gaus", TString::kIgnoreCase)) { // Create a copy of the function if it is not yet there if (!h->GetFunction("gaus")) h->Fit("gaus", "q"); TF1 *f = h->GetFunction("gaus"); if (f) { f->SetParameters(h->GetMean(), h->GetRMS(), h->GetMaximum()); f->SetLineWidth(1); h->Fit("gaus", "q"); } TPaveStats *s1 = dynamic_cast(h->GetListOfFunctions()->FindObject("stats")); if (s1) { if (s1->GetOptStat()==1111) s1->SetOptStat(1000000001); s1->SetOptFit(1); } } } pad->cd(5); if (gPad->FindObject("rad")) fSum->RadialProfile("rad"); pad->cd(6); if (gPad->FindObject("az")) fSum->AzimuthProfile("az"); pad->cd(4); gPad->cd(1); MHCamera *cam = (MHCamera*)gPad->FindObject("err"); if (cam) cam->SetCamContent(*fSum, fErrorRelative ? 2 : 1); } void MHCamEvent::Draw(Option_t *opt) { TVirtualPad *pad = gPad ? gPad : MakeDefCanvas(this); const Int_t col = pad->GetFillColor(); pad->SetBorderMode(0); AppendPad(opt); TString name = MString::Format("%s_1", pad->GetName()); TPad *p = new TPad(name,name,0.005, 0.5, 0.66, 0.995,col,0,0); p->SetFrameBorderMode(0); p->SetNumber(1); p->Draw(); p->cd(); fSum->Draw("EPhist"); pad->cd(); name = MString::Format("%s_2", pad->GetName()); p = new TPad(name,name,0.66, 0.5, 0.995, 0.995,col,0,0); p->SetFrameBorderMode(0); p->SetNumber(2); p->Draw(); p->cd(); TH1 *h = fSum->Projection("proj", 50); h->SetTitle("Projection"); h->SetBit(kCanDelete); h->Draw(); pad->cd(); name = MString::Format("%s_3", pad->GetName()); p = new TPad(name,name,0.005, 0.005, 3./8, 0.5,col,0,0); p->SetFrameBorderMode(0); p->SetNumber(3); p->Draw(); p->cd(); fSum->Draw(); pad->cd(); name = MString::Format("%s_4", pad->GetName()); p = new TPad(name,name,3./8, 0.005, 6./8-0.005, 0.5,col,0,0); p->SetFrameBorderMode(0); p->SetNumber(4); p->Draw(); p->cd(); TString e = "Sqrt(Variance)"; if (fSum->TestBit(MHCamera::kErrorMean)) e += "/Sqrt(n_{i})"; if (fErrorRelative) e += "/v_{i}"; fErr = new MHCamera(*fSum->GetGeometry()); fErr->SetName("err"); fErr->SetTitle(e); fErr->SetYTitle(fSum->GetYaxis()->GetTitle()); fErr->SetCamContent(*fSum, fErrorRelative ? 2 : 1); fErr->SetBit(kMustCleanup); fErr->SetBit(kCanDelete); fErr->Draw(); pad->cd(); name = MString::Format("%s_5", pad->GetName()); p = new TPad(name,name,6./8,0.25,0.995,0.5,col,0,0); p->SetFrameBorderMode(0); p->SetNumber(5); p->Draw(); p->cd(); h = (TH1*)fSum->RadialProfile("rad", 20); h->SetTitle("Radial Profile"); h->SetBit(kCanDelete|TH1::kNoStats); h->Draw(); pad->cd(); name = MString::Format("%s_6", pad->GetName()); p = new TPad(name,name,6./8,0.005,0.995,0.25,col,0,0); p->SetFrameBorderMode(0); p->SetNumber(6); p->Draw(); p->cd(); h = (TH1*)fSum->AzimuthProfile("az", 30); h->SetTitle("Azimuth Profile"); h->SetBit(kCanDelete|TH1::kNoStats); h->Draw(); } void MHCamEvent::RecursiveRemove(TObject *obj) { if (obj==fErr) fErr = 0; if (obj==fSum) fSum = 0; MH::RecursiveRemove(obj); }