#!/bin/sh # # ======================================================================== # # * # * This file is part of MARS, the MAGIC Analysis and Reconstruction # * Software. It is distributed to you in the hope that it can be a useful # * and timesaving tool in analysing Data of imaging Cerenkov telescopes. # * It is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. # * # * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its # * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, # * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and # * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear # * in supporting documentation. It is provided "as is" without express # * or implied warranty. # * # # # Author(s): Daniela Dorner 06/2007 # # Copyright: MAGIC Software Development, 2000-2007 # # # ======================================================================== # ############################################################################## # # This script is: # - writing rc-files with different sets of cuts # the set of cuts can be steered with the variables # $par3step, $par3numminus, $par3num and # $par1step, $par1numminus, $par1num # par*step step width for changing the parameter * # (suggested value: 0.005) # par*numminus number of steps going to smaller values of the parameter * # (starting value in your ganymed.rc file) # par*num number of steps for changing the parameter * # par3: Cut1.Param3 from the ganymed.rc file # par1: Cut1.Param1 from the ganymed.rc file # - writing a condor dag file for spectrum study # With submitting this dag file with condor_submit_dag to condor from your # Mars directroy you are running ganymed and sponde for all different rc # files. The condor dag man is taking care of the order of the jobs, # i.e. that sponde is started just when ganymed has been finished. # # To start several spondes please set the arrays $spondes. # It is also possible to start new spondes without rerunning ganymed and/or # the other spondes. To do so, please set the variables $doganymed and # $spondedones accordingly # # Remark: You have to submit the condor dag file from your Mars directory. # # For more detailed information read the comments directly before # each variable. # ############################################################################## # # # instructions and setup of the script # please set the variables according to your analysis # # path for you analysis path=/home/dorner/final_analysis # path where your condor dagfile is stored and where you need # the files processds.submit and processsponde.submit #condorpath=$path/condor # standard condor path in your Mars directory condorpath=condor # path to store your resourcefiles # you should have there the ganymed.rc, which you want to use # and your sponde.rc files rcpath=$path/resources ganymedrc=$rcpath/ganymed_wobble_set5_final.rc # outpath for your spectrum results # a directory for each set of cuts will be created there and # the ganymed and sponde output will be stored in these directories specpath=$path/results/spectrumSet5 # name of your dataset # it has to be stored as dataset$dataset.txt in the directory # $path/datasets dataset="20070001" # this is the name of the condor-dag file, which you have to submit # with condor_submit_dag from your Mars directory dagfile=$condorpath/spectrumSet5.dag # here you define whether ganymed still has to be done # if yes, set the variable $doganymed to "yes" #doganymed="yes" doganymed="no" # sponde.rc files have to be in the directory $rcpath # they need to have the naming sponde1.rc, sponde2.rc, sponde3.rc # (numbers in the following array) # the sponde.root files will be named in the same way (sponde(num).root) spondes=( 1 2 3 4 12 13 14 15 ) # in this array you define whether the sponde is already done spondedones=( "done" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) # this is the mc dataset, which has been created with the script # preparemc, make sure to use the correct path mcdataset=$path/mc/mcdataset-for-sponde.txt # values for par3 par3step=0.01 par3numminus=9 par3num=11 # values for par1 par1step=0.005 par1numminus=1 par1num=7 # # end of setup #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # beginning of script # # some checks # checking if the given files and paths are existing if ! [ -e $mcdataset ] then echo "Your mc dataset file $mcdataset does not exist." exit fi if ! [ -e $specpath ] then echo "Your output path $specpath does not exist." exit fi if ! [ -e $path/datasets/dataset$dataset.txt ] then echo "Your dataset file $path/datasets/dataset$dataset.txt does not exist." exit fi if ! [ -e $ganymedrc ] then echo "Your ganymed rc file $ganymedrc does not exist." exit fi for (( l=0 ; l < ${#spondes[@]} ; l++ )) do if ! [ -e $rcpath/sponde${spondes[$l]}.rc ] then echo "Your sponde rc file $rcpath/sponde${spondes[$l]}.rc does not exist." exit fi done # get the parameters par3=`cat $ganymedrc | grep 'Cut1.Param3' | cut -d: -f2` par1=`cat $ganymedrc | grep 'Cut1.Param1' | cut -d: -f2` echo "parameters: " echo " par3= $par3" echo " par1= $par1" echo "" # calculate the parameters with which you start start3=`echo $par3 - \( $par3numminus*$par3step \) | bc ` start1=`echo $par1 - \( $par1numminus*$par1step \) | bc ` echo "start: " echo " par1: $start1 " echo " par3: $start3" echo "" # function to print the lines for ganymed to the dag file function printganydagentry() { if [ "$doganymed" = "yes" ] then echo "JOB ds"$dataset"gany"$name" "$condorpath"/processds.submit" else echo "JOB ds"$dataset"gany"$name" "$condorpath"/processds.submit DONE" fi echo "VARS ds"$dataset"gany"$name" path=\"$path\"" echo "VARS ds"$dataset"gany"$name" out=\"$outpath\"" echo "VARS ds"$dataset"gany"$name" ds=\"$dataset\"" echo "VARS ds"$dataset"gany"$name" num=\"$dataset\"" echo "VARS ds"$dataset"gany"$name" rc=\"$rcfile\"" echo "" } # function to print the lines for sponde to the dag file function printspecdagentry() { sponderc=$rcpath/sponde_wobble$1.rc if [ "$2" = "done" ] then echo "JOB ds"$dataset"spec"$1"_"$name" "$condorpath"/processsponde.submit DONE" else echo "JOB ds"$dataset"spec"$1"_"$name" "$condorpath"/processsponde.submit" fi echo "VARS ds"$dataset"spec"$1"_"$name" path=\""$path"\"" echo "VARS ds"$dataset"spec"$1"_"$name" out=\""$outpath"\"" echo "VARS ds"$dataset"spec"$1"_"$name" rc=\""$sponderc"\"" echo "VARS ds"$dataset"spec"$1"_"$name" spondenum=\""$1"\"" echo "VARS ds"$dataset"spec"$1"_"$name" mcds=\""$mcdataset"\"" echo "VARS ds"$dataset"spec"$1"_"$name" num=\""$dataset"\"" echo "" echo "PARENT ds"$dataset"gany"$name" CHILD ds"$dataset"spec"$1"_"$name echo "" } echo "writing dag file $dagfile for dataset $dataset" echo "# dag file for dataset $dataset" > $dagfile echo "" >> $dagfile val1=$start1 val3=$start3 count=0 for (( i=0 ; i < $par3num ; i++ )) do for (( j=0 ; j < $par1num ; j++ )) do name=${val1}_${val3} outpath=$specpath/ganyspec$name rcfile=$outpath/ganymed_${name}_onoff.rc if ! [ -d $outpath ] then mkdir -v $outpath fi cat $ganymedrc | sed -e s/"${par1}"/" ${val1}"/ -e s/"${par3}"/" ${val3}"/ > $rcfile val1=`echo $val1 + $par1step | bc` echo " writing dag entry for set of cuts par1: $val1, par3: $val3" echo "# ganymed and sponde for dataset $dataset with cuts $name" >> $dagfile echo "" >> $dagfile printganydagentry >> $dagfile for (( k=0 ; k < ${#spondes[@]} ; k++ )) do printspecdagentry ${spondes[$k]} ${spondedones[$k]} >> $dagfile done echo "" >> $dagfile count=`echo $count + 1 | bc` done val3=`echo $val3 + $par3step | bc` val1=$start1 done echo "" echo "finished writing condor dag file "$dagfile echo "in total $count different sets of cuts are used" echo "" echo "you can submit it now with \"condor_submit_dag -f -maxidle 7 $dagfile\" from your Mars directory" echo ""