1 | #include "MLogManip.h"
2 |
3 | void merpp(TString &froot, const char *id, const char *faux)
4 | {
5 | gLog.Separator(froot+" - "+TString(id));
6 |
7 | TFile file(froot);
8 | if (file.IsZombie())
9 | {
10 | gLog << err << "merpp: Invalid file '" << froot << "'" << endl;
11 | return;
12 | }
13 |
14 | MRawRunHeader *h = NULL;
15 | TTree *tree = file.Get("RunHeaders");
16 | if (!tree)
17 | {
18 | gLog << err << "merpp: Tree 'RunHeaders' not found... skipped." << endl;
19 | return;
20 | }
21 |
22 | if (tree->GetEntries()!=1)
23 | {
24 | gLog << err << "merpp: Number of RunHeaders do not match 1... skipped." << endl;
25 | return;
26 | }
27 |
28 | tree->SetBranchAddress("MRawRunHeader.", &h);
29 | tree->GetEntry(0);
30 |
31 | if (file.Get(id))
32 | {
33 | gLog << warn << "WARNING - Tree '" << id << "' already existing... skipped." << endl;
34 | return;
35 | }
36 |
37 | file.Close();
38 |
39 | UInt_t night = h->GetRunNumber();
40 |
41 | TString ffits = Form("/fact/aux/%4d/%02d/%02d/%6d.%s.fits",
42 | night/10000, (night/100)%100, night%100, night, faux);
43 |
44 | TString report = Form("MReport%s", id);
45 | TString time = Form("MTime%s", id);
46 |
47 | gLog << all;
48 | gLog << " --- Fits file: " << ffits << endl;
49 | gLog << " --- Root file: " << froot << endl;
50 | gLog << " --- Tree: " << id << " (" << faux << ")" << endl;
51 |
52 | MReportFitsRead read(ffits);
53 | read.SetReportName(report);
54 | read.SetTimeStart(h->GetRunStart());
55 | read.SetTimeStop(h->GetRunEnd());
56 |
57 | // FIXME: Write also last event BEFORE start of run
58 |
59 | MWriteRootFile write(froot, "UPDATE");
60 | write.AddContainer(report, id);
61 | write.AddContainer(time, id);
62 |
63 | MParList plist;
64 | MTaskList tlist;
65 | plist.AddToList(&tlist);
66 |
67 | tlist.AddToList(&read);
68 | tlist.AddToList(&write);
69 |
70 | MEvtLoop loop;
71 | loop.SetParList(&plist);
72 |
73 | if (!loop.Eventloop())
74 | return;
75 | }
76 |
77 | int merpp_file(const char *datafile)
78 | {
79 | // ------------------------------------------------------
80 |
81 | gLog.Separator("Merpp");
82 | gLog << all;
83 | gLog << "Merge slow control data of ";
84 | gLog << datafile << endl;
85 | gLog << endl;
86 |
87 | merpp(datafile, "Weather", "MAGIC_WEATHER_DATA");
88 | merpp(datafile, "Drive", "DRIVE_CONTROL_TRACKING_POSITION");
89 | merpp(datafile, "Rates", "FTM_CONTROL_TRIGGER_RATES");
90 | merpp(datafile, "Temperatures", "FSC_CONTROL_TEMPERATURE");
91 | merpp(datafile, "Humidity", "FSC_CONTROL_HUMIDITY");
92 |
93 | return 0;
94 | }