#ifndef MARS_MPhotonEvent #define MARS_MPhotonEvent #ifndef MARS_MParContainer #include "MParContainer.h" #endif #ifndef ROOT_TClonesArray #include #endif #include using namespace std; class MPhotonData; class MCorsikaRunHeader; class MCorsikaFormat; class MPhotonEvent : public MParContainer { private: TClonesArray fData; public: MPhotonEvent(const char *name=NULL, const char *title=NULL); void Sort(Bool_t force=kFALSE); Bool_t IsSorted() const { return fData.IsSorted(); } // Getter/Setter Int_t GetNumPhotons() const { return fData.GetEntriesFast(); } Int_t GetNumExternal() const; Float_t GetTimeFirst() const; Float_t GetTimeLast() const; Double_t GetTimeMedianDev() const; Double_t GetMeanX() const; Double_t GetMeanY() const; Double_t GetMeanT() const; TClonesArray &GetArray() { return fData; } const TClonesArray &GetArray() const { return fData; } Bool_t AsciiWrite(ostream &out) const; MPhotonData &Add(Int_t n); MPhotonData &Add(); MPhotonData *GetFirst() const; MPhotonData *GetLast() const; MPhotonData &operator[](UInt_t idx); const MPhotonData &operator[](UInt_t idx) const; Int_t Shrink(Int_t n); void Resize(Int_t n); void AddXY(Double_t x, Double_t y); void SimWavelength(Float_t wmin, Float_t wmax); // I/O Int_t ReadEventIoEvt(MCorsikaFormat *fInFormat); Int_t ReadEventIoEvtCompact(MCorsikaFormat *fInFormat); Int_t ReadCorsikaEvt(Float_t * data, Int_t numEvents, Int_t arrayIdx); // TObject void Paint(Option_t *o=""); void Print(Option_t * = NULL) const; //void Clear(Option_t * = NULL); void Reset(); ClassDef(MPhotonEvent, 1) //Container to store the raw Event Data }; // FIXME: Should we merge this into MPhotonEvent? class MPhotonStatistics : public MParContainer { private: Float_t fTimeFirst; //! Start of (simulated) sampling window Float_t fTimeLast; //! Start of (simulated) sampling window Float_t fLength; // Time between first and last photon Float_t fTimeMedDev; // Median deviation // Float_t fOffset; // Float_t fWindow; Int_t fMaxIndex; //! public: MPhotonStatistics(const char *name=NULL, const char *title=NULL) : fMaxIndex(-1) { fName = name ? name : "MPhotonStatistics"; fTitle = title ? title : "Corsika Event Data Information"; } void SetTime(Float_t first, Float_t last) { fTimeFirst=first; fTimeLast=last; } void SetLength(Float_t len) { fLength=len; } void SetMaxIndex(UInt_t idx) { fMaxIndex=idx; } void SetTimeMedDev(Float_t dev) { fTimeMedDev=dev; } // Float_t GetRawTimeFirst() const { return fTimeFirst; } // Float_t GetRawTimeLast() const { return fTimeLast; } Float_t GetTimeFirst() const { return fTimeFirst; } Float_t GetTimeLast() const { return fTimeLast; } Float_t GetLength() const { return fLength; } Float_t GetTimeMedDev() const { return fTimeMedDev; } Int_t GetMaxIndex() const { return fMaxIndex; } // Bool_t IsValid() const { return fTimeLast>=fTimeFirst; } ClassDef(MPhotonStatistics, 1) }; #endif