1 | PAL - Positional Astronomy Library
2 | ==================================
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4 | [](http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.17212)
5 |
6 | The PAL library is a partial re-implementation of Pat Wallace's popular SLALIB
7 | library written in C using a Gnu GPL license and layered on top of the IAU's
8 | SOFA library (or the BSD-licensed ERFA) where appropriate.
9 | PAL attempts to stick to the SLA C API where
10 | possible although `palObs()` has a more C-like API than the equivalent
11 | `slaObs()` function. In most cases it is enough to simply change the function
12 | prefix of a routine in order to link against PAL rather than SLALIB. Routines
13 | calling SOFA use modern nutation and precession models so will return slightly
14 | different answers than native SLALIB. PAL functions not available in SOFA were
15 | ported from the Fortran version of SLALIB that ships as part of the Starlink
16 | software and uses a GPL licence.
17 |
18 | See `pal.news` for release notes.
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20 | Building
21 | --------
22 |
23 | A simple `configure` script is provided:
24 |
25 | ./configure --prefix=/usr/local --without-starlink
26 | make
27 | make install
28 |
29 | The tests can be run using `make check`. Use `--prefix` to specify an install location.
30 | Given the history of the source code as a Starlink library the default will be `/star`.
31 |
32 | `--without-starlink` forces the configure script to forget about any Starlink
33 | configurations. This is the safe option if you run into problems when using
34 | a simple `--prefix` for building outside of Starlink. The configure script
35 | will assume Starlink is not being used by looking to see if
36 | `STARCONF_DEFAULT_PREFIX` environment variable is set. You may run into problems if
37 | `STARCONF_DEFAULT_PREFIX` is set but you use `--without-starlink`.
38 |
39 | Requirements
40 | ------------
41 |
42 | Requires that either the SOFA C library or the ERFA library variant
43 | (which has a more permissive license than SOFA) be installed. The
44 | `configure` script will abort if neither SOFA nor ERFA can be
45 | found. SOFA can be obtained either from <http://www.iausofa.org> or
46 | from an unofficial github repository (with a configure script) at
47 | <https://github.com/Starlink/sofa/downloads>. ERFA can be downloaded
48 | from <https://github.com/liberfa/erfa>.
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50 | Missing Functions
51 | -----------------
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53 | Not all SLALIB functions have been added. New routines are added to PAL as demand arises.
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56 | Language Bindings
57 | -----------------
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59 | A Perl binding of PAL is available (<https://github.com/timj/perl-Astro-PAL>) named `Astro::PAL`
60 | and is available from CPAN at <https://metacpan.org/module/Astro::PAL>. This is a standalone
61 | distribution that comes with its own copies of PAL and SOFA and so can be installed directly
62 | from the `cpan` shell.
63 |
64 | A Python binding of PAL is available (<https://github.com/Starlink/palpy>). This is a standalone
65 | distribution that comes with its own copies of PAL and SOFA.
66 |
67 | The Starlink AST (<http://www.starlink.ac.uk/ast>) library now uses PAL and can be built
68 | either with a private PAL or with an external PAL.
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70 | Documentation
71 | -------------
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73 | The description paper for PAL is: ["_PAL: A Positional Astronomy Library_"](http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2013ASPC..475..307J),
74 | Jenness, T. & Berry, D. S., in _Astronomical Data Anaysis Software and Systems XXII_,
75 | Friedel, D. N. (ed), ASP Conf. Ser. **475**, p307.
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