1 | #include "Time.h"
2 |
3 | #include <iostream>
4 |
5 | using namespace std;
6 | using namespace boost::posix_time;
7 |
8 | int main(int, char **)
9 | {
10 | // Print the local time in the default representation of cout
11 | cout << endl;
12 | cout << "Local Time: " << Time(Time::local) << endl;
13 |
14 | // Print UTC in several different representations
15 | Time utc;
16 | cout << "Universal CT: " << utc << endl;
17 | cout << "User defined: " << Time::fmt("%Y=%m=%d %H=%M=%S.%f") << utc << endl;
18 | cout << "SQL-format: " << Time::sql << utc << endl;
19 | cout << "ISO-format: " << Time::iso << utc << endl;
20 | cout << "Default: " << Time::reset << utc << endl;
21 | cout << endl;
22 |
23 | // Copy the UTC into a stringstream and show it on the screen
24 | stringstream str;
25 | str << "stringstream: " << Time::sql << utc;
26 | cout << str.str() << endl;
27 | cout << endl;
28 |
29 | // Calculate the corresponsing MJD and shoud MJD and corresponding UTC
30 | const double mjd1 = utc.Mjd();
31 | cout << "Mjd: " << Time::sql << utc << " (" << mjd1 << ")" << endl;
32 |
33 | // Set utc to the previously calculated MJD
34 | utc.Mjd(mjd1);
35 |
36 | // Re-calcualte MJD from this
37 | const double mjd2 = utc.Mjd();
38 |
39 | // Show the newly calculated MJD and time and the difference between both
40 | cout << "Mjd: " << Time::sql << utc << " (" << mjd2 << ")" << endl;
41 | cout << "Diff: " << mjd1 - mjd2 << endl;
42 | cout << endl;
43 |
44 | // Instantiate a Time object with an artificial time
45 | const Time bd(1974, 9, 9, 21, 59, 42, 123456);
46 |
47 | // Show it in two different representations
48 | cout << "Loc default: " << Time::def << bd << endl;
49 | cout << "Standard: " << Time::std << bd << endl;
50 | cout << endl;
51 |
52 | // Clear the stringstream contents
53 | str.str("");
54 |
55 | // Stream the time in its sql representation into the stringstream
56 | str << Time::ssql << bd;
57 |
58 | // Stream a time from the stringstream considering an sql representation
59 | // into a Time object
60 | Time tm;
61 | str >> Time::ssql >> tm;
62 |
63 | // Output stream and interpreted time
64 | cout << "Stream: " << str.str() << endl;
65 | cout << "Time: " << Time::ssql << tm << endl;
66 | cout << endl;
67 |
68 | // Print the individual elements of the date and the time
69 | cout << "Elements: ";
70 | cout << tm.Y() << " " << tm.M() << " " << tm.D() << " " ;
71 | cout << tm.h() << " " << tm.m() << " " << tm.s() << " " ;
72 | cout << tm.us() << endl;
73 | cout << endl;
74 |
75 | // Set and get a Time from a string
76 | const string s = "2042-12-24 12:42:42";
77 |
78 | Time tstr;
79 | tstr.SetFromStr(s);
80 | cout << "String: " << s << endl;
81 | cout << "TimeFromStr: " << tstr.GetAsStr() << endl;
82 | cout << endl;
83 |
84 | // Calculate with times
85 | const Time t0;
86 | Time t1 = t0;
87 | cout << "T0 = " << t0 << endl;
88 | cout << "T1 = " << t1 << endl;
89 | t1 += hours(4242);
90 | cout << "T1 += 4242h: " << t1 << endl;
91 | t1 += minutes(42);
92 | cout << "T1 += 42min: " << t1 << endl;
93 | t1 += seconds(42);
94 | cout << "T1 += 42sec: " << t1 << endl;
95 | cout << endl;
96 |
97 | cout << "T1 - T0 = " << t1-t0 << endl;
98 |
99 | const time_duration diff = t1-t0;
100 | cout << "T1 - T0 = " << diff.total_seconds() << "sec" << endl;
101 | cout << endl;
102 |
103 | return 0;
104 | }
105 |
106 | // **************************************************************************
107 | /** @example time.cc
108 |
109 | Example for the usage of the class Time
110 |
111 | **/
112 | // **************************************************************************