# Dependencies of Main.js # # I searched for all 'include' statements in Mains # and then recursively down the tree. # # double slashes(//) mean, this include was commented out, # but not deletd, so I thought it might be commented in # soon again. # Some files are included, directly by Main.js # and then again included by other files. # and example is CheckStates.js, which is inluded 4times. # Now for C-programmers, who are used to include-guards, # multiple inclusions, might seem harmless. But here # are no include guards. # In the case of CheckStates, there is no problem # functions in the global namespace will simply # be redefined. Effectively # NOTE: The order of the includes was not maintained here. # I'm sorry now about that. Main.js Observation_class.js getSchedule.js takeRun.js crateReset.js CheckStates.js Startup.js Handler.js CheckStates.js handleAgilentPowerOn24V.js handleAgilentPowerOn50V.js handleAgilentPowerOn80V.js handlePwrCameraOn.js handleBiasVoltageOff.js handleFtmIdle.js handleFscConnected.js handleFeedbackConnected.js handleRatectrlConnected.js handleLidClosed.js handleFadConnected.js handleDriveArmed.js //handleFtuCheck.js CheckFTU.js CheckUnderflow.js CheckStates.js Hist1D.js Hist2D.js takeRun.js crateReset.js CheckStates.js