1 | /* ======================================================================== *\
2 | !
3 | ! *
4 | ! * This file is part of MARS, the MAGIC Analysis and Reconstruction
5 | ! * Software. It is distributed to you in the hope that it can be a useful
6 | ! * and timesaving tool in analysing Data of imaging Cerenkov telescopes.
7 | ! * It is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
8 | ! *
9 | ! * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its
10 | ! * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
11 | ! * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and
12 | ! * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear
13 | ! * in supporting documentation. It is provided "as is" without express
14 | ! * or implied warranty.
15 | ! *
16 | !
17 | !
18 | ! Author(s): Thomas Bretz, 1/2009 <mailto:tbretz@astro.uni-wuerzburg.de>
19 | !
20 | ! Copyright: MAGIC Software Development, 2000-2009
21 | !
22 | !
23 | \* ======================================================================== */
24 |
25 | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
26 | //
27 | // MJSimulation
28 | //
29 | //
30 | // Force reading a corsika file even if the footer (RUNE-section) is missing
31 | // by setting fForceMode to kTRUE or from the resource file by
32 | //
33 | // ForceMode: Yes
34 | //
35 | //
36 | // To switch off the simulation of the camera electronics, use:
37 | //
38 | // Camera: Off
39 | //
40 | // Note, that the border of the camera and the propertied of the cones
41 | // are still simulated (simply because it is fast). Furthermore, this
42 | // switches off the trigger for the output, i.e. all data which deposits
43 | // at least one photon in at least one pixel is written to the output file.
44 | //
45 | //
46 | // In case of a pedestal or calibration run the artificial trigger can
47 | // be "switched off" and the cosmics trrigger "switched on" by setting
48 | // fForceTrigger to kTRUE or from the resource file by
49 | //
50 | // ForceTrigger: Yes
51 | //
52 | //
53 | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
54 | #include "MJSimulation.h"
55 |
56 | #include <TEnv.h>
57 | #include <TCanvas.h>
58 |
59 | // Core
60 | #include "MLog.h"
61 | #include "MLogManip.h"
62 |
63 | #include "MArgs.h"
64 | #include "MDirIter.h"
65 | #include "MParList.h"
66 | #include "MTaskList.h"
67 | #include "MEvtLoop.h"
68 |
69 | #include "MStatusDisplay.h"
70 |
71 | // Tasks
72 | #include "MCorsikaRead.h"
73 | #include "MContinue.h"
74 | #include "MFillH.h"
75 | #include "MGeomApply.h"
76 | #include "MParameterCalc.h"
77 | #include "MHillasCalc.h"
78 | #include "MImgCleanStd.h"
79 | #include "MWriteRootFile.h"
80 | #include "MWriteFitsFile.h"
81 |
82 | #include "MSimMMCS.h"
83 | #include "MSimAbsorption.h"
84 | #include "MSimAtmosphere.h"
85 | #include "MSimReflector.h"
86 | #include "MSimPointingPos.h"
87 | #include "MSimPSF.h"
88 | #include "MSimGeomCam.h"
89 | #include "MSimSignalCam.h"
90 | #include "MSimAPD.h"
91 | #include "MSimExcessNoise.h"
92 | #include "MSimCamera.h"
93 | #include "MSimTrigger.h"
94 | #include "MSimReadout.h"
95 | #include "MSimRandomPhotons.h"
96 | #include "MSimBundlePhotons.h"
97 | #include "MSimCalibrationSignal.h"
98 |
99 | // Histograms
100 | #include "MBinning.h"
101 |
102 | #include "MHn.h"
103 | #include "MHCamera.h"
104 | #include "MHCamEvent.h"
105 | #include "MHPhotonEvent.h"
106 |
107 | // Container
108 | #include "MRawRunHeader.h"
109 | #include "MParameters.h"
110 | #include "MReflector.h"
111 | #include "MParEnv.h"
112 | #include "MSpline3.h"
113 | #include "MParSpline.h"
114 | #include "MGeomCam.h"
115 | #include "MMatrix.h"
116 |
117 | #include "MPedestalCam.h"
118 | #include "MPedestalPix.h"
119 |
120 | ClassImp(MJSimulation);
121 |
122 | using namespace std;
123 |
124 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
125 | //
126 | // Default constructor.
127 | //
128 | // Sets fRuns to 0, fExtractor to NULL, fDataCheck to kFALSE
129 | //
130 | MJSimulation::MJSimulation(const char *name, const char *title)
131 | : fForceMode(kFALSE), fCamera(kTRUE), fForceTrigger(kFALSE),
132 | fWriteFitsFile(kFALSE), fOperationMode(kModeData), fRunNumber(-1)
133 | {
134 | fName = name ? name : "MJSimulation";
135 | fTitle = title ? title : "Standard analysis and reconstruction";
136 | }
137 |
138 | Bool_t MJSimulation::CheckEnvLocal()
139 | {
140 | fForceMode = GetEnv("ForceMode", fForceMode);
141 | fForceTrigger = GetEnv("ForceTrigger", fForceTrigger);
142 | fCamera = GetEnv("Camera", fCamera);
143 |
144 | return kTRUE;
145 | }
146 | /*
147 | TString MJSimulation::GetOutFile(const MSequence &seq) const
148 | {
149 | return seq.IsValid() ? Form("ceres%08d.root", seq.GetSequence()) : "ceres.root";
150 | }
151 | */
152 |
153 | Bool_t MJSimulation::WriteResult(const MParList &plist, const MSequence &seq, Int_t num)
154 | {
155 | if (fPathOut.IsNull())
156 | {
157 | *fLog << inf << "No output path specified via SetPathOut - no output written." << endl;
158 | return kTRUE;
159 | }
160 |
161 | TObjArray cont;
162 | cont.Add(const_cast<TEnv*>(GetEnv()));
163 | if (seq.IsValid())
164 | cont.Add(const_cast<MSequence*>(&seq));
165 |
166 | cont.Add(plist.FindObject("PulseShape"));
167 | cont.Add(plist.FindObject("Reflector"));
168 | cont.Add(plist.FindObject("MGeomCam"));
169 | cont.Add(plist.FindObject("GeomCones"));
170 |
171 | TNamed cmdline("CommandLine", fCommandLine.Data());
172 | cont.Add(&cmdline);
173 |
174 | if (fDisplay)
175 | {
176 | TString title = "-- Ceres";
177 | if (seq.IsValid())
178 | {
179 | title += ": ";
180 | title += seq.GetSequence();
181 | }
182 | title += " --";
183 | fDisplay->SetTitle("Ceres", kFALSE);
184 |
185 | cont.Add(fDisplay);
186 | }
187 |
188 | const TString name = Form("ceres%08d.root", num);
189 | return WriteContainer(cont, name, "RECREATE");
190 | }
191 |
192 | void MJSimulation::SetupHist(MHn &hist) const
193 | {
194 | hist.AddHist("MCorsikaEvtHeader.fTotalEnergy");
195 | hist.InitName("Energy");
196 | hist.InitTitle("Energy;E [GeV]");
197 | hist.SetLog(kTRUE, kTRUE, kFALSE);
198 |
199 | hist.AddHist("MPhotonEvent.GetNumExternal");
200 | hist.InitName("Size");
201 | hist.InitTitle("Size;S [#]");
202 | hist.SetLog(kTRUE, kTRUE, kFALSE);
203 |
204 | /*
205 | hist.AddHist("-MCorsikaEvtHeader.fX/100","-MCorsikaEvtHeader.fY/100");
206 | hist.SetDrawOption("colz");
207 | hist.InitName("Impact;Impact;Impact");
208 | hist.InitTitle("Impact;West <--> East [m];South <--> North [m]");
209 | hist.SetAutoRange();
210 | */
211 |
212 | hist.AddHist("MCorsikaEvtHeader.GetImpact/100");
213 | hist.InitName("Impact");
214 | hist.InitTitle("Impact;Impact [m]");
215 | hist.SetAutoRange();
216 |
217 | hist.AddHist("MCorsikaEvtHeader.fFirstInteractionHeight/100000");
218 | hist.InitName("Height");
219 | hist.InitTitle("FirstInteractionHeight;h [km]");
220 |
221 | hist.AddHist("(MCorsikaEvtHeader.fAz+MCorsikaRunHeader.fMagneticFieldAz)*TMath::RadToDeg()", "MCorsikaEvtHeader.fZd*TMath::RadToDeg()");
222 | hist.InitName("SkyOrigin;Az;Zd");
223 | hist.InitTitle("Sky Origin;Az [\\circ];Zd [\\circ]");
224 | hist.SetDrawOption("colz");
225 | hist.SetAutoRange();
226 |
227 | hist.AddHist("IncidentAngle.fVal");
228 | hist.InitName("ViewCone");
229 | hist.InitTitle("Incident Angle;\\alpha [\\circ]");
230 | }
231 |
232 | template<class T>
233 | void MJSimulation::SetupCommonFileStructure(T &write) const
234 | {
235 | // Common run headers
236 | write.AddContainer("MMcCorsikaRunHeader", "RunHeaders", kFALSE, 1);
237 | write.AddContainer("MCorsikaRunHeader", "RunHeaders", kFALSE, 1);
238 | write.AddContainer("MRawRunHeader", "RunHeaders", kTRUE, 1);
239 | write.AddContainer("MGeomCam", "RunHeaders", kTRUE, 1);
240 | write.AddContainer("MMcRunHeader", "RunHeaders", kTRUE, 1);
241 |
242 | // Common events
243 | write.AddContainer("MCorsikaEvtHeader", "Events", kFALSE);
244 | write.AddContainer("MRawEvtHeader", "Events");
245 | write.AddContainer("MMcEvt", "Events", kFALSE);
246 | write.AddContainer("IncidentAngle", "Events", kFALSE);
247 | write.AddContainer("MPointingPos", "Events", kFALSE);
248 | }
249 |
250 | void MJSimulation::SetupHeaderKeys(MWriteFitsFile &write,MRawRunHeader &header) const
251 | {
252 | const MTime now(-1);
253 | write.SetHeaderKey("ISMC",true,"Bool if File is Montecarlo File");
254 | write.SetHeaderKey("TELESCOP", "FACT", "");
255 | write.SetHeaderKey("PACKAGE", "MARS Cheobs", "");
256 | write.SetHeaderKey("VERSION", "1.0", "");
257 | write.SetHeaderKey("CREATOR", "Ceres", "");
258 | write.SetHeaderKey("EXTREL", 1., "");
259 | write.SetHeaderKey("COMPILED", __DATE__" " __TIME__, "");
260 | write.SetHeaderKey("REVISION", "0", "");
261 | write.SetHeaderKey("ORIGIN", "FACT", "");
262 | write.SetHeaderKey("DATE", now.GetStringFmt("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S").Data(), "");
263 | write.SetHeaderKey("NIGHT", now.GetNightAsInt(), "");
264 | write.SetHeaderKey("TIMESYS", "UTC", "");
265 | write.SetHeaderKey("TIMEUNIT", "d", "");
266 | write.SetHeaderKey("MJDREF", 40587, "");
267 | //write.SetHeaderKey("BLDVER", 1, "");
268 | write.SetHeaderKey("RUNID", header.GetRunNumber(), "");
269 | write.SetHeaderKey("NBOARD", 40, "");
270 | write.SetHeaderKey("NPIX", header.GetNumPixel(), "");
271 | write.SetHeaderKey("NROI", header.GetNumSamplesHiGain(), "");
272 | write.SetHeaderKey("NROITM", 0, "");
273 | write.SetHeaderKey("TMSHIFT", 0, "");
274 | write.SetHeaderKey("CAMERA", "MGeomCamFACT", "");
275 | write.SetHeaderKey("DAQ", "DRS4", "");
276 |
277 | // FTemme: ADCRANGE and ADC have to be calculated, using the values for
278 | // the fadctype.
279 | // write.SetHeaderKey("ADCRANGE", 2000, "Dynamic range in mV");
280 | // write.SetHeaderKey("ADC", 12, "Resolution in bits");
281 |
282 | switch(header.GetRunType())
283 | {
284 | case MRawRunHeader::kRTData|MRawRunHeader::kRTMonteCarlo:
285 | write.SetHeaderKey("RUNTYPE", "data", "");
286 | break;
287 | case MRawRunHeader::kRTPedestal|MRawRunHeader::kRTMonteCarlo:
288 | write.SetHeaderKey("RUNTYPE", "pedestal", "");
289 | break;
290 | case MRawRunHeader::kRTCalibration|MRawRunHeader::kRTMonteCarlo:
291 | write.SetHeaderKey("RUNTYPE", "calibration", "");
292 | break;
293 | }
294 | // write.SetHeaderKey("ID", 777, "Board 0: Board ID");
295 | // write.SetHeaderKey("FMVER", 532, "Board 0: Firmware Version");
296 | // write.SetHeaderKey("DNA", "0", "");
297 | // write.SetHeaderKey("BOARD", 0, "");
298 | // write.SetHeaderKey("PRESC", 40, "");
299 | // write.SetHeaderKey("PHASE", 0, "");
300 | // write.SetHeaderKey("DAC0", 26500, "");
301 | // write.SetHeaderKey("DAC1", 0, "");
302 | // write.SetHeaderKey("DAC2", 0, "");
303 | // write.SetHeaderKey("DAC3", 0, "");
304 | // write.SetHeaderKey("DAC4", 28800, "");
305 | // write.SetHeaderKey("DAC5", 28800, "");
306 | // write.SetHeaderKey("DAC6", 28800, "");
307 | // write.SetHeaderKey("DAC7", 28800, "");
308 | write.SetHeaderKey("REFCLK", header.GetFreqSampling(), "");
309 | write.SetHeaderKey("DRSCALIB", false, "");
310 | // write.SetHeaderKey("TSTARTI", 0, "");
311 | // write.SetHeaderKey("TSTARTF", 0., "");
312 | // write.SetHeaderKey("TSTOPI", 0, "");
313 | // write.SetHeaderKey("TSTOPF", 0., "");
314 | // write.SetHeaderKey("DATE-OBS", "1970-01-01T00:00:00", "");
315 | // write.SetHeaderKey("DATE-END", "1970-01-01T00:00:00", "");
316 | // write.SetHeaderKey("NTRG", 0, "");
317 | // write.SetHeaderKey("NTRGPED", 0, "");
318 | // write.SetHeaderKey("NTRGLPE", 0, "");
319 | // write.SetHeaderKey("NTRGTIM", 0, "");
320 | // write.SetHeaderKey("NTRGLPI", 0, "");
321 | // write.SetHeaderKey("NTRGEXT1", 0, "");
322 | // write.SetHeaderKey("NTRGEXT2", 0, "");
323 | // write.SetHeaderKey("NTRGMISC", 0, "");
324 | }
325 |
326 | void MJSimulation::SetupVetoColumns(MWriteFitsFile &write) const
327 | {
328 | write.VetoColumn("MParameterD.fVal");
329 | write.VetoColumn("MRawEvtData.fLoGainPixId");
330 | write.VetoColumn("MRawEvtData.fLoGainFadcSamples");
331 | write.VetoColumn("MRawEvtData.fABFlags");
332 | write.VetoColumn("MRawEvtHeader.fNumTrigLvl2");
333 | //write.VetoColumn("MRawEvtHeader.fTrigPattern");
334 | write.VetoColumn("MRawEvtHeader.fNumLoGainOn");
335 | }
336 |
337 | Bool_t MJSimulation::Process(const MArgs &args, const MSequence &seq)
338 | {
339 | *fLog << inf;
340 | fLog->Separator(GetDescriptor());
341 |
342 | if (!CheckEnv())
343 | return kFALSE;
344 |
345 | if (seq.IsValid())
346 | *fLog << fSequence.GetFileName() << endl;
347 | else
348 | *fLog << "Input: " << args.GetNumArguments() << "-files" << endl;
349 | *fLog << endl;
350 |
351 | MDirIter iter;
352 | if (seq.IsValid() && seq.GetRuns(iter, MSequence::kCorsika)<=0)
353 | {
354 | *fLog << err << "ERROR - Sequence valid but without files." << endl;
355 | return kFALSE;
356 | }
357 |
358 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
359 | // Setup Parlist
360 | MParList plist;
361 | plist.AddToList(this); // take care of fDisplay!
362 | // setup TaskList
363 | MTaskList tasks;
364 | plist.AddToList(&tasks);
365 | // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
366 |
367 | // FIXME: Allow empty GeomCones!
368 | MParEnv env0("Reflector");
369 | MParEnv env1("GeomCones");
370 | MParEnv env2("MGeomCam");
371 | env0.SetClassName("MReflector");
372 | env1.SetClassName("MGeomCam");
373 | env2.SetClassName("MGeomCam");
374 | plist.AddToList(&env0);
375 | plist.AddToList(&env1);
376 | plist.AddToList(&env2);
377 |
378 | plist.FindCreateObj("MPedPhotCam", "MPedPhotFromExtractorRndm");
379 |
380 | MParSpline shape("PulseShape");
381 | plist.AddToList(&shape);
382 |
383 | // *** FIXME *** FIXME *** FIXME ***
384 | plist.FindCreateObj("MMcRunHeader");
385 |
386 | MRawRunHeader header;
387 | header.SetValidMagicNumber();
388 | //header.InitFadcType(3);
389 |
390 | switch (fOperationMode)
391 | {
392 | case kModeData:
393 | header.SetRunType(MRawRunHeader::kRTMonteCarlo|MRawRunHeader::kRTData);
394 | header.SetRunInfo(0, fRunNumber<0 ? 3 : fRunNumber);
395 | break;
396 |
397 | case kModePed:
398 | header.SetRunType(MRawRunHeader::kRTMonteCarlo|MRawRunHeader::kRTPedestal);
399 | header.SetSourceInfo("Pedestal");
400 | header.SetRunInfo(0, fRunNumber<0 ? 1 : fRunNumber);
401 | break;
402 |
403 | case kModeCal:
404 | header.SetRunType(MRawRunHeader::kRTMonteCarlo|MRawRunHeader::kRTCalibration);
405 | header.SetSourceInfo("Calibration");
406 | header.SetRunInfo(0, fRunNumber<0 ? 2 : fRunNumber);
407 | break;
408 |
409 | case kModePointRun:
410 | header.SetRunType(MRawRunHeader::kRTMonteCarlo|MRawRunHeader::kRTPointRun);
411 | header.SetRunInfo(0, fRunNumber<0 ? 0 : fRunNumber);
412 | break;
413 | }
414 |
415 | // FIXME: Move to MSimPointingPos, MSimCalibrationSignal
416 | // Can we use this as input for MSimPointingPos?
417 | header.SetObservation("On", "MonteCarlo");
418 | plist.AddToList(&header);
419 |
420 | MCorsikaRead read;
421 | read.SetForceMode(fForceMode);
422 |
423 | if (!seq.IsValid())
424 | {
425 | for (int i=0; i<args.GetNumArguments(); i++)
426 | read.AddFile(args.GetArgumentStr(i));
427 | }
428 | else
429 | read.AddFiles(iter);
430 |
431 | MContinue precut("", "PreCut");
432 | precut.IsInverted();
433 | precut.SetAllowEmpty();
434 |
435 | MSimMMCS simmmcs;
436 |
437 | MParSpline splinepde("PhotonDetectionEfficiency");
438 | MParSpline splinemirror("MirrorReflectivity");
439 | MParSpline splinecones("ConesAngularAcceptance");
440 | MParSpline splinecones2("ConesTransmission");
441 | plist.AddToList(&splinepde);
442 | plist.AddToList(&splinemirror);
443 | plist.AddToList(&splinecones);
444 | plist.AddToList(&splinecones2);
445 |
446 | const TString sin2 = "sin(MCorsikaEvtHeader.fZd)*sin(MCorsikaRunHeader.fZdMin*TMath::DegToRad())";
447 | const TString cos2 = "cos(MCorsikaEvtHeader.fZd)*cos(MCorsikaRunHeader.fZdMin*TMath::DegToRad())";
448 | const TString cos = "cos(MCorsikaEvtHeader.fAz-MCorsikaRunHeader.fAzMin*TMath::DegToRad())";
449 |
450 | const TString form = "acos("+sin2+"*"+cos+"+"+cos2+")*TMath::RadToDeg()";
451 |
452 | MParameterCalc calcangle(form, "CalcIncidentAngle");
453 | calcangle.SetNameParameter("IncidentAngle");
454 |
455 | MSimAtmosphere simatm;
456 | MSimAbsorption absapd("SimPhotonDetectionEfficiency");
457 | MSimAbsorption absmir("SimMirrorReflectivity");
458 | MSimAbsorption cones("SimConesAngularAcceptance");
459 | MSimAbsorption cones2("SimConesTransmission");
460 | absapd.SetParName("PhotonDetectionEfficiency");
461 | absmir.SetParName("MirrorReflectivity");
462 | cones.SetParName("ConesAngularAcceptance");
463 | cones.SetUseTheta();
464 | cones2.SetParName("ConesTransmission");
465 |
466 | MSimPointingPos pointing;
467 |
468 | MSimReflector reflect;
469 | reflect.SetNameGeomCam("GeomCones");
470 | reflect.SetNameReflector("Reflector");
471 | // MSimStarField stars;
472 |
473 | MContinue cont1("MPhotonEvent.GetNumPhotons<1", "ContEmpty1");
474 | MContinue cont2("MPhotonEvent.GetNumPhotons<1", "ContEmpty2");
475 | MContinue cont3("MPhotonEvent.GetNumPhotons<2", "ContEmpty3");
476 | cont1.SetAllowEmpty();
477 | cont2.SetAllowEmpty();
478 | cont3.SetAllowEmpty();
479 |
480 | // -------------------------------------------------------------------
481 |
482 | MBinning binse( 120, 1, 1000000, "BinningEnergy", "log");
483 | MBinning binsth( 60, 0.9, 900000, "BinningThreshold", "log");
484 | MBinning binsee( 36, 0.9, 900000, "BinningEnergyEst", "log");
485 | MBinning binss( 100, 1, 10000000, "BinningSize", "log");
486 | // MBinning binsi( 100, -500, 500, "BinningImpact");
487 | MBinning binsi( 32, 0, 800, "BinningImpact");
488 | MBinning binsh( 150, 0, 50, "BinningHeight");
489 | MBinning binsaz(720, -360, 360, "BinningAz");
490 | MBinning binszd( 70, 0, 70, "BinningZd");
491 | MBinning binsvc( 35, 0, 7, "BinningViewCone");
492 | MBinning binsel(150, 0, 50, "BinningTotLength");
493 | MBinning binsew(150, 0, 15, "BinningMedLength");
494 | MBinning binsd("BinningDistC");
495 | MBinning binsd0("BinningDist");
496 | MBinning binstr("BinningTrigPos");
497 |
498 | plist.AddToList(&binsee);
499 | plist.AddToList(&binse);
500 | plist.AddToList(&binsth);
501 | plist.AddToList(&binss);
502 | plist.AddToList(&binsi);
503 | plist.AddToList(&binsh);
504 | plist.AddToList(&binszd);
505 | plist.AddToList(&binsaz);
506 | plist.AddToList(&binsvc);
507 | plist.AddToList(&binsel);
508 | plist.AddToList(&binsew);
509 | plist.AddToList(&binstr);
510 | plist.AddToList(&binsd);
511 | plist.AddToList(&binsd0);
512 |
513 | MHn mhn1, mhn2, mhn3, mhn4;
514 | SetupHist(mhn1);
515 | SetupHist(mhn2);
516 | SetupHist(mhn3);
517 | SetupHist(mhn4);
518 |
519 | MH3 mhtp("TriggerPos.fVal-IntendedPulsePos.fVal-PulseShape.GetWidth");
520 | mhtp.SetName("TrigPos");
521 | mhtp.SetTitle("Trigger position w.r.t. the first photon hitting a detector");
522 |
523 | MH3 mhew("MPhotonStatistics.fLength");
524 | mhew.SetName("TotLength");
525 | mhew.SetTitle("Time between first and last photon hitting a detector;L [ns]");
526 |
527 | MH3 mhed("MPhotonStatistics.fTimeMedDev");
528 | mhed.SetName("MedLength");
529 | mhed.SetTitle("Median deviation (1\\sigma);L [ns]");
530 |
531 | MFillH fillh1(&mhn1, "", "FillCorsika");
532 | MFillH fillh2(&mhn2, "", "FillH2");
533 | MFillH fillh3(&mhn3, "", "FillH3");
534 | MFillH fillh4(&mhn4, "", "FillH4");
535 | MFillH filltp(&mhtp, "", "FillTriggerPos");
536 | MFillH fillew(&mhew, "", "FillEvtWidth");
537 | MFillH filled(&mhed, "", "FillMedDev");
538 | fillh1.SetNameTab("Corsika", "Distribution as simulated by Corsika");
539 | fillh2.SetNameTab("Detectable", "Distribution of events hit the detector");
540 | fillh3.SetNameTab("Triggered", "Distribution of triggered events");
541 | fillh4.SetNameTab("Cleaned", "Distribution after cleaning and cuts");
542 | filltp.SetNameTab("TrigPos", "TriggerPosition w.r.t the first photon");
543 | fillew.SetNameTab("EvtWidth", "Time between first and last photon hitting a detector");
544 | filled.SetNameTab("MedDev", "Median deviation of arrival time of photons hitting a detector");
545 |
546 | MHPhotonEvent planeG(1, "HPhotonEventGround"); // Get from MaxImpact
547 | MHPhotonEvent plane0(2, "HMirrorPlane0"); // Get from MReflector
548 | //MHPhotonEvent plane1(2, "HMirrorPlane1");
549 | MHPhotonEvent plane2(2, "HMirrorPlane2");
550 | MHPhotonEvent plane3(2, "HMirrorPlane3");
551 | MHPhotonEvent plane4(2, "HMirrorPlane4");
552 | MHPhotonEvent planeF1(6, "HPhotonEventCamera"); // Get from MGeomCam
553 | MHPhotonEvent planeF2(header.IsPointRun()?4:6, "HPhotonEventCones"); // Get from MGeomCam
554 |
555 | plist.AddToList(&planeG);
556 | plist.AddToList(&plane0);
557 | plist.AddToList(&plane2);
558 | plist.AddToList(&plane3);
559 | plist.AddToList(&plane4);
560 | plist.AddToList(&planeF1);
561 | plist.AddToList(&planeF2);;
562 |
563 | //MHPSF psf;
564 |
565 | MFillH fillG(&planeG, "MPhotonEvent", "FillGround");
566 | MFillH fill0(&plane0, "MirrorPlane0", "FillReflector");
567 | //MFillH fill1(&plane1, "MirrorPlane1", "FillCamShadow");
568 | MFillH fill2(&plane2, "MirrorPlane2", "FillCandidates");
569 | MFillH fill3(&plane3, "MirrorPlane3", "FillReflected");
570 | MFillH fill4(&plane4, "MirrorPlane4", "FillFocal");
571 | MFillH fillF1(&planeF1, "MPhotonEvent", "FillCamera");
572 | MFillH fillF2(&planeF2, "MPhotonEvent", "FillCones");
573 | //MFillH fillP(&psf, "MPhotonEvent", "FillPSF");
574 |
575 | fillG.SetNameTab("Ground", "Photon distribution at ground");
576 | fill0.SetNameTab("Reflector", "Photon distribution at reflector plane w/o camera shadow");
577 | //fill1.SetNameTab("CamShadow", "Photon distribution at reflector plane w/ camera shadow");
578 | fill2.SetNameTab("Candidates", "*Can hit* photon distribution at reflector plane w/ camera shadow");
579 | fill3.SetNameTab("Reflected", "Photon distribution after reflector projected to reflector plane");
580 | fill4.SetNameTab("Focal", "Photon distribution at focal plane");
581 | fillF1.SetNameTab("Camera", "Photon distribution which hit the detector");
582 | fillF2.SetNameTab("Cones", "Photon distribution after cones");
583 | //fillP.SetNameTab("PSF", "Photon distribution after cones for all mirrors");
584 |
585 | // -------------------------------------------------------------------
586 |
587 | if (!fFileOut.IsNull())
588 | {
589 | const Ssiz_t dot = fFileOut.Last('.');
590 | const Ssiz_t slash = fFileOut.Last('/');
591 | if (dot>slash)
592 | fFileOut = fFileOut.Remove(dot);
593 | }
594 |
595 | // -------------------------------------------------------------------
596 |
597 | const char *fmt = fFileOut.IsNull() ?
598 | Form("s/cer([0-9]+)([0-9][0-9][0-9])/%s\\/%08d.$2%%s_MonteCarlo$1.root/", Esc(fPathOut).Data(), header.GetRunNumber()) :
599 | Form("%s/%s%%s.root", Esc(fPathOut).Data(), Esc(fFileOut).Data());
600 |
601 | const TString rule1(Form(fmt, fFileOut.IsNull()?"_R":""));
602 | const TString rule2(Form(fmt, "_Y"));
603 | const TString rule4(Form(fmt, "_I"));
604 | TString rule3(Form(fmt, Form("_%c", header.GetRunTypeChar())));
605 |
606 | MWriteRootFile write4a( 2, rule4, fOverwrite?"RECREATE":"NEW", "Star file");
607 | MWriteRootFile write4b( 2, rule4, fOverwrite?"RECREATE":"NEW", "Star file");
608 | MWriteRootFile write3b( 2, rule3, fOverwrite?"RECREATE":"NEW", "Camera file");
609 | MWriteRootFile write2a( 2, rule2, fOverwrite?"RECREATE":"NEW", "Signal file");
610 | MWriteRootFile write2b( 2, rule2, fOverwrite?"RECREATE":"NEW", "Signal file");
611 | MWriteRootFile write1a( 2, rule1, fOverwrite?"RECREATE":"NEW", "Reflector file");
612 | MWriteRootFile write1b( 2, rule1, fOverwrite?"RECREATE":"NEW", "Reflector file");
613 |
614 | if (fWriteFitsFile)
615 | rule3.ReplaceAll(".root", ".fits");
616 |
617 | MWriteFitsFile write3af( 2, rule3, fOverwrite?"RECREATE":"NEW", "Camera file");
618 | MWriteRootFile write3ar( 2, rule3, fOverwrite?"RECREATE":"NEW", "Camera file");
619 |
620 | MTask &write3a = fWriteFitsFile ? static_cast<MTask&>(write3af) : static_cast<MTask&>(write3ar);
621 |
622 | //SetupHeaderKeys(write3af,header);
623 | SetupVetoColumns(write3af);
624 |
625 | write3af.SetBytesPerSample("Data", 2);
626 |
627 | write1a.SetName("WriteRefData");
628 | write1b.SetName("WriteRefMC");
629 | write2a.SetName("WriteSigData");
630 | write2b.SetName("WriteSigMC");
631 | write3a.SetName("WriteCamData");
632 | write3b.SetName("WriteCamMC");
633 | write4a.SetName("WriteImgData");
634 | write4b.SetName("WriteImgMC");
635 |
636 | SetupCommonFileStructure(write1a);
637 | SetupCommonFileStructure(write2a);
638 | SetupCommonFileStructure(write3ar);
639 | SetupCommonFileStructure(write3af);
640 | SetupCommonFileStructure(write4a);
641 |
642 | // R: Dedicated file structure
643 | write1a.AddContainer("MPhotonEvent", "Events");
644 |
645 | // Y: Dedicated file structure
646 | write2a.AddContainer("MPedPhotFromExtractorRndm", "RunHeaders", kTRUE, 1); // FIXME: Needed for the signal files to be display in MARS
647 | write2a.AddContainer("MSignalCam", "Events");
648 |
649 | // D: Dedicated file structure
650 | write3af.AddContainer("ElectronicNoise", "RunHeaders", kTRUE, 1);
651 | write3af.AddContainer("IntendedPulsePos", "RunHeaders", kTRUE, 1);
652 | write3af.AddContainer("ResidualTimeSpread", "RunHeaders", kTRUE, 1);
653 | write3af.AddContainer("GapdTimeJitter", "RunHeaders", kTRUE, 1);
654 | write3af.AddContainer("MRawEvtData", "Events");
655 | write3af.AddContainer("MTruePhotonsPerPixelCont", "Events");
656 | write3af.AddContainer("MPhotonEvent","Events");
657 |
658 | write3ar.AddContainer("ElectronicNoise", "RunHeaders", kTRUE, 1);
659 | write3ar.AddContainer("IntendedPulsePos", "RunHeaders", kTRUE, 1);
660 | write3ar.AddContainer("MRawEvtData", "Events");
661 | // It doesn't make much sene to write this information
662 | // to the file because the units are internal units not
663 | // related to the output samples
664 | // if (header.IsDataRun() || fForceTrigger)
665 | // write3a.AddContainer("TriggerPos", "Events");
666 |
667 | // I: Dedicated file structure
668 | write4a.AddContainer("MHillas", "Events");
669 | write4a.AddContainer("MHillasSrc", "Events");
670 | write4a.AddContainer("MImagePar", "Events");
671 | write4a.AddContainer("MNewImagePar", "Events");
672 |
673 | // Basic MC data
674 | write1b.AddContainer("MMcEvtBasic", "OriginalMC");
675 | write2b.AddContainer("MMcEvtBasic", "OriginalMC");
676 | write3b.AddContainer("MMcEvtBasic", "OriginalMC");
677 | write4b.AddContainer("MMcEvtBasic", "OriginalMC");
678 |
679 | // -------------------------------------------------------------------
680 |
681 | MGeomApply apply;
682 |
683 | MSimPSF simpsf;
684 |
685 | MSimGeomCam simgeom;
686 | simgeom.SetNameGeomCam("GeomCones");
687 |
688 | MSimCalibrationSignal simcal;
689 | simcal.SetNameGeomCam("GeomCones");
690 |
691 | // Sky Quality Meter: 21.82M = 2.02e-4cd/m^2
692 | // 1cd = 12.566 lm / 4pi sr
693 |
694 | // FIXME: Simulate photons before cones and QE!
695 |
696 | MSimRandomPhotons simnsb;
697 | simnsb.SetFreq(5.8, 0.004); // ph/m^2/nm/sr/ns NSB, 4MHz dark count rate
698 | simnsb.SetNameGeomCam("GeomCones");
699 |
700 | // FIXME: How do we handle star-light? We need the rate but we also
701 | // need to process it through the mirror!
702 |
703 | MSimAPD simapd;
704 | simapd.SetNameGeomCam("GeomCones");
705 |
706 | MSimExcessNoise simexcnoise;
707 | MSimBundlePhotons simsum;
708 | MSimSignalCam simsignal;
709 | MSimCamera simcam;
710 | MSimTrigger simtrig;
711 | MSimReadout simdaq;
712 |
713 | MContinue conttrig("TriggerPos.fVal<0", "ContTrigger");
714 |
715 | MParameterD pulpos("IntendedPulsePos");
716 | // FIXME: Set a default which could be 1/3 of the digitization window
717 | // pulpos.SetVal(40); // [ns]
718 | plist.AddToList(&pulpos);
719 |
720 | MParameterD trigger("TriggerPos");
721 | trigger.SetVal(0);
722 | plist.AddToList(&trigger);
723 |
724 | // -------------------------------------------------------------------
725 | // Dominik and Sebastian on: fix time offsets
726 | MMatrix fix_time_offsets_between_pixels_in_ns(
727 | "MFixTimeOffset","titel"
728 | );
729 | plist.AddToList(&fix_time_offsets_between_pixels_in_ns);
730 |
731 | // -------------------------------------------------------------------
732 |
733 | // Jens Buss on: residual time spread
734 | MParameterD resTimeSpread("ResidualTimeSpread");
735 | resTimeSpread.SetVal(0.0);
736 | plist.AddToList(&resTimeSpread);
737 |
738 | // -------------------------------------------------------------------
739 |
740 | // Jens Buss on: residual time spread
741 | MParameterD gapdTimeJitter("GapdTimeJitter");
742 | gapdTimeJitter.SetVal(0.0);
743 | plist.AddToList(&gapdTimeJitter);
744 |
745 | // -------------------------------------------------------------------
746 |
747 | // Remove isolated pixels
748 | MImgCleanStd clean(0, 0);
749 | //clean.SetCleanLvl0(0); // The level above which isolated pixels are kept
750 | clean.SetCleanRings(0);
751 | clean.SetMethod(MImgCleanStd::kAbsolute);
752 |
753 | //clean.SetNamePedPhotCam("MPedPhotFromExtractorRndm");
754 |
755 | MHillasCalc hcalc;
756 | hcalc.Disable(MHillasCalc::kCalcConc);
757 |
758 | MHCamEvent evt0a(/*10*/3, "Signal", "Average signal (absolute);;S [ph]");
759 | MHCamEvent evt0c(/*10*/3, "MaxSignal", "Maximum signal (absolute);;S [ph]");
760 | MHCamEvent evt0d(/*11*/8, "ArrTm", "Time after first photon;;T [ns]");
761 | evt0a.SetErrorSpread(kFALSE);
762 | evt0c.SetCollectMax();
763 |
764 | MContinue cut("", "Cut");
765 |
766 | MFillH fillx0a(&evt0a, "MSignalCam", "FillAvgSignal");
767 | MFillH fillx0c(&evt0c, "MSignalCam", "FillMaxSignal");
768 | MFillH fillx0d(&evt0d, "MSignalCam", "FillArrTm");
769 | MFillH fillx1("MHHillas", "MHillas", "FillHillas");
770 | MFillH fillx3("MHHillasSrc", "MHillasSrc", "FillHillasSrc");
771 | MFillH fillx4("MHNewImagePar", "MNewImagePar", "FillNewImagePar");
772 | MFillH fillth("MHThreshold", "", "FillThreshold");
773 | MFillH fillca("MHCollectionArea", "", "FillTrigArea");
774 |
775 | fillth.SetNameTab("Threshold");
776 | fillca.SetNameTab("TrigArea");
777 |
778 | // -------------------------------------------------------------------
779 |
780 | if (header.IsDataRun())
781 | {
782 | tasks.AddToList(&read);
783 | tasks.AddToList(&precut);
784 | tasks.AddToList(&pointing);
785 | tasks.AddToList(&simmmcs);
786 | if (!fPathOut.IsNull() && !HasNullOut())
787 | {
788 | //tasks.AddToList(&write1b);
789 | tasks.AddToList(&write2b);
790 | if (fCamera)
791 | tasks.AddToList(&write3b);
792 | if (header.IsDataRun())
793 | tasks.AddToList(&write4b);
794 | }
795 | // if (header.IsPointRun())
796 | // tasks.AddToList(&stars);
797 | if (1)
798 | tasks.AddToList(&simatm); // Here because before fillh1
799 | tasks.AddToList(&calcangle);
800 | tasks.AddToList(&fillh1);
801 | tasks.AddToList(&fillG);
802 | if (!header.IsPointRun())
803 | {
804 | tasks.AddToList(&absapd);
805 | tasks.AddToList(&absmir);
806 | if (0)
807 | tasks.AddToList(&simatm); // FASTER?
808 | }
809 | tasks.AddToList(&reflect);
810 | if (!header.IsPointRun())
811 | {
812 | tasks.AddToList(&fill0);
813 | //tasks.AddToList(&fill1);
814 | tasks.AddToList(&fill2);
815 | tasks.AddToList(&fill3);
816 | tasks.AddToList(&fill4);
817 | tasks.AddToList(&fillF1);
818 | }
819 | tasks.AddToList(&cones);
820 | tasks.AddToList(&cones2);
821 | //if (header.IsPointRun())
822 | // tasks.AddToList(&fillP);
823 | tasks.AddToList(&cont1);
824 | }
825 | // -------------------------------
826 | tasks.AddToList(&apply);
827 | if (header.IsDataRun())
828 | {
829 | tasks.AddToList(&simpsf);
830 | tasks.AddToList(&simgeom);
831 | tasks.AddToList(&cont2);
832 | if (!header.IsPointRun())
833 | {
834 | tasks.AddToList(&fillF2);
835 | tasks.AddToList(&fillh2);
836 | }
837 | tasks.AddToList(&cont3);
838 | }
839 | if (fCamera)
840 | {
841 | if (header.IsPedestalRun() || header.IsCalibrationRun())
842 | tasks.AddToList(&simcal);
843 | tasks.AddToList(&simnsb);
844 | tasks.AddToList(&simapd);
845 | tasks.AddToList(&simexcnoise);
846 | }
847 | tasks.AddToList(&simsum);
848 | if (fCamera)
849 | {
850 | tasks.AddToList(&simcam);
851 | if (header.IsDataRun() || fForceTrigger)
852 | tasks.AddToList(&simtrig);
853 | tasks.AddToList(&conttrig);
854 | tasks.AddToList(&simdaq);
855 | }
856 | tasks.AddToList(&simsignal); // What do we do if signal<0?
857 | if (!fPathOut.IsNull() && !HasNullOut())
858 | {
859 | //tasks.AddToList(&write1a);
860 | if (!header.IsPedestalRun())
861 | tasks.AddToList(&write2a);
862 | if (fCamera)
863 | tasks.AddToList(&write3a);
864 | }
865 | // -------------------------------
866 | if (fCamera)
867 | {
868 | // FIXME: MHCollectionArea Trigger Area!
869 | if (header.IsDataRun())
870 | tasks.AddToList(&fillh3);
871 | tasks.AddToList(&filltp);
872 | }
873 | if (header.IsDataRun())
874 | {
875 | tasks.AddToList(&fillew);
876 | tasks.AddToList(&filled);
877 | }
878 | if (!header.IsPedestalRun())
879 | {
880 | tasks.AddToList(&fillx0a);
881 | tasks.AddToList(&fillx0c);
882 | }
883 | if (header.IsDataRun())
884 | {
885 | tasks.AddToList(&clean);
886 | tasks.AddToList(&hcalc);
887 | tasks.AddToList(&cut);
888 | tasks.AddToList(&fillx0d);
889 | tasks.AddToList(&fillx1);
890 | //tasks.AddToList(&fillx2);
891 | tasks.AddToList(&fillx3);
892 | tasks.AddToList(&fillx4);
893 | if (!HasNullOut())
894 | tasks.AddToList(&write4a);
895 | //tasks.AddToList(&fillx5);
896 |
897 | tasks.AddToList(&fillh4);
898 | tasks.AddToList(&fillth);
899 | tasks.AddToList(&fillca);
900 | }
901 | //-------------------------------------------
902 |
903 | tasks.SetAccelerator(MTask::kAccDontReset|MTask::kAccDontTime);
904 |
905 | // Create and setup the eventloop
906 | MEvtLoop evtloop(fName);
907 | evtloop.SetParList(&plist);
908 | evtloop.SetDisplay(fDisplay);
909 | evtloop.SetLogStream(&gLog);
910 | if (!SetupEnv(evtloop))
911 | return kFALSE;
912 |
913 | // FIXME: If pedestal file given use the values from this file
914 | //-------------------------------------------
915 |
916 | MGeomCam *cam = static_cast<MGeomCam*>(env2.GetCont());
917 |
918 | if (binstr.IsDefault())
919 | binstr.SetEdgesLin(150, -shape.GetWidth(),
920 | header.GetFreqSampling()/1000.*header.GetNumSamples()+shape.GetWidth());
921 |
922 | if (binsd.IsDefault() && cam)
923 | binsd.SetEdgesLin(100, 0, cam->GetMaxRadius()*cam->GetConvMm2Deg());
924 |
925 | if (binsd0.IsDefault() && cam)
926 | binsd0.SetEdgesLin(100, 0, cam->GetMaxRadius()*cam->GetConvMm2Deg());
927 |
928 |
929 | header.Print();
930 |
931 | // FIXME: Display acceptance curves!
932 |
933 | if (fDisplay)
934 | {
935 | TCanvas &c = fDisplay->AddTab("Info");
936 | c.Divide(2,2);
937 |
938 | c.cd(1);
939 | gPad->SetBorderMode(0);
940 | gPad->SetFrameBorderMode(0);
941 | gPad->SetGridx();
942 | gPad->SetGridy();
943 | gROOT->SetSelectedPad(0);
944 | shape.DrawClone()->SetBit(kCanDelete);
945 |
946 | if (env0.GetCont() && (header.IsDataRun() || header.IsPointRun()))
947 | {
948 | c.cd(3);
949 | gPad->SetBorderMode(0);
950 | gPad->SetFrameBorderMode(0);
951 | gPad->SetGridx();
952 | gPad->SetGridy();
953 | gROOT->SetSelectedPad(0);
954 | static_cast<MReflector*>(env0.GetCont())->DrawClone("line")->SetBit(kCanDelete);
955 | }
956 |
957 | if (fCamera)
958 | {
959 | if (env1.GetCont())
960 | {
961 | c.cd(2);
962 | gPad->SetBorderMode(0);
963 | gPad->SetFrameBorderMode(0);
964 | gPad->SetGridx();
965 | gPad->SetGridy();
966 | gROOT->SetSelectedPad(0);
967 | MHCamera *c = new MHCamera(static_cast<MGeomCam&>(*env1.GetCont()));
968 | c->SetStats(kFALSE);
969 | c->SetBit(MHCamera::kNoLegend);
970 | c->SetBit(kCanDelete);
971 | c->Draw();
972 | }
973 |
974 | if (cam)
975 | {
976 | c.cd(4);
977 | gPad->SetBorderMode(0);
978 | gPad->SetFrameBorderMode(0);
979 | gPad->SetGridx();
980 | gPad->SetGridy();
981 | gROOT->SetSelectedPad(0);
982 | MHCamera *c = new MHCamera(*cam);
983 | c->SetStats(kFALSE);
984 | c->SetBit(MHCamera::kNoLegend);
985 | c->SetBit(kCanDelete);
986 | c->Draw();
987 | }
988 | }
989 |
990 | TCanvas &d = fDisplay->AddTab("Info2");
991 | d.Divide(2,3);
992 |
993 | d.cd(1);
994 | gPad->SetBorderMode(0);
995 | gPad->SetFrameBorderMode(0);
996 | gPad->SetGridx();
997 | gPad->SetGridy();
998 | gROOT->SetSelectedPad(0);
999 | splinepde.DrawClone()->SetBit(kCanDelete);
1000 |
1001 | d.cd(3);
1002 | gPad->SetBorderMode(0);
1003 | gPad->SetFrameBorderMode(0);
1004 | gPad->SetGridx();
1005 | gPad->SetGridy();
1006 | gROOT->SetSelectedPad(0);
1007 | splinecones2.DrawClone()->SetBit(kCanDelete);
1008 |
1009 | d.cd(5);
1010 | gPad->SetBorderMode(0);
1011 | gPad->SetFrameBorderMode(0);
1012 | gPad->SetGridx();
1013 | gPad->SetGridy();
1014 | gROOT->SetSelectedPad(0);
1015 | splinemirror.DrawClone()->SetBit(kCanDelete);
1016 |
1017 | d.cd(2);
1018 | gPad->SetBorderMode(0);
1019 | gPad->SetFrameBorderMode(0);
1020 | gPad->SetGridx();
1021 | gPad->SetGridy();
1022 | gROOT->SetSelectedPad(0);
1023 | splinecones.DrawClone()->SetBit(kCanDelete);
1024 | //splinecones2.DrawClone("same")->SetBit(kCanDelete);
1025 |
1026 | d.cd(6);
1027 | gPad->SetBorderMode(0);
1028 | gPad->SetFrameBorderMode(0);
1029 | gPad->SetGridx();
1030 | gPad->SetGridy();
1031 | gROOT->SetSelectedPad(0);
1032 | MParSpline *all = (MParSpline*)splinepde.DrawClone();
1033 | //all->SetTitle("Combined acceptance");
1034 | all->SetBit(kCanDelete);
1035 | if (splinemirror.GetSpline())
1036 | all->Multiply(*splinemirror.GetSpline());
1037 | if (splinecones2.GetSpline())
1038 | all->Multiply(*splinecones2.GetSpline());
1039 | }
1040 |
1041 | //-------------------------------------------
1042 |
1043 | // Execute first analysis
1044 | if (!evtloop.Eventloop(fMaxEvents))
1045 | {
1046 | gLog << err << GetDescriptor() << ": Failed." << endl;
1047 | return kFALSE;
1048 | }
1049 |
1050 | //-------------------------------------------
1051 | // FIXME: Display Spline in tab
1052 | // FIXME: Display Reflector in tab
1053 | // FIXME: Display Routing(?) in tab
1054 | // FIXME: Display Camera(s) in tab
1055 | //-------------------------------------------
1056 |
1057 | if (!WriteResult(plist, seq, header.GetRunNumber()))
1058 | return kFALSE;
1059 |
1060 | *fLog << all << GetDescriptor() << ": Done." << endl << endl << endl;;
1061 |
1062 | return kTRUE;
1063 | }