#ifndef MARS_MMakePadHistograms #define MARS_MMakePadHistograms #ifndef MARS_MTask #include "MTask.h" #endif #ifndef MARS_MH #include "MH.h" #endif class TH2D; class TH3D; class MMakePadHistograms : public MH { private: TString fType; // type of data to be padded (ON, OFF, MC) Int_t fMaxEvents; // maximum no.of events to be read TString fNamePedPhotCam; // name of the 'MPedPhotCam' container TString fNameInputFile; // name of input file (calibrated data) TString fNameOutputFile; // name of output file (Pad histograms) Float_t fPedestalLevel; // pedestal level for MBadPixelsCalc Bool_t fUseInterpolation; // option for MBadPixelsTreat Bool_t fProcessPedestal; // option for MBadPixelsTreat Bool_t fProcessTime; // option for MBadPixelsTreat //---------------------------------- // plots needed for the padding TH2D *fHSigmaTheta; // 2D-histogram (Theta, sigmabar(inner)) TH2D *fHSigmaThetaOuter; // 2D-histogram (Theta, sigmabar(outer)) TH3D *fHDiffPixTheta; // 3D-histogram (Theta, pixel, (sigma^2-sigmabar^2)/Area) TH3D *fHSigmaPixTheta; // 3D-histogram (Theta, pixel, sigma) TH2D *fHBadIdTheta; // 2D-histogram (Theta, Id of bad pixel) TH2D *fHBadNTheta; // 2D-histogram (Theta, no.of bad pixels) public: MMakePadHistograms(const char *name=NULL, const char *title=NULL); void SetDataType(const char *); // type of data (ON, OFF, MC) void SetMaxEvents(Int_t); // mx. no.of events to be read void SetNameInputFile(const char *); // Calibrated data void SetNameOutputFile(const char *); // Pad histograms void SetNamePedPhotCam(const char *); // "MPedPhotCamFromData" // parameters for MBadPixelsCalc void SetPedestalLevel(Float_t); // parameters for MBadPixelsTreat void SetUseInterpolation(Bool_t); void SetProcessPedestal(Bool_t); void SetProcessTime(Bool_t); Bool_t MakeHistograms(); ClassDef(MMakePadHistograms, 0) // class for making the padding histograms }; #endif