/* ======================================================================== *\ ! ! * ! * This file is part of MARS, the MAGIC Analysis and Reconstruction ! * Software. It is distributed to you in the hope that it can be a useful ! * and timesaving tool in analysing Data of imaging Cerenkov telescopes. ! * It is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. ! * ! * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its ! * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, ! * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and ! * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear ! * in supporting documentation. It is provided "as is" without express ! * or implied warranty. ! * ! ! ! Author(s): Thomas Bretz 2002 ! ! Copyright: MAGIC Software Development, 2000-2010 ! ! \* ======================================================================== */ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // MH3 // // With this histogram you can fill a histogram with up to three // variables from Mars parameter containers in an eventloop. // // In the constructor you can give up to three variables which should be // filled in the histogram. Dependend on the number of given variables // (data members) a TH1D, TH2D or TH3D is created. // Specify the data mamber like the following: // "MHillas.fLength" // Where MHillas is the name of the parameter container in the parameter // list and fLength is the name of the data member which should be filled // in the histogram. Assuming that your MHillas container has a different // name (MyHillas) the name to give would be: // "MyHillas.fLength" // // If you want to use a different unit for histogramming use SetScaleX, // SetScaleY and SetScaleZ. // // // Binning/Binning name // ===================== // // The axis binning is retrieved from the parameter list, too. Create a // MBinning with the name "Binning" plus the name of your MH3 container // plus the axis name ("X", "Y" or "Z") and add it to the parameter list. // // If the binning should have a different name than the histogram name // the binning name can be added to the name, eg.: // SetName("MyHistName;MyXBins;MyYBins") // Instead of BinningMyHistName[XYZ] the parameter list will be searched // for BinningMyXBinning, BinningMyYBins and BinningMyHistNameZ // // If you don't want to use a MBinning object from the parameter list // you can also set one directly, for example // MBinning bins(10, 0, 1); // mh3.SetBinningX(&bins); // You must not delete the MBinning object before the class has been // PreProcessed. // // // Axis titles // =========== // // 1) If no other title is given the rule for this axis is used. // 2) If the MBinning used for this axis has a non-default Title // (MBinning::HasTitle) this title is used for the corresponding axis // 3) If the MH3 has a non-default title (MH3::SetTitle called) // this title is set as the histogram title. It can be used to overwrite // the axis titles. For more information see TH1::SetTitle, eg. // SetTitle("MyHist;x[mm];y[cm];Counts"); // // // Labels // ====== // // To use labels at an axis you have to initialize this for the axis // by either calling InitLabels(Labels_t) or setiting a DefaultLabel. // For the axis for which the labels have been initialized the // number returned by the given corresponding phrase is converted // to int with TMath::Nint and used as a label. If you want to replace // this id by a named label you can call DefineLabel to do that. // Several ids can be replaced by the same label. If you define // named labels for every label which was not defined the default // is used, if any, otherwise an unnamed label is created. // // In the case of an axis with labels the axis-title cannot be // set via a MBinning, because the MBinning is not evaluated. // // Please note that for some reason not all combinations of // labels, dimensions and weights are available in the root- // histogram classes. Please check the MH3::Fill function to see // whether your combination is supported. // // // Examples: // ========= // // 1) MH3 myhist("MHillas.fLength"); // myhist.SetName("MyHist"); // myhist.SetScaleX(geomcam.GetConvMm2Deg()); //convert length to degree // MBinning bins("BinningMyHistX", "Title for my x-axis [Hz]"); // bins.SetEdges(10, 0, 150); // plist.AddToList(&bins); // // 2) MH3 myhist("MHillas.fLength"); // myhist.SetName("MyHist;MyX"); // myhist.SetTitle("Histogram Title;X-Title [mm];Counts"); // MBinning bins("BinningMyX"); // bins.SetEdges(10, 0, 150); // plist.AddToList(&bins); // // 3) MH3 myhist("MTriggerPatter.GetUnprescaled"); // myhist.SetWeight("1./MRawRunHeader.GetRunLength"); // myhist.SetTitle("Rate of the trigger pattern [Hz];Run Number;Trigger Pattern;Rate [Hz]"); // myhist.InitLabels(MH3::kLabelsXY); // myhist.DefaultLabelY("UNKNOWN"); // Lvl1 // myhist.DefineLabelY( 1, "Trig"); // Lvl1 // myhist.DefineLabelY( 2, "Cal"); // Cal // myhist.DefineLabelY( 4, "Trig"); // Lvl2 // myhist.DefineLabelY( 8, "Ped"); // Ped // // // Class Version 1: // ---------------- // - MData *fData[3]; // + MData *fData[4]; // // Class Version 2: // ---------------- // - MDataChain *fData[3]; // Object from which the data is filled // + MData *fData[3]; // Object from which the data is filled // // Class Version 3: // ---------------- // - Byte_t fStyleBits // + MBinning fBins[3] // // Class Version 5: // ---------------- // + TFormula *fConversion // // Class Version 6: // ---------------- // + MData *fWeight; // // Class Version 7: // ---------------- // + MData *fData[4] // + Double_t fScale[4] // - MData *fData[3] // - Double_t fScale[3] // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "MH3.h" #include // tolower #include // atoi (Ubuntu 8.10) #include #include #include #include #include //#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "MLog.h" #include "MLogManip.h" #include "MString.h" #include "MParList.h" #include "MBinning.h" #include "MDataPhrase.h" ClassImp(MH3); using namespace std; const TString MH3::gsDefName = "MH3"; const TString MH3::gsDefTitle = "Container for a n-D Mars Histogram"; // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Set fStyleBits to 0, Reset fBins to NULL, fScale to 1, set name and title // to gsDefName and gsDefTitle and if fHist!=NULL UseCurrentStyle and // SetDirectory(0) // void MH3::Init() { fStyleBits = 0; fWeight = NULL; fData[0] = NULL; fData[1] = NULL; fData[2] = NULL; fData[3] = NULL; fBins[0] = NULL; fBins[1] = NULL; fBins[2] = NULL; fScale[0] = 1; fScale[1] = 1; fScale[2] = 1; fScale[3] = 1; fConversion = NULL; fName = gsDefName; fTitle = gsDefTitle; if (!fHist) return; fHist->UseCurrentStyle(); fHist->SetDirectory(NULL); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Default constructor. // MH3::MH3(const Int_t dim, Type_t type) : fDimension(dim), fHist(NULL) { // FIXME? switch (type) { case kHistogram: if (fDimension>3) fDimension=3; break; case kProfile: case kProfileSpread: fDimension = -TMath::Abs(fDimension); if (fDimension<-2) fDimension = -2; break; } switch (fDimension) { case 1: fHist = new TH1D; fHist->SetYTitle("Counts"); break; case -1: fHist = new TProfile; fHist->SetYTitle("Average"); if (type==kProfileSpread) static_cast(fHist)->SetErrorOption("s"); break; case 2: fHist = new TH2D; fHist->SetZTitle("Counts"); break; case -2: fHist = new TProfile2D; fHist->SetZTitle("Average"); static_cast(fHist)->BuildOptions(0, 0, type==kProfileSpread?"s":""); break; case 3: fHist = new TH3D; break; case -3: fHist = new TProfile2D; fHist->SetZTitle("Average"); static_cast(fHist)->BuildOptions(0, 0, type==kProfileSpread?"s":""); break; } Init(); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Creates an TH1D. memberx is filled into the X-bins. For a more detailed // description see the class description above. // MH3::MH3(const char *memberx, Type_t type) : fDimension(1) { fHist = new TH1D; fHist->SetYTitle("Counts"); Init(); fData[0] = new MDataPhrase(memberx); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Adapt a given histogram // MH3::MH3(const TH1 &h1) : fDimension(1) { if (h1.InheritsFrom(TH3::Class())) fDimension = 3; if (h1.InheritsFrom(TH2::Class())) fDimension = 2; if (h1.InheritsFrom(TProfile3D::Class())) { fDimension = -3; *fLog << warn << "WARNING - MH3::MH3(TH1&) does not support TProfile3D." << endl; } if (h1.InheritsFrom(TProfile2D::Class())) fDimension = -2; if (h1.InheritsFrom(TProfile::Class())) fDimension = -1; fHist = (TH1*)h1.Clone(); Init(); // Before without SeUseCurrentStyle! switch (fDimension) { case 3: case -2: fData[2] = new MDataPhrase(h1.GetZaxis()->GetTitle()); case 2: case -1: fData[1] = new MDataPhrase(h1.GetYaxis()->GetTitle()); case 1: fData[0] = new MDataPhrase(h1.GetXaxis()->GetTitle()); } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Creates an TH2D. memberx is filled into the X-bins. membery is filled // into the Y-bins. For a more detailed description see the class // description above. // MH3::MH3(const char *memberx, const char *membery, Type_t type) : fDimension(type==kHistogram?2:-1) { switch (fDimension) { case 2: fHist = static_cast(new TH2D); break; case -1: fHist = static_cast(new TProfile); if (type==kProfileSpread) static_cast(fHist)->SetErrorOption("s"); break; } fHist->SetZTitle(fDimension>0?"Counts":"Average"); Init(); fData[0] = new MDataPhrase(memberx); fData[1] = new MDataPhrase(membery); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Creates an TH3D. memberx is filled into the X-bins. membery is filled // into the Y-bins. membery is filled into the Z-bins. For a more detailed // description see the class description above. // MH3::MH3(const char *memberx, const char *membery, const char *memberz, Type_t type) : fDimension(type==kHistogram?3:-2) { switch (fDimension) { case 3: fHist = static_cast(new TH3D); break; case -2: fHist = static_cast(new TProfile2D); static_cast(fHist)->BuildOptions(0, 0, type==kProfileSpread?"s":""); } Init(); fData[0] = new MDataPhrase(memberx); fData[1] = new MDataPhrase(membery); fData[2] = new MDataPhrase(memberz); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Creates an TH3D. memberx is filled into the X-bins. membery is filled // into the Y-bins. membery is filled into the Z-bins. Weight is used as a // weight for the profile histogram. For a more detailed description see the // class description above. // MH3::MH3(const char *memberx, const char *membery, const char *memberz, const char *weight, Type_t type) : fDimension(-3) { fHist = static_cast(new TProfile3D); static_cast(fHist)->BuildOptions(0, 0, type==kProfileSpread?"s":""); Init(); fData[0] = new MDataPhrase(memberx); fData[1] = new MDataPhrase(membery); fData[2] = new MDataPhrase(memberz); fData[3] = new MDataPhrase(weight); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Deletes the histogram // MH3::~MH3() { if (fHist) delete fHist; if (fConversion) delete fConversion; if (fWeight) delete fWeight; for (int i=0; i<4; i++) if (fData[i]) delete fData[i]; for (int i=0; i<3; i++) if (fLabels[i].GetDefault()) delete fLabels[i].GetDefault(); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // You can set a weight as a phrase additionally to the one given // as an argument to Fill (most likely from MFillH). The two weights // are multiplied together. // void MH3::SetWeight(const char *phrase) { if (fWeight) delete fWeight; fWeight = new MDataPhrase(phrase); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Set a function which is applied to the histogram before it is displayed. // Note, that it only effects the displayed histogram. // // e.g. SetConversion("sqrt(x)"); // Bool_t MH3::SetConversion(const char *func) { if (TString(func).IsNull()) { delete fConversion; fConversion = 0; return kTRUE; } fConversion = new TFormula; // Must have a name otherwise all axis labels disappear like a miracle fConversion->SetName("ConversionFunction"); if (fConversion->Compile(func)) { *fLog << err << dbginf << "Syntax Error: TFormula::Compile failed for " << func << endl; delete fConversion; fConversion = 0; return kFALSE; } gROOT->GetListOfFunctions()->Remove(fConversion); return kTRUE; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // The axis label is centered and the labeling of the axis is initialized. // // This function must not be called after any label has been created! // void MH3::InitLabels(TAxis &x) const { x.CenterTitle(); x.SetBinLabel(1, ""); x.LabelsOption("h"); // FIXME: Is "a" thread safe? (Paint and Fill?) x.GetLabels()->Delete(); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Depending on the bits set the InitLabels(TAxis&) function for // the corresponding axes are called. In any case the kCanRebin bit // is set. // // This function must not be called after any label has been created! // void MH3::InitLabels(Labels_t type) const { if (!fHist) return; if (type&kLabelsX && fHist->GetXaxis()) InitLabels(*fHist->GetXaxis()); if (type&kLabelsY && fHist->GetYaxis()) InitLabels(*fHist->GetYaxis()); if (type&kLabelsZ && fHist->GetZaxis()) InitLabels(*fHist->GetZaxis()); if (type&kLabelsXYZ) fHist->SetBit(TH1::kCanRebin); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Return the corresponding Labels_t describing for which axis // axis-labels are switched on. // MH3::Labels_t MH3::GetLabels() const { UInt_t type = kNoLabels; if (fHist->GetXaxis() && fHist->GetXaxis()->GetLabels()) type |= kLabelsX; if (fHist->GetYaxis() && fHist->GetYaxis()->GetLabels()) type |= kLabelsY; if (fHist->GetZaxis() && fHist->GetZaxis()->GetLabels()) type |= kLabelsZ; return (Labels_t)type; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Calls the LabelsDeflate from the histogram for all axes. // LabelsDeflate will just do nothing if the axis has no labels // initialized. // void MH3::DeflateLabels() const { fHist->LabelsDeflate("X"); fHist->LabelsDeflate("Y"); fHist->LabelsDeflate("Z"); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Returns the named label corresponding to the given value // and the given axis. The names are defined with the // DefineLabel-functions. if no name is defined the value // is converted to a string with %d and TMath::Nint. // If names are defined, but not for the given value, the default // label is returned instead. If no default is defined the // %d-converted string is returned. // const char *MH3::GetLabel(Int_t axe, Double_t val) const { const Int_t v = TMath::Nint(val); if (fLabels[axe].GetSize()) { const char *l = fLabels[axe].GetObjName(v); if (l) return l; } return Form("%d", v); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Return the data members used by the data chain to be used in // MTask::AddBranchToList // TString MH3::GetDataMember() const { TString str=fData[0]->GetDataMember(); for (int i=1; i<4; i++) if (fData[i]) { str += ";"; str += fData[i]->GetDataMember(); } return str; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Setup the Binning for the histograms automatically if the correct // instances of MBinning are found in the parameter list // For a more detailed description see class description above. // Bool_t MH3::SetupFill(const MParList *plist) { // reset histogram (necessary if the same eventloop is run more than once) if (!TestBit(kDoNotReset)) fHist->Reset(); // Tokenize name into name and binnings names TObjArray *tok = fName.Tokenize(";"); const TString name = (*tok)[0] ? (*tok)[0]->GetName() : fName.Data(); TString bx = (*tok)[1] ? (*tok)[1]->GetName() : Form("%sX", name.Data()); TString by = (*tok)[2] ? (*tok)[2]->GetName() : Form("%sY", name.Data()); TString bz = (*tok)[3] ? (*tok)[3]->GetName() : Form("%sZ", name.Data()); bx.Prepend("Binning"); by.Prepend("Binning"); bz.Prepend("Binning"); delete tok; MBinning *binsx = NULL; MBinning *binsy = NULL; MBinning *binsz = NULL; const Labels_t labels = GetLabels(); switch (TMath::Abs(fDimension)) { case 3: if (fData[2]) fHist->SetZTitle(fData[2]->GetTitle()); if (!(labels&kLabelsZ)) { binsz = fBins[2] ? fBins[2] : (MBinning*)plist->FindObject(bz, "MBinning"); if (!binsz) { *fLog << err << dbginf << "MBinning '" << bz << "' not found... aborting." << endl; return kFALSE; } if (binsz->HasTitle()) fHist->SetZTitle(binsz->GetTitle()); if (binsz->IsLogarithmic()) fHist->SetBit(kIsLogz); } case 2: if (fData[1]) fHist->SetYTitle(fData[1]->GetTitle()); if (!(labels&kLabelsY)) { binsy = fBins[1] ? fBins[1] : (MBinning*)plist->FindObject(by, "MBinning"); if (!binsy) { *fLog << err << dbginf << "MBinning '" << by << "' not found... aborting." << endl; return kFALSE; } if (binsy->HasTitle()) fHist->SetYTitle(binsy->GetTitle()); if (binsy->IsLogarithmic()) fHist->SetBit(kIsLogy); } case 1: if (fData[0]!=NULL) fHist->SetXTitle(fData[0]->GetTitle()); if (!(labels&kLabelsX)) { binsx = fBins[0] ? fBins[0] : (MBinning*)plist->FindObject(bx, "MBinning"); if (!binsx) { if (fDimension==1) binsx = (MBinning*)plist->FindObject("Binning"+fName, "MBinning"); if (!binsx) { *fLog << err << dbginf << "Neither '" << bx << "' nor 'Binning" << fName << "' found... aborting." << endl; return kFALSE; } } if (binsx->HasTitle()) fHist->SetXTitle(binsx->GetTitle()); if (binsx->IsLogarithmic()) fHist->SetBit(kIsLogx); } } // PreProcess existing fData members for (int i=0; i<4; i++) if (fData[i] && !fData[i]->PreProcess(plist)) return kFALSE; if (fWeight && !fWeight->PreProcess(plist)) return kFALSE; TString title(fDimension>0?"Histogram":"Profile"); title += " for "; title += name; title += Form(" (%dD)", TMath::Abs(fDimension)); fHist->SetName(name); fHist->SetTitle(fTitle==gsDefTitle ? title : fTitle); fHist->SetDirectory(0); // This is for the case we have set lables const MBinning def(1, 0, 1); if (!binsx) binsx = const_cast(&def); if (!binsy) binsy = const_cast(&def); if (!binsz) binsz = const_cast(&def); // set binning switch (TMath::Abs(fDimension)) { case 1: SetBinning(*fHist, *binsx); return kTRUE; case 2: SetBinning(static_cast(*fHist), *binsx, *binsy); return kTRUE; case 3: SetBinning(static_cast(*fHist), *binsx, *binsy, *binsz); return kTRUE; } *fLog << err << "ERROR - MH3 has " << TMath::Abs(fDimension) << " dimensions!" << endl; return kFALSE; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Set the name of the histogram ant the MH3 container // void MH3::SetName(const char *name) { if (fHist) { if (gPad) { const TString pfx(MString::Format("%sProfX", fHist->GetName())); const TString pfy(MString::Format("%sProfY", fHist->GetName())); TProfile *p = 0; if ((p=dynamic_cast(gPad->FindObject(pfx)))) p->SetName(MString::Format("%sProfX", name)); if ((p=dynamic_cast(gPad->FindObject(pfy)))) p->SetName(MString::Format("%sProfY", name)); } fHist->SetName(name); fHist->SetDirectory(0); } MParContainer::SetName(name); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Set the title of the histogram ant the MH3 container // void MH3::SetTitle(const char *title) { if (fHist) fHist->SetTitle(title); MParContainer::SetTitle(title); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Fills the one, two or three data members into our histogram // Int_t MH3::Fill(const MParContainer *par, const Stat_t ww) { // Get Information about labels (UInt_t, to supress warning about // unhandeled cases in switch) const UInt_t type = GetLabels(); // Get values for axis Double_t x=0; Double_t y=0; Double_t z=0; Double_t t=0; Double_t w=ww; switch (fDimension) { case -3: t = fData[3]->GetValue()*fScale[3]; case -2: case 3: z = fData[2]->GetValue()*fScale[2]; case -1: case 2: y = fData[1]->GetValue()*fScale[1]; case 1: x = fData[0]->GetValue()*fScale[0]; } if (fWeight) w *= fWeight->GetValue(); // If label option is set, convert value to label TString labelx, labely, labelz; if (type&kLabelsX) labelx = GetLabel(0, x); if (type&kLabelsY) labely = GetLabel(1, y); if (type&kLabelsZ) labelz = GetLabel(2, z); // Fill histogram switch (fDimension) { case 3: switch (type) { case kNoLabels: static_cast(fHist)->Fill(x, y, z, w); return kTRUE; case kLabelsX: #if ROOT_VERSION_CODE < ROOT_VERSION(5,32,01) static_cast(fHist)->Fill(labelx, y, z); #endif return kTRUE; case kLabelsY: static_cast(fHist)->Fill(x, labely, z, w); return kTRUE; case kLabelsZ: static_cast(fHist)->Fill(x, y, labelz, w); return kTRUE; case kLabelsXY: static_cast(fHist)->Fill(labelx, labely, z, w); return kTRUE; case kLabelsXZ: static_cast(fHist)->Fill(labelx, y, labelz, w); return kTRUE; case kLabelsYZ: static_cast(fHist)->Fill(x, labely, labelz, w); return kTRUE; case kLabelsXYZ: static_cast(fHist)->Fill(labelx, labely, labelz, w); return kTRUE; } break; case 2: switch (type) { case kNoLabels: static_cast(fHist)->Fill(x, y, w); return kTRUE; case kLabelsX: static_cast(fHist)->Fill(x, labely, w); return kTRUE; case kLabelsY: static_cast(fHist)->Fill(labelx, y, w); return kTRUE; case kLabelsXY: static_cast(fHist)->Fill(labelx, labely, w); return kTRUE; } break; case 1: switch (type) { case kNoLabels: fHist->Fill(x, w); return kTRUE; case kLabelsX: fHist->Fill(labelx, w); return kTRUE; } break; case -1: switch (type) { case kNoLabels: static_cast(fHist)->Fill(x, y, w); return kTRUE; case kLabelsX: static_cast(fHist)->Fill(labelx, y, w); return kTRUE; } break; case -2: switch (type) { case kNoLabels: static_cast(fHist)->Fill(x, y, z, w); return kTRUE; case kLabelsX: static_cast(fHist)->Fill(labelx, y, z); return kTRUE; case kLabelsY: static_cast(fHist)->Fill(x, labely, z); return kTRUE; case kLabelsXY: static_cast(fHist)->Fill(labelx, labely, z); return kTRUE; } break; case -3: switch (type) { case kNoLabels: static_cast(fHist)->Fill(x, y, z, t, w); return kTRUE; default: *fLog << err << "ERROR - Labels not supported in TProfile3D." << endl; } break; } *fLog << err << "MH3::Fill: ERROR - A fatal error occured." << endl; return kERROR; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // If an auto range bit is set the histogram range of the corresponding // axis is set to show only the non-empty bins (with a single empty bin // on both sides) // Bool_t MH3::Finalize() { DeflateLabels(); Bool_t autorangex=TESTBIT(fStyleBits, 0); Bool_t autorangey=TESTBIT(fStyleBits, 1); //Bool_t autorangez=TESTBIT(fStyleBits, 2); Int_t lo, hi; if (autorangex) { GetRangeX(*fHist, lo, hi); fHist->GetXaxis()->SetRange(lo-2, hi+1); } if (autorangey) { GetRangeY(*fHist, lo, hi); fHist->GetYaxis()->SetRange(lo-2, hi+1); } /* if (autorangez) { GetRangeZ(*fHist, lo, hi); fHist->GetZaxis()->SetRange(lo-2, hi+1); } */ return kTRUE; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Apply the conversion function to the contents stored in fHist and // store the result in h. // // In the case of a TProfile we keep it a TProfile to keep the mean and // rms in y displayed. To get the error correctly we have to reverse // the calculation done in TProfile::GetBinError of course. // void MH3::Convert(TH1 &h) const { const Bool_t prof = h.InheritsFrom(TProfile::Class()) || h.InheritsFrom(TProfile2D::Class()) || h.InheritsFrom(TProfile3D::Class()); for (Int_t z=0; z<=h.GetNbinsZ()+1; z++) for (Int_t y=0; y<=h.GetNbinsY()+1; y++) for (Int_t x=0; x<=h.GetNbinsX()+1; x++) { h.SetBinContent(x, y, z, fConversion->Eval(fHist->GetBinContent(x, y, z))); if (prof) h.SetBinError(x, y, z, TMath::Hypot(fConversion->Eval(fHist->GetBinContent(x, y, z)), fConversion->Eval(fHist->GetBinError( x, y, z)))); else h.SetBinError(x, y, z, fConversion->Eval(fHist->GetBinError(x, y, z))); } TProfile *p1 = dynamic_cast(fHist); if (p1) for (Int_t i=0; iGetSize(); i++) static_cast(h).SetBinEntries(i, p1->GetBinEntries(i)>0 ? 1 : 0); TProfile2D *p2 = dynamic_cast(fHist); if (p2) for (Int_t i=0; iGetSize(); i++) static_cast(h).SetBinEntries(i, p2->GetBinEntries(i)>0 ? 1 : 0); TProfile3D *p3 = dynamic_cast(fHist); if (p3) for (Int_t i=0; iGetSize(); i++) static_cast(h).SetBinEntries(i, p3->GetBinEntries(i)>0 ? 1 : 0); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // FIXME // void MH3::Paint(Option_t *o) { TProfile *p=0; if (TMath::Abs(fDimension)==2) MH::SetPalette("pretty"); if (fConversion) { TH1 *h = 0; if ((h=dynamic_cast(gPad->FindObject(fHist->GetName())))) Convert(*h); } const TString pfx(MString::Format("%sProfX", fHist->GetName())); if ((p=dynamic_cast(gPad->FindObject(pfx)))) { Int_t col = p->GetLineColor(); p = ((TH2*)fHist)->ProfileX(pfx, -1, -1, "s"); p->SetLineColor(col); } const TString pfy(MString::Format("%sProfY", fHist->GetName())); if ((p=dynamic_cast(gPad->FindObject(pfy)))) { Int_t col = p->GetLineColor(); p = ((TH2*)fHist)->ProfileY(pfy, -1, -1, "s"); p->SetLineColor(col); } /* if (fHist->TestBit(kIsLogx) && fHist->GetEntries()>0) gPad->SetLogx(); if (fHist->TestBit(kIsLogy) && fHist->GetEntries()>0) gPad->SetLogy(); if (fHist->TestBit(kIsLogz) && fHist->GetEntries()>0) gPad->SetLogz(); */ } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // If Xmax is < 3000*Xmin SetMoreLogLabels is called. If Xmax<5000 // the exponent is switched off (SetNoExponent) // void MH3::HandleLogAxis(TAxis &axe) const { if (axe.GetXmax()>3000*axe.GetXmin()) return; axe.SetMoreLogLabels(); if (axe.GetXmax()<5000) axe.SetNoExponent(); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Creates a new canvas and draws the histogram into it. // // Possible options are: // PROFX: Draw a x-profile into the histogram (for 2D histograms only) // PROFY: Draw a y-profile into the histogram (for 2D histograms only) // ONLY: Draw the profile histogram only (for 2D histograms only) // BLUE: Draw the profile in blue color instead of the histograms // line color // // If the kIsLog?-Bit is set the axis is displayed lkogarithmically. // eg this is set when applying a logarithmic MBinning // // Be careful: The histogram belongs to this object and won't get deleted // together with the canvas. // void MH3::Draw(Option_t *opt) { TVirtualPad *pad = gPad ? gPad : MakeDefCanvas(fHist); pad->SetBorderMode(0); pad->SetGridx(); pad->SetGridy(); AppendPad(); if (fHist->TestBit(kIsLogx)) { pad->SetLogx(); HandleLogAxis(*fHist->GetXaxis()); } if (fHist->TestBit(kIsLogy)) { pad->SetLogy(); HandleLogAxis(*fHist->GetYaxis()); } if (fHist->TestBit(kIsLogz)) { pad->SetLogz(); HandleLogAxis(*fHist->GetZaxis()); } fHist->SetFillStyle(4000); TString str(opt); str.ToLower(); str.ReplaceAll(" ", ""); if (GetLabels()) { if (str.IsNull() && fDimension==2) str = "colz"; if (str.Contains("box", TString::kIgnoreCase) && fDimension==2) fHist->SetLineColor(kBlue); } const Bool_t only = str.Contains("only") && TMath::Abs(fDimension)==2; const Bool_t same = str.Contains("same") && TMath::Abs(fDimension)<3; const Bool_t blue = str.Contains("blue") && TMath::Abs(fDimension)==2; const Bool_t profx = str.Contains("profx") && TMath::Abs(fDimension)==2; const Bool_t profy = str.Contains("profy") && TMath::Abs(fDimension)==2; str.ReplaceAll("only", ""); str.ReplaceAll("blue", ""); str.ReplaceAll("profx", ""); str.ReplaceAll("profy", ""); if (same && TMath::Abs(fDimension)==1) { fHist->SetLineColor(kBlue); fHist->SetMarkerColor(kBlue); } TH1 *h = fHist; if (fConversion) { h = static_cast(fHist->Clone()); h->SetDirectory(0); h->SetBit(kCanDelete); Convert(*h); } // FIXME: We may have to remove all our own options from str! if (!only) h->Draw(str); TProfile *p=0; if (profx) { const TString pfx(MString::Format("%sProfX", h->GetName())); if (same && (p=dynamic_cast(gPad->FindObject(pfx)))) *fLog << warn << "TProfile " << pfx << " already in pad." << endl; p = ((TH2*)h)->ProfileX(pfx, -1, -1, "s"); p->UseCurrentStyle(); p->SetLineColor(blue ? kBlue : h->GetLineColor()); p->SetBit(kCanDelete); p->SetDirectory(NULL); p->SetXTitle(h->GetXaxis()->GetTitle()); p->SetYTitle(h->GetYaxis()->GetTitle()); p->Draw(only&&!same?"":"same"); } if (profy) { const TString pfy(MString::Format("%sProfY", h->GetName())); if (same && (p=dynamic_cast(gPad->FindObject(pfy)))) *fLog << warn << "TProfile " << pfy << " already in pad." << endl; p = ((TH2*)h)->ProfileY(pfy, -1, -1, "s"); p->UseCurrentStyle(); p->SetLineColor(blue ? kBlue : h->GetLineColor()); p->SetBit(kCanDelete); p->SetDirectory(NULL); p->SetYTitle(h->GetXaxis()->GetTitle()); p->SetXTitle(h->GetYaxis()->GetTitle()); p->Draw(only&&!same?"":"same"); } //AppendPad("log"); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Implementation of SavePrimitive. Used to write the call to a constructor // to a macro. In the original root implementation it is used to write // gui elements to a macro-file. // void MH3::StreamPrimitive(ostream &out) const { TString name = GetUniqueName(); out << " MH3 " << name << "(\""; out << fData[0]->GetRule() << "\""; if (fDimension>1 || fDimension<0) out << ", \"" << fData[1]->GetRule() << "\""; if (fDimension>2 || fDimension<-1) out << ", \"" << fData[2]->GetRule() << "\""; out << ");" << endl; if (fName!=gsDefName) out << " " << name << ".SetName(\"" << fName << "\");" << endl; if (fTitle!=gsDefTitle) out << " " << name << ".SetTitle(\"" << fTitle << "\");" << endl; if (fWeight) out << " " << name << ".SetWeight(\"" << fWeight->GetRule() << "\");" << endl; switch (fDimension) { case -3: if (fScale[3]!=1) out << " " << name << ".SetScaleT(" << fScale[3] << ");" << endl; case -2: case 3: if (fScale[2]!=1) out << " " << name << ".SetScaleZ(" << fScale[2] << ");" << endl; case -1: case 2: if (fScale[1]!=1) out << " " << name << ".SetScaleY(" << fScale[1] << ");" << endl; case 1: if (fScale[0]!=1) out << " " << name << ".SetScaleX(" << fScale[0] << ");" << endl; } } MH3::Type_t MH3::GetType() const { switch (fDimension) { case -1: return TString(static_cast(fHist)->GetErrorOption())=="s" ? kProfileSpread : kProfile; case -2: return TString(static_cast(fHist)->GetErrorOption())=="s" ? kProfileSpread : kProfile; case -3: return TString(static_cast(fHist)->GetErrorOption())=="s" ? kProfileSpread : kProfile; } return kHistogram; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Used to rebuild a MH3 object of the same type (data members, // dimension, ...) // MParContainer *MH3::New() const { // FIXME: TREAT THE NEW OPTIONS CORRECTLY (PROFILE, LABELS) MH3 *h = NULL; if (fData[0] == NULL) h=new MH3(fDimension); else switch (fDimension) { case 1: h=new MH3(fData[0]->GetRule()); break; case 2: case -1: h=new MH3(fData[0]->GetRule(), fData[1]->GetRule(), GetType()); break; case 3: case -2: h=new MH3(fData[0]->GetRule(), fData[1]->GetRule(), fData[2]->GetRule(), GetType()); break; case -3: h=new MH3(fData[0]->GetRule(), fData[1]->GetRule(), fData[2]->GetRule(), fData[3]->GetRule()); break; } switch (fDimension) { case -3: h->SetScaleZ(fScale[3]); case -2: case 3: h->SetScaleZ(fScale[2]); case 2: case -1: h->SetScaleY(fScale[1]); case 1: h->SetScaleX(fScale[0]); } if (fWeight) h->SetWeight(fWeight->GetRule()); return h; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // FIXME // TString MH3::GetRule(const Char_t axis) const { switch (tolower(axis)) { case 'x': case 'X': return fData[0] ? fData[0]->GetRule() : TString(""); case 'y': case 'Y': return fData[1] ? fData[1]->GetRule() : TString(""); case 'z': case 'Z': return fData[2] ? fData[2]->GetRule() : TString(""); case 't': case 'T': return fData[3] ? fData[3]->GetRule() : TString(""); case 'w': case 'W': return fWeight ? fWeight->GetRule() : TString(""); default: return ""; } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Returns the total number of bins in a histogram (excluding under- and // overflow bins) // Int_t MH3::GetNbins() const { Int_t num = 1; switch (TMath::Abs(fDimension)) { case 3: num *= fHist->GetNbinsZ()+2; case 2: num *= fHist->GetNbinsY()+2; case 1: num *= fHist->GetNbinsX()+2; } return num; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Returns the total number of bins in a histogram (excluding under- and // overflow bins) Return -1 if bin is underflow or overflow // Int_t MH3::FindFixBin(Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z) const { const TAxis &axex = *fHist->GetXaxis(); const TAxis &axey = *fHist->GetYaxis(); const TAxis &axez = *fHist->GetZaxis(); Int_t binz = 0; Int_t biny = 0; Int_t binx = 0; switch (fDimension) { case 3: case -2: binz = axez.FindFixBin(z); if (binz>axez.GetLast() || binzaxey.GetLast() || binyaxex.GetLast()) return -1; } const Int_t nx = fHist->GetNbinsX()+2; const Int_t ny = fHist->GetNbinsY()+2; return binx + nx*(biny +ny*binz); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Return the MObjLookup corresponding to the axis/character. // Note that only lower-case charecters (x, y, z) are supported. // If for the axis no labels were set, the corresponding // InitLabels is called. // MObjLookup *MH3::GetLabels(char axe) { if (!fHist) return 0; TAxis *x = 0; switch (axe) { case 'x': x = fHist->GetXaxis(); break; case 'y': x = fHist->GetYaxis(); break; case 'z': x = fHist->GetZaxis(); break; } if (!x) return 0; const Int_t idx = axe-'x'; if (!x->GetLabels()) switch (idx) { case 0: InitLabels(kLabelsX); break; case 1: InitLabels(kLabelsY); break; case 2: InitLabels(kLabelsZ); break; } return &fLabels[idx]; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Set a default label which is used if no other is found in the list // of labels. if a default was set already it is overwritten. If the // axis has not yet been initialized to use labels it it now. // void MH3::DefaultLabel(char axe, const char *name) { MObjLookup *arr = GetLabels(axe); if (!arr) return; if (arr->GetDefault()) { delete arr->GetDefault(); arr->SetDefault(0); } if (name) arr->SetDefault(new TObjString(name)); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Define a name for a label. More than one label can have the same // name. If the axis has not yet been initialized to use labels // it it now. // void MH3::DefineLabel(char axe, Int_t label, const char *name) { MObjLookup *arr = GetLabels(axe); if (!arr || !name) return; if (arr->GetObj(label)!=arr->GetDefault()) return; arr->Add(label, name); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Define names for labels, like // 1=Trig;2=Cal;4=Ped;8=Lvl2 // More than one label can have the same name. If the axis has not // yet been initialized to use labels it it now. // // A default cannot be set here. Use DefaultLabel instead. // void MH3::DefineLabels(char axe, const TString &labels) { TObjArray *arr = labels.Tokenize(';'); for (int i=0; iGetEntries(); i++) { const char *s = (*arr)[0]->GetName(); const char *v = strchr(s, '='); if (v) DefineLabel(axe, atoi(s), v+1); } delete arr; } void MH3::RecursiveRemove(TObject *obj) { if (obj==fHist) fHist = 0; MH::RecursiveRemove(obj); }