%s\n", $name, $checked, $text); printf("
"); printf(" \n"); printf("    \n"); } function StatusQuery($name, $timelimits) { if (empty($timelimits[$name])) $timelimit="12"; else $timelimit=$timelimits[$name]; $var = $name . "Status"; $txt = ""; switch ($_GET[$var]) { case 0://all $txt .= " "; break; case 1://done and avail $txt .= " NOT ISNULL(" . $name . "Status.fStartTime) AND " ." NOT ISNULL(" . $name . "Status.fStopTime) AND " ." NOT ISNULL(" . $name . "Status.fAvailable) AND " ." ISNULL(" . $name . "Status.fReturnCode) AND "; break; case 2://done $txt .= " NOT ISNULL(" . $name . "Status.fStartTime) AND " ." NOT ISNULL(" . $name . "Status.fStopTime) AND " ." ISNULL(" . $name . "Status.fAvailable) AND " ." ISNULL(" . $name . "Status.fReturnCode) AND "; break; case 3://not done $txt .= " ISNULL(" . $name . "Status.fStartTime) AND " ." ISNULL(" . $name . "Status.fStopTime) AND " ." ISNULL(" . $name . "Status.fReturnCode) AND "; break; case 4://not to be done $txt .= $name ."Status.fStartTime='1970-01-01 00:00:00' AND " . $name ."Status.fStopTime='1970-01-01 00:00:00' AND "; break; case 5://running $txt .= " NOT ISNULL(" . $name . "Status.fStartTime) AND " ." DATE_SUB(Now(),INTERVAL " . $timelimit . " HOUR) < " . $name . "Status.fStartTime AND " ." ISNULL(" . $name . "Status.fStopTime) AND " ." ISNULL(" . $name . "Status.fReturnCode) AND "; break; case 6://failed $txt .= " NOT ISNULL(" . $name . "Status.fStartTime) AND " ." NOT ISNULL(" . $name . "Status.fStopTime) AND " ." NOT ISNULL(" . $name . "Status.fReturnCode) AND "; break; case 7://crashed $txt .= " NOT ISNULL(" . $name . "Status.fStartTime) AND " ." DATE_SUB(Now(),INTERVAL " . $timelimit . " HOUR) > " . $name . "Status.fStartTime AND " ." ISNULL(" . $name . "Status.fStopTime) AND " ." ISNULL(" . $name . "Status.fReturnCode) AND "; break; case 8://group by $txt .= ""; break; } return $txt; } function PrintStatusMenu($name, $text) { $var = $name . "Status"; if ($_GET[$name]=="On") $checked = "checked"; else $checked = ""; printf(" %s\n", $name, $checked, $text); printf("
"); printf(" \n"); printf("    \n"); } function PrintPullDown($host, $user, $pw, $db, $table, $name, $index, $descr) { $db_id = mysql_connect($host, $user, $pw); if ($db_id==FALSE) { printf("mysql_connect returned the following error:
"); printf("%s
", mysql_error()); die(""); } $query = "SELECT " . $index . ", " . $name . " FROM " . $db . "." . $table . " ORDER BY " . $name; $result = mysql_query($query); if (!$result) { printf("-N/A-"); return; } $numrows = mysql_num_rows($result); if ($_GET[$name]=="On") $checked = "checked"; else $checked = ""; printf(" %s\n", $name, $checked, $table, $descr); printf("
\n"); printf(" \n"); printf("  \n", $index); mysql_free_result($result); mysql_close($db_id); } function GetMin($field, $table, $host, $user, $pw, $db) { $db_id = mysql_connect($host, $user, $pw); if ($db_id==FALSE) { printf("mysql_connect returned the following error:
"); printf("%s
", mysql_error()); die(""); } $query = "SELECT MIN(" . $field . ") FROM " . $db . "." . $table; $result = mysql_query($query); if (!$result) return "0"; $row = mysql_fetch_row($result); $min = $row[0]; mysql_free_result($result); mysql_close($db_id); return $min; } function GetMax($field, $table, $host, $user, $pw, $db) { $db_id = mysql_connect($host, $user, $pw); if ($db_id==FALSE) { printf("mysql_connect returned the following error:
"); printf("%s
", mysql_error()); die(""); } $query = "SELECT MAX(" . $field . ") FROM " . $db . "." . $table; $result = mysql_query($query); if (!$result) return "0"; $row = mysql_fetch_row($result); $max = $row[0]; mysql_free_result($result); mysql_close($db_id); return $max; } function GetMaxDate($field, $table, $host, $user, $pw, $db) { $db_id = mysql_connect($host, $user, $pw); if ($db_id==FALSE) { printf("mysql_connect returned the following error:
"); printf("%s
", mysql_error()); die(""); } $query = "SELECT DATE_FORMAT(if(MAX(" . $field . ")<'13:00:00', MAX(" . $field . "), ADDDATE(MAX(" . $field . "), INTERVAL +1 DAY)), '%Y-%m-%d') FROM " . $db . "." . $table; $result = mysql_query($query); if (!$result) return "0"; $row = mysql_fetch_row($result); $maxdate = $row[0]; mysql_free_result($result); mysql_close($db_id); return $maxdate; } //for download of output function PrintText($result0) { while ($row0 = mysql_fetch_assoc($result0)) { foreach ($row0 as $key => $element) printf("%s\t", $element); printf("\n"); } } function PrintSubmittedQuery($query0, $db, $old) { //diplay query on old websites if (empty($old)) printf("\n"); else printf("\n"); printf("DB: %s
\n", $db); printf("submitted query:
\n", htmlspecialchars($query0)); printf("\n"); } function Checkbox($value, $text) { if ($_GET[$value]=="On") $checked = "checked"; else $checked = ""; printf("%s\n", $value, $checked, $text); } function RadioButton($name, $value, $text) { if ($_SESSION[$name]==$value) $checked = "checked"; else $checked = ""; printf("%s\n", $name, $value, $checked, $text); } function CheckWhere($column) { foreach ($_GET as $key => $element) { if ($key==$column) { // if ($element>0) // printf ("FIXED: %s
", $column); return $element; } } return 0; } function CheckGroup($column) { foreach ($_GET as $key => $element) { if ($key==$column) { //if ($element==-1) // printf ("GROUP: %s
", $column); return $element; } } return 0; } function CheckStatusGroup($column) { foreach ($_GET as $key => $element) if ($key==$column."Status") if ($element==8) return -1; return 0; } function CheckEnumGroup($column) { foreach ($_GET as $key => $element) if ($key==$column) if ($element==3) return -1; return 0; } function RemoveSortBy() { $menu = ""; $uri = $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]; $pos = strpos($uri, "fSortBy"); $amp3=FALSE; if ($pos!=FALSE) { $amp1 = substr($uri, 0, $pos-1); $amp2 = substr($uri, $pos); $amp3 = strchr($amp2, "&"); $uri = $amp1; } return $uri; } function FindAlias($alias, $search) { foreach ($alias as $key => $element) if ($element==$search) return $key; if ($search=="# Runs") return "NumRuns"; if ($search=="# Sequ") return "NumSequ"; if ($search=="# Datasets") return "NumDS"; if ($search=="# days") return "NumDays"; return $search; return ""; } //function for button in builddatasets.php function GetClearedURL($all) { $url=$_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]; if ($all=="yes") { $url=str_replace("&DisplaySelected=yes", "", $url); $url=str_replace("&DisplaySelected=no", "", $url); $url=str_replace("&DisplaySelected=inverse", "", $url); //reset fNumStart $url=preg_replace("/&fNumStart[=][0-9]*/", "", $url); } $url=str_replace("&insert=yes", "", $url); $url=str_replace("&fSendTxt=2", "", $url); $url=str_replace("&fSendTxt=1", "", $url); $url=htmlspecialchars($url); return $url; } function PrintUpdateDataSetButton() { if (empty($_SESSION["insert"])) printf("   \n"); else printf("   \n", GetClearedURL()); } //function for button in builddatasets.php function PrintDisplaySequencesButtons() { if (!empty($_SESSION["DataSetSelection"]) && empty($_SESSION["DataSetAcknowledged"])) return; if ((empty($_SESSION["DisplaySelected"]) || $_SESSION["DisplaySelected"]=="no") && !(empty($_SESSION["sequon"]) && empty($_SESSION["sequoff"]))) { PrintUpdateDataSetButton(); printf("\n", GetClearedURL("yes")); printf("   \n", GetClearedURL("yes")); printf("

\n"); } if ($_SESSION["DisplaySelected"]=="yes" && !(empty($_SESSION["sequon"]) && empty($_SESSION["sequoff"]))) { PrintUpdateDataSetButton(); printf("\n", GetClearedURL("yes")); printf("   \n", GetClearedURL("yes")); printf("   Currently only selected sequences are displayed.

\n"); } if ($_SESSION["DisplaySelected"]=="inverse" && !(empty($_SESSION["sequon"]) && empty($_SESSION["sequoff"]))) { PrintUpdateDataSetButton(); printf("\n", GetClearedURL("yes")); printf("   \n", GetClearedURL("yes")); printf("   Currently only NOT selected sequences are displayed.

\n"); } } function ReplaceInUri($name, $rows, $direction, $totalnumrows=0) { //direction: // 0: Prev Link // 1: Next Link // 2: First Link // 3: Last Link $uri = htmlspecialchars($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]); //append string in case it is not in url if (!preg_match("/&fNumStart[=][0-9]*/", $uri)) $uri.="&fNumStart="; switch($direction) { case 0: $pos = $_GET["fNumStart"]-$rows; if ($pos<0) $pos=0; $link .= " < Prev \n"; break; case 1: //display link only if more results available if ($_GET["fNumStart"]+$rows==$totalnumrows) break; $pos = $_GET["fNumStart"]+$rows; $link .= " Next > \n"; break; case 2: $pos = 0; $link .= " << First \n"; break; case 3: //display link only if more results available if ($_GET["fNumStart"]+$rows==$totalnumrows) break; $pos = $totalnumrows-$rows+1; $link .= " Last >> \n"; break; } return $link; } function CreateMenu($rows, $totalnumrows) { $menu = ""; if (empty($_GET["fNumResults"])) return; if ($_GET["fNumStart"]!=0) { $menu .= ReplaceInUri("fNumStart", $rows, 2, $totalnumrows); $menu .= ReplaceInUri("fNumStart", $rows, 0, $totalnumrows); } $menu .= "   --- "; if (empty($_GET["fNumStart"])) $menu .= "0"; else $menu .= $_GET["fNumStart"]; $menu .= " ---   \n"; if ($rows==$_GET["fNumResults"]) { $menu .= ReplaceInUri("fNumStart", $rows, 1, $totalnumrows); $menu .= ReplaceInUri("fNumStart", $rows, 3, $totalnumrows); } return $menu; } function PrintMagicTable($result0, $alias, $rightalign, $limitsmean, $limitsmin, $limitsmax, $result1, $form="") { $row1 = mysql_fetch_assoc($result1); $totalnumrows=$row1["FOUND_ROWS()"]; $col = FALSE; $first = TRUE; $sigma = array ( 1 => "#33CC00", 2 => "#FFFF66", 3 => "#FF9900", 5 => "#FF0000", ); $okcolour="#006600"; $menu = CreateMenu(mysql_num_rows($result0), $totalnumrows); if ($form) { printf("
"); PrintDisplaySequencesButtons(); } printf("\n
\n"); if (empty($_GET["fPrintTable"])) printf("%s\n", $menu); printf("\n"); $counter=0; while ($row0 = mysql_fetch_assoc($result0)) { if ($first) { printf(" \n\n", mysql_num_rows($result0)); $first = FALSE; if ($form) { printf("\n", $_SESSION["SelectAllSequForDS"]=="ON"?"checked":""); printf("\n", $_SESSION["SelectAllSequForDS"]=="Off"?"checked":""); printf("\n", $_SESSION["SelectAllSequForDS"]=="Not"?"checked":""); } foreach ($row0 as $key => $element) { $col = FindAlias($alias, $key); $ord="-"; $issort = ""; if (!empty($_GET["fSortBy"]) && substr($_GET["fSortBy"], 0, -1)==$col) { if (substr($_GET["fSortBy"], -1)=="-") { $ord="+"; $issort=" "; } else $issort=" "; } printf(" \n", htmlspecialchars(RemoveSortBy()), $col, $ord, $key, $issort); } printf(" \n\n"); } $counter++; if (!$col) printf(" \n\n", $counter, $counter, $counter); else printf(" \n\n", $counter, $counter, $counter); $col = !$col; if ($form) { RadioButton("DSSeq".$row0["Sequ"], "ON", ""); RadioButton("DSSeq".$row0["Sequ"], "Off", ""); RadioButton("DSSeq".$row0["Sequ"], "Not", ""); } foreach ($row0 as $key => $element) { if (empty($rightalign[$key])) printf(" \n", str_replace("&ws;", " ", str_replace(" ", " ", $element))); if ($colour!='#000000' && (!empty($limitsmean) || !empty($limitsmin) || !empty($limitsmax))) printf(""); } printf(" \n"); } printf("
\n-\n"); else printf(" "); $colour='#000000'; //determine color of text in cell if (!empty($limitsmean)) { foreach($limitsmean as $key2 => $element2) { $mean=$key2 . "Mean"; $rms2=$key2 . "Rms"; if ($key==$alias[$element2] && !empty($_GET[$mean]) && !empty($_GET[$rms2])) { $colour=$okcolour; foreach ($sigma as $margin => $newcolour) { $min=$_GET[$mean] - ($margin * $_GET[$rms2]); $max=$_GET[$mean] + ($margin * $_GET[$rms2]); if (!($min < $element && $element < $max)) $colour=$newcolour; } } } } if (!empty($limitsmin)) { foreach($limitsmin as $key2 => $element2) { $limit1=$key2 . "1"; $limit2=$key2 . "2"; if ($key==$alias[$element2] && !empty($_GET[$limit1])) { if ($colour=='#000000') $colour=$okcolour; if (!empty($_GET[$limit2]) && $_GET[$limit2] > $element) $colour=$sigma[5]; if ($_GET[$limit1] > $element && $_GET[$limit2] <= $element) $colour=$sigma[3]; } } } if (!empty($limitsmax)) { foreach($limitsmax as $key2 => $element2) { $limit1=$key2 . "1"; $limit2=$key2 . "2"; if ($key==$alias[$element2] && !empty($_GET[$limit1])) { if ($colour=='#000000') $colour=$okcolour; if (!empty($_GET[$limit2]) && $_GET[$limit2] < $element) $colour=$sigma[5]; if ($_GET[$limit1] < $element && $_GET[$limit2] >= $element) $colour=$sigma[3]; } } } if ($colour!='#000000' && (!empty($limitsmean) || !empty($limitsmin) || !empty($limitsmax))) printf("", $colour); //fill text in cell printf(" %s 
\n"); /* $info = mysql_info(); if (!empty($info)) printf("%s
\n", $info); */ printf("

Number of displayed results: %d of %s in total

\n", mysql_num_rows($result0), $totalnumrows); if (empty($_GET["fPrintTable"])) printf("%s\n", $menu); printf("

\n"); printf("

\n"); if (!$form) { printf("\n"); printf("\n"); } else PrintDisplaySequencesButtons(); } ?>