#ifndef MARS_MCalibrationCam #define MARS_MCalibrationCam #ifndef MARS_MParContainer #include "MParContainer.h" #endif #ifndef MARS_MCamEvent #include "MCamEvent.h" #endif #ifndef ROOT_TArrayI #include #endif #ifndef ROOT_TArrayF #include #endif class TOrdCollection; class MCalibrationPix; class MBadPixelsPix; class MBadPixelsCam; class MGeomCam; class MCalibrationCam : public MParContainer, public MCamEvent { public: enum PulserColor_t { kCT1 =0, kGREEN=1, kBLUE =2, kUV =3, kNONE =4 }; //! Possible Pulser colours static const Int_t gkNumPulserColors; //! Number of Pulser colours (now set to: 4) protected: TArrayI fNumUnsuitable; // Number uncalibrated Pixels per area index TArrayI fNumUnreliable; // Number unreliable Pixels per area index TArrayF fNumHiGainFADCSlices; // Number High-Gain FADC slices used by extractor TArrayF fNumLoGainFADCSlices; // Number Low -Gain FADC slices used by extractor Int_t fRunNumber; // Store run number for interlaced calib. events PulserColor_t fPulserColor; // Colour of the pulsed LEDs TOrdCollection *fPixels; //-> Array of MCalibrationPix, one per pixel TOrdCollection *fAverageAreas; // Array of MCalibrationPix, one per pixel area TOrdCollection *fAverageSectors; // Array of MCalibrationPix, one per camera sector TOrdCollection *fAverageBadAreas; // Array of MBadPixelsPix, one per pixel area TOrdCollection *fAverageBadSectors; // Array of MBadPixelsPix, one per camera sector virtual void Add(const UInt_t a, const UInt_t b); virtual void AddArea(const UInt_t a, const UInt_t b); virtual void AddSector(const UInt_t a, const UInt_t b); void InitAverageSectors ( const UInt_t i ); virtual void InitAverageAreas ( const UInt_t i ); public: MCalibrationCam(const char *name=NULL, const char *title=NULL); ~MCalibrationCam(); void Clear ( Option_t *o=""); void Copy(TObject& object) const; void DrawPixelContent( Int_t num) const; // Getters Int_t GetAverageAreas () const; MCalibrationPix &GetAverageArea ( const UInt_t i ); const MCalibrationPix &GetAverageArea ( const UInt_t i ) const; MBadPixelsPix &GetAverageBadArea ( const UInt_t i ); const MBadPixelsPix &GetAverageBadArea ( const UInt_t i ) const; Int_t GetAverageSectors () const; MCalibrationPix &GetAverageSector ( const UInt_t i ); const MCalibrationPix &GetAverageSector ( const UInt_t i ) const; MBadPixelsPix &GetAverageBadSector ( const UInt_t i ); const MBadPixelsPix &GetAverageBadSector ( const UInt_t i ) const; Float_t GetNumHiGainFADCSlices ( const Int_t aidx=0 ) const; Float_t GetNumLoGainFADCSlices ( const Int_t aidx=0 ) const; Int_t GetNumUnsuitable ( const Int_t aidx=-1) const; Int_t GetNumUnreliable ( const Int_t aidx=-1) const; Bool_t GetPixelContent ( Double_t &val, Int_t idx, const MGeomCam &cam, Int_t type=0 ) const; PulserColor_t GetPulserColor () const { return fPulserColor; } Int_t GetRunNumer () const { return fRunNumber; } Int_t GetSize () const; MCalibrationPix &operator[] ( UInt_t i ); const MCalibrationPix &operator[] ( UInt_t i ) const; static TString GetPulserColorStr(PulserColor_t col); // Inits void Init ( const MGeomCam &geom ); void InitSize ( const UInt_t i ); // Setters void SetNumHiGainFADCSlices ( const Float_t f, const Int_t aidx=0 ); void SetNumLoGainFADCSlices ( const Float_t f, const Int_t aidx=0 ); void SetNumUnsuitable ( const UInt_t i, const Int_t aidx ); void SetNumUnreliable ( const UInt_t i, const Int_t aidx ); virtual void SetPulserColor ( const PulserColor_t col=kCT1 ) { fPulserColor = col; } void SetRunNumber ( const Int_t run ) { fRunNumber = run; } ClassDef(MCalibrationCam, 6) // Base class Container for Calibration Results Camera }; #endif