/* ======================================================================== *\ ! ! * ! * This file is part of MARS, the MAGIC Analysis and Reconstruction ! * Software. It is distributed to you in the hope that it can be a useful ! * and timesaving tool in analysing Data of imaging Cerenkov telescopes. ! * It is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. ! * ! * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its ! * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, ! * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and ! * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear ! * in supporting documentation. It is provided "as is" without express ! * or implied warranty. ! * ! ! ! Author(s): Thomas Bretz, 08/2004 ! Author(s): Daniela Dorner, 08/2004 ! ! Copyright: MAGIC Software Development, 2000-2008 ! ! \* ======================================================================== */ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // buildsequenceentries.C // ====================== // // to group the runs of one night into sequences, this marco: // - reads the runinformation of one night from the database // - group the runs into sets of following runs with the same conditions // - groups the runs in this sets to sequences such that each run belongs // to the nearest (in time) calibration run // - check if the runs with the same runtype have the same calibration script // and the same trigger tables // if sequence is okay: // - check if in the range of the runnumbers of this sequence other sequences // exist in the database // if there are no sequences, insert the new sequence, else: // - delete overlaping sequences // if there's only one sequence in the same runnumber range: // - check if the new and the old sequence are identical // if they are identical, do nothing, if not, delete the old sequence and // insert the new one // // remark: deleting sequences includes the following steps: // - delete entries from the tables Sequences, SequenceProcessStatus, // Calibration and Star // - updating the sequence number (fSequenceFirst) in the table RunData // - remove the Sequence File, the calibrated data and the image files from // the disk // // the macro can be executed either for all nights or for one single night // .x buildsequenceentries.C+( "datapath", "sequpath", Bool_t dummy=kTRUE) // .x buildsequenceentries.C+( "night", "datapath", "sequpath") // // the Bool_t dummy: // kTRUE: dummy-mode, i.e. nothing is inserted into the database, but the // commands, that would be executed are returned // kFALSE: the information is inserted into the database and the files of // removed sequences is deleted // be careful with this option - for tests use always kTRUE // // TString datapath, TString sequpath: // datapath: path, where the processed data is stored in the datacenter // sequpath: path, where the sequence files are stored in the datacenter // the datapath (standard: /magic/data/) and the sequencepath (standard: // /magic/sequences) have to be given, that the sequence file, the // calibrated data and the star files can be removed, when an old sequence // has to be removed from the database // // If nothing failes 1 is returned. In the case of an error 2 and if // there's no connection to the database 0 is returned. // This is needed for the scripts that execute the macro. // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "MTime.h" #include "MSequence.h" #include "MSQLMagic.h" using namespace std; /*static*/ ULong_t GetId(const TString str) { const Ssiz_t dot = str.First('.'); const UInt_t run = str.Atoi(); const UInt_t sub = dot<0 ? 0 : atoi(str.Data()+dot+1); return ULong_t(run)*1000+sub; } class Rule : public TObject { private: TPRegexp fRegexp; ULong_t fMin; ULong_t fMax; public: Rule(TObjArray &arr) : fRegexp(arr.GetEntries()>0?Form("^%s", arr[0]->GetName()):""), fMin(0), fMax((ULong_t)-1) { if (arr.GetEntries()>1) fMin = GetId(arr[1]->GetName()); if (arr.GetEntries()>2) fMax = GetId(arr[2]->GetName()); } Ssiz_t Match(const TString &str, Int_t idx, Long_t run=-1) { if (!IsValid(run)) return 0; TString mods; TArrayI pos; fRegexp.Match(str.Data()+idx, mods, 0, str.Length()*10, &pos); return pos.GetSize()<2 ? 0 : pos[1]-pos[0]; } Bool_t IsValid(ULong_t run) const { return run>=fMin && run<=fMax; } ClassDef(Rule, 0) }; ClassImp(Rule); class CheckMatch : public TObject { private: TPRegexp fRunType1; TPRegexp fRunType2; TPRegexp fRegexp1; TPRegexp fRegexp2; ULong_t fMin; ULong_t fMax; void Init(const TObjArray &arr, Int_t idx=0) { const Int_t n = arr.GetEntries(); const Bool_t isminus = n>idx && TString(arr[idx]->GetName())=="-"; for (int i=0; iGetName() << " "; TString str(arr[i+idx]->GetName()); if (str=="*") str = ".*"; switch (isminus && i>1 ? i+1 : i) { case 0: fRunType1 = TPRegexp(Form(isminus?"-":"^%s$", str.Data())); break; case 1: fRunType2 = TPRegexp(Form("^%s$", str.Data())); break; case 2: fRegexp1 = TPRegexp(Form("^%s$", str.Data())); break; case 3: fRegexp2 = TPRegexp(Form("^%s$", str.Data())); break; case 4: fMin = GetId(str); break; case 5: fMax = GetId(str); break; } } } public: CheckMatch() : fRunType1(""), fRunType2(""), fRegexp1(""), fRegexp2("") {} CheckMatch(const TString &txt) : fRunType1(""), fRunType2(""), fRegexp1(""), fRegexp2(""), fMin(0), fMax((ULong_t)-1) { TObjArray *arr = txt.Tokenize(" "); Init(*arr); delete arr; } CheckMatch(TObjArray &arr, Int_t idx=0) : fRunType1(""), fRunType2(""), fRegexp1(""), fRegexp2(""), fMin(0), fMax((ULong_t)-1) { Init(arr, idx); } CheckMatch(const char *from, const char *to, Long_t min=0, Long_t max=-1) : fRunType1(".*"), fRunType2(".*"), fRegexp1(Form("^%s$", from)), fRegexp2(Form("^%s$", to)), fMin(min), fMax(max) { } Int_t Matches(const TString &rt1, const TString &rt2, const TString &lc1, const TString &lc2, ULong_t run=0) { if (run>0) { if (runfMax) return kFALSE; } const TString test("X-"); // FIXME:STUPID! //if (test.Index(fRunType2)==1) // return -(!rt1(fRunType1).IsNull() && !lc1(fRegexp1).IsNull()); if (test.Index(fRunType1,0)==1) return -(!rt2(fRunType2).IsNull() && !lc2(fRegexp2).IsNull()); return !rt1(fRunType1).IsNull() && !rt2(fRunType2).IsNull() && !lc1(fRegexp1).IsNull() && !lc2(fRegexp2).IsNull(); } ClassDef(CheckMatch,0) }; ClassImp(CheckMatch); class CheckList : public TList { public: CheckList() { SetOwner(); } Int_t Matches(const TString &rt1, const TString &rt2, const TString &lc1, const TString &lc2, Long_t run=-1) const { TIter Next(this); CheckMatch *check = 0; while ((check=(CheckMatch*)Next())) { const Int_t rc = check->Matches(rt1, rt2, lc1, lc2, run); if (rc) return rc; } return kFALSE; } ClassDef(CheckList,0) }; ClassImp(CheckList); class SequenceBuild : public MSQLMagic { private: TString fPathRawData; TString fPathSequences; Int_t fTelescopeNumber; TMap fMap; TList fListRegexp; Int_t CheckTransition(TSQLResult &res, const TString *keys, TSQLRow &row, Int_t i) { // Get the name of the column from result table const TString key = res.GetFieldName(i); // Get the list with the allowed attributed from the map CheckList *list = dynamic_cast(fMap.GetValue(key)); if (!list) return kFALSE; // Check whether the current run (row[0]) with the current attribute // (row[i]) and the current run-type (row[1]) matches the attribute // of the last run (keys[i] with run-type row[i]) return list->Matches(keys[1], row[1], keys[i], row[i], atol(row[0])); } Bool_t InsertSequence(std::pair drs, Long_t from, Long_t to, const TString &cond) { //cout << " - Inserting Sequence into database." << endl; TString query; query = "SELECT fNight, STR_TO_DATE(fNight,'%Y%m%d') "; query += " FROM RunInfo WHERE "; query += cond; query += Form(" AND fRunID=%ld", from); TSQLResult *res = Query(query); if (!res) return kFALSE; if (res->GetFieldCount()!=2 || res->GetRowCount()!=1) { cout << "ERROR - Wrong result from query: " << query << endl; return kFALSE; } TSQLRow *row = res->Next(); UInt_t run = atoi((*row)[0]); TString day = (*row)[1]; delete res; query = "SELECT fRunID, fRunTypeKEY, fHasDrsFile, fDrsStep "; query += " FROM RunInfo WHERE "; query += cond; query += Form(" AND fRunID BETWEEN %ld AND %ld ORDER BY fRunID", from, to); if (!(res = Query(query))) return kFALSE; if (res->GetFieldCount()!=4) { cout << "ERROR - Wrong result from query: " << query << endl; return kFALSE; } MSequence seq("sequence.def", "", (run%1000000)*1000+from); seq.SetNight(day); if (drs.first!=from) { seq.SetDrsSequence(drs.first); if (drs.second!=-1) seq.AddFile(drs.second, -1, MSequence::kDrsFile); } while ((row=res->Next())) { UInt_t num = atol((*row)[0]); UInt_t key = atol((*row)[1]); switch (key) { case 1: seq.AddFile(num, -1, MSequence::kDat); break; case 2: seq.AddFile(num, -1, MSequence::kPed); break; case 3: seq.AddFile(num, -1, MSequence::kDrsRun); break; case 4: seq.AddFile(num, -1, MSequence::kCal); break; case 5: seq.AddFile(num, -1, MSequence::kDat); break; case 6: seq.AddFile(num, -1, MSequence::kCal); break; } if (atoi((*row)[2])==1) if (!(*row)[3] || atoi((*row)[3])==2) seq.AddFile(num, -1, MSequence::kDrsFile); } const TString path = Form("%s/%04d/%02d/%02d", fPathSequences.Data(), run/10000, (run/100)%100, run%100); const TString fname = Form("%s/%d_%03ld.%s", path.Data(), run, from, drs.first==from?"drs.seq":"seq"); if (IsDummy()) { cout << "----- " << fname << " -----" << endl; seq.Print(); cout << "^^^^^ " << fname << " ^^^^^" << endl; } else { if (gSystem->AccessPathName(path, kFileExists)) if (gSystem->mkdir(path, kTRUE)<0) cout << "ERROR - Could not create " << path << endl; if (!gSystem->AccessPathName(path, kFileExists)) seq.WriteFile(fname); } delete res; if (drs.first==from) return kTRUE; // ========== Request number of events ========== // Can be replaced by const TString runtime = "SUM(TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF(fRunStop,fRunStart))), "; const TString where = Form("(fRunID BETWEEN %ld AND %ld) AND fExcludedFDAKEY=1 AND %s", from, to, cond.Data()); query = "SELECT SUM(fNumEvents), "; query += runtime; query += " MIN(fZenithDistanceMin), MAX(fZenithDistanceMax), "; query += " MIN(fAzimuthMin), MAX(fAzimuthMax), "; query += " MIN(fRunStart), MAX(fRunStop) "; query += " FROM RunInfo WHERE "; query += where; query += " AND fRunTypeKEY=1";// GROUP BY fNight"; res = Query(query); if (!res) return kFALSE; row = res->Next(); if (!row || res->GetFieldCount()!=8) { cout << "ERROR - Wrong result from query: " << query << endl; return kFALSE; } const TString nevts = (*row)[0]; const TString secs = (*row)[1]; const TString zdmin = (*row)[2]; const TString zdmax = (*row)[3]; const TString azmin = (*row)[4]; const TString azmax = (*row)[5]; const TString start = (*row)[6]; const TString stop = (*row)[7]; delete res; /* const TString elts = GetELTSource(where); if (elts.IsNull()) return kFALSE; const TString eltp = GetELTProject(where); if (eltp.IsNull()) return kFALSE; // ========== Request data of sequence ========== query = "SELECT "; query += elts; query += ", "; query += eltp; query += ", fL1TriggerTableKEY, fL2TriggerTableKEY," " fHvSettingsKEY, fDiscriminatorThresholdTableKEY," " fTriggerDelayTableKEY, fObservationModeKEY, fSumTriggerFlagKEY " " FROM RunData WHERE fRunTypeKEY=2 AND "; query += where; query += " LIMIT 1"; res = Query(query); if (!res) return kFALSE; row = res->Next(); if (!row || res->GetFieldCount()!=9) { cout << "ERROR - No result from query: " << query << endl; return kFALSE; } */ const TString set1 = Form("fSequenceID=%ld", from); const TString set2 = set1 + Form(", fNight=%d", run); const TString set3 = set2 + Form(", fStartTime=Now(), fStopTime=Now(), fProcessingSiteKEY=4, fAvailable=Now() "); TString query1; query1 += set2+","; query1 += Form(" fNumEvents=%s,", nevts.Data()); query1 += Form(" fSequenceDuration=%s,", secs.Data()); query1 += Form(" fSequenceStart=\"%s\",", start.Data()); query1 += Form(" fSequenceStop=\"%s\",", stop.Data()); query1 += Form(" fZenithDistanceMin=%s,", zdmin.IsNull() ? "NULL" : zdmin.Data()); query1 += Form(" fZenithDistanceMax=%s,", zdmax.IsNull() ? "NULL" : zdmax.Data()); query1 += Form(" fAzimuthMin=%s,", azmin.IsNull() ? "NULL" : azmin.Data()); query1 += Form(" fAzimuthMax=%s", azmax.IsNull() ? "NULL" : azmax.Data()); if (!Insert("SequenceInfo", query1)) { cout << "ERROR - Could not insert Sequence into Sequences." << endl; return kFALSE; } if (!Insert("SequenceFileAvailISDCStatus", set3)) { cout << "ERROR - Could not insert Sequence into SequenceFileAvailISDCStatus." << endl; return kFALSE; } if (!Update("RunInfo", set1, where)) { cout << "ERROR - Could not update RunData." << endl; return kFALSE; } return kTRUE; } Bool_t DeleteSequence(Int_t sequ, UInt_t night) { if (fPathRawData.IsNull() || fPathSequences.IsNull()) { cout << " + Deletion " << sequ << " skipped due to missing path." << endl; return kTRUE; } //queries to delete information from the database const TString cond(Form("fSequenceID=%d AND fNight=%d", sequ, night)); const TString path(Form("%04d/%02d/%02d", night/10000, (night/100)%100, night%100)); //commands to delete files from the disk const TString cmd0(Form("rm -f %s/%s/%08d_%03d*seq", fPathSequences.Data(), path.Data(), night, sequ)); // const TString cmd1(Form("rm -rf %s/callisto/%04d/%08d/", fPathRawData.Data(), sequ/10000, sequ)); // const TString cmd2(Form("rm -rf %s/star/%04d/%08d/", fPathRawData.Data(), sequ/10000, sequ)); if (!Delete("SequenceInfo", cond)) return 2; if (!Update("RunInfo", "fSequenceID=NULL", cond)) return 2; if (IsDummy()) { cout << " + would execute: " << cmd0 << endl; // cout << " + would execute: " << cmd1 << endl; // cout << " + would execute: " << cmd2 << endl; return kTRUE; } cout << " + will execute: " << cmd0 << endl; // cout << " + will execute: " << cmd1 << endl; // cout << " + will execute: " << cmd2 << endl; gSystem->Exec(cmd0); // gSystem->Exec(cmd1); // gSystem->Exec(cmd2); return kTRUE; } Int_t CheckSequence(Long_t runstart, Long_t runstop, const TString &cond) { const char *fmt1 = "SELECT fRunID FROM RunInfo WHERE"; const char *fmt2 = "AND fExcludedFDAKEY=1 ORDER BY fRunID"; const TString query1 = Form("%s fSequenceID=%ld AND %s %s", fmt1, runstart, cond.Data(), fmt2); const TString query2 = Form("%s fRunID BETWEEN %ld AND %ld AND %s %s", fmt1, runstart, runstop, cond.Data(), fmt2); TSQLResult *res1 = Query(query1); if (!res1) return 2; TSQLResult *res2 = Query(query2); if (!res2) { delete res1; return 2; } while (1) { TSQLRow *row1 = res1->Next(); TSQLRow *row2 = res2->Next(); if (!row1 && !row2) return kTRUE; if (!row1 || !row2) return kFALSE; if (atol((*row1)[0])!=atol((*row2)[0])) return kFALSE; } return kFALSE; } Int_t CreateSequence(std::pair &drs, Long_t runstart, Long_t runstop, const TString &cond) { cout << " * Creating Sequence " << runstart << "-" << runstop << " (drs=" << drs.first << "/" << drs.second << "):" << endl; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- TString query; query = "SELECT fRunID FROM runinfo WHERE fExcludedFDAKEY=1 AND "; query += cond; query += " AND fRunTypeKEY=4 AND fRunID BETWEEN "; query += Form("%ld AND %ld", runstart, runstop); TSQLResult *res = Query(query); if (!res) return kFALSE; // Check if this is a DRS calibration (contains a G run) if (res->GetRowCount()>0 && res->GetFieldCount()==1) { delete res; // Get DRS file with pedestal (roi<1024) query = "SELECT MAX(fRunID) FROM runinfo WHERE "; query += cond; query += " AND fHasDrsFile=1 AND (fDrsStep IS NULL OR fDrsStep=2) AND fRunTypeKEY=2"; query += " AND fRunID BETWEEN "; query += Form("%ld AND %ld", runstart, runstop); res = Query(query); if (!res) return kFALSE; if (res->GetRowCount()==0 || res->GetFieldCount()!=1) return kFALSE; TSQLRow *row = res->Next(); drs.first = runstart; drs.second = (*row)[0] ? atol((*row)[0]) : -1; } delete res; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- query = "SELECT fSequenceID, fNight FROM RunInfo WHERE "; query += cond; query += " AND fRunID BETWEEN "; query += Form("%ld AND %ld", runstart, runstop); query += " AND fSequenceID>0"; query += " GROUP BY fSequenceID"; res = Query(query); if (!res) return -2; const Int_t cnt = res->GetRowCount(); Int_t rc = kTRUE; if (cnt==1) { TSQLRow *row=res->Next(); const Int_t check = CheckSequence(runstart, runstop, cond); if (check==kTRUE) { cout << " - Identical sequence already existing." << endl; delete res; return -1; // kTRUE } if (check==2) rc=2; else { cout << " - Deleting quasi-identical sequence " << atoi((*row)[0]) << endl; if (DeleteSequence(atoi((*row)[0]), atoi((*row)[1]))==2) rc = 2; } } else { TSQLRow *row=0; while ((row=res->Next())) { cout << " - Deleting overlapping sequence " << atoi((*row)[0]) << endl; if (DeleteSequence(atoi((*row)[0]), atoi((*row)[1]))==2) rc = 2; } } delete res; if (rc==2) return -2; if (!InsertSequence(drs, runstart, runstop, cond)) return -2; return kTRUE; } Bool_t ReadResources(const char *fname) { // Check for the section header TPRegexp regexp("^\\[(RunTypes|Transition|Regexp):?[0-9 ]*\\]$"); // Check if section header contains a number TPRegexp regnum("[0-9]"); // Check if section header contains the telescope number TPRegexp regtel(Form("[^0-9]0*%d[^0-9]", fTelescopeNumber)); ifstream fin(fname); if (!fin) { cout << "Cannot open file " << fname << ": "; cout << strerror(errno) << endl; return kFALSE; } Int_t section = 0; TString key; while (1) { TString txt; txt.ReadLine(fin); if (!fin) break; txt = txt.Strip(TString::kBoth); if (txt[0]=='#' || txt.IsNull()) continue; if (txt[0]=='[') { TString sec = txt(regexp); if (!sec.IsNull()) { // Skip sections with the wrong telescope number // (If section contains numbers but not the tel num) if (!sec(regnum).IsNull() && sec(regtel).IsNull()) continue; // Check which section we are in if (sec.BeginsWith("[RunTypes")) section = 1; if (sec.BeginsWith("[Transition")) section = 2; if (sec.BeginsWith("[Regexp")) section = 3; continue; } if (section!=3) { cout << "WARNING - Line starts with [ but we are not in the Regexp section." << endl; cout << txt << endl; continue; } } TObjArray *arr = txt.Tokenize(" "); if (arr->GetEntries()>0) switch (section) { case 1: // Create a llist of run-types // drs-time T break; case 2: { TString key = arr->At(0)->GetName(); key.Prepend("f"); key.Append("KEY"); CheckList *list = dynamic_cast(fMap.GetValue(key)); if (!list) { //cout << key << endl; list = new CheckList; fMap.Add(new TObjString(key), list); } if (arr->GetEntries()>1) { //cout << key << " "; list->Add(new CheckMatch(*arr, 1)); } } break; case 3: fListRegexp.Add(new Rule(*arr)); break; } delete arr; } return kTRUE; } /* TString GetELT(const char *col, TSQLResult *res, TList ®exp) { TObjArray names; // array with old names (including regexp) // Add to array and expand the array if necessary TSQLRow *row=0; while ((row=res->Next())) names.AddAtAndExpand(new TObjString((*row)[1]), atoi((*row)[0])); // Now a LUT is build which converts the keys for // the names including the regexp into keys for // the names excluding the regexp TString elt(Form("ELT(RunData.f%sKEY+1", col)); // loop over all entries in the list const Int_t n = names.GetSize(); for (int i=0; iGetName(); TIter NextR(®exp); TObject *obj=0; while ((obj=NextR())) { TPRegexp reg(obj->GetName()); const Ssiz_t pos = name.Index(reg, 0); if (pos>0) { name.Remove(pos); name += "-W"; break; } } // Check if such a Key exists, if not insert it const Int_t key = QueryKeyOfName(col, name); // RESOLVE return code!!! //if (key<0) // return ""; // add index to the LUT elt += Form(",%d", key); } // close LUT expression // elt += ") AS Elt"; // elt += col; elt += ") AS f"; elt += col; elt += "KEY"; // return result return elt; } TString GetELT(const char *col, TSQLResult *res, TString regexp) { TList list; list.SetOwner(); list.Add(new TObjString(regexp)); return GetELT(col, res, list); } TString GetELTQuery(const char *col, const char *cond) const { return Form("SELECT RunData.f%sKEY, f%sName FROM RunData " "LEFT JOIN %s USING (f%sKEY) WHERE %s GROUP BY f%sName", col, col, col, col, cond, col); } TString GetELTSource(const char *cond) { //query all sources observed in this night TSQLResult *resx = Query(GetELTQuery("Source", cond)); if (!resx) return ""; // In the case there is only a single source // do not replace the source key by the ELT if (resx->GetRowCount()==1) return "fSourceKEY"; TString elts = GetELT("Source", resx, "\\-?W[1-9][ abc]?$"); delete resx; return elts; } TString GetELTProject(const char *cond) { //query all project names observed in this night TSQLResult *resx = Query(GetELTQuery("Project", cond)); if (!resx) return ""; // In the case there is only a single project // do not replace the project key by the ELT if (resx->GetRowCount()==1) return "fProjectKEY"; TList regexp; regexp.Add(new TObjString("\\-?W[1-9][abc]?$")); regexp.Add(new TObjString("\\-W[0-9]\\.[0-9][0-9]\\+[0-9][0-9][0-9]$")); TString eltp2 = GetELT("Project", resx, regexp); delete resx; regexp.Delete(); return eltp2; } */ Bool_t HasAtLeastOne(TString src, TString chk) const { src.ToLower(); chk.ToLower(); for (int i=0; inextc-stop[i]) str[i] = tolower(str[i]); } */ //cout << str << endl; return str; } void PrintResidual(Long_t runstart, Long_t runstop, TString residual, const char *descr) { residual.ToLower(); // Count number of unsequences "characters" const Int_t numd = residual.CountChar('d'); const Int_t nump = residual.CountChar('p'); const Int_t numb = residual.CountChar('b'); const Int_t numg = residual.CountChar('g'); const Int_t numt = residual.CountChar('t'); const Int_t numc = residual.CountChar('c'); // Print some information to the output steram if (numd+nump+numb+numg+numt+numc==0) return; cout << " ! " << runstart << "-" << runstop << " [" << setw(3) << 100*residual.Length()/(runstop-runstart+1) << "%]: " << descr << " not sequenced: P=" << nump << " C=" << numc << " D=" << numd; if (numd>0) cout << " (DATA!)"; /* if (nump==0 || numc==0 || numd==0) cout << " Missing"; if (numd==0) cout << " D"; if (nump==0) cout << " P"; if (numc==0) cout << " C"; */ cout << endl; } Int_t SplitBlock(Long_t runstart, Long_t runstop, const TString &cond) { // Request data necessary to split block into sequences /*const*/ TString query = "SELECT fRunID, fRunTypeKEY, fRunStart, fRunStop" " FROM RunInfo WHERE fExcludedFDAKEY=1 AND "; query += Form("fRunID BETWEEN %ld AND %ld AND " /*" (fRunTypeKEY BETWEEN 2 AND 4)"*/, runstart, runstop); query += cond; query += " ORDER BY fRunID"; // Send query TSQLResult *res = Query(query); if (!res) return 2; // Get String containing the sequence of P-,C- and D-Runs // and an array with the corresponding run-numbers TArrayL runs; const TString str = PrepareString(*res, runs); delete res; // Check if the prepared string at least contains one run of each type // ?????????????????????????????????? /* if (!HasAtLeastOne(str, "PCD")) { PrintResidual(runstart, runstop, str, "Block"); return kTRUE; }*/ // ?????????????????????????????????? // Start the sequence building // --------------------------- Int_t pos = 0; // Position in the string std::map map; // Map for resulting sequences TString residual; // Unsequences "characters" // Step through the string one character by one cout << " "; while (posMatch(str, pos, runs[pos]); if (len>0) { // In case of match get the substring which // defines the sequence and print it TString sub = str(pos, len); sub.ToUpper(); cout << runs[pos]<<":"<< sub << "|"; // Add the first and last run of the sequence to the map //map.Add(runs[pos], runs[pos+len-1]); map[runs[pos]] = runs[pos+len-1]; // A sequence was found... found = kTRUE; // step forward in the string by the length of the sequence pos += len; break; } } // If a sequence was found go on... if (found) continue; // print unsequenced characters cout << (char)tolower(str[pos]); // Count the number of "characters" not sequenced residual += str[pos]; // step one character forward pos++; } cout << endl; PrintResidual(runstart, runstop, residual, "Runs "); // Create all sequences which were previously found std::pair drs(-1, -1); for (std::map::const_iterator it=map.begin(); it!=map.end(); it++) if (CreateSequence(drs, it->first, it->second, cond)==2) return 2; /* Long64_t first, last; TExMapIter iter(&map); while (iter.Next(first, last)) if (CreateSequence(first, last, cond)==2) return 2; */ return kTRUE; } Char_t RunType(Int_t n) const { switch (n) { case 1: return 'D'; case 2: return 'P'; // Ped1024 case 3: return 'B'; // Ped 300 case 4: return 'G'; // drs-gain case 5: return 'T'; // drs-time case 6: return 'C'; // light-pulser-ext case 11: return 'M'; // ped-and-lp-ext case 12: return 'U'; // drs-time-upshifted } return '-'; } Char_t RunType(const char *str) const { return RunType(atoi(str)); } Int_t BuildBlocks(TSQLResult *res, TExMap &blocks, const TString &cond) { // col key content // ----------------------------- // 0 - runnumber // 1 0 RunTypeKEY // 2 1 source // 3 2 project // . . // . . // . . from transition.txt // //build blocks of runs, which have the same values //for each block the first and the last run are stored in a TExMap //the values are checked with the help of an array of TStrings Long_t runstart = -1; Long_t runstop = -1; const UInt_t ncols = res->GetFieldCount(); TString keys[ncols]; // Index 0 is not used (Index 1: RunType) // Loop over runs TSQLRow *row=0; while ((row=res->Next())) { // This is the runnumber of the first run in the new block if (runstart<0) runstart=atol((*row)[0]); // Check which transitions might be allowed for this run and // which are not. Check also which attributes should be ignored // for this run. The information about it is stored in the map. Int_t rc[ncols]; for (UInt_t i=2; iGetFieldName(i), keys[i]) << " <" << keys[i] << "> to " << RunType((*row)[1]) << ":"; cout << QueryNameOfKey(res->GetFieldName(i), (*row)[i]) << " <" << (*row)[i] << ">"; cout << " in " << res->GetFieldName(i) << " of " << (*row)[0] << endl; // This is already the first run of the new block runstart=atol((*row)[0]); // These are the keys corresponding to the first run // in the new block. All following runs should have // identical keys. Do not set the attribute if for // this attribute the transition check evaluated // to "ignore". for (UInt_t j=2; j0 && runstart!=runstop) { cout << " - Identical conditions from " << runstart << " to " << runstop << " (last run)" << endl; //fill values into TExMap (last value) blocks.Add((ULong_t)blocks.GetSize(), runstart, runstop); if (SplitBlock(runstart, runstop, cond)==2) return 2; } cout << "Done." << endl << endl; return kTRUE; } public: SequenceBuild(Int_t tel=1, const char *rc="sql.rc") : MSQLMagic(rc), fTelescopeNumber(tel) { fListRegexp.SetOwner(); // FIXME: THIS IS NOT YET HANDLED if (ReadResources("fact/resources/sequences.rc")) return; } SequenceBuild(TEnv &env, Int_t tel=1) : MSQLMagic(env), fTelescopeNumber(tel) { fListRegexp.SetOwner(); // FIXME: THIS IS NOT YET HANDLED if (ReadResources("fact/resources/sequences.rc")) return; } ~SequenceBuild() { fMap.DeleteAll(); } void SetPathRawData(const char *path) { fPathRawData=path; } void SetPathSequences(const char *path) { fPathSequences=path; } int Build(TString day) { cout << endl; cout << "Night of sunset at " << day << ":" << endl; const TString cond = Form("fNight=%s ", day.Data()); // Form("fRunNumber=%s " // "AND fExcludedFDAKEY=1 AND fRunTypeKEY BETWEEN 2 AND 4 " // "AND fTelescopeNumber=%d ", // day.Data(), fTelescopeNumber); /* //query all sources observed in this night const TString elts = GetELTSource(cond); if (elts.IsNull()) return 2; //query all project names observed in this night const TString eltp2 = GetELTProject(cond); if (elts.IsNull()) return 2; */ // Setup query to get all values from the database, // that are relevant for building sequences TString query("SELECT fRunID, fRunTypeKEY "); /* query += elts; query += ", "; query += eltp2; */ // Now add all entries from the transition table to the query TIter NextPair(&fMap); TObject *mapkey = 0; while ((mapkey=(TPair*)NextPair())) if (!query.Contains(mapkey->GetName())) { query += ", "; query += mapkey->GetName(); } query += " FROM RunInfo WHERE fExcludedFDAKEY=1 AND "; query += cond; query += " ORDER BY fRunID"; TSQLResult *res = Query(query); if (!res) return 2; TExMap blocks; const Int_t rc = BuildBlocks(res, blocks, cond); delete res; return rc; } Int_t Build() { //get all dates from the database TSQLResult *res = Query("SELECT fNight FROM RunInfo GROUP BY fNight ORDER BY fNight DESC"); if (!res) return 2; //execute buildsequenceentries for all dates TSQLRow *row=0; while ((row=res->Next())) Build((*row)[0]); delete res; return 1; } ClassDef(SequenceBuild, 0) }; ClassImp(SequenceBuild); int buildseqentries(TString day, TString datapath, TString sequpath, Int_t tel=1, Bool_t dummy=kTRUE) { SequenceBuild serv(tel, "sql.rc"); if (!serv.IsConnected()) { cout << "ERROR - Connection to database failed." << endl; return 0; } cout << "buildseqentries" << endl; cout << "---------------" << endl; cout << endl; cout << "Connected to " << serv.GetName() << endl; if (!datapath.IsNull()) cout << "DataPath: " << datapath << endl; if (!sequpath.IsNull()) cout << "SeqPath: " << sequpath << endl; cout << "Day: " << day << endl; cout << "Telescope: " << tel << endl; cout << endl; serv.SetIsDummy(dummy); serv.SetPathRawData(datapath); serv.SetPathSequences(sequpath); return serv.Build(day); } // // Build Sequences for all Nights // int buildseqentries(TString datapath, TString sequpath, Int_t tel=1, Bool_t dummy=kTRUE) { SequenceBuild serv(tel, "sql.rc"); if (!serv.IsConnected()) { cout << "ERROR - Connection to database failed." << endl; return 0; } cout << "buildseqentries" << endl; cout << "---------------" << endl; cout << endl; cout << "Connected to " << serv.GetName() << endl; cout << "DataPath: " << datapath << endl; cout << "SeqPath: " << sequpath << endl; cout << "Telescope: " << tel << endl; cout << endl; serv.SetIsDummy(dummy); serv.SetPathRawData(datapath); serv.SetPathSequences(sequpath); return serv.Build(); } int buildseqentries(Int_t tel=1, Bool_t dummy=kTRUE) { return buildseqentries("", "", tel, dummy); } int buildseqentries(TString day, Int_t tel=1, Bool_t dummy=kTRUE) { return buildseqentries(day, "", "", tel, dummy); }