#include "MLogManip.h" void merpp(TString &froot, const char *id, const char *faux) { gLog.Separator(froot+" - "+TString(id)); TFile file(froot); if (file.IsZombie()) { gLog << err << "merpp: Invalid file '" << froot << "'" << endl; return; } MRawRunHeader *h = NULL; TTree *tree = file.Get("RunHeaders"); if (!tree) { gLog << err << "merpp: Tree 'RunHeaders' not found... skipped." << endl; return; } if (tree->GetEntries()!=1) { gLog << err << "merpp: Number of RunHeaders do not match 1... skipped." << endl; return; } tree->SetBranchAddress("MRawRunHeader.", &h); tree->GetEntry(0); if (file.Get(id)) { gLog << warn << "WARNING - Tree '" << id << "' already existing... skipped." << endl; return; } file.Close(); UInt_t night = h->GetRunNumber(); TString ffits = Form("/fact/aux/%4d/%02d/%02d/%6d.%s.fits", night/10000, (night/100)%100, night%100, night, faux); TString report = Form("MReport%s", id); TString time = Form("MTime%s", id); gLog << all; gLog << " --- Fits file: " << ffits << endl; gLog << " --- Root file: " << froot << endl; gLog << " --- Tree: " << id << " (" << faux << ")" << endl; MReportFitsRead read(ffits); read.SetReportName(report); read.SetTimeStart(h->GetRunStart()); read.SetTimeStop(h->GetRunEnd()); // FIXME: Write also last event BEFORE start of run MWriteRootFile write(froot, "UPDATE"); write.AddContainer(report, id); write.AddContainer(time, id); MParList plist; MTaskList tlist; plist.AddToList(&tlist); tlist.AddToList(&read); tlist.AddToList(&write); MEvtLoop loop; loop.SetParList(&plist); if (!loop.Eventloop()) return; } int merpp(const char *seqfile="sequences/20111205_013.seq", const char *path = "output") { // The sequence file which defines the files for the analysis MSequence seq(seqfile); if (!seq.IsValid()) { gLog << err << "ERROR - Sequence invalid!" << endl; return 1; } // ------------------------------------------------------ gLog.Separator("Merpp"); gLog << all; gLog << "Merge slow control data of sequence "; gLog << seq.GetFileName() << endl; gLog << endl; gLog << "Path: " << path << endl; MDirIter iter; if (seq.GetRuns(iter, MSequence::kFactImg, path)<=0) { gLog << err << "ERROR - Sequence valid but without files." << endl; return 2; } iter.Print(); while (1) { TString fname = iter.Next(); if (fname.IsNull()) break; merpp(fname, "Weather", "MAGIC_WEATHER_DATA"); merpp(fname, "Drive", "DRIVE_CONTROL_TRACKING_POSITION"); merpp(fname, "Rates", "FTM_CONTROL_TRIGGER_RATES"); merpp(fname, "Temperatures", "FSC_CONTROL_TEMPERATURE"); merpp(fname, "Humidity", "FSC_CONTROL_HUMIDITY"); } return 0; } int merpp(const ULong64_t seqnum, const char *path="output") { UInt_t night = seqnum/1000; UInt_t num = seqnum%1000; TString file = Form("/scratch/fact/sequences/%04d/%02d/%02d/%06d_%03d.seq", night/10000, (night/100)%100, night%100, num); return merpp(file.Data(), path); }