/* ======================================================================== *\ ! ! * ! * This file is part of MARS, the MAGIC Analysis and Reconstruction ! * Software. It is distributed to you in the hope that it can be a useful ! * and timesaving tool in analysing Data of imaging Cerenkov telescopes. ! * It is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. ! * ! * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its ! * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, ! * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and ! * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear ! * in supporting documentation. It is provided "as is" without express ! * or implied warranty. ! * ! ! ! Author(s): Thomas Bretz, 07/2001 ! ! Copyright: MAGIC Software Development, 2000-2008 ! ! \* ======================================================================== */ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // MFillH // // This is a common interface (task) to fill mars histograms. Every mars // histogram which is derived from MH can be filled with this task. // // There are two options to use: // // 1) You specifiy the parameter container with which data the // histogram container should be filled, and the histogram container // which has to be filled. This can be done by either specifing the // name of the objects in the parameter list or by specifiing a pointer // to the object. (s. Constructor) // // 2) You specify the name and/or type of the histogram to become filled. // Any other action imust be taken by the histogram class. // // PreProcess: In the preprocessing of this task we setup all pointers // to instances which are needed and call FillSetup of the // histogram class with the parameter list as an argument. // // Process: The process function calls the Fill member function of the // histogram class instance (inheriting from MH) with either // a NULL pointer or a pointer to the corresponding container // as an argument. // // To use a weight for each event filled in a histogram call // SetWeight(). You can eithe use the name of a MParameterD container stored // in the parameter list or a pointer to it as an argument. // // // WARNING: // Because MFillH is a generalized task to fill histograms it doesn't // know about which branches from a file are necessary to fill the // histograms. If you are reading data from a file which is directly // filled into a histogram via MFillH, please call either // MReadTree::DisableAutoScheme() or enable the necessary branches by // yourself, using MReadTree::EnableBranch() // // Checkout the Warning in MTaskList. // // Version 3: // ---------- // - added fTitleTab // // Version 2: // ---------- // - added fNumExcutions // // // Input Containers: // A parameter container // // Output Containers: // A histogram container // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "MFillH.h" #include #include #include #include "MDataPhrase.h" #include "MLog.h" #include "MLogManip.h" #include "MString.h" #include "MH.h" #include "MHArray.h" #include "MParameters.h" #include "MParList.h" #include "MStatusDisplay.h" ClassImp(MFillH); using namespace std; // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Initializes name and title of the object. It is called by all // constructors. // void MFillH::Init(const char *name, const char *title) { fName = name ? name : "MFillH"; fTitle = title ? title : "Task to fill Mars histograms"; fH = NULL; fParContainer = NULL; fIndex = NULL; fCanvas = NULL; fWeight = NULL; fWeightName = ""; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Default Constructor. This is to support some root-stuff. // Never try to use it yourself! // MFillH::MFillH() { Init(NULL, NULL); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Constructor. // // 1) - par is the name of the parameter container which should be filled into // the histogram // - hist is the name of the histogram container (which must have been // derived from MH) // // In this case MH::Fill is called with a pointer to the corresponding // histogram instance. // // 2) - hist is the name and/or type of the histogram. // 1) The name and type is identical, eg: "MHHillas" // 2) They are not identical, eg: "MyHistogram [MHHillas]" // This searches for a class instance of MHHillas with the name // "MyHistogram". If it doesn't exist one is created. // // In this case PreProcess calls MH::SetupFill with a pointer to the // parameter list and MH::Fill is called with a NULL-pointer. // MFillH::MFillH(const char *hist, const char *par, const char *name, const char *title) { Init(name, title); fHName = hist; fParContainerName = par; AddToBranchList(Form("%s.*", (const char*)ExtractName(hist))); if (par) AddToBranchList(Form("%s.*", (const char*)ExtractName(par))); if (title) return; fTitle = Form("Fill %s", fHName.Data()); if (fParContainerName.IsNull()) return; fTitle += Form(" from %s", fParContainerName.Data()); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Constructor. // // 1) - par is a pointer to the instance of your parameter container from which // the data should be used to fill the histogram. // - hist is the name of the histogram container (which must have been // derived from MH) // // In this case MH::Fill is called with a pointer to the corresponding // histogram instance. // // 2) - hist is the name and/or type of the histogram. // 1) The name and type is identical, eg: "MHHillas" // 2) They are not identical, eg: "MyHistogram [MHHillas]" // This searches for a class instance of MHHillas with the name // "MyHistogram". If it doesn't exist one is created. Everything // which is between the first '[' and the last ']' in the string // is used as the histogram type. // // In this case PreProcess calls MH::SetupFill with a pointer to the // parameter list and MH::Fill is called with a NULL-pointer. // // MFillH::MFillH(const char *hist, MParContainer *par, const char *name, const char *title) { Init(name, title); fHName = hist; fParContainer = par; if (par) fParContainerName = par->GetName(); AddToBranchList(Form("%s.*", (const char*)ExtractName(hist))); if (par) AddToBranchList(Form("%s.*", par->GetName())); if (!title) fTitle = Form("Fill %s from %s", fName.Data(), par?par->GetDescriptor().Data():"NULL"); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Constructor. // // - par is a pointer to the instance of your parameter container from which // the data should be used to fill the histogram. // - hist is a pointer to the instance of your histogram container (which must // have been derived from MH) into which the data should flow // MFillH::MFillH(MH *hist, const char *par, const char *name, const char *title) { Init(name, title); fH = hist; if (hist) fHName = hist->GetName(); fParContainerName = par; if (fH) AddToBranchList(fH->GetDataMember()); if (par) AddToBranchList(Form("%s.*", (const char*)ExtractName(par))); if (title) return; fTitle = Form("Fill %s", hist ? hist->GetDescriptor().Data() : "NULL"); if (!par) return; fTitle += Form(" from %s", fParContainerName.Data()); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Constructor. // // - par is a pointer to the instance of your parameter container from which // the data should be used to fill the histogram. // - hist is the name of the histogram container (which must have been // derived from MH) // MFillH::MFillH(MH *hist, MParContainer *par, const char *name, const char *title) { Init(name, title); fH = hist; if (hist) fHName = hist->GetName(); fParContainer = par; if (par) fParContainerName = par->GetName(); if (fH) AddToBranchList(fH->GetDataMember()); if (par) AddToBranchList(Form("%s.*", par->GetName())); if (!title) fTitle = Form("Fill %s from %s", hist?hist->GetDescriptor().Data():"NULL", par ? par->GetDescriptor().Data():"NULL"); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Destructor. Delete fData if existing and kCanDelete is set. // MFillH::~MFillH() { if (fIndex) if (fIndex->TestBit(kCanDelete)) delete fIndex; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // If the histogram to be filles is a MHArray you can specify a 'rule' // This rule is used to create an MDataPhrase. The return value of the chain // is casted to int. Each int acts as a key. For each (new) key a new // histogram is created in the array. (eg for the rule // "MRawRunHeader::fRunNumber" you would get one histogram per run-number) // void MFillH::SetRuleForIdx(const TString rule) { fIndex = new MDataPhrase(rule); fIndex->SetBit(kCanDelete); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // If the histogram to be filles is a MHArray you can specify a MData-object // The return value of the object is casted to int. Each int acts as a key. // For each (new) key a new histogram is created in the array. (eg for // MDataMember("MRawEvtHeader::fRunNumber") you would get one histogram per // run-number) // void MFillH::SetRuleForIdx(MData *data) { fIndex = data; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Extracts the name of the histogram from the MFillH argument // TString MFillH::ExtractName(const char *name) const { TString type = name; const Ssiz_t first = type.First('['); const Ssiz_t last = type.First(']'); if (!first || !last || first>=last) return type; return type.Remove(first).Strip(TString::kBoth); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Extracts the class-name of the histogram from the MFillH argument // TString MFillH::ExtractClass(const char *name) const { TString type = name; const Ssiz_t first = type.First('['); const Ssiz_t last = type.First(']'); if (!first || !last || first>=last) return type; const Ssiz_t length = last-first-1; TString strip = fHName(first+1, length); return strip.Strip(TString::kBoth); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Use this to set a draw option used when drawing automatically to the // status display. // void MFillH::SetDrawOption(Option_t *option) { fDrawOption = option; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Creates a new tab in a status display with the name of the MH class, // if fDisplay is set and the MH-class overwrites the Draw function // // If the draw-option contains 'same' (case insensitive) a tab with the // same name as the one which would be created is searched and the // MH is drawn to this canvas. If it is not found a new tab is created. // Bool_t MFillH::DrawToDisplay() { fCanvas = NULL; if (!fDisplay) return kTRUE; if (!fH->OverwritesDraw()) return kTRUE; if (TestBit(kDoNotDisplay)) return kTRUE; const TString tabname = fNameTab.IsNull() ? fH->GetName() : fNameTab.Data(); fCanvas = 0; if (fDrawOption.Contains("same", TString::kIgnoreCase)) { fCanvas = fDisplay->GetCanvas(tabname); if (!fCanvas) *fLog << warn << "WARNING - 'same' option given, but no tab with name '" << tabname << "' found." << endl; } if (!fCanvas) { const TString tabtitle = fTitleTab.IsNull() ? fH->GetTitle() : fTitleTab.Data(); fCanvas = &fDisplay->AddTab(tabname, tabtitle); } fCanvas->cd(); fH->Draw(fDrawOption); return kTRUE; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Checks the parameter list for the existance of the parameter container. If // the name of it was given in the constructor. It checks also for the // existance of the histogram container in the parameter list if a name was // given. If it is not available it tried to create a histogram container // with the same type as the given object name. // Int_t MFillH::PreProcess(MParList *pList) { if (fIndex) { if (!fIndex->PreProcess(pList)) { *fLog << all << "PreProcessing of Index rule failed... aborting." << endl; return kFALSE; } if (!fIndex->IsValid()) { *fLog << all << "Given Index rule invalid... aborting." << endl; return kFALSE; } } // // If the user defined the use of a weight: search for it. // if (!fWeight && !fWeightName.IsNull()) { fWeight = (MParameterD*)pList->FindObject(fWeightName, "MParameterD"); if (!fWeight) { *fLog << err << fWeightName << " [MParameterD] not found... aborting." << endl; return kFALSE; } } // // Try to get the histogram container with name fHName from list // or create one with this name // if (!fH) { const TString cls = ExtractClass(fHName); const TString name = ExtractName(fHName); TObject *obj=NULL; if (cls==name) obj = pList->FindObject(fHName); if (!obj) { /* if (cls==name) *fLog << inf << "Object '" << fHName << "' not found in parlist... creating." << endl; */ obj = pList->FindCreateObj(cls, name); } if (!obj) return kFALSE; // // We were successfull getting it. Check whether it really inherits // from MH, FindCreateObj does only check for inheritance from // 'type'. // TClass *tcls = fIndex ? MHArray::Class() : MH::Class(); if (!obj->InheritsFrom(tcls)) { *fLog << err << obj->GetName() << " doesn't inherit "; *fLog << "from " << tcls->GetName() << " - cannot be used for MFillH..."; *fLog << "aborting." << endl; return kFALSE; } fH = (MH*)obj; } // // Now we have the histogram container available. Try to Setup Fill. // fH->SetSerialNumber(GetSerialNumber()); fH->SetNumExecutions(0); if (!fH->SetupFill(pList)) { *fLog << (TestBit(kCanSkip) ? warn : err); *fLog << (TestBit(kCanSkip) ? "WARNING" : "ERROR"); *fLog << " - Calling SetupFill for " << fH->GetDescriptor() << "..."; *fLog << (TestBit(kCanSkip) ? "skipped." : "aborting.") << endl; return TestBit(kCanSkip) ? kSKIP : kFALSE; } // // If also a parameter container is already set we are done. // if (fParContainer) return DrawToDisplay(); // // This case means, that the MH sets up its container to be filled // by itself. Check there if it has something to be filled with! // if (fParContainerName.IsNull()) { fParContainer = NULL; return DrawToDisplay(); } fParContainer = (MParContainer*)pList->FindObject(fParContainerName); if (fParContainer) return DrawToDisplay(); if (TestBit(kCanSkip)) { *fLog << warn << fParContainerName << " [MParContainer] not found... skipped." << endl; return kSKIP; } *fLog << err << fParContainerName << " [MParContainer] not found... aborting." << endl; return kFALSE; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Call the ReInit function of the contained Histogram // Bool_t MFillH::ReInit(MParList *pList) { return fH->ReInit(pList); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Fills the data from the parameter conatiner into the histogram container // Int_t MFillH::Process() { if (fIndex) ((MHArray*)fH)->SetIndexByKey(fIndex->GetValue()); /* const Int_t key = (Int_t)fIndex->GetValue(); const Int_t idx = fMapIdx->Add(key); ((MHArray*)fH)->SetIndex(idx); */ // TVirtualPad *save = gPad; // if (fCanvas) // fCanvas->cd(); fH->SetNumExecutions(GetNumExecutions()); const Int_t rc = fH->Fill(fParContainer, fWeight?fWeight->GetVal():1); // if (save && fCanvas) // save->cd(); return rc; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Set the ReadyToSave flag of the histogram container, because now all data // has been filled into the histogram. // Int_t MFillH::PostProcess() { // Return if fH was never initialized. if (!fH) return kTRUE; // // Now all data is in the histogram. Maybe some final action is // necessary. // if (!fH->Finalize()) { *fLog << err << "ERROR - Calling Finalize for "; *fLog << fH->GetDescriptor() << "... aborting." << endl; return kFALSE; } fH->SetReadyToSave(); // // Check whether fDisplay has previously been used (fCanvas), // fDisplay is still open and the corresponding Canvas/Tab is // still existing. // if (fDisplay && fDisplay->HasCanvas(fCanvas)) { const TString opt(MString::Format("nonew %s", fDrawOption.Data())); // fCanvas->cd(); // fCanvas->Clear(); // Remove the old class to prevent clashes calling // Paint-functions when the display is updated fCanvas->GetListOfPrimitives()->Remove(fH); fCanvas->GetListOfPrimitives()->Add(fH->Clone(), opt); fCanvas->Modified(); fCanvas->Update(); } return kTRUE; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Implementation of SavePrimitive. Used to write the call to a constructor // to a macro. In the original root implementation it is used to write // gui elements to a macro-file. // void MFillH::StreamPrimitive(ostream &out) const { if (fH) fH->SavePrimitive(out); if (fParContainer) fParContainer->SavePrimitive(out); if (fWeight) fWeight->SavePrimitive(out); out << " MFillH " << GetUniqueName() << "("; if (fH) out << "&" << fH->GetUniqueName(); else out << "\"" << fHName << "\""; if (fParContainer) out << ", &" << fParContainer->GetUniqueName(); else if (!fParContainerName.IsNull()) out << ", \"" << fParContainerName << "\""; out << ");" << endl; if (fWeight || !fWeightName.IsNull()) { out << " " << GetUniqueName() << ".SetWeight("; if (fWeight) out << "&" << fWeight->GetUniqueName() << ");" << endl; else if (!fWeightName.IsNull()) out << "\"" << fWeightName << "\");" << endl; } if (fIndex) { out << " " << GetUniqueName() << ".SetRuleForIdx(\""; out << fIndex->GetRule() << "\");" << endl; } }