1 | In the Mars_McMismatchStudy branch I have created a set of scripts for sending jobs to the ISDC batch systemi (see below for full list).
2 | All of the scripts follow the same style. They are comprised of two files.
3 |
4 | FACT.sub_PROGRAM_TYPE.sh which is exicuatable and the one you run.
5 | FACT.qsub_PROGRAM_TYPE.sh which is the template for the script that runs on the batch machines.
6 |
7 | PROGRAM = star, calisto, ...
8 | TYPE = data or mc
9 |
10 | to find the options on how to run any of the scripts run it with no options:
11 |
12 |
13 | ------
14 | > ./FACT.sub_star_data.sh
15 |
16 | FACT.sub_star_data.sh <runlist>
17 |
18 | <runlist> should be in the form YEAR MONTH DAY eg:
19 | 2013 10 15
20 | ------
21 |
22 | An example run list for star is provided in the form of:
23 | Crab.star
24 |
25 | The sub script crates a job in the queue directory for each night on the list.
26 | Each job then runs over the sequence files for each day.
27 | To find the command and how it is run take a look inside the qsub file.
28 | For example star is run, in the script, as follows:
29 |
30 | root -b -q fact/analysis/star.C\(\"$SEQFILE\",4,2.5,\"$INDIR\",\"$OUTDIR\"\)
31 |
32 | The output all goes to a directory called something like:
34 | which be created if it does not exist.
35 |
36 | Things to do:
37 |
38 | The MC chain has not been tested.
39 | The files created by callisto are too large to do a large data set. What might be more
40 | useful for full production in to combine the callisto and star scripts. The callisto
41 | output can be created and removed on the fly.
42 |
43 | Give it a try and feel free to change/edit what doesn't work.
44 |
45 |
46 | Full list:
47 |
48 | Crab.star
49 | Crab.ganymed
50 |
51 | FACT.qsub_call_mc.sh
52 | FACT.qsub_ceres_mc.sh
53 | FACT.qsub_gan_data.sh
54 | FACT.qsub_gan_mc.sh
55 | FACT.qsub_ped_mc.sh
56 | FACT.qsub_star_data.sh
57 | FACT.qsub_star_mc.sh
58 | FACT.sub_call_mc.sh
59 | FACT.sub_ceres_mc.sh
60 | FACT.sub_gan_data.sh
61 | FACT.sub_gan_mc.sh
62 | FACT.sub_ped_mc.sh
63 | FACT.sub_star_data.sh
64 | FACT.sub_star_mc.sh
65 |