1 | #ifndef MARS_MReportCC
2 | #define MARS_MReportCC
3 |
4 | #ifndef MARS_MReport
5 | #include "MReport.h"
6 | #endif
7 |
8 | class MReportRec;
9 | class MCameraTH;
10 | class MCameraTD;
11 | class MCameraRecTemp;
12 |
13 | class MReportWeather : public MReport
14 | {
15 | protected:
16 | Float_t fHumidity; // [%]
17 | Float_t fTemperature; // [deg] celsius
18 | Float_t fWindSpeed; // [km/h]
19 | Float_t fSolarRadiation; // [W/m^2] IR-Radiation
20 |
21 | Bool_t SetupReadingFits(fits &fits);
22 |
23 | public:
24 | MReportWeather(const char *rep="WEATHER-REPORT") : MReport(rep, kFALSE)
25 | {
26 | fName = "MReportWeather";
27 | fTitle = "Class for Weather data";
28 | }
29 |
30 | void Print(Option_t *opt) const;
31 |
32 | ClassDef(MReportWeather, 1) // Class for Weather information
33 | };
34 |
35 | class MReportCC : public MReportWeather
36 | {
37 | private:
38 | Float_t fUPSStatus; // arbitrary units (still not properly defined)
39 | Float_t fDifRubGPS; // [us] Difference between the Rubidium clock time and the time provided by the GPS receiver
40 |
41 | MCameraTH *fTH; //! Discriminator thresholds
42 | MCameraTD *fTD; //! Discriminator delays
43 | MCameraRecTemp *fRecTemp; //! Receiver Board temperatures
44 |
45 | MReportRec *fRecRep; //! Pipe interpretation to MReportRec if necessary
46 |
47 | // Internal
48 | Bool_t SetupReading(MParList &plist);
49 | Bool_t InterpreteCC(TString &str, Int_t ver);
50 | Bool_t InterpreteSchedule(TString &str);
51 | Bool_t InterpreteStatusM2(TString &str);
52 |
53 | // MReport
54 | Int_t InterpreteBody(TString &str, Int_t ver);
55 |
56 | public:
57 | MReportCC();
58 |
59 | Float_t GetHumidity() const { return fHumidity; }
60 | Float_t GetTemperature() const { return fTemperature; }
61 | Float_t GetWindSpeed() const { return fWindSpeed; }
62 | Float_t GetSolarRadiation() const { return fSolarRadiation; }
63 |
64 | ClassDef(MReportCC, 3) // Class for CC-REPORT information
65 | };
66 |
67 | #endif