1 | #ifndef MARS_MGainFluctuationCam
2 | #define MARS_MGainFluctuationCam
3 |
4 | #ifndef ROOT_TClonesArray
5 | #include <TClonesArray.h>
6 | #endif
7 | #ifndef ROOT_TArrayI
8 | #include <TArrayI.h>
9 | #endif
10 | #ifndef MARS_MCamEvent
11 | #include "MCamEvent.h"
12 | #endif
13 | #ifndef MARS_MGainFluctuationPix
14 | #include "MGainFluctuationPix.h"
15 | #endif
16 |
17 | class MGeomCam;
18 | class MGainFluctuationPix;
19 | class MGainFluctuationCamIter;
20 |
21 | class MGainFluctuationCam : public MParContainer, public MCamEvent
22 | {
23 | friend class MGainFluctuationCamIter;
24 | private:
25 | UInt_t fNumPixels;
26 | Int_t fMaxIndex;
27 | TArrayI fLut; // Lookup tabel to lookup pixel by index
28 | TClonesArray *fPixels; //-> FIXME: Change TClonesArray away from a pointer?
29 |
30 | void RebuildLut()
31 | {
32 | // Resize Lut
33 | fLut.Set(fMaxIndex+1);
34 |
35 | // Reset Lut
36 | fLut.Reset(-1);
37 |
38 | // Rebuild Lut
39 | for (UInt_t i=0; i<GetNumPixels(); i++)
40 | {
41 | const MGainFluctuationPix &pix = (*this)[i];
42 | fLut[pix.GetPixId()] = i;
43 | }
44 | }
45 |
46 | public:
47 | MGainFluctuationCam(const char *name=NULL, const char *title=NULL);
48 | ~MGainFluctuationCam() { delete fPixels; }
49 |
50 | // Setter function to fill pixels
51 | MGainFluctuationPix *AddPixel(Int_t idx, Float_t gain);
52 | void FixSize();
53 |
54 | // Getter functions
55 | UInt_t GetNumPixels() const { return fNumPixels; }
56 | Float_t GetGain(int i) const;
57 |
58 | Float_t GetGainMin(const MGeomCam *geom=NULL) const;
59 | Float_t GetGainMax(const MGeomCam *geom=NULL) const;
60 |
61 | // Getter functions to access single pixels
62 | MGainFluctuationPix &operator[](int i) { return *(MGainFluctuationPix*)(fPixels->UncheckedAt(i)); }
63 | MGainFluctuationPix &operator[](int i) const { return *(MGainFluctuationPix*)(fPixels->UncheckedAt(i)); }
64 |
65 | MGainFluctuationPix *GetPixById(Int_t idx) const;
66 |
67 | void Sort(Int_t upto = kMaxInt)
68 | {
69 | // Sort pixels by index
70 | fPixels->Sort(upto);
71 | RebuildLut();
72 | } // For convinience: Sort pixels by index
73 |
74 | // class MParContainer
75 | void Reset();
76 |
77 | // class TObject
78 | void Print(Option_t *opt=NULL) const;
79 | void Clear(Option_t *opt=NULL) { Reset(); }
80 |
81 | // class MCamEvent
82 | Bool_t GetPixelContent(Double_t &val, Int_t idx,const MGeomCam&, Int_t type=1) const;
83 | void DrawPixelContent(Int_t num) const;
84 |
85 | // To build an iterator for this class
86 | operator TIterator*() const;
87 |
88 | ClassDef(MGainFluctuationCam, 1) // class for an event containing cerenkov photons
89 | };
90 |
91 | class MGainFluctuationCamIter : public TObjArrayIter
92 | {
93 | private:
94 | Bool_t fUsedOnly;
95 | public:
96 | MGainFluctuationCamIter(const MGainFluctuationCam *evt, Bool_t usedonly=kTRUE, Bool_t dir=kIterForward) : TObjArrayIter(evt->fPixels, dir), fUsedOnly(usedonly) { }
97 | TObject *Next();
98 | TIterator &operator=(const TIterator &) { return *this; }
99 | ClassDef(MGainFluctuationCamIter, 0)
100 | };
101 |
102 | inline MGainFluctuationCam::operator TIterator*() const { return new MGainFluctuationCamIter(this); }
103 |
104 | #endif