1 | #include "externals/PixelMap.h"
2 |
3 | using namespace std;
4 |
5 | #include <boost/regex.hpp>
6 | #include <mysql++/mysql++.h>
7 |
8 | void BiasMap::Retrieve(const std::string &database)
9 | {
10 | static const boost::regex expr("(([[:word:].-]+)(:(.+))?@)?([[:word:].-]+)(:([[:digit:]]+))?(/([[:word:].-]+))");
11 | // 2: user
12 | // 4: pass
13 | // 5: server
14 | // 7: port
15 | // 9: db
16 |
17 | boost::smatch what;
18 | if (!boost::regex_match(database, what, expr, boost::match_extra))
19 | throw runtime_error("Couldn't parse '"+database+"'.");
20 |
21 | if (what.size()!=10)
22 | throw runtime_error("Error parsing '"+database+"'.");
23 |
24 | const string user = what[2];
25 | const string passwd = what[4];
26 | const string server = what[5];
27 | const string db = what[9];
28 | const int port = atoi(string(what[7]).c_str());
29 |
30 | mysqlpp::Connection conn(db.c_str(), server.c_str(), user.c_str(), passwd.c_str(), port);
31 |
32 | const mysqlpp::StoreQueryResult res =
33 | conn.query("SELECT fPatchNumber, AVG(fVoltageNom), fOffset "
34 | " FROM GapdVoltages "
35 | " LEFT JOIN BiasOffsets USING(fPatchNumber) "
36 | " GROUP BY fPatchNumber").store();
37 |
38 | clear();
39 |
40 | int l = 0;
41 | for (vector<mysqlpp::Row>::const_iterator v=res.begin(); v<res.end(); v++)
42 | {
43 | const int id = (*v)[0];
44 |
45 | if (id<0 || id>416)
46 | {
47 | ostringstream str;
48 | str << "Invalid channel id " << id << " received from database.";
49 | throw runtime_error(str.str());
50 | }
51 |
52 | BiasMapEntry entry;
53 |
54 | entry.hv_board = id/32;
55 | entry.hv_channel = id%32;
56 | entry.Vnom = (*v)[1];
57 | entry.Voff = (*v)[2];
58 |
59 | (*this)[id] = entry;
60 |
61 | l++;
62 | }
63 |
64 | if (l!=416)
65 | throw runtime_error("Number of rows retrieved from the database does not match 416.");
66 |
67 | if (size()!=416)
68 | throw runtime_error("Number of entries retrived from database does not match 416.");
69 | }