Description |

Description tag

There are a few special tags for the description in the page-file. The tags are
In the case of camera and hist, a binary file is loaded which contains the data to be displayed. The file-format for this i discussed hereafter. In case of the image-tag an HTML image tag is included showing the image loaded full-width in the row. If a camera graphics is displayed, the given unit is displayed at the scale (note that opera browser do not support text in the graphics so far). The unit can contain HTML special characters, e.g. µA | |

Input tag

For sending arguments to script (on script-pages) also a few special tags are available
The title is displayed on the left side of the row. The name is the argument name used later in the script to indentify the arguments. input creates a text input field with the default as default. select creates a list-box with the items in the list. The default is the first item. | |Binary file format||help-binaryfile