1 | #ifndef MARS_MObservatory
2 | #define MARS_MObservatory
3 |
4 | #ifndef MARS_MParContainer
5 | #include "MParContainer.h"
6 | #endif
7 |
8 | class MTime;
9 | class TArrayD;
10 |
11 | class MObservatory : public MParContainer
12 | {
13 | public:
14 | enum LocationName_t
15 | {
16 | kMagic1,
17 | kWuerzburgCity,
18 | kTuorla
19 | };
20 |
21 | private:
22 | LocationName_t fObservatoryKey; //!
23 |
24 | TString fObservatoryName; //! Name of the observatory
25 |
26 | Double_t fLongitude; //! [rad] Longitude of observatory (+ east)
27 | Double_t fLatitude; //! [rad] Latitude of observatory (+ north)
28 |
29 | Double_t fSinLatitude; //! Sin component for faster access
30 | Double_t fCosLatitude; //! Cos component for faster access
31 |
32 | Double_t fHeight; //! [m] height of observatory
33 |
34 | void Init(const char *name=NULL, const char *title=NULL);
35 |
36 | public:
37 | MObservatory(const char *name=NULL, const char *title=NULL);
38 | MObservatory(LocationName_t key, const char *name=NULL, const char *title=NULL);
39 | MObservatory(Double_t lon, Double_t lat, const char *name="<n/a>");
40 | MObservatory(Double_t lon, Double_t lat, Double_t h, const char *name="<n/a>");
41 |
42 | void Copy(TObject &obj) const
43 | {
44 | MObservatory &obs = (MObservatory&)obj;
45 | obs.fObservatoryName = fObservatoryName;
46 | obs.fLongitude = fLongitude;
47 | obs.fLatitude = fLatitude;
48 | obs.fSinLatitude = fSinLatitude;
49 | obs.fCosLatitude = fCosLatitude;
50 | obs.fHeight = fHeight;
51 | }
52 |
53 | void SetLocation(LocationName_t name);
54 | void SetLocation(Double_t lon, Double_t lat, Double_t h=0, const char *name=NULL);
55 |
56 | void Print(Option_t *o=0) const;
57 |
58 | const TString &GetObservatoryName() const { return fObservatoryName; }
59 |
60 | Double_t GetLatitudeDeg() const { return fLatitude*kRad2Deg; } //[deg]
61 | Double_t GetLongitudeDeg() const { return fLongitude*kRad2Deg; } //[deg]
62 |
63 | Double_t GetLatitudeRad() const { return fLatitude; } //[rad]
64 | Double_t GetLongitudeRad() const { return fLongitude; } //[rad]
65 |
66 | Double_t GetPhi() const { return fLatitude; } //[rad]
67 | Double_t GetElong() const { return fLongitude; } //[rad]
68 |
69 | Double_t GetSinPhi() const { return fSinLatitude; }
70 | Double_t GetCosPhi() const { return fCosLatitude; }
71 |
72 | Double_t GetHeight() const { return fHeight; }
73 |
74 | TArrayD GetSunRiseSet(Double_t mjd, Double_t alt=0) const;
75 |
76 | void RotationAngle(Double_t theta, Double_t phi, Double_t &sin, Double_t &cos) const;
77 | Double_t RotationAngle(Double_t theta, Double_t phi) const;
78 |
79 | LocationName_t GetObservatoryKey() const { return fObservatoryKey; }
80 |
81 | Int_t ReadEnv(const TEnv &env, TString prefix, Bool_t print=kFALSE);
82 |
83 | ClassDef(MObservatory, 0) // class storing observatory locations
84 | };
85 |
86 | #endif