#ifndef MARS_MHNewImagePar #define MARS_MHNewImagePar #ifndef MARS_MH #include "MH.h" #endif #ifndef ROOT_TH1 #include #endif class MGeomCam; class MHillas; class MHNewImagePar : public MH { private: MGeomCam *fGeom; //! Conversion from mm to deg TH1F fHistLeakage1; // TH1F fHistLeakage2; // TH1F fHistUsedPix; // Number of used pixels TH1F fHistCorePix; // Number of core pixels TH1F fHistUsedArea; // Area of used pixels TH1F fHistCoreArea; // Area of core pixels TH1F fHistConc; // [ratio] concentration ratio: sum of the two highest pixels / fSize TH1F fHistConc1; // [ratio] concentration ratio: sum of the highest pixel / fSize TH1F fHistConcCOG; // [ratio] concentration of the three pixels next to COG TH1F fHistConcCore; // [ratio] concentration of signals inside or touching the ellipse public: MHNewImagePar(const char *name=NULL, const char *title=NULL); Bool_t SetupFill(const MParList *plist); Int_t Fill(const MParContainer *par, const Stat_t w=1); TH1 *GetHistByName(const TString name) const; TObject *FindObject(const TObject *obj) const { return 0; } TObject *FindObject(const char *name) const { return (TObject*)GetHistByName(name); } TH1F &GetHistLeakage1() { return fHistLeakage1; } TH1F &GetHistLeakage2() { return fHistLeakage2; } TH1F &GetHistUsedPix() { return fHistUsedPix; } TH1F &GetHistCorePix() { return fHistCorePix; } TH1F &GetHistUsedArea() { return fHistUsedArea; } TH1F &GetHistCoreArea() { return fHistCoreArea; } TH1F &GetHistConc() { return fHistConc; } TH1F &GetHistConc1() { return fHistConc1; } TH1F &GetHistConcCOG() { return fHistConcCOG; } TH1F &GetHistConcCore() { return fHistConcCore; } void Draw(Option_t *opt=""); void Paint(Option_t *opt=""); ClassDef(MHNewImagePar, 3) // Histograms of new image parameters }; #endif