\documentclass[a4paper]{newletter} %\usepackage{german} \institute{Mets\"{a}hovi Radio Observatory} \name{Dr.\ Merja Tornikoski} \street{Mets\"{a}hovintie 114} \city{FIN-02540 Kylm\"{a}l\"{a}} \email{merja.tornikoski@hut.fi} %\tel{Tel: (0551) 39-50\,50} \place{Kylm\"{a}l\"{a}} %\date{25. April 2000} \begin{document} \begin{letter}{Universit\"{a}t Dortmund\\Prof.\ Dr. Wolfgang Rhode\\Otto-Hahn-Stra\ss e 4\\44227 Dortmund\\Saksa} \opening{Agreement} Dear Prof.\ Dr.\ Dr.\ Rhode, dear Prof.\ Dr.\ Mannheim, we plan to use the proposed air-Cherenkov telescope prototype system DWARF on the MAGIC/ORM site on La Palma for the continuous monitoring of strong blazars. Whenever possible, the monitoring effort at VHE gamma rays will be complemented at optical and radio wavelengths using the KVA optical telescope operated by the Tuorla group and the Mets\"{a}hovi Radio Observatory. The ultimate goal of this program is to obtain long-term lightcurves of strong blazars to determine their flux variation power spectrum across a broad wavelength range. Thereby we expect to achieve a major progress in understanding the mechanism behind the variable non-thermal emission. The data rights of the different telescope facilities remain proprietary to the operating responsibles, but we intend to publish the results of joint campaigns together on the basis of a consensus decision. \vspace{0.5cm} \closing{Signature} \end{letter} \end{document}