///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // This is an easy implementation of the Merging process (as root Macro) // // at the moment it reads a binary file ("rawtest.bin") which was written // in the DAQ raw format. // // The data are stored in root container objects (classes derived from // TObject like MRawRunHeader) // // This containers are written to a root file ("rawtest.root") // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int test() { // // create a (empty) list of parameters which can be used by the tasks // and an (empty) list of tasks which should be executed // MParList *plist = new MParList; MTaskList *tasks = new MTaskList; // // create the tasks which should be executed and add them to the list // in the case you don't need parameter containers, all of them can // be created by MRawFileRead::PreProcess // // REMARK: Don't change the order of the two instantiations. // I don't have an idea why, but here it crashes to // Interpreter. // (Using root 2.25/03, with Cint 5.14.50 on OSF1) // MRawFileWrite *writer = new MRawFileWrite("output.root", "RECREATE"); MReadTree *reader = new MReadTree("delme.root", "Data"); tasks->AddToList(reader); tasks->AddToList(writer); plist->AddToList(tasks); // // create the looping object and thell it about the parameters to use // and the tasks to execute // MEvtLoop magic; magic.SetParList(plist); // // Start the eventloop which reads the raw file (MRawFileRead) and // write all the information into a root file (MRawFileWrite) // // between reading and writing we can do, transformations, checks, etc. // (I'm think of a task like MRawDataCheck) // magic.Eventloop(); return 0; }