#include "MEvtLoop.h" #include #include #include "MParList.h" #include "MTaskList.h" ClassImp(MEvtLoop) MEvtLoop::MEvtLoop() : fParlist(NULL) { } MEvtLoop::~MEvtLoop() { } void MEvtLoop::SetParList(MParList *p) { fParlist = p; } void MEvtLoop::Eventloop(Int_t maxcnt, const char *ftasks) { // // check if the needed parameter list is set. // if (!fParlist) { cout << "MEvtLoop::Eventloop - Error: Parlist not initialized." << endl; return; } // // check for the existance of the specified task list // the default name is "MTaskList" // MTaskList *tasks = (MTaskList*)fParlist->FindObject(ftasks); if (!tasks) { cout << "MEvtLoop::Eventloop - Error: Cannot find tasklist '" << ftasks << "' in parameter list." << endl; return; } // // execute the preprocess of all tasks // connect the different tasks with the right containers in // the parameter list // if (!tasks->PreProcess(fParlist)) { cout << "Error detected while PreProcessing" << endl; return; } // // loop over all events and process all tasks for // each event // cout << endl << "Eventloop running ("; if (maxcnt<0) cout << "all"; else cout << dec << maxcnt; cout << " events)..." << flush; Int_t dummy = maxcnt<0 ? 0 : maxcnt; // // start a stopwatch // TStopwatch clock; clock.Start(); // // This is the MAIN EVENTLOOP which processes the data // if maxcnt<0 the number of processed events is counted // else only maxcnt events are processed // if (maxcnt<0) while (tasks->Process() && ++dummy); else while (tasks->Process() && dummy--); // // stop stop-watch, print results // clock.Stop(); cout << "Ready!" << endl << endl; clock.Print(); cout << dec << endl << "Time: " << clock.CpuTime() << "s" << " for " << (maxcnt<0?dummy:maxcnt) << " Events" << " --> " << (maxcnt<0?dummy:maxcnt)/clock.CpuTime() << " Events/s" << endl << endl; // // execute the post process of all tasks // tasks->PostProcess(); }