//=////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //= //= camera //= //= @file camera.h //= @desc Header file //= @author J C Gonzalez //= @email gonzalez@mppmu.mpg.de //= @date Thu May 7 16:24:22 1998 //= //=---------------------------------------------------------------------- //= //= Created: Thu May 7 16:24:22 1998 //= Author: Jose Carlos Gonzalez //= Purpose: Program for reflector simulation //= Notes: See files README for details //= //=---------------------------------------------------------------------- //= //= $RCSfile: timecam.h,v $ //= $Revision: $ //= $Author: harald $ //= $Date: 2000-02-08 15:13:44 $ //= //=////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // @T \newpage //!@section Source code of |camera.h|. /*!@" This section shows the include file |camera.h| @"*/ //=----------------------------------------------------------- //!@subsection Include files. //!@{ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "timecam-v.h" #include "jcmacros.h" #include "jcdebug.h" #include "creadparam.h" #include "atm.h" #include "lagrange.h" #include "MCEventHeader.hxx" #include "MCCphoton.hxx" // command line options available #define COMMAND_LINE_OPTIONS "f:h" /*@' This is C++, but RANLIB routines are written in pure ANSI C. In order to read easily these routines, we must include the following directive */ extern "C" { #include "ranlib.h" } // version of the reflector program that can read #define REFL_PROGRAM reflector #define REFL_VERSION 0.3 const char REFL_SIGNATURE[] = GLUE_postp( REFL_PROGRAM, REFL_VERSION ); //!@} //=------------------------------------------------------------ //!@subsection Macro-definitions, and constants. //!@{ #define SIN60 0.866025403784439 #define COS60 0.500000000000000 #define RandomNumber drand48() #define PIX_ARRAY_SIDE 40 #define PIX_ARRAY_HALF_SIDE 20 #define PIXNUM 0 #define PIXX 1 #define PIXY 2 #define iMAXNUMPIX 595 // total maximum possible number of pixels in the camera //@ the trigger threshold up to which the maximum passable threshold is tested #define iMAX_THRESHOLD_PHE 50 //@ number of the 1st. pixel of a sector s in a ring r (central pixel: ring=0) #define FIRST_PIXEL(r,s) ( ((r)>0) ? (3*(r)*((r)-1) + (r)*(s) + 1) : 0 ) //@ number of the pixels include in a camera of r pixels #define NUMBER_PIXELS(r) ( ((r)>0) ? FIRST_PIXEL((r)+1,0) : 1 ) //@ now we define the list CT_ITEM_LIST of possible items in the CT def. file #define CT_ITEM_LIST /* LIST OF ITEMS IN THE CT DEFINITION FILE */ \ T(type), /* type of definition file */ \ T(focal_distance), /* std(focal distance) */ \ T(focal_std), /* focal distance */ \ T(point_spread), /* std(point spread) */ \ T(point_std), /* point spread */ \ T(adjustment_dev), /* std of adjustment deviation */ \ T(black_spot), /* radius of the black spot in center of mirror */ \ T(n_mirrors), /* number of mirrors */ \ T(r_mirror), /* radius of one mirror */ \ T(camera_width), /* camera width */ \ T(n_pixels), /* total number of pixels in the camera */ \ T(n_centralpixels), /* number of central pixels in the camera */ \ T(n_gappixels), /* number of gap pixels in the camera */ \ T(pixel_width), /* pixel width */ \ T(define_mirrors) /* this entry is followed by the def. of pixels */ #define T(x) x //@< define T() as the name as it is enum CT_ITEM_TYPE { CT_ITEM_LIST }; #undef T #define T(x) #x //@< define T() as the string of x const char *const CT_ITEM_NAMES[] = { CT_ITEM_LIST }; #undef T // TYPE=0 (CT1) // i s rho theta x y z thetan phin xn yn zn // // i : number of the mirror // s : arc length [cm] // rho : polar rho of the position of the center of the mirror [cm] // theta : polar angle of the position of the center of the mirror [cm] // x : x coordinate of the center of the mirror [cm] // y : y coordinate of the center of the mirror [cm] // z : z coordinate of the center of the mirror [cm] // thetan : polar theta angle of the direction where the mirror points to // phin : polar phi angle of the direction where the mirror points to // xn : xn coordinate of the normal vector in the center (normalized) // yn : yn coordinate of the normal vector in the center (normalized) // zn : zn coordinate of the normal vector in the center (normalized) // // TYPE=1 (MAGIC) // i f sx sy x y z thetan phin // // i : number of the mirror // f : focal distance of that mirror // sx : curvilinear coordinate of mirror's center in X[cm] // sy : curvilinear coordinate of mirror's center in X[cm] // x : x coordinate of the center of the mirror [cm] // y : y coordinate of the center of the mirror [cm] // z : z coordinate of the center of the mirror [cm] // thetan : polar theta angle of the direction where the mirror points to // phin : polar phi angle of the direction where the mirror points to // xn : xn coordinate of the normal vector in the center (normalized) // yn : yn coordinate of the normal vector in the center (normalized) // zn : zn coordinate of the normal vector in the center (normalized) #define CT_I 0 #define CT_S 1 #define CT_RHO 2 #define CT_THETA 3 #define CT_FOCAL 1 #define CT_SX 2 #define CT_SY 3 #define CT_X 4 #define CT_Y 5 #define CT_Z 6 #define CT_THETAN 7 #define CT_PHIN 8 #define CT_XN 9 #define CT_YN 10 #define CT_ZN 11 #define CT_NDATA 12 //!@} //=------------------------------------------------------------ //!@subsection data types struct camera { /* camera parameters for imaging */ int inumpixels; int inumcentralpixels; int inumgappixels; int inumbigpixels; double dpixdiameter_cm; /* diameter of the central and gap pixels in centimeters */ double dpixsizefactor[iMAXNUMPIX]; /* size of the pixel relative to dpixdiameter_deg */ double dxc[iMAXNUMPIX]; /* Pixel coordinates in camera coordinate system (x points from pixel 1 to 2). */ double dyc[iMAXNUMPIX]; /* The numbering of the pixels in these arrays starts at 0! */ double dxpointcorr_deg; /* correction of the pixel coordinates; to be added to dxc[] to get correct value */ double dypointcorr_deg; /* correction of the pixel coordinates; to be added to dxc[] to get correct value */ double di[iMAXNUMPIX]; /* i coordinate in JCs bi-axis hexagonal coordinate system */ double dj[iMAXNUMPIX]; /* j coordinate in JCs bi-axis hexagonal coordinate system */ }; //=------------------------------------------------------------ //!@subsection Pre-defined file names. //!@{ #define QE_FILE "../Data/qe.dat" //!@} //=------------------------------------------------------------ //!@subsection Prototypes of functions. //!@{ //++ // prototypes //-- #define ONoff(x) ((x==TRUE) ? "[ ON ]" : "[ off]") // Under Linux, the nint function does not exist, so we have to define it. #define nint(x) ((int)floor((x)+0.5)) void present(void); void usage(void); void clean(void); void log(const char *funct, char *fmt, ...); void error(const char *funct, char *fmt, ...); int isA( char * s1, const char * flag ); void read_ct_file(void); int igen_pixel_coordinates(struct camera *cam); void read_pixels(struct camera *cam); int pixels_are_neig(int pix1, int pix2); int bpoint_is_in_pix(double dx, double dy, int ipixnum, struct camera *pcam); float dist_r_P(float a, float b, float c, float l, float m, float n, float x, float y, float z); //!@} //=------------------------------------------------------------ //!@subsection Log of this file. //!@{ /* *$Log: not supported by cvs2svn $ *Revision 1.3 1999/11/11 20:29:29 harald *Small changes to run the new version on a linux machine. * *Revision 1.2 1999/11/10 07:42:41 harald *Small change to read the right data files in. * *Revision 1999/11/05 11:59:31 harald *This the starting point for CVS controlled further developments of the *camera program. The program was originally written by Jose Carlos. *But here you can find a "rootified" version to the program. This means *that there is no hbook stuff in it now. Also the output of the *program changed to the MagicRawDataFormat. * *The "rootification" was done by Dirk Petry and Harald Kornmayer. * *In the following you can see the README file of that version: * *================================================== * *Fri Oct 22 1999 D.P. * *The MAGIC Monte Carlo System * *Camera Simulation Programme *--------------------------- * *1) Description * *This version is the result of the fusion of H.K.'s *root_camera which is described below (section 2) *and another version by D.P. which had a few additional *useful features. * *The version compiles under Linux with ROOT 2.22 installed *(variable ROOTSYS has to be set). * *Compile as before simply using "make" in the root_camera *directory. * *All features of H.K.'s root_camera were retained. * *Additional features of this version are: * * a) HBOOK is no longer used and all references are removed. * * b) Instead of HBOOK, the user is given now the possibility of * having Diagnostic data in ROOT format as a complement * to the ROOT Raw data. * * This data is written to the file which is determined by * the new input parameter "diag_file" in the camera parameter * file. * * All source code file belonging to this part have filenames * starting with "MDiag". * * The user can read the output file using the following commands * in an interactive ROOT session: * * root [0] .L MDiag.so * root [1] new TFile("diag.root"); * root [2] new TTreeViewer("T"); * * This brings up a viewer from which all variables of the * TTree can be accessed and histogrammed. This example * assumes that you have named the file "diag.root", that * you are using ROOT version 2.22 or later and that you have * the shared object library "MDiag.so" which is produced * by the Makefile along with the executable "camera". * * ! The contents of the so-called diag file is not yet fixed. * ! At the moment it is what J.C.G. used to put into the HBOOK * ! ntuple. In future versions the moments calculation can be * ! removed and the parameter list be modified correspondingly. * * c) Now concatenated reflector files can be read. This is useful * if you have run the reflector with different parameters but * you want to continue the analysis with all reflector data * going into ONE ROOT outputfile. * * The previous camera version contained a bug which made reading * of two or more concatenated reflector files impossible. * * d) The reflector output format was changed. It is now version * 0.4 . * The change solely consists in a shortening of the flag * definition in the file * * include-MC/MCCphoton.hxx * * ! IF YOU WANT TO READ REFLECTOR FORMAT 0.3, you can easily * ! do so by recompiling camera with the previous version of * ! include-MC/MCCphoton.hxx. * * The change was necessary for saving space and better * debugging. From now on, this format can be frozen. * * ! For producing reflector output in the new format, you * ! of course have to recompile your reflector with the * ! new include-MC/MCCphoton.hxx . * * e) A first version of the pixelization with the larger * outer pixels is implemented. THIS IS NOT YET FULLY * TESTED, but first rough tests show that it works * at least to a good approximation. * * The present version implements the camera outline * with 18 "gap-pixels" and 595 pixels in total as * shown in * * http://sarastro.ifae.es/internal/home/hardware/camera/numbering.ps * * This change involved * * (i) The file pixels.dat is no longer needed. Instead * the coordinates are generated by the program itself * (takes maybe 1 second). In the file * * pixel-coords.txt * * in the same directory as this README, you find a list * of the coordinates generated by this new routine. It * has the format * * number i j x y size-factor * * where i and j are J.C.G.'s so called biaxis hexagonal * coordinates (for internal use) and x and y are the * coordinates of the pixel centers in the standard camera * coordinate system in units of centimeters. The value * of "size-factor" determines the linear size of the pixel * relative to the central pixels. * * (ii) The magic.def file has two additional parameters * which give the number of central pixels and the * number of gap pixels * * (iii) In camera.h and camera.cxx several changes were * necessary, among them the introduction of several * new functions * * The newly suggested outline with asymmetric Winston cones * will be implemented in a later version. * * f) phe files can no longer be read since this contradicts * our philosophy that the analysis should be done with other * programs like e.g. EVITA and not with "camera" itself. * This possibility was removed. * * g) ROOT is no longer invoked with an interactive interface. * In this way, camera can better be run as a batch program and * it uses less memory. * * h) small changes concerning the variable "t_chan" were necessary in * order to avoid segmentation faults: The variable is used as an * index and it went sometimes outside the limits when camera * was reading proton data. This is because the reflector files * don't contain the photons in a chronological order and also * the timespread can be considerably longer that the foreseen * digitisation timespan. Please see the source code of camera.cxx * round about line 1090. * * j) several unused variables were removed, a few warning messages * occur when you compile camera.cxx but these can be ignored at * the moment. * *In general the program is of course not finished. It still needs *debugging, proper trigger simulation, simulation of the asymmetric *version of the outer pixels, proper NSB simulation, adaption of *the diag "ntuple" contents to our need and others small improvements. * *In the directory rfl-files there is now a file in reflector format 0.4 *containing a single event produced by the starfiled adder. It has *a duration of 30 ns and represents the region around the Crab Nebula. *Using the enclosed input parameter file, camera should process this *file without problems. * *2) The README for the previous version of root_camera * *README for a preliminary version of the *root_camera program. * *root_camera is based on the program "camera"of Jose Carlos *Gonzalez. It was changed in the way that only the pixelisation *and the distibution of the phe to the FADCs works in a *first version. * *Using the #undef command most possibilities of the orignal *program are switched of. * *The new parts are signed by * *- ROOT or __ROOT__ * nearly all important codelines for ROOT output are enclosed * in structures like * #ifdef __ROOT__ * * code * * #endif __ROOT__ * * In same case the new lines are signed by a comment with the word * ROOT in it. * * For timing of the pulse some variable names are changed. * (t0, t1, t --> t_ini, t_fin, t_1st, t_chan,...) * Look also for this changes. * * For the new root-file is also a change in readparm-files * * *- __DETAIL_TRIGGER__ * * This is for the implementation of the current work on trigger * studies. Because the class MTrigger is not well documented it * isnīt a part of this tar file. Only a dummy File exists. * * * *With all files in the archive, the root_camera program should run. * *A reflector file is in the directory rfl-files * *================================================== * *From now on, use CVS for development!!!! * * * *Revision 1.3 1999/10/22 15:32:56 petry *tidied-up version, really sent to H.K. and N.M., 22-10-99 * *Revision 1.2 1999/10/22 15:01:28 petry *version sent to H.K. and N.M. on Fri Oct 22 1999 * *Revision 1999/10/21 16:35:10 petry *first synthesised version * * Revision 1.8 1999/03/15 14:59:06 gonzalez * camera-1_1 * * Revision 1.7 1999/03/02 09:56:11 gonzalez * *** empty log message *** * * Revision 1.6 1999/01/14 17:32:40 gonzalez * Added to camera the STDIN input option (data_from_input) * */ //!@} //=EOF