----------------------------------------------- Kde application framework template quickstart Author: Thomas Nagy Date: 2003-06-20 ----------------------------------------------- This README file explains you how to use this application template. * To distribute your program, try "make dist". This will make a compact tarball archive of your release with the necessary scripts inside. * To clean everything try make distclean * To build the configure script try make -f Makefile.cvs * For the translations : 1. Download a patched gettext which can be found at: http://public.kde.planetmirror.com/pub/kde/devel/gettext-kde/ 2. Install that gettext in ~/bin/ 3. cd ~/yourproject, export PATH=~/bin:$PATH, export KDEDIR=/where_your_KDE3_is 4. make -f admin/Makefile.common package-messages 5. make package-messages 6. Translate the po files (not the pot!!) with kbabel or xemacs * Build the menus of your application easily kde applications now use an xml file (*ui.rc file) to build the menus. This allow a great customization of the application. However, when programming the menu is shown only after a "make install" For more details, consult : http://devel-home.kde.org/~larrosa/tutorial/p9.html http://developer.kde.org/documentation/tutorials/xmlui/preface.html * Modifying the auto-tools scripts for automake scripts there is an excellent tutorial there : http://developer.kde.org/documentation/other/makefile_am_howto.html * Simplify your life : install the project in your home directory for testing purposes. ./configure --prefix=/home/user/dummyfolder/ In the end when you finished the development you can rm -rf /home/user/dummyfolder/ without fear.