1 | # coding: utf-8
2 | from pylab import *
3 | import pandas as pd
4 | import matplotlib.dates as mdates
5 | from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm
6 |
7 | r = pd.DataFrame.from_csv('burst_ratio.csv',
8 | infer_datetime_format=True,
9 | parse_dates=['fRunStart', 'fRunStop'])
10 | r = r.dropna()
11 |
12 | t = r.fRunStart.values.astype('float64')/1e9
13 | x = r.fBoardTriggerRateRatioAboveThreshold
14 | tt = mdates.epoch2num(t)
15 |
16 | plt.ion()
17 | fig, axes = plt.subplots(3,1, sharex=True)
18 | fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.)
19 | for ax in axes:
20 | ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(mdates.MonthLocator())
21 | ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(mdates.DateFormatter('%Y-%m-%d'))
22 | ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator( mdates.DayLocator())
23 |
24 | plot0 = axes[0].hist2d(tt, x.values,
25 | cmap='Greys',
26 | bins=(np.arange(int(tt[0])-2, int(tt[-1])+2),
27 | np.arange(0, 0.6+1/60., 1./60.)),
28 | norm=LogNorm())
29 | #plt.colorbar(plot0[-1])
30 | axes[0].set_ylabel("Ratio")
31 |
32 | plot1 = axes[1].hist2d(tt, r.fZenithDistanceMean.values,
33 | cmap='Greys',
34 | bins=(np.arange(int(tt[0])-2, int(tt[-1])+2),
35 | np.arange(0, 95, 1.)),
36 | norm=LogNorm())
37 | #plt.colorbar(plot1[-1])
38 | axes[1].set_ylabel("Zenith [deg]")
39 | plot2 = axes[2].hist2d(tt, r.fAzimuthMean.values,
40 | cmap='Greys',
41 | bins=(np.arange(int(tt[0])-2, int(tt[-1])+2),
42 | np.arange(-270, 90 , 4)),
43 | norm=LogNorm())
44 | #plt.colorbar(plot2[-1])
45 | axes[2].set_ylabel("Azimut [deg]")
46 | #ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(mdates.AutoDateFormatter(mdates.AutoDateLocator()))
47 | #ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(mdates.AutoDateLocator())
48 |
49 | #ax.format_xdata = mdates.DateFormatter('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')
50 | fig.autofmt_xdate()
51 | plt.grid()
52 |
53 | plt.xlabel("Time")
54 | #plt.tight_layout()
55 | plt.draw()
56 |
57 | """
58 | H, b = np.histogram(
59 | r.fZenithDistanceMean.values,
60 | bins = np.arange(0, 180))
61 |
62 | H2, bx, by = np.histogram2d(
63 | r.fZenithDistanceMean.values,
64 | x.values,
65 | bins=(np.arange(0, 180), np.arange(0, 0.6, 1/60.)),
66 | )
67 |
68 | plt.figure()
69 | plt.title("normiert")
70 | plt.imshow(
71 | (H2.T/H).T,
72 | origin='upper',
73 | #extent=[bx[0],bx[-1],by[0],by[-1]],
74 | #aspect=180,
75 | cmap='Greys',
76 | )
77 |
78 | """
79 | H, b = np.histogram(
80 | r.fZenithDistanceMean.values,
81 | bins = np.arange(0, 180))
82 |
83 | zenit_bin_index = np.digitize(r.fZenithDistanceMean.values, np.arange(0, 180))-1
84 | w = 1./H[zenit_bin_index]
85 |
86 | plt.figure()
87 | plt.hist2d(
88 | r.fZenithDistanceMean.values,
89 | x.values,
90 | weights=w,
91 | #cmap='Greys',
92 | bins = (np.arange(0, 180), np.arange(0, 0.6, 1./60.)),
93 | norm=LogNorm(),
94 | )
95 | plt.xlabel("fZenithDistanceMean")
96 | plt.xlim(0, 90)
97 | plt.ylabel("fBoardTriggerRateRatioAboveThreshold")
98 | plt.title("fZenithDistanceMean Dependence of Ratio")
99 | plt.colorbar()
100 | plt.grid()
101 |
102 | H, b = np.histogram(
103 | r.fAzimuthMean.values,
104 | bins = np.arange(-360, 360))
105 |
106 | az_bin_index = np.digitize(r.fAzimuthMean.values, np.arange(-360, 360))-1
107 | w = 1./H[az_bin_index]
108 |
109 | plt.figure()
110 | plt.hist2d(
111 | r.fAzimuthMean.values,
112 | x.values,
113 | weights=w,
114 | #cmap='Greys',
115 | bins = (np.arange(-360, 360), np.arange(0, 0.6, 1./60.)),
116 | norm=LogNorm()
117 | )
118 | plt.xlabel("fAzimuthMean")
119 | plt.ylabel("fBoardTriggerRateRatioAboveThreshold")
120 | plt.title("Azimuth Dependence of Ratio")
121 | plt.colorbar()
122 | plt.grid()
123 |
124 | nbins = (
125 | np.arange(-2*np.pi, 2*np.pi, np.pi/180*5),
126 | np.arange(0, 90)
127 | )
128 |
129 | H1, bx, by = np.histogram2d(
130 | x=r.fAzimuthMean.values*np.pi/180.,
131 | y=r.fZenithDistanceMean.values,
132 | weights=x.values,
133 | bins=nbins)
134 |
135 | H2, bx, by = np.histogram2d(
136 | x=r.fAzimuthMean.values*np.pi/180.,
137 | y=r.fZenithDistanceMean.values,
138 | bins=nbins)
139 |
140 | normed_H1 = H1/H2
141 |
142 | above_thr = normed_H1 > 0.05
143 |
144 | runs_above_thr = H2.copy()
145 | runs_above_thr[~above_thr]=0
146 |
147 | plt.figure()
148 | plt.title("Ratio vs. zenith and azimut (normalized for #runs)")
149 | im = plt.imshow(normed_H1.T,
150 | origin='low',
151 | interpolation='none',
152 | extent=[bx[0], bx[-1], by[0], by[-1]],
153 | aspect='auto',
154 | norm=LogNorm())
155 | #im.set_cmap('Greys')
156 | cbar = plt.colorbar()
157 | plt.grid()
158 | plt.xlim(-1.5*np.pi, np.pi/2.)
159 | plt.xlabel("Azimut [rad]")
160 | plt.ylabel("Zenith [deg]")
161 |
162 |
163 |
164 | plt.figure()
165 | plt.title("Above 5% Ratio")
166 | im = plt.imshow(above_thr.T,
167 | origin='low',
168 | interpolation='none',
169 | extent=[bx[0], bx[-1], by[0], by[-1]],
170 | aspect='auto',
171 | norm=LogNorm())
172 | #im.set_cmap('Greys')
173 | plt.colorbar()
174 | plt.grid()
175 | plt.xlim(-1.5*np.pi, np.pi/2.)
176 |
177 | plt.figure()
178 | plt.title("# runs above thr")
179 | im = plt.imshow(runs_above_thr.T,
180 | origin='low',
181 | interpolation='none',
182 | extent=[bx[0], bx[-1], by[0], by[-1]],
183 | aspect='auto')
184 | #im.set_cmap('Greys')
185 | plt.colorbar()
186 | plt.grid()
187 | plt.xlim(-1.5*np.pi, np.pi/2.)
188 |