1 | /********************************************************************\
2 |
3 | DAQReadout.cc
4 |
5 | Main DAQ routines.
6 |
7 | Sebastian Commichau, Oliver Grimm
8 |
9 | \********************************************************************/
10 |
11 | #include "DAQReadout.h"
12 | #include "SlowData.h"
13 |
14 | #define TMPNAME "/tmp/__tmp__drsdaq__" // ..for log file truncation
15 |
16 | static const char* daq_state_str[] = {"active", "stopped"};
17 | static const char* daq_runtype_str[] = {"data", "pedestal", "reserved", "test"};
18 |
19 | static const struct CL_Struct { const char *Name;
20 | void (DAQReadout::*CommandPointer)();
21 | bool NeedNotBusy;
22 | const char *Parameters;
23 | const char *Help;
24 | } CommandList[] =
25 | {{"board", &DAQReadout::cmd_board, true, "<i> [j] | <all>" ,"Address board i, boards i-j, all boards"},
26 | {"status", &DAQReadout::cmd_status, false, "[daq|drs]", "Show DAQ/DRS status information"},
27 | {"frequency", &DAQReadout::cmd_freq, true, "<GHz> [reg]", "Set DRS sampling frequency (regulated)"},
28 | {"calib", &DAQReadout::cmd_calib, true, "<trig rate> ", "Response calibration"},
29 | {"trigger", &DAQReadout::cmd_trigger, true, "<on|off>", "Hardware trigger on or off"},
30 | {"delayed", &DAQReadout::cmd_delayed, true, "<on|off>", "Switch delayed start on or off"},
31 | {"wmode", &DAQReadout::cmd_wmode, true, "<0|1>", "Set DRS wave mode"},
32 | {"rmode", &DAQReadout::cmd_rmode, true, "<0|1>", "Set DRS readout mode"},
33 | {"mode", &DAQReadout::cmd_mode, true, "<single|continuous>", "Set DRS single shot or continuous mode"},
34 | {"read", &DAQReadout::cmd_read, false, "<brd chip chan> [res]", "Read current data (and restart if DAQ not active)"},
35 | {"take", &DAQReadout::cmd_take, false, "<d|p|t> [n] [source]", "Start run (data, pedestal or test) with n events"},
36 | {"events", &DAQReadout::cmd_events, false, "", "Number of events in current run"},
37 | {"start", &DAQReadout::cmd_start, true, "", "Start DRS and DAQ without disk writing (feedback will be called)"},
38 | {"stop", &DAQReadout::cmd_stop, false, "", "Issue soft trigger and stop DAQ"},
39 | {"test", &DAQReadout::cmd_test, true, "[2e]<blt32|blt64> [n]", "Test read access of VMEbus (n blocks)"},
40 | {"regtest", &DAQReadout::cmd_regtest, true, "", "DRS register test"},
41 | {"ramtest", &DAQReadout::cmd_ramtest, true, "", "DRS RAM integrity and speed test"},
42 | {"led", &DAQReadout::cmd_led, true, "<on|off>", "Turn LED on or off"},
43 | {"config", &DAQReadout::cmd_config, false, "", "Print drsdaq configuration"},
44 | {"serial", &DAQReadout::cmd_serial, true, "<i> <n>", "Set serial# of board <i> to <n> (experts only)"},
45 | {"disk", &DAQReadout::cmd_disk, false, "" ,"Remaining disk space"},
46 | {"uptime", &DAQReadout::cmd_uptime, false, "", "Get DAQ uptime"},
47 | {"exit", &DAQReadout::cmd_exit, false, "", "Exit program"},
48 | {"fmode", &DAQReadout::cmd_fmode, false, "[off|active|targ]", "Set or get feedback mode"},
49 | {"faverage", &DAQReadout::cmd_faverage, false, "[n]", "Set ot get number of averages for feedback"},
50 | {"fgain", &DAQReadout::cmd_fgain, false, "[gain]", "Set ot get feedback gain"},
51 | {"ftarget", &DAQReadout::cmd_ftarget, false, "[brd chip chan]", "Set or get target value (also 'all' supported)"},
52 | {"fresponse", &DAQReadout::cmd_fresponse, false, "[voltage]", "Start response measurement with given voltage difference"},
53 | {"fconfig", &DAQReadout::cmd_fconfig, false, "", "Print feedback configuration"},
54 | {"help", &DAQReadout::cmd_help, false, "", "Print help"}};
55 |
56 |
57 | // -----------------------------------------------
58 | // ***** Constructor: Class initialisation *****
59 | // -----------------------------------------------
60 | //
61 |
62 | DAQReadout::DAQReadout(const char *Configfile) {
63 |
64 | time(&StartTime); // Start time of DAQ
65 |
66 | // Initialize status structure
67 | daq_state = stopped;
68 | daq_runtype = data;
69 | Socket = -1;
70 | Exit = false;
71 | CalibrationRead = false;
72 | NumEvents = 0;
73 | NumEventsRequested = 0;
74 | NumBoards = 0;
75 | FirstBoard = 0;
76 | LastBoard = -1;
77 | CmdFromSocket = false;
78 | ConfigOK = true;
79 |
80 | // Read configuration file (if any item missing, program will be terminated in main() routine)
81 | FILE *File;
82 | if ((File = fopen(Configfile,"r")) == NULL) {
83 | printf("Error: Could not open drsdaq configuration file '%s'\n", Configfile);
84 | ConfigOK = false;
85 | return;
86 | }
87 | else {
88 | printf("Reading drsdaq configuration file %s\n", Configfile);
89 | ConfigOK &= ReadCard("LogFile", fLogFile, 's', File);
90 | ConfigOK &= ReadCard("SlowDataPath", fSlowDataPath, 's', File);
91 | ConfigOK &= ReadCard("MaxLogLines", &fMaxLogLines, 'U', File);
92 | ConfigOK &= ReadCard("RawDataPath", fRawDataPath, 's', File);
93 | ConfigOK &= ReadCard("FirstSample", &fFirstSample, 'I', File);
94 | ConfigOK &= ReadCard("Samples", &fSamples, 'U', File);
95 | ConfigOK &= ReadCard("MinDiskSpaceMB", &fMinDiskSpaceMB, 'U', File);
96 | ConfigOK &= ReadCard("MaxFileSizeMB", &fMaxFileSizeMB, 'I', File);
97 | ConfigOK &= ReadCard("CCPort", &fCCPort, 'I', File);
98 | ConfigOK &= ReadCard("FirstVMESlot", &fFirstVMESlot, 'I', File);
99 | ConfigOK &= ReadCard("LastVMESlot", &fLastVMESlot, 'I', File);
100 | ConfigOK &= ReadCard("HVFeedbackConfig", fHVFeedbackConfig, 's', File);
101 | ConfigOK &= ReadCard("DefaultFrequency", &fDefaultFrequency , 'd', File);
102 | fclose(File);
103 | if (!ConfigOK) return;
104 | }
105 | if (fFirstSample < 0 || fFirstSample > kNumberOfBins || fSamples > kNumberOfBins) {
106 | PrintMessage("Warning: Sample range in configuration beyond limits, setting to full range\n");
107 | fFirstSample = kNumberOfBins;
108 | fSamples = kNumberOfBins;
109 | }
110 |
111 | // Truncate log file to given number of lines
112 | char ShellCmd[MAX_COM_SIZE];
113 | snprintf(ShellCmd, sizeof(ShellCmd), "tail --lines=%u %s >%s; cp %s %s; rm %s", fMaxLogLines, fLogFile, TMPNAME, TMPNAME, fLogFile, TMPNAME);
114 | if (system(ShellCmd) != 0) printf("Warning: Could not truncate log file '%s' to %u lines\n", fLogFile, fMaxLogLines);
115 |
116 | // Open log file and log configuration
117 | if ((Logfile = fopen(fLogFile, "a")) == NULL) printf("Warning: Could not open log file '%s'\n", fLogFile);
118 | PrintMessage(MsgToLog,"********** Logging started **********\n");
119 | PrintConfig(MsgToLog);
120 |
121 | // Create DRS instance and perform initial scan
122 | drs = new DRS();
123 | drs->SetFirstVMESlot(fFirstVMESlot);
124 | drs->SetLastVMESlot(fLastVMESlot);
125 | drs->InitialScan();
126 |
127 | // Allocate headers and initialise to zero
128 | RHeader = new RunHeader;
129 | memset(RHeader, 0, sizeof(RunHeader));
130 | EHeader = new EventHeader;
131 | memset(EHeader, 0, sizeof(EventHeader));
132 |
133 | // Scan for DRS boards
134 | DRSFreq = new float [drs->GetNumberOfBoards()];
135 | if (drs->GetNumberOfBoards()==0) PrintMessage("No DRS boards found - check VME crate and configuration file!\n");
136 |
137 | for (int i=0; i<drs->GetNumberOfBoards(); i++) {
138 | PrintMessage("Init. mezz. board %2d on VME slot %2d %s, serial #%d, firmware revision %d\n",
139 | i, (drs->GetBoard(i)->GetSlotNumber() >> 1)+2, ((drs->GetBoard(i)->GetSlotNumber() & 1) == 0) ? "upper" : "lower",
140 | drs->GetBoard(i)->GetCMCSerialNumber(), drs->GetBoard(i)->GetFirmwareVersion());
141 | NumBoards++;
142 | LastBoard++;
143 | drs->GetBoard(i)->Init();
144 | drs->GetBoard(i)->SetRotation(false);
145 | DRSFreq[i] = 0;
146 | }
147 | BStruct = new BoardStructure [NumBoards == 0 ? 1:drs->GetNumberOfBoards()];
148 | memset(BStruct, 0, sizeof(BoardStructure)*(NumBoards == 0 ? 1:drs->GetNumberOfBoards()));
149 |
150 | WaveForm = new short [NumBoards == 0 ? 1:NumBoards][kNumberOfChips][kNumberOfChannels][kNumberOfBins];
151 | TriggerCell = new int [NumBoards == 0 ? 1:NumBoards][kNumberOfChips] (); // Zero initialised
152 |
153 | // Create instance of HV feedback (must be called after CMC board detection)
154 | HVFB = new HVFeedback(this, fHVFeedbackConfig);
155 |
156 | // Create instance of slow data class for DAQ
157 | SlowDataClass = new SlowData("DAQ", fSlowDataPath);
158 | if(SlowDataClass->ErrorCode != 0) {
159 | PrintMessage("Warning: Could not open DAQ slowdata file (%s)\n", strerror(SlowDataClass->ErrorCode));
160 | }
161 | SlowDataClass->NewEntry("Runinfo-Info", "Run information written after completion or termination of run (Status can be OK or Error): Runnumber Status Runtype Events Files Description ");
162 | }
163 |
164 | // ------------------------
165 | // ***** Destructor *****
166 | // ------------------------
167 |
168 | DAQReadout::~DAQReadout() {
169 | delete SlowDataClass;
170 | delete RHeader; delete EHeader;
171 | delete drs; delete HVFB;
172 | delete[] DRSFreq; delete[] BStruct;
173 | delete[] WaveForm; delete[] TriggerCell;
174 |
175 | if(Logfile) {
176 | if(!fclose(Logfile)) printf("Closing logfile\n");
177 | else perror("Error closing logfile");
178 | }
179 | }
180 |
181 | // --------------------------------
182 | // ***** Command evaluation *****
183 | // --------------------------------
184 |
185 | void DAQReadout::CommandControl(char *Command) {
186 |
187 | if (strlen(Command)==0) return; // Ignore empty commands
188 |
189 | if(Command[0]=='.') { // Shell command
190 | system(&(Command[1]));
191 | return;
192 | }
193 |
194 | for(int i=0; i<MAX_NUM_TOKEN; i++) Param[i] = ""; // All pointers point initially to empty string
195 | NParam = ParseInput(Command, Param);
196 |
197 | for(CmdNumber=0; CmdNumber<sizeof(CommandList)/sizeof(CL_Struct); CmdNumber++)
198 | if (Match(Param[0], CommandList[CmdNumber].Name)) {
199 | if(CommandList[CmdNumber].NeedNotBusy && daq_state==active) PrintMessage("DAQ is busy\n");
200 | else if(CommandList[CmdNumber].NeedNotBusy && NumBoards==0) PrintMessage("No mezzanine boards available\n");
201 | else (this->*CommandList[CmdNumber].CommandPointer)();
202 | return;
203 | }
204 | PrintMessage("Unknown command '%s'\n",Param[0]);
205 | return;
206 | }
207 |
208 | // Get uptime
209 | void DAQReadout::cmd_uptime() {
210 | time_t ActualT;
211 | time (&ActualT);
212 | PrintMessage("%d:%02d:%02d\n", (int) difftime(ActualT, StartTime)/3600, ((int) difftime(ActualT, StartTime)/60)%60, (int) difftime(ActualT, StartTime)%60);
213 | }
214 |
215 | // Print disk space
216 | void DAQReadout::cmd_disk() {
217 | PrintMessage("Free disk space (%s) [MB]: %lu\n", fRawDataPath, CheckDisk(fRawDataPath));
218 | }
219 |
220 | // Print current number of events
221 | void DAQReadout::cmd_events() {
222 | if(daq_state != active) PrintMessage("DAQ not active\n");
223 | else PrintMessage("Current number of events: %d (of %d requested)\n", NumEvents, NumEventsRequested);
224 | }
225 |
226 | // Print DAQ configuration
227 | void DAQReadout::cmd_config() {
228 | PrintConfig(CmdFromSocket ? MsgToSocket : MsgToConsole);
229 | }
230 |
231 | // Start DAQ
232 | void DAQReadout::cmd_take() {
233 |
234 | if(!Match(Param[1],"test")) {
235 | if (daq_state==active || NumBoards==0) {
236 | PrintMessage("DAQ is busy or no boards available\n");
237 | return;
238 | }
239 | if (!IsDRSFreqSet()) {
240 | PrintMessage("Setting default frequency\n");
241 | SetDRSFrequency(fDefaultFrequency, false);
242 | CalibrationRead = false;
243 | }
244 |
245 | if (!CalibrationRead && !ReadCalibration()) {
246 | PrintMessage("Cannot start run if response calibration not read\n");
247 | return;
248 | }
249 | }
250 |
251 | if (Match(Param[1],"data")) {
252 | HWTrigger(1);
253 | daq_runtype = data;
254 | }
255 | else if (Match(Param[1],"pedestal")) {
256 | HWTrigger(0);
257 | daq_runtype = pedestal;
258 | }
259 | else if (Match(Param[1],"test")) {
260 | daq_runtype = test;
261 | }
262 | else {
263 | PrintUsage();
264 | return;
265 | }
266 |
267 | if (NParam==3) NumEventsRequested = atoi(Param[2]);
268 | if (NParam==4) {
269 | NumEventsRequested = atoi(Param[2]);
270 | strncpy(RHeader->Description, Param[3], sizeof(RHeader->Description));
271 | }
272 | else snprintf(RHeader->Description,sizeof(RHeader->Description),"DUMMY");
273 |
274 | // Determine new run number using the file RUN_NUM_FILE
275 | FILE *RunNumFile = fopen(RUN_NUM_FILE,"r+");
276 | if(RunNumFile == NULL) {
277 | PrintMessage("Error: Could not open file '%s' that contains the last run number (%s)\n",RUN_NUM_FILE,strerror(errno));
278 | return;
279 | }
280 | if(fscanf(RunNumFile,"%u", &RunNumber) != 1 ) {
281 | PrintMessage("Error: Could not read run number from file '%s'\n",RUN_NUM_FILE);
282 | fclose(RunNumFile);
283 | return;
284 | }
285 | RunNumber++;
286 | rewind(RunNumFile);
287 | if((fprintf(RunNumFile,"%.8u ",RunNumber) < 0) || (fclose(RunNumFile)!=0)) {
288 | PrintMessage("Error: Could not write to or close run number file '%s'\n",RUN_NUM_FILE);
289 | PrintMessage("*** This is a serious error because run numbers will get mixed. Fix it. DAQ will terminate.\n");
290 | throw;
291 | }
292 |
293 | // Create DAQ thread
294 | if ((pthread_create(&thread_DAQ, NULL, (void * (*)(void *)) DAQ,(void *) this)) != 0)
295 | PrintMessage("pthread_create failed with DAQ thread (%s)\n",strerror(errno));
296 | else {
297 | daq_state = active;
298 | Stop = false;
299 | pthread_detach(thread_DAQ);
300 | }
301 | }
302 |
303 | // Start DRS
304 | void DAQReadout::cmd_start() {
305 | if (IsDRSFreqSet()) {
306 | StartDRS();
307 | PrintMessage("Domino wave started\n");
308 |
309 | // Create DAQ thread
310 | if ((pthread_create(&thread_DAQ_Silent, NULL, (void * (*)(void *)) DAQ_Silent,(void *) this)) != 0)
311 | PrintMessage("pthread_create failed with DAQ_Silent thread (%s)\n",strerror(errno));
312 | else {
313 | daq_state = active;
314 | Stop = false;
315 | pthread_detach(thread_DAQ_Silent);
316 | }
317 | }
318 | }
319 |
320 | // RAM test
321 | void DAQReadout::cmd_ramtest() {
322 | for (int i=FirstBoard; i<=LastBoard; i++) {
323 | PrintMessage("RAM integrity and speed test (board #%d):\n",i);
324 | (drs->GetBoard(i))->RAMTest(3);
325 | }
326 | }
327 |
328 | // Register test
329 | void DAQReadout::cmd_regtest() {
330 | for (int i=FirstBoard; i<=LastBoard; i++) {
331 | PrintMessage("Register test (board #%d):\n",i);
332 | (drs->GetBoard(i))->RegisterTest();
333 | }
334 | }
335 |
336 | // Test VME transfer
337 | void DAQReadout::cmd_test() {
338 | int Type=-1, i;
339 |
340 | if (Match(Param[1], "2eblt64")) Type = 2;
341 | else if (Match(Param[1], "blt32")) Type = 0;
342 | else if (Match(Param[1], "blt64")) Type = 1;
343 | else {
344 | PrintMessage("Unknown type for testing\n");
345 | return;
346 | }
347 |
348 | if (NumBoards) for (i=FirstBoard; i<=LastBoard; i++) {
349 | PrintMessage("BLT test started (board #%d)\n",i);
350 | (drs->GetBoard(i))->TestRead(Param[2][0] && atoi(Param[2])<=10000 && atoi(Param[2])>0 ? atoi(Param[2]):1, Type);
351 | }
352 | else PrintMessage("No DRS boards available\n");
353 | }
354 |
355 | // Stop DAQ
356 | void DAQReadout::cmd_stop() {
357 | if(!daq_state==active && !IsDRSBusy()) PrintMessage("Nothing to stop\n");
358 | if (daq_state==active) StopRun();
359 | if (IsDRSBusy()) {
360 | StopDRS();
361 | PrintMessage("Domino wave stopped\n");
362 | }
363 | }
364 |
365 | // Read current data
366 | // For socket transmission: all numbers must be separated by exactly one
367 | // whitespace; the first number is the number of numbers that follow, the
368 | // second number the sampling frequency in GHz, the third the conversion factor
369 |
370 | void DAQReadout::cmd_read() {
371 | if(NumBoards==0) {
372 | PrintMessage("No mezzanine boards available\n");
373 | return;
374 | }
375 | if (NParam<4) {
376 | PrintUsage();
377 | return;
378 | }
379 | if (atoi(Param[1])>LastBoard || atoi(Param[1])<FirstBoard) {
380 | PrintMessage("Error: Board number out of range\n");
381 | return;
382 | }
383 | if (atoi(Param[3])<0 || atoi(Param[3])>=kNumberOfChannels) {
384 | PrintMessage("Error: Channel number out of range\n");
385 | return;
386 | }
387 | if (atoi(Param[2])<0 || atoi(Param[2])>=kNumberOfChips) {
388 | PrintMessage("Error: Chip number out of range\n");
389 | return;
390 | }
391 |
392 | if (daq_state!=active) {
393 | if (!CalibrationRead) ReadCalibration();
394 | if(NParam==5) StopDRS();
395 | ReadCalibratedDRSData();
396 | if(NParam==5) StartDRS();
397 | }
398 | PrintMessage(CmdFromSocket ? MsgToSocket:MsgToConsole|MsgToLog, "==START== %d %.2f %.2f ",kNumberOfBins+2,DRSFreq[atoi(Param[1])],drs->GetBoard(atoi(Param[1]))->GetPrecision());
399 | for (int k=0; k<kNumberOfBins; k++) PrintMessage(CmdFromSocket ? MsgToSocket:MsgToConsole|MsgToLog, "%.1f ",
400 | (float) WaveForm[atoi(Param[1])][atoi(Param[2])][atoi(Param[3])][(k+TriggerCell[atoi(Param[1])][atoi(Param[2])])%kNumberOfBins]);
401 | PrintMessage(CmdFromSocket ? MsgToSocket:MsgToConsole|MsgToLog, "==END==");
402 | PrintMessage(CmdFromSocket ? MsgToSocket:MsgToConsole|MsgToLog, "\n");
403 | }
404 |
405 | // Set Domino mode
406 | void DAQReadout::cmd_mode() {
407 | if (Match(Param[1],"continuous")) SetDOMINOMode(1);
408 | else if (Match(Param[1],"single")) SetDOMINOMode(0);
409 | else PrintUsage();
410 | }
411 |
412 | // Set Domino readout mode
413 | void DAQReadout::cmd_rmode() {
414 | if (Match(Param[1],"1")) SetDOMINOReadMode(1);
415 | else if (Match(Param[1],"0")) SetDOMINOReadMode(0);
416 | else PrintUsage();
417 | }
418 |
419 | // Set Domino wave mode
420 | void DAQReadout::cmd_wmode() {
421 | if (Match(Param[1],"1")) SetDOMINOWaveMode(1);
422 | else if (Match(Param[1],"0")) SetDOMINOWaveMode(0);
423 | else PrintUsage();
424 | }
425 |
426 | // Switch delayed start on/off
427 | void DAQReadout::cmd_delayed() {
428 | if (Match(Param[1],"on")) SetDelayedStart(1);
429 | else if (Match(Param[1],"off")) SetDelayedStart(0);
430 | else PrintUsage();
431 | }
432 |
433 | // Set trigger mode
434 | void DAQReadout::cmd_trigger() {
435 | if (Match(Param[1],"on")) HWTrigger(1);
436 | else if (Match(Param[1],"off")) HWTrigger(0);
437 | else PrintUsage();
438 | }
439 |
440 | // Set serial number of board
441 | void DAQReadout::cmd_serial() {
442 | if (NParam==4 && Match(Param[3], "expert")) {
443 | if ((atoi(Param[1]) < FirstBoard) || (atoi(Param[1]) > LastBoard))
444 | PrintMessage("Board number out of range (%d...%d)!\n",FirstBoard,LastBoard);
445 | else if (atoi(Param[2]) < 100 || atoi(Param[2]) >= 1000)
446 | PrintMessage("Serial number out of range (100...999)!\n");
447 | else {
448 | PrintMessage("Flashing EEPROM of board %d...\n", atoi(Param[1]));
449 | (drs->GetBoard(atoi(Param[1])))->FlashEEPROM(atoi(Param[2]));
450 | }
451 | }
452 | else PrintMessage("You are not allowed to change the serial number!\n");
453 | }
454 |
455 | // Do internal calibration
456 | void DAQReadout::cmd_calib() {
457 | char str[MAX_COM_SIZE];
458 |
459 | if (NParam!=2 || !atof(Param[1])) {
460 | PrintUsage();
461 | return;
462 | }
463 | if (!IsDRSFreqSet()) {
464 | PrintMessage("Set sampling frequency first\n");
465 | return;
466 | }
467 |
468 | getcwd(str, sizeof(str));
469 | strcat(str,"/calib");
470 |
471 | for (int i=FirstBoard; i<=LastBoard; i++) {
472 | PrintMessage("Creating calibration of board %d (serial number %d)\n", i, drs->GetBoard(i)->GetCMCSerialNumber());
473 |
474 | drs->GetBoard(i)->EnableTcal(1);
475 | if (drs->GetBoard(i)->GetChipVersion() == 3) drs->GetBoard(i)->GetResponseCalibration()->SetCalibrationParameters(1,21,0,20,0,0,0,0,0);
476 | else drs->GetBoard(i)->GetResponseCalibration()->SetCalibrationParameters(1,36,110,20,19,40,15,atof(Param[1]),0);
477 | drs->GetBoard(i)->SetCalibrationDirectory(str);
478 |
479 | for (int j=0; j<kNumberOfChips; j++) {
480 | drs->GetBoard(i)->GetResponseCalibration()->ResetCalibration();
481 |
482 | while (!drs->GetBoard(i)->GetResponseCalibration()->RecordCalibrationPoints(j)) {}
483 | PrintMessage("Calibration points recorded.\n");
484 |
485 | while (!drs->GetBoard(i)->GetResponseCalibration()->FitCalibrationPoints(j)) {}
486 | PrintMessage("Calibration points fitted.\n");
487 |
488 | while (!drs->GetBoard(i)->GetResponseCalibration()->OffsetCalibration(j)) {}
489 | PrintMessage("Offset calibration done.\n");
490 |
491 | if (!drs->GetBoard(i)->GetResponseCalibration()->WriteCalibration(j)) break;
492 | }
493 | } // Loop over boards
494 | PrintMessage("End of calibration\n");
495 | CalibrationRead = false;
496 | }
497 |
498 | // Set DRS sampling frequency
499 | void DAQReadout::cmd_freq() {
500 | if (NParam>=2 && atof(Param[1])) {
501 | SetDRSFrequency(atof(Param[1]), NParam==2 ? false : true);
502 | CalibrationRead = false;
503 | }
504 | else PrintUsage();
505 | }
506 |
507 | // Set LED
508 | void DAQReadout::cmd_led() {
509 | if (Match(Param[1], "on") || Match(Param[1], "off"))
510 | for (int i=FirstBoard; i<=LastBoard; i++)
511 | (drs->GetBoard(i))->SetLED(Match(Param[1], "on") ? 1 : 0);
512 | else PrintUsage();
513 | }
514 |
515 | // Print status
516 | void DAQReadout::cmd_status() {
517 |
518 | double freq;
519 |
520 | if(NParam==1 || Match(Param[1],"daq")) {
521 | PrintMessage("********** DAQ STATUS **********\n"
522 | " DAQ: %s\n"
523 | " Run number: %d\n"
524 | " Run type: %s\n"
525 | " Event: %d\n"
526 | " Requested events per run: %d\n"
527 | " Storage directory: %s\n"
528 | " Disk space: %lu MByte\n"
529 | " Socket state: %s\n"
530 | " Total number of CMC boards: %d\n"
531 | " Active CMC boards: %d\n",
532 | daq_state_str[daq_state], daq_state==active ? (int) RunNumber:-1,
533 | daq_runtype_str[daq_runtype], NumEvents,
534 | NumEventsRequested, fRawDataPath,
535 | CheckDisk(fRawDataPath), Socket==-1 ? "disconnected":"connected",
536 | NumBoards, LastBoard - FirstBoard + 1);
537 |
538 | for (int i=FirstBoard;i<=LastBoard;i++)
539 | PrintMessage(" Frequency of board %d set: %s\n",i,(DRSFreq[i]!=0 ? "yes":"no"));
540 | }
541 |
542 | if(NParam==1 || Match(Param[1],"drs")) {
543 | PrintMessage("\n********** DRS STATUS **********\n");
544 | if (NumBoards) {
545 | for (int i=FirstBoard; i<=LastBoard; i++) {
546 |
547 | PrintMessage(" Mezz. board index: %d\n"
548 | " Slot: %d %s\n",i,((drs->GetBoard(i))->GetSlotNumber() >> 1)+2,((drs->GetBoard(i))->GetSlotNumber() & 1)==0 ? "upper":"lower");
549 | PrintMessage(" Chip version: DRS%d\n"
550 | " Board version: %d\n"
551 | " Serial number: %d\n"
552 | " Firmware revision: %d\n"
553 | " Temperature: %1.1lf C\n"
554 | " Status reg.: 0X%08X\n",
555 | (drs->GetBoard(i))->GetChipVersion(),
556 | (drs->GetBoard(i))->GetCMCVersion(),
557 | (drs->GetBoard(i))->GetCMCSerialNumber(),
558 | (drs->GetBoard(i))->GetFirmwareVersion(),
559 | (drs->GetBoard(i))->GetTemperature(),
560 | (drs->GetBoard(i))->GetStatusReg());
561 |
562 |
563 | if ((drs->GetBoard(i))->GetStatusReg() & BIT_RUNNING)
564 | PrintMessage(" Domino wave running\n");
565 | if ((drs->GetBoard(i))->GetStatusReg() & BIT_NEW_FREQ1)
566 | PrintMessage(" New Freq1 ready\n");
567 | if ((drs->GetBoard(i))->GetStatusReg() & BIT_NEW_FREQ2)
568 | PrintMessage(" New Freq2 ready\n");
569 |
570 | PrintMessage(" Control reg.: 0X%08X\n", (drs->GetBoard(i))->GetCtrlReg());
571 | if ((drs->GetBoard(i))->GetCtrlReg() & BIT_AUTOSTART)
572 | PrintMessage(" AUTOSTART enabled\n");
573 | if ((drs->GetBoard(i))->GetCtrlReg() & BIT_DMODE)
574 | PrintMessage(" DMODE circular\n");
575 | else
576 | PrintMessage(" DMODE single shot\n");
577 | if ((drs->GetBoard(i))->GetCtrlReg() & BIT_LED)
578 | PrintMessage(" LED\n");
579 | if ((drs->GetBoard(i))->GetCtrlReg() & BIT_TCAL_EN)
580 | PrintMessage(" TCAL enabled\n");
581 | if ((drs->GetBoard(i))->GetCtrlReg() & BIT_ZERO_SUPP)
582 | PrintMessage(" ZERO_SUPP enabled\n");
583 | if ((drs->GetBoard(i))->GetCtrlReg() & BIT_FREQ_AUTO_ADJ)
584 | PrintMessage(" FREQ_AUTO_ADJ enabled\n");
585 | if ((drs->GetBoard(i))->GetCtrlReg() & BIT_ENABLE_TRIGGER)
586 | PrintMessage(" ENABLE_TRIGGER\n");
587 | if ((drs->GetBoard(i))->GetCtrlReg() & BIT_LONG_START_PULSE)
588 | PrintMessage(" LONG_START_PULSE\n");
589 | if ((drs->GetBoard(i))->GetCtrlReg() & BIT_DELAYED_START)
590 | PrintMessage(" DELAYED_START\n");
591 | if ((drs->GetBoard(i))->GetCtrlReg() & BIT_ACAL_EN)
592 | PrintMessage(" ACAL enabled\n");
593 | PrintMessage(" Trigger bus: 0X%08X\n", (drs->GetBoard(i))->GetTriggerBus());
594 | if ((drs->GetBoard(i))->IsBusy()) {
595 | (drs->GetBoard(i))->ReadFrequency(0, &freq);
596 | PrintMessage(" Frequency0: %1.4lf GHz\n", freq);
597 | (drs->GetBoard(i))->ReadFrequency(1, &freq);
598 | PrintMessage(" Frequency1: %1.4lf GHz\n", freq);
599 | }
600 | else PrintMessage(" Domino wave stopped\n");
601 | }
602 | }
603 | else PrintMessage("No DRS boards available!\n\n");
604 | }
605 | }
606 |
607 | // Adress DRS boards
608 | void DAQReadout::cmd_board() {
609 | if (Match(Param[1],"all")) {
610 | FirstBoard = 0;
611 | LastBoard = drs->GetNumberOfBoards()-1;
612 | }
613 | else if (NParam==2 && atoi(Param[1])>=0 && atoi(Param[1])<NumBoards) {
614 | FirstBoard = atoi(Param[1]);
615 | LastBoard = FirstBoard;
616 | }
617 | else if (NParam==3 && atoi(Param[1])>=0 && atoi(Param[1])<NumBoards &&
618 | atoi(Param[2])>0 && atoi(Param[2])<NumBoards) {
619 | FirstBoard = atoi(Param[1]);
620 | LastBoard = atoi(Param[2]);
621 | }
622 | else PrintMessage("Cannot address board(s), out of range.\n");
623 | CalibrationRead = false;
624 | }
625 |
626 | // Print help (only to console or socket, not to log file)
627 | void DAQReadout::cmd_help() {
628 | char Buffer[MAX_COM_SIZE];
629 | for(unsigned int i=0; i<sizeof(CommandList)/sizeof(CL_Struct); i++) {
630 | snprintf(Buffer, sizeof(Buffer), "%s %s", CommandList[i].Name, CommandList[i].Parameters);
631 | PrintMessage(CmdFromSocket ? MsgToSocket:MsgToConsole,"%-28s%s\n", Buffer, CommandList[i].Help);
632 | }
633 | PrintMessage(CmdFromSocket ? MsgToSocket:MsgToConsole,".<command> Execute shell command\n\n"
634 | "Items in <> are mandatory, in [] optional, | indicates mutual exclusive or.\n"
635 | "Test data can also be written if no DRS boards are available.\n"
636 | "Strings containing spaces have to be enclosed in \"double quotes\".\n");
637 | }
638 |
639 | // Exit programm
640 | void DAQReadout::cmd_exit() {
641 | if (CmdFromSocket) {
642 | PrintMessage("Exit command not allowed over socket.\n");
643 | return;
644 | }
645 | if (daq_state==active) PrintMessage("Issue \"stop\" first to stop daq\n");
646 | else {
647 | Exit = true;
648 | if(SocketThread != NULL) pthread_kill(*SocketThread, SIGUSR1);
649 | }
650 | }
651 |
652 | // Set/get mode of feedback
653 | void DAQReadout::cmd_fmode() {
654 | if(Match(Param[1],"off")) HVFB->SetFBMode(FB_Off);
655 | if(Match(Param[1],"active")) HVFB->SetFBMode(FB_Active);
656 | if(Match(Param[1],"targets")) HVFB->SetFBMode(FB_Targets);
657 | HVFB->GetFBMode();
658 | }
659 |
660 | // Set/get current number of events
661 | void DAQReadout::cmd_faverage() {
662 | if(NParam==1) PrintMessage("Current number of feedback events: %u (acting when %u events are reached)\n",
663 | HVFB->GetCurrentCount(), HVFB->GetNumAverages());
664 | else if(atoi(Param[1])>=0) HVFB->SetNumAverages(atoi(Param[1]));
665 | else PrintUsage();
666 | }
667 |
668 | // Set/get feedback gain
669 | void DAQReadout::cmd_fgain() {
670 | if(NParam==2) HVFB->SetGain(atof(Param[1]));
671 | PrintMessage("Feedback gain is %.2f\n", HVFB->GetGain());
672 | }
673 |
674 | // Set/get target value
675 | void DAQReadout::cmd_ftarget() {
676 | if(NParam==1) HVFB->GetTargets();
677 | else if(NParam!=5) PrintUsage();
678 | else for (int i=FirstBoard; i<=LastBoard; i++)
679 | for (int j=0; j<kNumberOfChips; j++)
680 | for (int k=0; k<kNumberOfChannels; k++)
681 | if ((atoi(Param[1])==i || Match(Param[1],"all")) &&
682 | (atoi(Param[2])==j || Match(Param[2],"all")) &&
683 | (atoi(Param[3])==k || Match(Param[3],"all")))
684 | HVFB->SetTarget(i,j,k,atof(Param[4]));
685 | }
686 |
687 | // Start response measurement
688 | void DAQReadout::cmd_fresponse() {
689 | if(NParam==1) HVFB->GetResponse();
690 | else if(atof(Param[1])) HVFB->MeasureResponse(atof(Param[1]));
691 | else PrintUsage();
692 | }
693 |
694 | // Print feedback configuration
695 | void DAQReadout::cmd_fconfig() {
696 | HVFB->PrintConfig(CmdFromSocket ? MsgToSocket : MsgToConsole);
697 | }
698 |
699 | // ----------------------------------------------
700 | // ***** Utility function for DRS control *****
701 | // ----------------------------------------------
702 |
703 | // Start domino wave
704 | void DAQReadout::StartDRS() {
705 | for (int i=FirstBoard; i<=LastBoard; i++) drs->GetBoard(i)->StartDomino();
706 | }
707 |
708 | // Stop domino wave
709 | void DAQReadout::StopDRS() {
710 | for (int i=FirstBoard; i<=LastBoard; i++) drs->GetBoard(i)->SoftTrigger();
711 | }
712 |
713 | // Transfer data to memory
714 | void DAQReadout::ReadCalibratedDRSData() {
715 |
716 | for (int i=FirstBoard; i<=LastBoard; i++) {
717 | (drs->GetBoard(i))->TransferWaves(kNumberOfChannels*kNumberOfChips);
718 | for (int j=0; j<kNumberOfChannels; j++) {
719 | drs->GetBoard(i)->GetWave(0, j, WaveForm[i][0][j], true); // Chip #1
720 | TriggerCell[i][0] = drs->GetBoard(i)->GetTriggerCell((unsigned int) 0);
721 | drs->GetBoard(i)->GetWave(1, j, WaveForm[i][1][j], true); // Chip #2
722 | TriggerCell[i][1] = drs->GetBoard(i)->GetTriggerCell((unsigned int) 1);
723 | }
724 | }
725 | }
726 |
727 | // Read calibration file
728 | bool DAQReadout::ReadCalibration() {
729 |
730 | char dir[MAX_COM_SIZE];
731 |
732 | getcwd(dir, sizeof(dir));
733 | strcat(dir,"/calib");
734 | for (int i=FirstBoard; i<=LastBoard; i++) {
735 | (drs->GetBoard(i))->SetCalibrationDirectory(dir);
736 | PrintMessage("Reading response calibration file for board %d from: \"%s\"\n", i, dir);
737 | for (int Chip=0; Chip<kNumberOfChips; Chip++)
738 | if (drs->GetBoard(i)->GetResponseCalibration()->ReadCalibration(Chip)==false) {
739 | CalibrationRead = false;
740 | return false;
741 | }
742 | }
743 | CalibrationRead = true;
744 | return true;
745 | }
746 |
747 | // Stop DAQ
748 | void DAQReadout::StopRun() {
749 |
750 | if(daq_state != active) PrintMessage("DAQ is not active.\n");
751 | else {
752 | Stop = true;
753 | PrintMessage("DAQ will stop.\n");
754 | }
755 | }
756 |
757 | // Set DOMINO mode
758 | void DAQReadout::SetDOMINOMode(int mode) {
759 |
760 | if (NumBoards)
761 | for (int i=FirstBoard; i<=LastBoard; i++) {
762 | (drs->GetBoard(i))->SetDominoMode(mode==1 ? 1:0);
763 | PrintMessage("Domino mode of board %d switched to %s.\n",i,mode==1 ? "continuous":"single shot");
764 | }
765 | else PrintMessage("No DRS boards available\n");
766 | }
767 |
768 | // Set DOMINO readout mode
769 | void DAQReadout::SetDOMINOReadMode(int mode) {
770 |
771 | if (NumBoards)
772 | for (int i=FirstBoard; i<=LastBoard; i++) {
773 | (drs->GetBoard(i))->SetReadoutMode(mode==1 ? 1:0);
774 | PrintMessage("Start readout of board %d from %s.\n",i,mode==1 ? "first bin":"stop position");
775 | }
776 | else PrintMessage("No DRS boards available\n");
777 | }
778 |
779 | // Set DOMINO wave mode
780 | void DAQReadout::SetDOMINOWaveMode(int mode) {
781 |
782 | if (NumBoards)
783 | for (int i=FirstBoard; i<=LastBoard; i++) {
784 | (drs->GetBoard(i))->SetDominoActive(mode==1 ? 1:0);
785 | PrintMessage("Domino wave of board %d is %s during readout\n",i,mode==1 ? "running":"stopped");
786 | }
787 | else PrintMessage("No DRS boards available\n");
788 | }
789 |
790 | // Delayed start on/off
791 | void DAQReadout::SetDelayedStart(int mode) {
792 |
793 | if (NumBoards)
794 | for (int i=FirstBoard; i<=LastBoard; i++) {
795 | (drs->GetBoard(i))->SetDelayedStart(mode==1 ? 1:0);
796 | PrintMessage("Delayed start of board %d is %s\n",i,mode==1 ? "on":"off");
797 | }
798 | else PrintMessage("No DRS boards available\n");
799 | }
800 |
801 | // Enable hardware trigger of all boards
802 | void DAQReadout::HWTrigger(int mode) {
803 |
804 | if (NumBoards)
805 | for (int i=FirstBoard; i<=LastBoard; i++) {
806 | drs->GetBoard(i)->EnableTrigger(mode==1 ? 1:0);
807 | PrintMessage("Hardware trigger of board %d %s\n",i,mode==1 ? "enabled":"disabled");
808 | }
809 | else PrintMessage("No DRS boards available\n");
810 | }
811 |
812 | // Set DRS sampling frequency
813 | void DAQReadout::SetDRSFrequency(double freq, bool Regulation) {
814 |
815 | double currentfreq;
816 |
817 | PrintMessage("Setting frequency %s regulation:\n",Regulation ? "with":"without");
818 | for (int i=FirstBoard; i<=LastBoard; i++) {
819 | drs->GetBoard(i)->SetDebug(1);
820 |
821 | if (Regulation ? drs->GetBoard(i)->RegulateFrequency(freq) : drs->GetBoard(i)->SetFrequency(freq)) {
822 | drs->GetBoard(i)->ReadFrequency(0, ¤tfreq);
823 | DRSFreq[i] = freq;
824 | PrintMessage("Domino wave of board %d is running at %1.3lf GHz\n",i,currentfreq);
825 | } else {
826 | DRSFreq[i] = 0;
827 | PrintMessage("Warning: Domino wave of board %d has changed but not reached the requested value\n",i);
828 | }
829 | }
830 | }
831 |
832 | // Check if DRS is sampling
833 | bool DAQReadout::IsDRSBusy() {
834 |
835 | for (int i=FirstBoard; i<=LastBoard; i++)
836 | if ((drs->GetBoard(i))->IsBusy()) return true;
837 | return false;
838 | }
839 |
840 | // Check if DRS frequency is set
841 | bool DAQReadout::IsDRSFreqSet() {
842 |
843 | for (int i=FirstBoard; i<=LastBoard; i++)
844 | if (DRSFreq[i]==0) {
845 | PrintMessage("DRS sampling frequency of board %d not set!\n",i);
846 | return false;
847 | }
848 | return true;
849 | }
850 |
851 | // Open new raw data file
852 | bool DAQReadout::OpenRawFile() {
853 |
854 | time_t rawtime;
855 | struct tm *timeinfo;
856 | char RunDate[MAX_COM_SIZE], Buffer[MAX_COM_SIZE];
857 |
858 | // Write run date to status structure (if after 13:00, use next day)
859 | time(&rawtime);
860 | timeinfo = gmtime(&rawtime);
861 | if(timeinfo->tm_hour>=13) rawtime += 12*60*60;
862 | timeinfo = gmtime(&rawtime);
863 | snprintf(RunDate,sizeof(RunDate),"%d%02d%02d",timeinfo->tm_year+1900,timeinfo->tm_mon + 1,timeinfo->tm_mday);
864 |
865 | // Create direcory if not existing (ignore error if already existing) and change to it
866 | snprintf(Buffer, sizeof(Buffer), "%s/%s", fRawDataPath, RunDate);
867 | if(mkdir(Buffer, S_IRWXU|S_IRWXG)==-1 && errno!=EEXIST) {
868 | PrintMessage("\rError: Could not create direcory \"%s\" (%s)\n", Buffer, strerror(errno));
869 | return false;
870 | }
871 |
872 | // Generate filename
873 | snprintf(FileName,sizeof(FileName),"%s/%s/%s_D1_%.8u.%.3u_%c_%s.raw", fRawDataPath, RunDate,
874 | RunDate,RunNumber,FileNumber,toupper(daq_runtype_str[daq_runtype][0]),RHeader->Description);
875 |
876 | // Open file with rwx right for owner and group, never overwrite file
878 | if(Rawfile==-1) {
879 | PrintMessage("\rError: Could not open file \"%s\" (%s)\n", FileName, strerror(errno));
880 | return false;
881 | }
882 | return true;
883 | }
884 |
885 | // Write run header and board structures (revision number is zero for svn modified working copy)
886 | bool DAQReadout::WriteRunHeader() {
887 |
888 | struct timeval Time;
889 |
890 | RHeader->MagicNum = MAGICNUM_OPEN;
891 | RHeader->DataFormat = DATA_FORMAT;
892 | RHeader->SoftwareRevision = atoi(REVISION) * (strchr(REVISION, 'M')==NULL ? 1:-1);
893 |
894 | RHeader->RunHeaderSize = sizeof(RunHeader);
895 | RHeader->EventHeaderSize = sizeof(EventHeader);
896 | RHeader->BoardStructureSize = sizeof(BoardStructure);
897 |
898 | RHeader->Identification = IDENTIFICATION;
899 | RHeader->Type = daq_runtype;
900 | RHeader->RunNumber = RunNumber;
901 | RHeader->FileNumber = FileNumber;
902 |
903 | gettimeofday(&Time, NULL);
904 | RHeader->StartSecond = Time.tv_sec;
905 | RHeader->StartMicrosecond = Time.tv_usec;
906 |
907 | RHeader->NBoards = NumBoards==0 && daq_runtype==test ? 1 : (LastBoard - FirstBoard) + 1;
908 | RHeader->NChips = kNumberOfChips;
909 | RHeader->NChannels = kNumberOfChannels;
910 | RHeader->NBytes = sizeof(short);
911 |
912 | RHeader->Offset = fFirstSample;
913 | RHeader->Samples = fSamples;
914 |
915 | if(write(Rawfile, RHeader, sizeof(RunHeader)) != sizeof(RunHeader)) {
916 | PrintMessage("Error: Could not write run header, terminating run (%s)\n", strerror(errno));
917 | return false;
918 | }
919 |
920 | for (int i=FirstBoard; i<=LastBoard; i++) {
921 | BStruct[i].SerialNo = drs->GetBoard(i)->GetCMCSerialNumber();
922 | BStruct[i].BoardTemp = drs->GetBoard(i)->GetTemperature();
923 | BStruct[i].NomFreq = DRSFreq[i];
924 | BStruct[i].ScaleFactor = drs->GetBoard(i)->GetPrecision();
925 | }
926 |
927 | // In case no boards are available, dummy data is written for one board structure
928 | if (NumBoards == 0) {
929 | BStruct[0].NomFreq = 1;
930 | BStruct[0].ScaleFactor = 0.1;
931 | }
932 |
933 | if(write(Rawfile, &BStruct[FirstBoard], sizeof(BoardStructure)*(LastBoard-FirstBoard+1+(NumBoards==0))) != (ssize_t) sizeof(BoardStructure)*(LastBoard-FirstBoard+1+(NumBoards==0))) {
934 | PrintMessage("Error: Could not write (all) board structures, terminating run (%s)\n", strerror(errno));
935 | return false;
936 | }
937 | return true;
938 | }
939 |
940 | // Update run header before closing file
941 | bool DAQReadout::UpdateRunHeader(unsigned int Events, bool Error) {
942 |
943 | struct timeval Time;
944 |
945 | RHeader->MagicNum = Error==false ? MAGICNUM_CLOSED:MAGICNUM_ERROR;
946 | RHeader->Events = Events;
947 |
948 | gettimeofday(&Time, NULL);
949 | RHeader->EndSecond = Time.tv_sec;
950 | RHeader->EndMicrosecond = Time.tv_usec;
951 |
952 | if(lseek(Rawfile,0,SEEK_SET)==-1) {
953 | PrintMessage("Error: Could not rewind file to write updated run header, terminating run (%s)\n", strerror(errno));
954 | return false;
955 | }
956 |
957 | if(write(Rawfile, RHeader, sizeof(RunHeader)) != sizeof(RunHeader)) {
958 | PrintMessage("Error: Could not write updated run header, terminating run (%s)\n", strerror(errno));
959 | return false;
960 | }
961 | return true;
962 | }
963 |
964 | // Write event
965 | bool DAQReadout::WriteEvent() {
966 |
967 | // Event header
968 | struct timeval Time;
969 |
970 | gettimeofday(&Time, NULL);
971 |
972 | EHeader->EventNumber = NumEvents;
973 | EHeader->TriggerType = daq_runtype==data ? 0 : 1;
974 | EHeader->Second = Time.tv_sec;
975 | EHeader->Microsecond = Time.tv_usec;
976 | EHeader->EventSize = sizeof(short)*RHeader->NBoards*RHeader->NChips*RHeader->NChannels*RHeader->Samples +
977 | sizeof(int)*RHeader->NBoards*RHeader->NChips;
978 |
979 | if(write(Rawfile, EHeader, sizeof(EventHeader)) != sizeof(EventHeader)) {
980 | PrintMessage("Error: Could not write event header, terminating run (%s)\n", strerror(errno));
981 | return false;
982 | }
983 |
984 | // Event data (It is required that at least three chunks can be written with writev(), therefore
985 | // IOV_MAX>=3 is checked at startup
986 |
987 | unsigned int Start, Count = 0;
988 | ssize_t WriteResult, Size = 0;
989 | struct iovec DataPart[IOV_MAX];
990 |
991 | // First chunk: trigger cells
992 | DataPart[Count].iov_base = (char *) TriggerCell + FirstBoard*kNumberOfChips*sizeof(int); // TriggerCell is without cast a pointer to an 8-byte unit (two ints) !
993 | DataPart[Count++].iov_len = RHeader->NBoards * kNumberOfChips * sizeof(int);
994 | Size += DataPart[Count-1].iov_len;
995 |
996 | // Remaining chunks: ADC data (two chucks per channel if wrap around of pipeline occurred)
997 | for (int i=FirstBoard; (i<=LastBoard + (NumBoards==0)); i++) {
998 | for (unsigned int k=0; k<RHeader->NChips; k++) {
999 | Start = (TriggerCell[i][k]-fFirstSample+kNumberOfBins) % kNumberOfBins; // Start bin for this chip
1000 | for (unsigned int l=0; l<RHeader->NChannels; l++) {
1001 | DataPart[Count].iov_base = &WaveForm[i][k][l][Start];
1002 | DataPart[Count++].iov_len = (Start+fSamples<kNumberOfBins ? fSamples:(kNumberOfBins-Start)) * sizeof(short);
1003 | Size += DataPart[Count-1].iov_len;
1004 | // In case second part of waveform still missing, write now
1005 | if(DataPart[Count-1].iov_len < fSamples * sizeof(short)) {
1006 | DataPart[Count].iov_base = &WaveForm[i][k][l][0];
1007 | DataPart[Count++].iov_len = (fSamples-(kNumberOfBins-Start)) * sizeof(short);
1008 | Size += DataPart[Count-1].iov_len;
1009 | }
1010 |
1011 | // Write to disk if either maximum size of DataPart[] array or last loop interation is reached
1012 | // Possibly 2 chunks are entered in array in the previous lines of code, therefore IOV_MAX-1
1013 | if (Count>=IOV_MAX-1 || (l==(RHeader->NChannels-1) && k==(RHeader->NChips-1) && i==(LastBoard+(NumBoards==0)))) {
1014 | if ((WriteResult=writev(Rawfile, DataPart, Count)) != (int) Size) {
1015 | if (WriteResult==-1) PrintMessage("Error: Could not write event data, terminating run (%s)\n", strerror(errno));
1016 | else PrintMessage("Error: Could only write %u out of %u bytes of event data, terminating run\n", WriteResult,Count*DataPart[0].iov_len);
1017 | return false;
1018 | }
1019 | Count = 0; Size = 0;
1020 | }
1021 | } // Channels
1022 | } // Chips
1023 | } // Boards
1024 |
1025 | return true;
1026 | }
1027 |
1028 | // Print configuration to target
1029 | void DAQReadout::PrintConfig(int Target) {
1030 | PrintMessage(Target, "LogFile: %s\tMaxLogLines: %u\tRawDataPath: %s\n"
1031 | "DefaultFrequency: %.2f\tFirstSample: %d\tSamples: %u\n"
1032 | "MinDiskSpaceMB: %u\tMaxFileSizeMB: %d\tCCPort: %d\n"
1033 | "FirstVMESlot: %d\t\tLastVMESlot: %d\n"
1034 | "SlowDataPath: %s\tHVFeedbackConfig: %s\n",
1035 | fLogFile,fMaxLogLines,fRawDataPath,fDefaultFrequency,fFirstSample,fSamples,fMinDiskSpaceMB,
1036 | fMaxFileSizeMB,fCCPort,fFirstVMESlot,fLastVMESlot,fSlowDataPath,fHVFeedbackConfig);
1037 | }
1038 |
1039 | // Print usage text for command
1040 | void DAQReadout::PrintUsage() {
1041 | PrintMessage("Usage: %s %s\n", CommandList[CmdNumber].Name, CommandList[CmdNumber].Parameters);
1042 | }
1043 |
1044 | // Print message to selected target
1045 | void DAQReadout::PrintMessage(int Target, const char *Format, ...) {
1046 |
1047 | va_list ArgumentPointer;
1048 | va_start(ArgumentPointer, Format);
1049 | PrintMessage(Format, ArgumentPointer, Target);
1050 | va_end(ArgumentPointer);
1051 | }
1052 |
1053 | // Print message to log file, and screen or socket (depending on command origin)
1054 | void DAQReadout::PrintMessage(const char *Format, ...) {
1055 | va_list ArgumentPointer;
1056 | va_start(ArgumentPointer, Format);
1057 | if(CmdFromSocket) PrintMessage(Format, ArgumentPointer, MsgToSocket|MsgToLog);
1058 | else PrintMessage(Format, ArgumentPointer, MsgToConsole|MsgToLog);
1059 | va_end(ArgumentPointer);
1060 | }
1061 |
1062 | // Function doing the actual printing work
1063 | // It is important that Target is here the last argument, otherwise
1064 | // there can be confusion with the variadic versions (this function is
1065 | // called instead of PrintMessage(int, const char *, ...)
1066 | void DAQReadout::PrintMessage(const char *Format, va_list ArgumentPointer, int Target) {
1067 |
1068 | static char Textbuffer[MAX_COM_SIZE]; // static: it is only allocated once
1069 |
1070 | memset(Textbuffer, 0, sizeof(Textbuffer));
1071 | vsnprintf(Textbuffer, sizeof(Textbuffer), Format, ArgumentPointer);
1072 |
1073 | // Print to console
1074 | if(Target & MsgToConsole) {
1075 | if(strlen(Textbuffer)>0 && Textbuffer[strlen(Textbuffer)-1]=='\n') {
1076 | printf("\r%s%s", Textbuffer, Prompt); // New prompt
1077 | fflush(stdout);
1078 | }
1079 | else printf("%s", Textbuffer);
1080 | }
1081 | // Print to log file
1082 | if((Target & MsgToLog) && Logfile!=NULL) {
1083 | time_t Time;
1084 | strftime(Textbuffer+strlen(Textbuffer)+1,MAX_COM_SIZE-strlen(Textbuffer)-1, "%d/%m/%y %X", localtime(&(Time=time(NULL))));
1085 | fprintf(Logfile, "%s: %s", Textbuffer+strlen(Textbuffer)+1, Textbuffer);
1086 | fflush(Logfile);
1087 | }
1088 | // Print to socket
1089 | if((Target & MsgToSocket) && Socket!=-1) write(Socket, Textbuffer, strlen(Textbuffer));
1090 | }
1091 |
1092 |
1093 | // ---------------------------------------
1094 | // ***** Various utility functions *****
1095 | // ---------------------------------------
1096 |
1097 | // Check if two strings match (min 1 character must match)
1098 | bool Match(const char *str, const char *cmd) {
1099 | return strncasecmp(str,cmd,strlen(str)==0 ? 1:strlen(str)) ? false:true;
1100 | }
1101 |
1102 | // Return current available storage space in given directory
1103 | int CheckDisk(char *Directory) {
1104 | struct statfs FileSystemStats;
1105 |
1106 | statfs(Directory, &FileSystemStats);
1107 | return FileSystemStats.f_bavail / 1024 * (FileSystemStats.f_bsize / 1024);
1108 | }
1109 |
1110 | // Parse command line for white space and double-quote separated tokens
1111 | int ParseInput(char* Command, const char *Param[]) {
1112 | int Count=0;
1113 |
1114 | while(Count<MAX_NUM_TOKEN) {
1115 | while (isspace(*Command)) Command++; // Ignore initial white spaces
1116 | if(*Command=='\0') break;
1117 | if (*Command == '\"') {
1118 | Param[Count] = ++Command;
1119 | while(*Command!='\"' && *Command!='\0') Command++;
1120 | }
1121 | else {
1122 | Param[Count] = Command;
1123 | while(!isspace(*Command) && *Command!='\0') Command++;
1124 | }
1125 | if(*Command != '\0') *Command++ = '\0';
1126 | Count++;
1127 | }
1128 | return Count;
1129 | }
1130 |
1131 | // ReadCard function (original version by F. Goebel)
1132 | // Data is read into an array if MaxNum is larger than 1
1133 | bool ReadCard(const char *card_flag, void *store, char Type, FILE *File, unsigned int MaxNum) {
1134 |
1135 | char *card_name, *card_val, Buffer[MAX_COM_SIZE];
1136 | unsigned int Count=0;
1137 |
1138 | rewind(File);
1139 |
1140 | while (fgets(Buffer, sizeof(Buffer), File) != NULL) { // Read line by line
1141 | card_name = strtok(Buffer," \t\n");
1142 |
1143 | // Ignore empty lines, comments, and skip if card name does not match
1144 | if (card_name==NULL || card_name[0]=='#' || strcmp(card_name, card_flag)!=0) continue;
1145 |
1146 | // Read numbers of given type (if MaxNum>1 read array)
1147 | while ((card_val=strtok(NULL," \t\n")) != NULL && Count++<MaxNum) {
1148 | switch (Type) {
1149 | case 'I': *(((int *&) store)++) = (int) strtol(card_val, NULL, 10);
1150 | break;
1151 | case 'i': *(((short *&) store)++) = (short) strtol(card_val, NULL, 10);
1152 | break;
1153 | case 'U': *(((unsigned int *&) store)++) = (unsigned int) strtoul(card_val, NULL, 10);
1154 | break;
1155 | case 'u': *(((unsigned short *&) store)++) = (unsigned short) strtoul(card_val, NULL, 10);
1156 | break;
1157 | case 'f': *(((float *&) store)++) = atof(card_val);
1158 | break;
1159 | case 'd': *(((double *&) store)++) = atof(card_val);
1160 | break;
1161 | case 's': sprintf((char *) store, "%s", card_val);
1162 | break;
1163 | case 'c': *((char *) store) = card_val[0];
1164 | break;
1165 | default: fprintf(stderr,"Warning: Unknown type '%c' for reading of configuration file\n", Type);
1166 | return false;
1167 | }
1168 | }
1169 | return true; // Finished reading data for card name
1170 |
1171 | }
1172 | fprintf(stderr,"Warning: Configuration value %s not found\n", card_flag);
1173 | return false;
1174 | }
1175 |
1176 |
1177 | /********************************************************************\
1178 |
1179 | DAQ Thread
1180 |
1181 | This thread takes data until the requested number of events is reached,
1182 | until no more disk space is available or until data taking is stopped.
1183 | No mutex mechanism is used since variables will never be written
1184 | simultaneoously by two threads.
1185 |
1186 | \********************************************************************/
1187 |
1188 | void DAQ(DAQReadout *m) {
1189 |
1190 | struct timeval StartTime, StopTime;
1191 | unsigned int EventsInFile;
1192 | unsigned long long RunSize = 0;
1193 | bool WriteError = false;
1194 | off_t FileSize;
1195 |
1196 | m->NumEvents = 0;
1197 | m->FileNumber = 0;
1198 | m->HVFB->ClearAverages();
1199 | gettimeofday(&StartTime, NULL);
1200 | m->PrintMessage("\rStarting run #%d (%s) with %u event(s)\n",m->RunNumber,daq_runtype_str[m->daq_runtype],m->NumEventsRequested);
1201 |
1202 | do {
1203 | // Check if enough disk space is left
1204 | if (CheckDisk(m->fRawDataPath) <= m->fMinDiskSpaceMB+m->fMaxFileSizeMB) {
1205 | m->PrintMessage("\rError: Disk space after next file (max. %d MByte) below %d MByte\n",m->fMaxFileSizeMB,m->fMinDiskSpaceMB);
1206 | break;
1207 | }
1208 |
1209 | // Init run header, open raw file, write run header
1210 | if (!m->OpenRawFile()) break;
1211 | m->PrintMessage("\rData file \"%s\" opened.\n",m->FileName);
1212 | EventsInFile = 0;
1213 | FileSize = 0;
1214 |
1215 | WriteError |= !m->WriteRunHeader();
1216 |
1217 | if (m->daq_runtype != test) m->StartDRS();
1218 |
1219 | // Take data until finished, stopped or file too large
1220 | while ((m->NumEvents<m->NumEventsRequested || m->NumEventsRequested==0) &&
1221 | !m->Stop && FileSize/1024/1024<m->fMaxFileSizeMB && !WriteError) {
1222 |
1223 | if (m->daq_runtype == data) while (m->IsDRSBusy()); // Wait for hardware trigger (if DAQ stopped, DRS will not be busy anymore)
1224 | else if (m->daq_runtype == pedestal) m->StopDRS(); // ..or for software trigger
1225 |
1226 | // Read event data via VME or generate test data (for one board if no boards available)
1227 | if (m->daq_runtype != test) {
1228 | m->ReadCalibratedDRSData();
1229 | m->StartDRS(); // Restart here: writing data is in parallel to waiting for next trigger
1230 | }
1231 | else {
1232 | double Period = ((double) rand())/RAND_MAX*20;
1233 | for (long unsigned int i=0; i<m->RHeader->NBoards*kNumberOfChips*kNumberOfChannels*kNumberOfBins; i++)
1234 | *((short *) m->WaveForm+i) = (short) (sin(i/Period)*1000);
1235 | }
1236 |
1237 | // Write event to disk and update file size
1238 | EventsInFile++; m->NumEvents++;
1239 | WriteError |= !m->WriteEvent();
1240 |
1241 | if((FileSize = lseek(m->Rawfile, 0, SEEK_CUR)) == -1) {
1242 | m->PrintMessage("Error: Could not determine file size, terminating run (%s)\n", strerror(errno));
1243 | WriteError = true;
1244 | }
1245 |
1246 | // Call feedback to process event
1247 | m->HVFB->ProcessEvent();
1248 | }
1249 |
1250 | // Write updated run header, close file
1251 | RunSize += FileSize;
1252 | WriteError |= !m->UpdateRunHeader(EventsInFile, WriteError);
1253 | if(close(m->Rawfile)==-1) m->PrintMessage("Error: Could not close data file (%s)\n", strerror(errno));
1254 | else m->PrintMessage("Data file closed (size %lu MByte).\n", FileSize/1024/1024);
1255 |
1256 | m->FileNumber += 1;
1257 | } while((m->NumEvents<m->NumEventsRequested || m->NumEventsRequested==0) && !m->Stop && !WriteError);
1258 |
1259 | m->StopDRS();
1260 |
1261 | // Print run summary to screen
1262 | if(!WriteError) m->PrintMessage("\rRun #%d (%s) %s, %d events\n",m->RunNumber,daq_runtype_str[m->daq_runtype],(m->NumEvents == m->NumEventsRequested) ? "completed":"stopped",m->NumEvents);
1263 | else m->PrintMessage("\rRun #%d (%s) aborted due to error after %d events\n",m->RunNumber,daq_runtype_str[m->daq_runtype],m->NumEvents);
1264 |
1265 | // Write run summary to slow data file
1266 | m->SlowDataClass->NewEntry("Runinfo");
1267 | m->SlowDataClass->AddToEntry("%d %s %s %d %d %s", m->RunNumber, WriteError?"Error":"OK", daq_runtype_str[m->daq_runtype], m->NumEvents, m->FileNumber, m->RHeader->Description);
1268 | if(m->SlowDataClass->ErrorCode != 0) {
1269 | m->PrintMessage("Error, could not write DAQ data to file (%s), file closed\n", strerror(m->SlowDataClass->ErrorCode));
1270 | }
1271 |
1272 | // Print run statistics
1273 | if (m->NumEvents>0 && !WriteError) {
1274 | gettimeofday(&StopTime, NULL);
1275 | float RunTime = StopTime.tv_sec-StartTime.tv_sec + (StopTime.tv_usec-StartTime.tv_usec)*1e-6;
1276 | m->PrintMessage("Time for run %.2f seconds, trigger rate %.2f Hz.\n", RunTime, m->NumEvents/RunTime);
1277 | m->PrintMessage("Run size %llu MByte, data rate %.1f MByte/s.\n", RunSize/1024/1024, RunSize/1024.0/1024/RunTime);
1278 | }
1279 |
1280 | m->daq_state = stopped;
1281 | }
1282 |
1283 |
1284 | /********************************************************************\
1285 |
1286 | DAQ Thread - no disk writing, only hardware trigger, for feedback tests
1287 |
1288 | \********************************************************************/
1289 |
1290 | void DAQ_Silent(DAQReadout *m) {
1291 |
1292 | m->PrintMessage("\rData taking started\n");
1293 | do {
1294 | // Start DRS and wait for hardware trigger
1295 | m->StartDRS();
1296 | while (m->IsDRSBusy());
1297 |
1298 | // Read event data via VME and call feedback
1299 | m->ReadCalibratedDRSData();
1300 | m->HVFB->ProcessEvent();
1301 | } while(!m->Stop);
1302 |
1303 | m->PrintMessage("\rData taking stopped\n");
1304 | m->daq_state = stopped;
1305 | }