1 | #define _GNU_SOURCE
3 | #define _LARGEFILE64_SOURCE
4 | #define _FILE_OFFSET_BITS 64
5 | #include <stdio.h>
6 | #include <errno.h>
7 | #include <string.h>
8 | #include <sys/types.h>
9 | #include <time.h>
10 | #include <unistd.h>
11 | #include <stdlib.h>
12 | #include <fcntl.h>
13 | #include <sys/ioctl.h>
14 | #include <sys/socket.h>
15 | #include <netinet/in.h>
16 | #include <arpa/inet.h>
17 | #include <netdb.h>
18 |
19 | #include "dev/pci/sis1100_var.h"
20 |
21 | #define VMESTART 0x84000000
22 |
23 | #if SIS3100_Version < 200
24 | enum sis1100_subdev {sis1100_subdev_vme, sis1100_subdev_ram,
25 | sis1100_subdev_dsp};
26 | #endif
27 |
28 | off_t devstart;
29 | int count;
30 | int width;
31 | int loops;
32 | int addr;
33 | int am;
34 | int use_dma;
35 | int read_type;
36 | int print;
37 | char* dev_path;
38 | int p;
39 |
40 | static void
41 | printusage(int argc, char* argv[])
42 | {
43 | printf("usage: %s\n"
44 | " [-c count (number of words with width w); must be>0]\n"
45 | " [-w width default: 4]\n"
46 | " [-l loops default: 1]\n"
47 | " [-a addr default: 0]\n"
48 | " [-m addr_modifier default: 0xB]\n"
49 | " [-d 1|0 (use dma); default: 0]\n"
50 | " [-r 1|2|3 (1=read 2=write 3=both); default: write;read;compare]\n"
51 | " [-p (print values)]\n"
52 | " sis1100_path\n",
53 | argv[0]);
54 | }
55 |
56 | static int
57 | getoptions(int argc, char* argv[])
58 | {
59 | extern char *optarg;
60 | extern int optind;
61 | extern int opterr;
62 | extern int optopt;
63 | int errflag, c;
64 | const char* args="c:w:l:a:m:d:r:p";
65 |
66 | count=0;
67 | width=4;
68 | loops=1;
69 | addr=0;
70 | am=0xb;
71 | use_dma=0;
72 | read_type=3;
73 | print=0;
74 |
75 | optarg=0; errflag=0;
76 |
77 | while (!errflag && ((c=getopt(argc, argv, args))!=-1)) {
78 | switch (c) {
79 | case 'c': count=strtoul(optarg, 0, 0); break;
80 | case 'w': width=atoi(optarg); break;
81 | case 'l': loops=atoi(optarg); break;
82 | case 'a': addr=strtoul(optarg, 0, 0); break;
83 | case 'm': am=strtoul(optarg, 0, 0); break;
84 | case 'd': use_dma=atoi(optarg); break;
85 | case 'r': read_type=atoi(optarg); break;
86 | case 'p': print=1; break;
87 | default: errflag=1;
88 | }
89 | }
90 |
91 | if (errflag || optind!=argc-1 || count<=0) {
92 | printusage(argc, argv);
93 | return -1;
94 | }
95 | dev_path=argv[optind];
96 |
97 | return 0;
98 | }
99 |
100 | static int
101 | do_write(int p, char* buf, int count, int width, int addr, int loop)
102 | {
103 | int start=random();
104 | int num=count*width;
105 | int res, i;
106 |
107 | for (i=0; i<num; i++) {
108 | buf[i]=start++;
109 | }
110 | if (!loop) printf("write %d bytes\n", num);
111 | if (lseek(p, devstart+addr, SEEK_SET)==((off_t)-1)) {
112 | printf("lseek to %d: %s\n", addr, strerror(errno));
113 | return -1;
114 | }
115 | res=write(p, buf, num);
116 | if (res<0) {
117 | printf("write %d bytes to 0x%08x: %s\n", num, addr, strerror(errno));
118 | return -1;
119 | } else if (res!=num) {
120 | printf("wrote only %d bytes\n", res);
121 | return -1;
122 | }
123 | return 0;
124 | }
125 |
126 | static int
127 | do_read(int p, char* buf, int count, int width, int addr, int loop)
128 | {
129 | int num=count*width;
130 | int res;
131 |
132 | if (!loop) printf("read %d bytes\n", num);
133 | if (lseek(p, devstart+addr, SEEK_SET)==((off_t)-1)) {
134 | printf("lseek to 0x%08x: %s\n", addr, strerror(errno));
135 | return -1;
136 | }
137 | res=read(p, buf, num);
138 | if (res<0) {
139 | printf("read %d bytes from 0x%08x: %s\n", num, addr, strerror(errno));
140 | return -1;
141 | } else if (res!=num) {
142 | printf("read only %d bytes\n", res);
143 | return -1;
144 | }
145 | return 0;
146 | }
147 |
148 | static int
149 | do_compare(char* ibuf, char* obuf, int count, int width, int loop)
150 | {
151 | int num=count*width;
152 | int i;
153 |
154 | if (bcmp(ibuf, obuf, num)) {
155 | for (i=0; i<num; i++) {
156 | if (ibuf[i]!=obuf[i]) {
157 | printf("[%d] %x->%x\n", i, obuf[i], ibuf[i]);
158 | }
159 | }
160 | return -1;
161 | }
162 | return 0;
163 | }
164 |
165 | int main(int argc, char* argv[])
166 | {
167 | int l;
168 | u_int32_t max=0;
169 | char *ibuf, *obuf;
170 | struct vmespace space;
171 | enum sis1100_subdev devtype;
172 |
173 | if (getoptions(argc, argv)) return 1;
174 |
175 | if ((p=open(dev_path, O_RDWR, 0))<0) {
176 | printf("open \"%s\": %s\n", dev_path, strerror(errno));
177 | return 1;
178 | }
179 |
180 | if (ioctl(p, SIS1100_DEVTYPE, &devtype)<0) {
181 | printf("ioctl(SIS1100_DEVTYPE): %s\n", strerror(errno));
182 | return 1;
183 | }
184 | switch (devtype) {
185 | case sis1100_subdev_vme: printf("using VME Device\n"); break;
186 | case sis1100_subdev_ram: printf("using RAM Device\n"); break;
187 | case sis1100_subdev_ctrl: printf("cannot use CONTROL Device\n"); return 1;
188 | case sis1100_subdev_dsp: printf("cannot use DSP Device\n"); return 1;
189 | default:
190 | printf("cannot use unknown device %d\n", devtype);
191 | return 1;
192 | }
193 | switch (devtype) {
194 | case sis1100_subdev_vme:
195 | max=0x04000000;
196 | devstart=VMESTART;
197 | break;
198 | case sis1100_subdev_ram:
199 | {
200 | if (ioctl(p, SIS1100_MAPSIZE, &max)) {
201 | printf("ioctl(MAPSIZE): %s\n", strerror(errno));
202 | return 1;
203 | }
204 | devstart=0;
205 | }
206 | break;
207 | }
208 | printf("usable size is 0x%08x (%d MByte)\n", max, max/(1<<20));
209 | if (count*width>max) {
210 | printf("count is too large.\n");
211 | return 1;
212 | }
213 | ibuf=obuf=0;
214 | if (read_type&1) {
215 | ibuf=calloc(count, width);
216 | if (!ibuf) {
217 | printf("cannot allocate memory for read buffer\n");
218 | return 1;
219 | }
220 | }
221 |
222 | if (read_type&2) {
223 | obuf=calloc(count, width);
224 | if (!obuf) {
225 | printf("cannot allocate memory for write buffer\n");
226 | return 1;
227 | }
228 | }
229 |
230 | space.am=am;
231 | space.datasize=width;
232 | space.swap=1;
233 | space.mapit=0;
234 | space.mindmalen=!!use_dma;
235 | if (ioctl(p, SETVMESPACE, &space)) {
236 | printf("ioctl(SETVMESPACE): %s\n", strerror(errno));
237 | return 1;
238 | }
239 |
240 | for (l=0; l<loops; l++) {
241 | /*if (loops>1) printf("loop %d\n", l);*/
242 | if (read_type&2) {
243 | if (do_write(p, obuf, count, width, addr, l)) return 2;
244 | }
245 |
246 | if (read_type&1) {
247 | if (do_read(p, ibuf, count, width, addr, l)) return 2;
248 | }
249 |
250 | if ((read_type&3)==3) {
251 | if (do_compare(ibuf, obuf, count, width, l)) return 2;
252 | }
253 | }
254 |
255 | if (print) {
256 | int i;
257 | switch (width) {
258 | case 1:
259 | for (i=0; i<count; i++) printf("%02x ", ((u_int8_t*)ibuf)[i]);
260 | break;
261 | case 2:
262 | for (i=0; i<count; i++) printf("%04x ", ((u_int16_t*)ibuf)[i]);
263 | break;
264 | case 4:
265 | for (i=0; i<count; i++) printf("%08x ", ((u_int32_t*)ibuf)[i]);
266 | break;
267 | }
268 | printf("\n");
269 | }
270 |
271 | if (obuf) free(obuf);
272 | if (ibuf) free(ibuf);
273 | close(p);
274 | return 0;
275 | }