1 | /**************************************************************\
2 |
3 | drsdaq.cpp
4 |
5 | Main program for DRS CTX DAQ system. Global initialization,
6 | starts threads for console input and socket interface.
7 |
8 | Sebastian Commichau, Oliver Grimm
9 |
10 | \**************************************************************/
11 |
12 | #define DEFAULT_CONFIG "../config/DRSDAQ.conf" // Default configuration file
13 | #define LOCKFILE "/tmp/CT3_DAQ_LOCK"
14 |
15 | #include <stdio.h>
16 | #include <signal.h>
17 | #include <pthread.h>
18 | #include <sys/socket.h>
19 | #include <netdb.h>
20 | #include <arpa/inet.h>
21 | #include <readline/readline.h>
22 | #include <readline/history.h>
23 |
24 | #include "DAQReadout.h"
25 | #include "HVFeedback.h"
26 |
27 | // Function prototypes
28 | void ConsoleCommand(DAQReadout *);
29 | void CCCommand(DAQReadout *);
30 | void SignalHandler(int);
31 | void CrashHandler(int);
32 |
33 | // ================
34 | // Main program
35 | // ================
36 | //
37 | // Several unlikely system call failures are handled via throwing an exception.
38 |
39 | int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
40 |
41 | char str[MAX_COM_SIZE];
42 | pthread_t thread_ConsoleCommand, thread_CCCommand;
43 | int LockDescriptor;
44 |
45 | // writev() in DAQ thread needs to be able to write at least 3 chunks
46 | if(IOV_MAX < 3) {
47 | printf("Fatal error: IOV_MAX is less than 3, cannot use writev() to write event data.\n");
48 | exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
49 | }
50 |
51 | // Interpret command line (do before lockfile creation in case of exit())
52 | if((argc==3 && strcmp(argv[1],"-c")!=0) || argc==2) {
53 | printf("Usage: %s [-c <ConfigFile>] Default file is \"%s\"\n", argv[0], DEFAULT_CONFIG);
54 | exit(EXIT_SUCCESS);
55 | }
56 |
57 | // Assure only one instance of program runs (lock creator written to log file)
58 | if((LockDescriptor = open(LOCKFILE,O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_EXCL, S_IWUSR|S_IRUSR|S_IRGRP|S_IROTH)) == -1) {
59 | if(errno==EEXIST) {
60 | printf("Error: Lock file already existing\n");
61 | sprintf(str,"paste %s -s -d ' '",LOCKFILE);
62 | system(str);
63 | }
64 | else printf("Could not create lock file %s (%s)\n", LOCKFILE, strerror(errno));
65 | exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
66 | }
67 | close(LockDescriptor);
68 | sprintf(str,"echo Created >%s; date >>%s; echo by $USER@$HOSTNAME >>%s",LOCKFILE,LOCKFILE,LOCKFILE);
69 | system(str);
70 |
71 | system("clear");
72 | printf("\n*** DRS readout built %s, %s (revision %s) *** \n\n",__DATE__, __TIME__, REVISION);
73 |
74 | // Set signal handlers
75 | signal(SIGUSR1, &SignalHandler);
76 | siginterrupt (SIGUSR1, true); // Set SIGUSR1 to interrupt (and not restart) blocking system calls
77 | signal(SIGQUIT, &CrashHandler);
78 | signal(SIGILL, &CrashHandler);
79 | signal(SIGABRT, &CrashHandler);
80 | signal(SIGFPE, &CrashHandler);
81 | signal(SIGSEGV, &CrashHandler);
82 | signal(SIGBUS, &CrashHandler);
83 | signal(SIGTERM, &CrashHandler);
84 | signal(SIGINT, &CrashHandler);
85 | signal(SIGHUP, &CrashHandler);
86 |
87 | // Construct main instance and create mutex for thread synchronization
88 | DAQReadout dreadout(argc==3 ? argv[2] : DEFAULT_CONFIG);
89 | if (pthread_mutex_init(&dreadout.control_mutex, NULL) != 0) {
90 | perror("pthread_mutex_init failed");
91 | throw;
92 | }
93 |
94 | if (dreadout.ConfigOK) { // Normal program execution only if configuration was complete
95 | // Create threads
96 | if (pthread_mutex_init(&dreadout.control_mutex, NULL) != 0) {
97 | perror("pthread_mutex_init failed");
98 | throw;
99 | }
100 | if ((pthread_create(&thread_ConsoleCommand, NULL, (void * (*)(void *)) ConsoleCommand,(void *) &dreadout)) != 0) {
101 | perror("pthread_create failed with console thread");
102 | throw;
103 | }
104 | if ((pthread_create(&thread_CCCommand, NULL, (void * (*)(void *)) CCCommand,(void *) &dreadout)) != 0) {
105 | perror("pthread_create failed with socket thread");
106 | dreadout.SocketThread = NULL;
107 | }
108 | else dreadout.SocketThread = &thread_CCCommand; // Thread should be accessible for sending signals
109 |
110 | // Wait for threads to quit
111 | pthread_join(thread_ConsoleCommand, NULL);
112 | if(dreadout.SocketThread != NULL) pthread_join(thread_CCCommand, NULL);
113 | }
114 | else printf("Error: Configuration parameter missing in %s, terminating.\n", argc==3 ? argv[2] : DEFAULT_CONFIG);
115 |
116 | // Destruct mutex and main instance
117 | pthread_mutex_destroy (&dreadout.control_mutex);
118 | dreadout.~DAQReadout();
119 |
120 | // Remove lockfile
121 | if (remove(LOCKFILE)==-1) {
122 | printf("Could not remove lock file %s (%s)\n", LOCKFILE, strerror(errno));
123 | exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
124 | }
125 | exit(EXIT_SUCCESS);
126 | }
127 |
128 |
129 | /********************************************************************\
130 |
131 | ConsoleCommand thread
132 |
133 | Handle console input using readline library functions to allow
134 | line editing and history capability
135 |
136 | \********************************************************************/
137 |
138 | void ConsoleCommand(DAQReadout *m) {
139 |
140 | time_t Time;
141 | char *Command, Buf[MAX_COM_SIZE];;
142 |
143 | while (!m->Exit) {
144 |
145 | // Assemble prompt
146 | if (m->NumBoards == 0) snprintf(m->Prompt,sizeof(m->Prompt),"\rDAQ> ");
147 | else if (m->FirstBoard == m->LastBoard) snprintf(m->Prompt,sizeof(m->Prompt),"\rDAQ|B%d> ",m->FirstBoard);
148 | else snprintf(m->Prompt,sizeof(m->Prompt),"\rDAQ|B%d-%d> ",m->FirstBoard,m->LastBoard);
149 |
150 | // Read Command
151 | Command = readline(m->Prompt);
152 | if (Command==NULL) {
153 | m->PrintMessage("Error reading command line input\n");
154 | continue;
155 | }
156 | if(strlen(Command)>0) add_history(Command);
157 |
158 | // Log command
159 | strftime(Buf,MAX_COM_SIZE, "%d/%m/%y %X", localtime(&(Time=time(NULL))));
160 | m->PrintMessage(MsgToLog, "CONSOLE(%s)> %s\n", Buf, Command);
161 |
162 | // Process command
163 | pthread_mutex_lock(&m->control_mutex);
164 | m->CommandControl(Command);
165 | pthread_mutex_unlock(&m->control_mutex);
166 |
167 | free(Command);
168 | }
169 | }
170 |
171 |
172 |
173 | /********************************************************************\
174 |
175 | CCCommand thread
176 |
177 | Listen to commands from socket (Central Control)
178 |
179 | This thread will block execution in the accept() and read() socket function
180 | while waiting for a connection or data. If the exit function is invoked through
181 | keyboard command, these blocking functions are interrupted by raising the signal
182 | SIGUSR1. Testing on errno=EINTR indicates this termination. The dummy signal
183 | handler below is needed to prevent the standard thread termination occurring
184 | when this signal is received.
185 |
186 | \********************************************************************/
187 |
188 | void CCCommand(DAQReadout *m) {
189 |
190 | int ServerSocket,ConnectionSocket,ReadResult;
191 | struct sockaddr_in SocketAddress, ClientAddress;
192 | struct hostent *ClientName;
193 | socklen_t SizeClientAddress=sizeof(ClientAddress);
194 | char Command[MAX_COM_SIZE], Buf[MAX_COM_SIZE];
195 | time_t Time;
196 |
197 | // Set up server socket
198 | if ((ServerSocket = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) == -1) {
199 | m->PrintMessage("Could not open server socket, no remote connection possible (%s).\n", strerror(errno));
200 | return;
201 | }
202 | // Allows immediate reuse of socket after closing (circumvents TIME_WAIT)
203 | int Value=1;
204 | if (setsockopt(ServerSocket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (char *) &Value, sizeof (Value)) == -1) {
205 | m->PrintMessage("Warning: Could not set server socket option SO_REUSEADDR (%s)\n", strerror(errno));
206 | }
207 |
208 | SocketAddress.sin_family = PF_INET;
209 | SocketAddress.sin_port = htons((unsigned short) m->fCCPort);
210 | SocketAddress.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
211 |
212 | if (bind(ServerSocket, (struct sockaddr *) &SocketAddress, sizeof(SocketAddress)) == -1)
213 | {
214 | m->PrintMessage("Could not bind port to socket (%s)\n", strerror(errno));
215 | close(ServerSocket);
216 | return;
217 | }
218 | if (listen(ServerSocket, 0) == -1) {
219 | m->PrintMessage("Could not set socket to listening (%s)\n", strerror(errno));
220 | close(ServerSocket);
221 | return;
222 | }
223 |
224 | // Looping to wait for incoming connection
225 | while (!m->Exit) {
226 | if ((ConnectionSocket = accept(ServerSocket, (struct sockaddr *) &ClientAddress, &SizeClientAddress)) == -1) {
227 | if (errno!=EINTR) m->PrintMessage("Failed to accept incoming connection (%s)\n", strerror(errno));
228 | close(ServerSocket);
229 | return;
230 | }
231 |
232 | ClientName = gethostbyaddr((char *) &ClientAddress.sin_addr ,sizeof(struct sockaddr_in),AF_INET);
233 | m->PrintMessage("Connected to client at %s (%s).\n", inet_ntoa(ClientAddress.sin_addr), ClientName!=NULL ? ClientName->h_name:"name unknown");
234 | m->Socket = ConnectionSocket;
235 |
236 | // Looping as long as client exists and program not terminated
237 | while (!m->Exit) {
238 |
239 | // Try to read command from socket
240 | memset(Command,0,sizeof(Command));
241 | ReadResult = read(ConnectionSocket, Command, MAX_COM_SIZE);
242 | if (ReadResult==0) break; // Client not exisiting anymore
243 | if (ReadResult==-1) {
244 | if (errno!=EINTR) m->PrintMessage("Error read from socket (%s)\n", strerror(errno));
245 | break;
246 | }
247 | if (Command[strlen(Command)-1]=='\n') Command[strlen(Command)-1]='\0'; // Remove trailing newline
248 |
249 | // Log command
250 | strftime(Buf, MAX_COM_SIZE, "%d/%m/%y %X", localtime(&(Time=time(NULL))));
251 | m->PrintMessage(MsgToConsole|MsgToLog, "SOCKET(%s)> %s\n", Buf, Command);
252 |
253 | // Process command
254 | pthread_mutex_lock(&m->control_mutex);
255 | m->CmdFromSocket = true;
256 | m->CommandControl(Command);
257 | m->CmdFromSocket = false;
258 | pthread_mutex_unlock(&m->control_mutex);
259 | }
260 |
261 | m->Socket = -1;
262 | m->PrintMessage("Disconnected from client.\n");
263 | close(ConnectionSocket);
264 | }
265 | close(ServerSocket);
266 | m->PrintMessage("Server socket closed.\n");
267 | }
268 |
269 |
270 | /********************************************************************\
271 |
272 | Signal handlers
273 |
274 | \********************************************************************/
275 |
276 | // Remove lock file before running default signal code
277 | void CrashHandler(int Signal) {
278 | remove(LOCKFILE);
279 | printf("Caught signal number %d. Removing lockfile and performing standard signal action. Good luck.\n",Signal);
280 | signal(Signal, SIG_DFL);
281 | raise(Signal);
282 | }
283 |
284 | // Dummy signal handler to return from blocking syscalls
285 | void SignalHandler(int Signal) {
286 | return;
287 | }