1 | /********************************************************************\
2 |
3 | Alarm handler of the Evidence Control System
4 |
5 | - Checks periodically if all required servers are up
6 | - Listens to the 'Message' service of each server and generates new service for
7 | each observed server indicating the maximum Severity in the past.
8 | - Maximum severity may be reset by a command 'Alarm/ResetAlarm' for a server.
9 | - A text describing the current state of all servers is published as DIM service.
10 | The states are described in LevelStr[].
11 | - A master alarm (indicating most severe of individual alarms) is published.
12 | - The server can be switched on/off with the command 'Alarm/Switch'.
13 |
14 | A mutex is used because UpdateAlarmSummary() may be called from DIM handler thread and
15 | from main thread.
16 |
17 | Oliver Grimm, June 2010
18 |
19 | \********************************************************************/
20 |
21 | #define SERVER_NAME "Alarm"
22 | #include "Evidence.h"
23 |
24 | #include <sstream>
25 |
26 | using namespace std;
27 |
28 | const char* LevelStr[] = {"OK", "WARN", "ERROR", "FATAL", "UNAVAILABLE"};
29 | const int MIN_PERIOD = 5; // Minimum period in seconds for checking servers are alive
30 |
31 | //
32 | // Class declaration
33 | //
34 | class AlarmHandler: public DimClient, public EvidenceServer {
35 |
36 | DimCommand *ResetCommand;
37 | DimCommand *SwitchCommand;
38 | DimService *Summary, *Master;
39 | char *AlarmText;
40 | int MasterAlarm;
41 |
42 | void infoHandler();
43 | void commandHandler();
44 |
45 | public:
46 | AlarmHandler();
47 | ~AlarmHandler();
48 |
49 | struct Item {
50 | string Server;
51 | string Email;
52 | DimStampedInfo *Subscription;
53 | DimService *AlarmLevel;
54 | int WarnedLevel;
55 | int Level;
56 | };
57 | vector<struct Item> List;
58 | bool Active;
59 |
60 | void UpdateAlarmSummary();
61 | };
62 |
63 | // Constructor
64 | AlarmHandler::AlarmHandler(): EvidenceServer(SERVER_NAME) {
65 |
66 | struct Item N;
67 | static int InitLevel = -1; // static for DIM service below
68 |
69 | // Initialise
70 | MasterAlarm = 0;
71 | AlarmText = NULL;
72 | Active = true;
73 |
74 | // Handling of servies will only start after start()
75 | autoStartOff();
76 |
77 | // Create DIM services
78 | Summary = new DimService(SERVER_NAME"/Summary", (char *) "not yet available");
79 | Master = new DimService(SERVER_NAME"/MasterAlarm", MasterAlarm);
80 |
81 | // Get DIM servers to observe
82 | vector<string> Token = Tokenize(GetConfig("servers"));
83 |
84 | for (int i=0; i<Token.size(); i++) {
85 | // Extract server name and email
86 | vector<string> A = Tokenize(Token[i], ":");
87 | N.Server = A[0];
88 | if (A.size() == 2) N.Email = A[1];
89 | else N.Email = string();
90 |
91 | // DIS_DNS has no Message service
92 | if (N.Server == "DIS_DNS") N.Subscription = NULL;
93 | else N.Subscription = new DimStampedInfo((N.Server+"/Message").c_str(), NO_LINK, this);
94 |
95 | // Alarm service for server (reference to variable will be updated in UpdateAlarmSummary())
96 | N.WarnedLevel = 0;
97 | N.Level = -1;
98 | N.AlarmLevel = new DimService((N.Server+"/AlarmLevel").c_str(), InitLevel);
99 |
100 | List.push_back(N);
101 | }
102 |
103 | // Provide command to reset Level
104 | ResetCommand = new DimCommand(SERVER_NAME"/ResetAlarm", (char *) "C", this);
105 | SwitchCommand = new DimCommand(SERVER_NAME"/Switch", (char *) "C", this);
106 |
107 | // List set up, can start handling
108 | start(SERVER_NAME);
109 | }
110 |
111 |
112 | // Destructor
113 | AlarmHandler::~AlarmHandler() {
114 |
115 | delete SwitchCommand;
116 | delete ResetCommand;
117 |
118 | for (int i=0; i<List.size(); i++) {
119 | delete List[i].Subscription;
120 | delete List[i].AlarmLevel;
121 | }
122 | delete Master;
123 | delete Summary;
124 | delete[] AlarmText;
125 | }
126 |
127 |
128 | // Print messages of status changes to screen and update status string
129 | void AlarmHandler::infoHandler() {
130 |
131 | // Check if alarm server active
132 | if (!Active) return;
133 |
134 | // Identify status service
135 | for (int i=0; i<List.size(); i++) if (getInfo() == List[i].Subscription) {
136 | // Update level: unavailable or current severity of status (safely extracted)
137 | if (!ServiceOK(getInfo())) List[i].Level = 4;
138 | else {
139 | int Severity = atoi(ToString(getInfo()->getFormat(), getInfo()->getData(), getInfo()->getSize()).c_str());
140 | if ((Severity>List[i].Level) || (List[i].Level==4 && Severity==0)) List[i].Level = Severity;
141 | }
142 | }
143 |
144 | UpdateAlarmSummary();
145 | }
146 |
147 |
148 | // Handle commands
149 | void AlarmHandler::commandHandler() {
150 |
151 | string Text = ToString((char *) "C", getCommand()->getData(), getCommand()->getSize());
152 |
153 | // Reset alarm level, publish/log action and reset server message severity
154 | if (getCommand() == ResetCommand) {
155 | for (int i=0; i<List.size(); i++) if (List[i].Server == Text) {
156 | Message(INFO, "Alarm level of server %s reset by %s (ID %d)", Text.c_str(), getClientName(), getClientId());
157 | List[i].Level = 0;
158 | List[i].WarnedLevel = 0;
159 | sendCommandNB((Text+"/ResetMessage").c_str(), (int) 0);
160 | }
161 | }
162 |
163 | // Switch Alarm server on/off and publish/log action
164 | if (getCommand() == SwitchCommand) {
165 | if (Text == "off") Active = false;
166 | else Active = true;
167 |
168 | Message(INFO, "Alarm server switched %s by %s (ID %d)", Active ? "ON":"OFF", getClientName(), getClientId());
169 | }
170 |
171 | UpdateAlarmSummary();
172 | }
173 |
174 |
175 | // Update alarm status summary (locking since access can be from main thread and DIM handler threads)
176 | void AlarmHandler::UpdateAlarmSummary() {
177 |
178 | ostringstream Buf;
179 | int Alarm = -1, Ret;
180 |
181 | Lock();
182 |
183 | if (!Active) Buf << "Alarm server inactive";
184 | else for (int i=0; i<List.size(); i++) {
185 | // Alarm level description
186 | Buf << List[i].Server << ": " << (List[i].Level>=0 && List[i].Level<=4 ? LevelStr[List[i].Level] : "unknown");
187 | Buf << " (" << List[i].Level << ")" << endl;
188 |
189 | // Adjust master alarm and update server alarm level
190 | if (List[i].Level > Alarm) Alarm = List[i].Level;
191 | List[i].AlarmLevel->updateService(List[i].Level);
192 |
193 | // Check if alarm level raised, then send alarm message once
194 | if (List[i].WarnedLevel < List[i].Level && !List[i].Email.empty()) {
195 | List[i].WarnedLevel = List[i].Level;
196 |
197 | // Prepare email message
198 | char *Text;
199 | time_t Time = time(NULL);
200 | if (asprintf(&Text, "echo \"Server alarm level '%s' at %s\"|"
201 | "mail -s \"Evidence Alarm for '%s'\" %s",
202 | List[i].Level>=0 && List[i].Level<=4 ? LevelStr[List[i].Level] : "unknown",
203 | ctime(&Time), List[i].Server.c_str(), List[i].Email.c_str()) != -1) {
204 | system(Text); // Return value depending on OS
205 | free(Text);
206 | }
207 | else Message(ERROR, "Could not send alarm email, asprintf() failed");
208 | }
209 | }
210 |
211 | // Update master alarm services
212 | MasterAlarm = Alarm;
213 | Master->updateService();
214 |
215 | // Update alarm description (DIM requires variables to be valid until update)
216 | char *Tmp = new char[Buf.str().size()+1];
217 | strcpy(Tmp, Buf.str().c_str());
218 | Summary->updateService(Tmp);
219 |
220 | delete[] AlarmText;
221 | AlarmText = Tmp;
222 |
223 | Unlock();
224 | }
225 |
226 | //
227 | // Main program
228 | //
229 | int main() {
230 |
231 | DimBrowser B;
232 | char *Server, *Node;
233 | bool Exist;
234 |
235 | // Static declaration ensures calling of destructor by exit()
236 | static AlarmHandler A;
237 |
238 | // Verify periodically that servers exist (if Alarm is active)
239 | while(!A.ExitRequest) {
240 | for (int i=0; i<A.List.size() && A.Active; i++) {
241 | // Check if server exists
242 | Exist = false;
243 | B.getServers();
244 | while (B.getNextServer(Server, Node) == 1) {
245 | if (A.List[i].Server == Server) Exist = true;
246 | }
247 | if (!Exist) A.List[i].Level = 4;
248 |
249 | // Check if standard service available in case server not yet checked (Level is -1)
250 | if (B.getServices((A.List[i].Server+"/VERSION_NUMBER").c_str())>0 && A.List[i].Level==-1) A.List[i].Level = 0;
251 | }
252 |
253 | A.UpdateAlarmSummary();
254 | sleep(max(atoi(A.GetConfig("period").c_str()), MIN_PERIOD));
255 | }
256 | }