/********************************************************************\ Central data collector of the Evidence Control System - DColl subscribes to all services given by the configuration server and writes these to the data file at every update. - One data file per day is generated. - The command 'DColl/Log' writes the associated string to the log file Oliver Grimm, June 2010 \********************************************************************/ #define SERVER_NAME "DColl" #define LOG_FILENAME "Evidence.log" #include "Evidence.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; // // Class declaration // class DataHandler: public DimClient, public EvidenceServer { struct Item { DimStampedInfo *DataItem; bool Exclude; }; vector List; DimCommand *LogCommand; DimInfo *ServerList; FILE *DataFile; FILE *LogFile; char *Filename; float DataSizeMB, LogSizeMB; int DataSizeLastUpdate, LogSizeLastUpdate; DimService *LogSizeService, *DataSizeService, *DataFilename; int TimeForNextFile; vector RegEx; void infoHandler(); void commandHandler(); void AddService(string); void RemoveService(string); off_t FileSize(FILE *); public: DataHandler(); ~DataHandler(); }; // // Constructor // DataHandler::DataHandler(): EvidenceServer(SERVER_NAME) { // Initialization to prevent freeing unallocated memory DataFile = NULL; LogFile = NULL; Filename = NULL; LogSizeService = NULL; DataSizeService = NULL; DataSizeLastUpdate = 0; LogSizeLastUpdate = 0; TimeForNextFile = 0; // Request configuration data / initialise for later non-blocking updates GetConfig("basedir"); GetConfig("sizeupdate"); GetConfig("rollover"); // Open log file if ((LogFile = fopen((GetConfig("basedir")+"/"+LOG_FILENAME).c_str(), "a")) == NULL) { Message(FATAL, "Could not open log file (%s)", strerror(errno)); } // Create services for file sizes and data file name DataSizeMB = 0; DataSizeService = new DimService(SERVER_NAME "/DataSizeMB", DataSizeMB); LogSizeMB = FileSize(LogFile)/1024.0/1024.0; LogSizeService = new DimService(SERVER_NAME "/LogSizeMB", LogSizeMB); DataFilename = new DimService(SERVER_NAME "/CurrentFile", (char *) ""); // Compile regular expressions regex_t R; vector Exclude = Tokenize(GetConfig("exclude"), " \t"); for (int i=0; igetName()); delete LogCommand; delete DataFilename; delete[] Filename; delete LogSizeService; delete DataSizeService; // Close files if (LogFile != NULL) if (fclose(LogFile) != 0) { Message(ERROR, "Could not close log file (%s)", strerror(errno)); } if (DataFile != NULL && fclose(DataFile) != 0) { Message(ERROR, "Error: Could not close data file (%s)", strerror(errno)); } // Free memory for regular expressions handling for (int i=0; igetName(), "DIS_DNS/SERVER_LIST") == 0) { char *Token = strtok(I->getString(), "+-!@"); while (Token != NULL) { AddService(string(Token)+"/SERVICE_LIST"); // 'add' also for '-' and '!' Token = strtok(NULL, "|"); // Skip server IP address Token = strtok(NULL, "@"); } return; } // If service is SERVICE_LIST of any server, scan all services. // Subscribe to all services (but not to commands and RPCs) if (strstr(I->getName(), "/SERVICE_LIST") != NULL) { // Bug fix for empty SERVICE_LIST if (strlen(I->getString()) == 0) { string Tmp(I->getName()); RemoveService(I->getName()); AddService(Tmp.c_str()); return; } char *Name = strtok(I->getString(), "+-!|"); while (Name != NULL) { // Check if item is a service char *Type = strtok(NULL, "\n"); if (Type == NULL) return; // for safety, should not happen if (strstr(Type, "|CMD")==NULL && strstr(Type, "|RPC")==NULL) AddService(Name); // 'add' also for '-' and '!' Name = strtok(NULL, "|"); } return; } // // ====== Part B: Handle opening of data files === // // If it is time to open new data file, close the current one if (time(NULL) >= TimeForNextFile) { if (DataFile != NULL && fclose(DataFile) != 0) { Message(ERROR, "Error: Could not close data file (%s)", strerror(errno)); } DataFile = NULL; } // Open new data file if necessary if (DataFile == NULL) { time_t Time = time(NULL); struct tm *T = localtime(&Time); // Get time structure with date rollover if (T->tm_hour >= atoi(GetConfig("rollover").c_str())) T->tm_mday++; if (mktime(T) == -1) Message(ERROR, "mktime() failed, check filename"); // Create direcory if not existing (ignore error if already existing) char *Dir; if (asprintf(&Dir, "%s/%d", GetConfig("basedir").c_str(), T->tm_year+1900) == -1) { Message(FATAL, "asprintf() failed, could not create direcory name"); } if(mkdir(Dir, S_IRWXU|S_IRWXG)==-1 && errno!=EEXIST) { Message(FATAL, "Could not create directory '%s' (%s)", Dir, strerror(errno)); } // Create filename free(Filename); if (asprintf(&Filename, "%s/%d%02d%02d.slow", Dir, T->tm_year+1900, T->tm_mon+1, T->tm_mday) == 1) { Message(FATAL, "asprintf() failed, could not create filename"); } free(Dir); // Open file if ((DataFile = fopen(Filename, "a")) == NULL) { Message(FATAL, "Could not open data file '%s' (%s)", Filename, strerror(errno)); } else Message(INFO, "Opened data file '%s'", Filename); DataFilename->updateService(Filename); // Calculate time for next file opening T->tm_sec = 0; T->tm_min = 0; T->tm_hour = atoi(GetConfig("rollover").c_str()); TimeForNextFile = mktime(T); } // // ====== Part C: Handle writing to data file === // // Identify index of service for (int Service=0; ServicegetSize()==0) return; // Write data header time_t RawTime = I->getTimestamp(); struct tm *TM = localtime(&RawTime); fprintf(DataFile, "%s %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d ", I->getName(), I->getQuality(), TM->tm_year+1900, TM->tm_mon+1, TM->tm_mday, TM->tm_hour, TM->tm_min, TM->tm_sec, I->getTimestampMillisecs(), I->getTimestamp()); // Translate data into ASCII string Text = EvidenceServer::ToString(I->getFormat(), I->getData(), I->getSize()); if (!Text.empty()) { // Replace new line by '\' and all other control characters by white space for (int i=0; i max(atoi(GetConfig("sizeupdate").c_str()), 1)) { fflush(DataFile); // not continuously to reduce load DataSizeMB = FileSize(DataFile)/1024.0/1024.0; DataSizeService->updateService(); DataSizeLastUpdate = time(NULL); } } // Check for disk writing } // // Implementation of log writing // void DataHandler::commandHandler() { // Translate text safely to string string Text = ToString((char *) "C", getCommand()->getData(), getCommand()->getSize()); // Safety check if (getCommand() != LogCommand || LogFile == NULL || Text.empty()) return; // Replace all carriage-return by line feed and non-printable characters for (unsigned int i=0; itm_mday, TM->tm_mon+1, TM->tm_year+1900, TM->tm_hour, TM->tm_min, TM->tm_sec, getClientName(), getClientId(), Text.c_str()); fflush(LogFile); // If error close file (otherwise infinite loop because Message() also writes to log) if(ferror(LogFile)) { fclose(LogFile); LogFile = NULL; Message(ERROR, "Error writing to log file, closing file (%s)", strerror(errno)); } // Update logfile size service (not every time to avoid infinite loop) if (time(NULL) - LogSizeLastUpdate > atoi(GetConfig("sizeupdate").c_str())) { LogSizeMB = FileSize(LogFile)/1024.0/1024.0; LogSizeService->updateService(); LogSizeLastUpdate = time(NULL); } } // // Add service to watch list // void DataHandler::AddService(string Name) { struct Item New; // Check if already subscribed to this service for (int i=0; igetName()) return; } // Should service be ignored? New.Exclude = false; for (int i=0; i::iterator E; for (E=List.begin(); EgetName()) { delete (*E).DataItem; List.erase(E); } } // // Determine size of file in kB // off_t DataHandler::FileSize(FILE *File) { struct stat FileStatus; if (fstat(fileno(File), &FileStatus) == -1) { Message(WARN, "Could not determine size of file (%s)", strerror(errno)); return -1; } return FileStatus.st_size; } // // Main program // int main() { // Static ensures calling of destructor by exit() static DataHandler DataInstance; // Sleep until exit requested while (!DataInstance.ExitRequest) pause(); }