/********************************************************************\ Class interfacing to FAD board \********************************************************************/ #include "FADBoard.h" using namespace std; // // Constructor // FADBoard::FADBoard(string Server, unsigned short Port, class FAD *Parent, unsigned int Num) { int Ret; // Initialization m = Parent; InitOK = false; Active = true; CommError = false; ACalibTime = -1; Status.Update.tv_sec = -1; Thread = pthread_self(); // For checking in destructor Name = new char [Server.size()+1]; // Name in permanent memory for DIM service strcpy(Name, Server.c_str()); // Resolve hostname struct hostent *Host = gethostbyname(Server.c_str()); if (Host == 0) { m->PrintMessage("Could not resolve host name for %s\n", Server.c_str()); return; } // Open socket descriptor if ((Socket = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) == -1) { m->PrintMessage("Could not open socket for %s (%s)\n", Server.c_str(), strerror(errno)); return; } // Connect to server struct sockaddr_in SocketAddress; SocketAddress.sin_family = PF_INET; SocketAddress.sin_port = htons(Port); SocketAddress.sin_addr = *(struct in_addr*) Host->h_addr; if (connect(Socket, (struct sockaddr *) &SocketAddress, sizeof(SocketAddress)) == -1) { m->PrintMessage("Could not connect to %s at port %d (%s)\n", Server.c_str(), Port, strerror(errno)); return; } // Construct DIM service name prefix stringstream ID; ID << SERVER_NAME"/Board" << setfill('0') << setw(2) << Num << "/"; DIM_Name = new DimService((ID.str()+"Server").c_str(), Name); DIM_ID = new DimService((ID.str()+"BoardID").c_str(), (char *) "S", NULL, 0); DIM_Temp = new DimService((ID.str()+"Temperature").c_str(), (char *) "F", NULL, 0); DIM_DAC = new DimService((ID.str()+"DAC").c_str(), (char *) "S", NULL, 0); DIM_ROI = new DimService((ID.str()+"ROI").c_str(), (char *) "S", NULL, 0); // Initialise mutex for synchronization pthread_mutexattr_t Attr; if ((Ret = pthread_mutexattr_settype(&Attr, PTHREAD_MUTEX_ERRORCHECK)) != 0) { m->Message(m->ERROR, "pthread_mutex_settype() failed (%s)", strerror(Ret)); } if ((Ret = pthread_mutex_init(&Mutex, &Attr)) != 0) { m->Message(m->ERROR, "pthread_mutex_init() failed (%s)", strerror(Ret)); return; } // Create thread that receives data if ((Ret = pthread_create(&Thread, NULL, (void * (*)(void *)) LaunchThread,(void *) this)) != 0) { m->Message(m->ERROR, "pthread_create() failed in FADBoard() (%s)\n", strerror(Ret)); Thread = pthread_self(); return; } InitOK = true; } // // Destructor // FADBoard::~FADBoard() { int Ret; // Cancel thread and wait for it to quit if (pthread_equal(Thread, pthread_self()) == 0) { if ((Ret = pthread_cancel(Thread)) != 0) m->Message(m->ERROR, "pthread_cancel() failed in ~FADBoard() (%s)", strerror(Ret)); if ((Ret = pthread_join(Thread, NULL)) != 0) m->Message(m->ERROR, "pthread_join() failed in ~FADBoard (%s)", strerror(Ret)); } // Delete mutex if (InitOK && ((Ret = pthread_mutex_destroy(&Mutex)) != 0)) { m->Message(m->ERROR, "pthread_mutex_destroy() failed in ~FADBoard (%s)", strerror(Ret)); } delete DIM_Name; delete DIM_ID; delete DIM_Temp; delete DIM_DAC; delete DIM_ROI; delete[] Name; // Close socket descriptor if ((Socket != -1) && (close(Socket) == -1)) { m->PrintMessage("Could not close socket descriptor (%s)", strerror(errno)); } } // // Send data to board // void FADBoard::Send(const void *Data, size_t Bytes) { // Do not send if not active if (!Active) return; // Write data ssize_t Result = write(Socket, Data, Bytes); // Check result if (Result == -1) m->PrintMessage("Error: Could not write to socket (%s)\n", strerror(errno)); else if ((size_t) Result < Bytes) m->PrintMessage("Error: Could only write %d bytes out of %d to socket\n", Result, Bytes); } void FADBoard::Send(unsigned short Data) { unsigned short Buffer = htons(Data); Send(&Buffer, sizeof(unsigned short)); } // // Get board status (mutex protected to avoid concurrent access in ReadLoop) // struct FADBoard::BoardStatus FADBoard::GetStatus() { int Ret; struct BoardStatus S; // Lock if ((Ret = pthread_mutex_lock(&Mutex)) != 0) { m->Message(m->FATAL, "pthread_mutex_lock() failed in ReadLoop() (%s)", strerror(Ret)); } S = Status; // Unlock if ((Ret = pthread_mutex_unlock(&Mutex)) != 0) { m->Message(m->FATAL, "pthread_mutex_unlock() failed in Unlock() (%s)", strerror(Ret)); } return S; } // // Initiate average // void FADBoard::AccumulateSum(unsigned int n) { if (!Active) return; Lock(); memset(Sum, 0, sizeof(Sum)); NumForSum = n; DoSum = true; Unlock(); } // // Read data from board // void FADBoard::ReadLoop() { static char Buffer[READ_BUFFER_SIZE]; static unsigned int Pos = 0; const PEVNT_HEADER *Header = (PEVNT_HEADER *) Buffer; ssize_t Result; struct BoardStatus PrevStatus; memset(&PrevStatus, 0, sizeof(PrevStatus)); while (!m->ExitRequest) { // Read data from socket Result = read(Socket, Buffer + Pos, sizeof(Buffer)-Pos); // Check result of read if (Result == -1) { m->PrintMessage("Error: Could not read from socket, exiting read loop (%s)\n", strerror(errno)); CommError = true; break; } else if (Result == 0) { m->PrintMessage("Server not existing anymore, exiting read loop\n"); CommError = true; break; } // If not active, discard incoming data if (!Active) continue; // Advance write pointer Pos += Result; // Check if internal buffer full if (Pos == sizeof(Buffer)) { m->PrintMessage("Internal buffer full, deleting all data in buffer\n"); Pos = 0; continue; } // Check if full event available in buffer if (Pos < sizeof(PEVNT_HEADER) || ntohs(Header->start_package_flag) != 0xfb01) continue; unsigned int Length = ntohs(Header->package_length)*2*sizeof(char); if (Pos < Length) continue; // Extract data if event end package flag correct if (ntohs(*(unsigned short *) (Buffer+Length-sizeof(unsigned short))) == 0x04FE) { // Prepare pointers to channel data (channels stored in order 0,9,18,27 - 1,10,19,28 - ... - 8,17,26,35) PCHANNEL *Channel[NChips*NChannels], *Pnt=(PCHANNEL *) (Header+1); for(unsigned int i=0; iroi)); } PrevStatus = Status; // Lock to avoid concurrent access in GetStatus() Lock(); gettimeofday(&Status.Update, NULL); // Extract ID and type information Status.BoardID = ntohl(Header->board_id); Status.TriggerID = ntohl(Header->local_trigger_id); Status.TriggerType = ntohs(Header->local_trigger_type); // Extract temperatures (MSB indicates if temperature is positive or negative) for (unsigned int i=0; idrs_temperature[i]) & 0x8000) == 0) Status.Temp[i] = float(ntohs(Header->drs_temperature[i]) >> 3)/16; else Status.Temp[i] = float(0xE000 | (ntohs(Header->drs_temperature[i])) >> 3)/16; } // Extract DAC channels for (unsigned int i=0; idac[i]); short Buf; for (unsigned int Chip=0; Chipstart_cell); for (unsigned int Chan=0; Chanroi); // Extract ADC data (stored in 12 bit signed twis complement with out-of-range-bit and leading zeroes) for (int i=0; iadc_data[i]); (Buf <<= 4) >>= 4; //delete the sign-bit by shifting left and shift back Data[Chip][Chan][i] = Buf; } } } // If requested for calibration, add rotated data for later averaging if (DoSum && NumForSum>0) { for (unsigned int Chip=0; ChipupdateService(Status.Temp, sizeof(Status.Temp)); } if (memcmp(PrevStatus.DAC, Status.DAC, sizeof(Status.DAC)) != 0) { DIM_DAC->updateService(Status.DAC, sizeof(Status.DAC)); } if (memcmp(PrevStatus.ROI, Status.ROI, sizeof(Status.ROI)) != 0) { DIM_ROI->updateService(Status.ROI, sizeof(Status.ROI)); } if (PrevStatus.BoardID != Status.BoardID) { DIM_ID->updateService(&Status.BoardID, sizeof(Status.BoardID)); } } else printf("End package flag incorrect, removing corrupt event\n"); // Remove event data from internal buffer memmove(Buffer, Buffer+Length, Pos-Length); Pos = Pos-Length; } // while() } // // Launch read thread inside class // void FADBoard::LaunchThread(class FADBoard *m) { m->ReadLoop(); } // // Lock and unlock mutex // void FADBoard::Lock() { int Ret; if ((Ret = pthread_mutex_lock(&Mutex)) != 0) { m->Message(m->FATAL, "pthread_mutex_lock() failed in class FADBoard (%s)", strerror(Ret)); } } void FADBoard::Unlock() { int Ret; if ((Ret = pthread_mutex_unlock(&Mutex)) != 0) { m->Message(m->FATAL, "pthread_mutex_unlock() failed in class FADBoard (%s)", strerror(Ret)); } }