1 | //
2 | // FADctrl
3 | //
4 |
5 | #include <stdio.h>
6 | #include <readline/history.h>
7 |
8 | #include "FAD.h"
9 |
10 | const char READLINE_HIST_FILE[] = "/tmp/.history.FADctrl";
11 |
12 | void OpenOtherSockets();
13 |
14 | // ================
15 | // Main program
16 | // ================
17 |
18 | int main() {
19 |
20 | // Uses getc() for readline library (allows interruption by signal)
21 | rl_getc_function = getc;
22 |
23 | // Load history buffer
24 | read_history(READLINE_HIST_FILE);
25 |
26 | system("clear");
27 | printf("\n*** FADctrl (built %s, %s, revision %s) *** \n\n",__DATE__, __TIME__, REVISION);
28 |
29 | // Construct main instance (static ensures destructor is called with exit())
30 | static FAD M;
31 |
32 | // Do not kill process if writing to closed socket
33 | signal(SIGPIPE,SIG_IGN);
34 |
35 | // Create thread to connect to other sockets
36 | int RetVal;
37 | pthread_t Thread;
38 | if ((RetVal = pthread_create(&Thread, NULL, (void * (*)(void *)) OpenOtherSockets, NULL)) != 0) {
39 | printf("pthread_create() failed for OpenOtherSockets(%s)\n", strerror(RetVal));
40 | exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
41 | }
42 |
43 | // Initialise all boards
44 | M.PrintMessage("Initalizing all boards...\n");
45 |
46 | DimClient::sendCommand(SERVER_NAME"/Command", "dwrite off");
47 | DimClient::sendCommand(SERVER_NAME"/Command", "domino off");
48 | sleep(1);
49 |
50 | DimClient::sendCommand(SERVER_NAME"/Command", "dac 0 25000");
51 | DimClient::sendCommand(SERVER_NAME"/Command", "dac 1-3 0");
52 | DimClient::sendCommand(SERVER_NAME"/Command", "dac 4-7 28800");
53 | sleep (1);
54 |
55 | //DimClient::sendCommand(SERVER_NAME"/Command", "roi all 10");
56 | //DimClient::sendCommand(SERVER_NAME"/Command", "address 44 29");
57 | //sleep (1);
58 |
59 | //DimClient::sendCommand(SERVER_NAME"/Command", "trigger");
60 | //sleep (1);
61 |
62 | //DimClient::sendCommand(SERVER_NAME"/Command", "address 44 30");
63 | //sleep (1);
64 |
65 | //DimClient::sendCommand(SERVER_NAME"/Command", "trigger");
66 | //sleep (1);
67 |
68 | //DimClient::sendCommand(SERVER_NAME"/Command", "address 44 0");
69 | //sleep (1);
70 |
71 | //DimClient::sendCommand(SERVER_NAME"/Command", "trigger");
72 | DimClient::sendCommand(SERVER_NAME"/Command", "domino on");
73 | DimClient::sendCommand(SERVER_NAME"/Command", "dwrite on");
74 | DimClient::sendCommand(SERVER_NAME"/Command", "roi all 1024");
75 | sleep (1);
76 |
77 | //EmptySockets(SocketDescriptor, 8, 750000L);
78 | M.PrintMessage("Finished initalizing all boards\n");
79 |
80 | // Command loop
81 | char *Command;
82 | std::string LastHist;
83 |
84 | while (!M.ExitRequest) {
85 | Command = readline("\rFADctrl>");
86 |
87 | // Check for interruption by signal
88 | if (Command == NULL) continue;
89 |
90 | // Add command to history
91 | if(strlen(Command) > 0 && LastHist != Command) {
92 | add_history(Command);
93 | LastHist = Command;
94 | }
95 |
96 | // Process command
97 | DimClient::sendCommand(SERVER_NAME"/Command", Command);
98 | free(Command);
99 | }
100 |
101 | // Save history buffer
102 | int Ret = write_history(READLINE_HIST_FILE);
103 | if (Ret != 0 ) printf("Error writing history file to '%s' (%s)\n", READLINE_HIST_FILE, strerror(Ret));
104 |
105 | // Terminate thread for other sockets
106 | if ((Ret = pthread_cancel(Thread)) != 0) printf("Error: Could not request thread cancellation in main() (%s)\n", strerror(Ret));
107 | if ((Ret = pthread_join(Thread, NULL)) != 0) printf("pthread_join() failed in main () (%s)\n", strerror(Ret));
108 | }
109 |
110 |
111 | // ====================
112 | // OpenOtherSockets()
113 | // ====================
114 |
115 | void OpenOtherSockets() {
116 |
117 | //ETHZ
118 | static char Hostname[] = "";
119 | //TUDO
120 | //static char Hostname[] = "";
121 | int List[] = {5001, 5002, 5003, 5004, 5005, 5006, 5007};
122 | int Socket[sizeof(List)/sizeof(int)], MaxSocketNum=0, Ret;
123 | fd_set DescriptorList;
124 | char Buffer[1000000];
125 |
126 | // Resolve hostname
127 | struct hostent *Host = gethostbyname(Hostname);
128 | if (Host == 0) {
129 | printf("OtherSockets: Could not resolve host name for %s\n", Hostname);
130 | return;
131 | }
132 |
133 | // Connect to server
134 | struct sockaddr_in SocketAddress;
135 | SocketAddress.sin_family = PF_INET;
136 | SocketAddress.sin_addr = *(struct in_addr*) Host->h_addr;
137 |
138 | for (unsigned int i=0; i<sizeof(List)/sizeof(int); i++) {
139 | // Open socket descriptor
140 | if ((Socket[i] = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) == -1) {
141 | printf("OtherSockets: Could not open socket for port %d (%s)\n", List[i], strerror(errno));
142 | return;
143 | }
144 |
145 | // Determine highest socket number for select()
146 | if (Socket[i] > MaxSocketNum) MaxSocketNum = Socket[i];
147 |
148 | // Connect to server
149 | SocketAddress.sin_port = htons((unsigned short) List[i]);
150 | if (connect(Socket[i], (struct sockaddr *) &SocketAddress, sizeof(SocketAddress)) == -1) {
151 | printf("OtherSockets: Could not connect to port %d (%s)\n", List[i], strerror(errno));
152 | return;
153 | }
154 | }
155 |
156 | while(true) {
157 | // Wait for data from terminal (stdin) or from sockets
158 | FD_ZERO(&DescriptorList);
159 | for (unsigned int i=0; i<sizeof(List)/sizeof(int); i++) FD_SET(Socket[i], &DescriptorList);
160 | if (select(MaxSocketNum+1, &DescriptorList, NULL, NULL, NULL) == -1) {
161 | perror("OtherSockets: Error with select()");
162 | break;
163 | }
164 |
165 | // Data from socket
166 | for (unsigned int i=0; i<sizeof(List)/sizeof(int); i++) if (FD_ISSET(Socket[i], &DescriptorList)) {
167 | Ret = read(Socket[i], Buffer, sizeof(Buffer));
168 | if(Ret == 0) printf("OtherSockets: Connection to port %d not existing anymore\n", List[i]);
169 | else if (Ret == -1) printf("OtherSockets: Error reading from port %d (%s)\n", List[i], strerror(errno));
170 | else ;//printf("OtherSockets: Read %d bytes from port %d\n", Ret, List[i]);
171 | }
172 | }
173 |
174 | // Close all sockets
175 | for (unsigned int i=0; i<sizeof(List)/sizeof(int); i++) {
176 | if ((Socket[i] != -1) && (close(Socket[i]) == -1)) {
177 | printf("OtherSockets: Could not close socket of port %d (%s)", List[i], strerror(errno));
178 | }
179 | }
180 | }