1 | Version history of FADctrl
2 |
3 | 22/10/2010 First check-in of FADctrl. Initial version derived from drsdaq revision 10007.
4 | 5/1/2011 First version of amplitude calibration (no secondary calibration, yet). New 'socketmode' command.
5 | 13/1/2011 Amplitude calibration data is written to text file.
6 | 19/1/2011 Implemented secondary calibration.
7 | 21/1/2011 DIM event thread now informed through pipe of new data
8 | 23/1/2011 Data can be written to disk in M0 format
9 | 24/1/2011 Integrated amplitude calibration into FADBoard class
10 | 27/1/2011 Moved OpenOtherSockets() to FADBoard class
11 | 2/2/2011 Warning if amplitude calibration missing for data taking
12 | 4/2/2011 Fixed exitHandler() being stuck at pthread_join()
13 | 11/2/2011 Moved connect() call to thread of FADBoard class
14 | 14/2/2011 Moved initialisation commands to Evidence configuration file
15 | 18/2/2011 Added 'reconnect' command
16 | 28/2/2011 Removed 'static' keywords in FADBoard::ReadLoop()
17 | 1/3/2011 Board list can be passed via command line
18 | 2/3/2011 Implemented new FAD data format
19 | 28/3/2011 Boards with communication error set themselves inactive
20 | 29/3/2011 Added Status message service for each board (removed several console messages in turn)
21 | Limited update rate of slow control data to 1 second or interval set by 'update'
22 | 1/4/2011 Added DIM frequency service
23 | 5/4/2011 Added DIM rate service for each board
24 | 6/4/2011 Bug fix in internal pipe communication
25 | 4/5/2011 Removed 'daqmode' (had no function). Added 'reset_trigger' and 'runnumber' commands.
26 | Event format adapted (ADC data not sent in network byte order anymore).
27 | 20/5/2011 Missing pthread_mutexattr_init() in FADBoard constructor caused spurious errors when
28 | locking mutex
29 | Added cleanup handler to thread in FADBoard class to ensure mutex is unlocked when thread
30 | cancelled
31 | 25/5/2011 dcm_lock and dcm_ready bits were incorrectly evaluated.
32 | 3/6/2011 Raw data files will only contain boards active at the start of the run.