source: fact/tools/hvMCUtest/ARDUINO_FTDI/ARDUINO_FTDI.pde@ 13078

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2Test Code to make Arduino Ethernet communicate with PLD of Volker Commichaus
3Bias Crate Controller of the FACt Bias voltage supply system
4instead of FT245R interface
6Interface to PLD or
7something that behaves similarly:
9Digital I/O:
10Arduino Pin : Net Name : Int/Out/Bi : mnemonic
12Pin D2 : WR : I : Write to 'FIFO'
13Pin D3 : RD# : I : Read from 'FIFO'
14Pin D8 : TXE# : O : transmit enable
15Pin D9 : RXF# : O : Read from FIFO possible
16Pin D4 : D0 : BI
17Pin D5 : D1 : BI
18Pin D6 : D2 : BI
19Pin D7 : D3 : BI
20Pin A0 : D4 : BI : Data
21Pin A1 : D5 : BI
22Pin A2 : D6 : BI
23Pin A3 : D7 : BI
26port definition:
27Port D consists of Arduino-Pins 0 - 7 and is used for Data exchange with the PLD
28Port C consists of Arduino-Pins A0 - A5 and is used for Data exchange with the PLD
32//define non transferable variables
33#define MAXBOARDS 13
35#define CHPERBOARD 32
37#define BLANKBYTE 0x00
38#define READSTATEBYTE 0x20
39#define GLOBALSETBYTE 0x40
40#define CHANNELSETBYTE 0x60
41#define FREE1 A5
42#define FREE2 A4
44//Default Values for Ramping
45#define RAMPTIME 15 //in millisec
46#define RAMPSTEP 46 // ~1V/STEP depends on voltage in 12 bit (e.g. 2^12 = 4096, 4069/90V ~ 46/V) in Software
47///How do i know Vmax and can calculate RAMPSTEP?
48//are set on Defaultvalues but shell editable from pc software
51//#define MAXVOLTAGE 80
53// Global variables
54 //Control Pins
55const unsigned char wr = 2;
56const unsigned char rd = 3;
57const unsigned char txe = 8;
58const unsigned char rxf = 9;
60 //variables to save Data-Bytes in
61volatile unsigned char databus = 0x00; //temp. memory for Reading Databus interrupt
62unsigned char message[3]={0}; //array where the 3 Byte message is saved
63unsigned char messageindex = 0; //index of array
64unsigned char incommingByte = 0; //for incomming serial Data
65unsigned int recent_voltages[NUMCHANNELS] = {0}; //The actual Voltage of each channel is saved in this variable
66unsigned int set_voltage = 0; //The Value to which channel shell be set is saved in the variable
67unsigned int temp_voltage = 0; //temp. memory fot Value of Voltage
68boolean stat; //PLD Status-bit
69unsigned char wrapcounter = 0; //Wrap counter:
70unsigned char channel = 0; //channelnumber number
71unsigned char error = 0; //Errorcode from PLD
72unsigned char board = 0; //board number
73unsigned long loopstart = 0;
74unsigned long lastloop = 0;
75unsigned long loopduration = 0;
76 //define Variables that mark edge-detection on RD and WR pin for Interrupt
77volatile boolean RisingEdge_RD = false;
78volatile boolean risingEdge_WR = false;
80//Type definitions
81typedef enum {
82 set_message,
83 send_message,
84 get_message, //shell be defaultvalue, to await commands from PC
85 pc_serial,
86 parsing,
87} state_controler_t; //Type to define what microcontroller should do
90typedef enum {
91 channel_status,
92 sys_reset,
93 global_set,
94 channel_set,
95 ramp_channel,
96 ramp_global,
97 idle //defaultvalue
98} function_t; //Type to define which function of PLD shell be build
100typedef enum {
101 transmit_PLD_answer,
102 get_request,
103 transmit_channel_voltage,
104} communication_t; //Type to define communication with PC
106function_t function = idle;
107state_controler_t state_controler = pc_serial;
108communication_t pc_com = get_request;
111void setup() {
112//Initiate Controlpin Usage & Stati
113 pinMode( wr, INPUT);
114 pinMode( rd, INPUT);
115 digitalWrite(txe, HIGH);
116 pinMode( txe, OUTPUT);
117 digitalWrite(rxf, HIGH); //set initial state of RXF#
118 pinMode( rxf, OUTPUT);
119//Initiation of unused pins
120 digitalWrite(FREE1, HIGH);
121 pinMode(FREE1, OUTPUT);
122 pinMode(FREE2, INPUT);
124//Set Databus to Input
125MakeDataBusInput(); // Binary: 00000000, since the bus is Bidirectional .. we better set to input in the idle case
127//set test_values
128/// can be erased when commuinication works
129//board = 0x09;
130//channel = 0x0f;
131//function = channel_set;
132//set_voltage = 0xaaa;
133digitalWrite(FREE1, LOW);
135//define Interrupts for RD and WR
136attachInterrupt(1, RisingEdgeOnRD, RISING);
137attachInterrupt(0, RisingEdgeOnWR, RISING);
139//Open comunication to PC
140Serial.begin(9600); //opens serial port, sets data rate to 9600 bps
144void loop() {
145 //calculate duration for last loop
146 lastloop = loopstart;
147 loopstart = micros();
148 loopduration = loopstart - lastloop;
149// Serial.print("Time: ");
150// Serial.print(loopduration);
151// Serial.println(" microseconds for loop");
153 // Communication with the PC, handle PC requests
154 // Communication via USB
155 if ( state_controler == pc_serial){
156 switch ( pc_com ){
157 //report PLD response to PC
158 case transmit_PLD_answer:
159 Serial.println("PLD answered: B");
160 for (messageindex = 0; messageindex < 3; messageindex++){
161 Serial.print(message[messageindex], BIN);
162 Serial.print( "\t" );
163 }
164 Serial.println(" in BIN ");
165 for (messageindex = 0; messageindex < 3; messageindex++){
166 Serial.print(message[messageindex], HEX);
167 Serial.print( "\t" );
168 }
169 messageindex = 0;
170 Serial.println(" in HEX ");
171 Serial.println( "_______________________ " );
172// if (function == channel_set){
173// state_controler = set_message;
174// }
175 pc_com = get_request;
176 break;
178 // Incoming Commands
179 case get_request:
180 while (Serial.available() < 3){};
181 if (Serial.available() > 0){
182 Serial.print("I received: ");
183 messageindex = 0;
184 while (messageindex < 3){
185 message[messageindex] =;
186 Serial.print( "0x" );
187 Serial.print(message[messageindex], HEX);
188 messageindex++;
189 Serial.print( " " );
190 }
191 messageindex = 0;
192 //Serial.print(incommingByte, BYTE);
193 Serial.println(",du Nase!");
194 }
195// if (function == ramp_channel){
196// state_controler = set_message;
197// function = channel_set;
198// }
199 state_controler = send_message;
200 //function = channel_set
201 break;
203// case transmit_channel_voltage:
204// Serial.println("Voltage of channel is: ");
205// for (messageindex = 0; messageindex < 3; messageindex++){
206// Serial.print(recent_voltages[messageindex], BIN);
207// Serial.print( "\t" );
208// }
209// break;
210 }
211 }
213//The following part sends the 3-Byte-Command to PLD
214 //Build 3-Byte-Command that will be send to PLD
215 PORTC ^= 1<<PC5; //Marker
216 PORTC ^= 1<<PC5; //Marker
217 if ( state_controler == set_message){
218 switch( function ){
220 case channel_status:
221 channelStaus(board, channel); //calls the channelstatus-function so values in message[] are set correctly
222 TransmitChannelVoltage(RecentChannel(board, channel));///verifizieren
223 break;
225 case sys_reset:
226 systemReset(); //calls the SystemReset-function so values in message[] are set correctly
227 break;
229 case global_set:
230 temp_voltage = RampGlobal(set_voltage); //calls the GlobalSet-function so values in message[] are set correctly //globalSet nicht mehr VOID
231 for (int x = 0; x <= NUMCHANNELS; x++){ ///verifizieren
232 recent_voltages[x] = temp_voltage;
233 }
234 TransmitChannelVoltage(0);///verifizieren
235 break;
237 case channel_set:
238 recent_voltages[RecentChannel(board, channel)] = RampChannel(board, channel, set_voltage); //calls the RampChannel-function so values in message[] are set correctly
239 // and saves the new Voltage in recent Voltage
240 if (recent_voltages[RecentChannel(board, channel)] == set_voltage){
241 function = idle;
242 }
243 break;
245 }
246 state_controler = send_message; //just for development
247 }
248 //Set 3-Byte-Command on DATABUS
249 //This is the FIFO Read Cycle, PLD reads from FIFO, ARDUINO writes to FIFO
250 if ( state_controler == send_message){
251 PORTC ^= 1<<PC5; //Marker
252 PORTC ^= 1<<PC5; //Marker
253 PORTC ^= 1<<PC5; //Marker
254 PORTC ^= 1<<PC5; //Marker
255 digitalWrite(txe, HIGH); //Forbid PLD to send Datan, needs 4 microsec
256 MakeDataBusOutput(); //set Databus as Output before you tell PLD that you have Data
257 //This is the Statemachine where the 3 bytes will be set on DATA Bus
258 switch( messageindex ){
259 case 0:
260 PutOnDataBus(message[messageindex]);
261 RisingEdge_RD = false;
262 digitalWrite(rxf, LOW ); //goes to low to tell PLD that Data is availiable, after PORTD to make shure that there is Data
263 while(!RisingEdge_RD){}
264 digitalWrite(rxf, HIGH );
265 messageindex++;
266 break;
268 case 1:
269 PutOnDataBus(message[messageindex]);
270 digitalWrite(rxf, LOW ); //goes to low to tell PLD that Data is availiable
271 while(!RisingEdge_RD){}
272 digitalWrite(rxf, HIGH );
273 messageindex++;
274 break;
276 case 2:
277 PutOnDataBus(message[messageindex]);
278 digitalWrite(rxf, LOW ); //goes to low to tell PLD that Data is availiable
279 while(!RisingEdge_RD ){}
280 digitalWrite(rxf, HIGH ); //goes to high to tell PLD that no Data is availiable
281 digitalWrite(txe, LOW ); //set TXE# to low to permit PLD to send DATA
282 MakeDataBusInput(); //Set PORT D to Input: PLD can write DATA on that Port
283 messageindex = 0;
284 state_controler = get_message; //Listen to PLD for status report
285 break;
286 }
287 RisingEdge_RD = false;
288 }
290//The following part gets the 3-Byte-Answer from PLD
291//The FIFO Write Cycle
292 if ( state_controler == get_message){
293 digitalWrite(rxf, HIGH ); //goes to high to tell PLD that no Data is availiable
294 MakeDataBusInput(); //set Port D as Input
295 digitalWrite(txe, LOW ); //goes to low to tell PLD it can send Data
296 if (risingEdge_WR){ //write Data from Byte into FiFo when WR goes from high to low and there was an Rising Edge before
297 switch( messageindex ){
298 case 0:
299 message[messageindex] = databus;
300 messageindex++;
301 break;
303 case 1:
304 message[messageindex] = databus;
305 messageindex++;
306 break;
308 case 2:
309 message[messageindex] = databus;
310 messageindex = 0;
311 state_controler = pc_serial;
312 pc_com = transmit_PLD_answer;
313 break;
314 }
315 risingEdge_WR = false; //reset RisingEdge interrupt variable to false to detect incomming Edge
316 digitalWrite(txe, HIGH); //reset TXE to tell PLD not not to write
318 }
319 }
325This are the funtions that can be used with the board:
327//Read Data from DATABUS
328unsigned char ReadFromDataBus(){
329 // The eight bits of the databus are distributed over
330 // the two differen ports of the ATmega. Port C and D
331 // actually they are connected like this:
332 // data0...data3 are connected to Arduino Pins D4..D7
333 // data4...data7 are connected to Arduino Pins C0..D3
334 return ( (PINC&0x0f) << 4 ) | ( (PIND&0xf0) >> 4) ;
337//Write Data from DATABUS
338void PutOnDataBus ( unsigned char data) {
339 // okay .. .again
340 // data0..3 is connected to PD4..7
341 // data4..7 is connected to PC0..3
342 PORTC = (PORTC & 0xf0) | (data&0xf0)>>4 ;
343 PORTD = (PORTD & 0x0f) | (data&0x0f)<<4 ;
347void MakeDataBusOutput() {
348 // making the databus out can be done like this:
349 // data0..3 is connected to PD4..7
350 // data4..7 is connected to PC0..3
352 // also auf PORTC die bits 0 bis 3 setzen!
353 DDRC |= 0x0f;
354 // und auf PORTD die bits 4 bis 7 setzen!
355 DDRD |= 0xf0;
357 // Um die Pullups muss man sicht nicht kümmern, da nach dieser Funktion sowieso ein neuer Wert auf den Bus
358 // geschrieben wird.
361void MakeDataBusInput() {
362// see the comments in MakeDataBusOutput()
364//first we switch the outs to ins
365// then we switch on the pullups
367 DDRC &= 0xf0;
368 DDRD &= 0x0f;
371//System Reset
372void systemReset(){
373 for (messageindex = 0; messageindex < 2; messageindex++){
374 message[messageindex] = 0x0; // set alle 3byte to 0
375 }
378//Read channel Status & Current
379void channelStaus(unsigned char brd, unsigned char chan){
380 message[0] = READSTATEBYTE | (brd << 1); //put funtion, board in first byte
381 message[0] = message[0] | (chan >> 4); //add first channelbit to end of first byte
382 message[1] = BLANKBYTE | (chan << 4); //put rest of channelbit in byte2
383 message[2] = BLANKBYTE; // set byte 3 to 0
386//Global set
387unsigned int globalSet(unsigned int volt){
388 message[0] = GLOBALSETBYTE;
389 message[1] = BLANKBYTE | (volt >> 8);
390 message[2] = BLANKBYTE | volt;
391 return volt;
394//Channel set to Voltage
395unsigned int channelSet(unsigned char brd, unsigned char chan, unsigned int volt){
396 message[0] = CHANNELSETBYTE | (brd << 1);
397 message[0] = message[0] | (chan >> 4);
398 message[1] = BLANKBYTE | (chan << 4);
399 message[1] = message[1] | (volt >> 4);
400 message[2] = BLANKBYTE | volt;
401 return volt;
404//functions for Interrupts on RD and WR
405void RisingEdgeOnRD(){
406 //digitalWrite(FREE1, HIGH);
407 //digitalWrite(FREE1, LOW);
409 PORTC ^= 1<<PC5;
410 PORTC ^= 1<<PC5;
411 PORTC ^= 1<<PC5;
412 PORTC ^= 1<<PC5;
413 PORTC ^= 1<<PC5;
414 PORTC ^= 1<<PC5;
416 RisingEdge_RD = true;
419void RisingEdgeOnWR(){
420 databus = ReadFromDataBus();
421 risingEdge_WR = true;
422 PORTC ^= 1<<PC5;
423 PORTC ^= 1<<PC5;
424 PORTC ^= 1<<PC5;
425 PORTC ^= 1<<PC5;
426 PORTC ^= 1<<PC5;
427 PORTC ^= 1<<PC5;
428 PORTC ^= 1<<PC5;
429 PORTC ^= 1<<PC5;
433void TransmitChannelVoltage(int chan){ ///verifizieren
434 Serial.println("Voltage of channel is: ");
435 Serial.print(recent_voltages[chan], HEX);
436 Serial.print( "in HEX \t" );
439int RecentChannel(unsigned char board, unsigned char channel){ ///verifizieren
440return ((0x000f&board)<<5)|(0x1f&channel);
443unsigned int RampChannel(unsigned char brd, unsigned char chan, unsigned int volt){ ///verifizieren
444 if ((volt - recent_voltages[RecentChannel(brd, chan)]) > 0) //ramp up
445 {
446 if (recent_voltages[RecentChannel(brd, chan)] + RAMPSTEP < volt){
447 volt = channelSet(brd, chan, (recent_voltages[RecentChannel(brd, chan)] + RAMPSTEP)); //ramps channel one Step to voltage and gives back voltagevalue
448 function = ramp_channel;
449 }
450 else{
451 volt = channelSet(brd, chan, volt); //sets channel to chosen voltage ang gives back voltagevalue
452 function = idle; //goes back to idle status that ramping is not recalled
453 }
454 }
455 else if ((volt - recent_voltages[RecentChannel(brd, chan)]) < 0) //ramp down
456 {
457 if (recent_voltages[RecentChannel(brd, chan)] - RAMPSTEP > volt){
458 volt = channelSet(brd, chan, (recent_voltages[RecentChannel(brd, chan)] - RAMPSTEP)); //ramps channel one Step to voltage and gives back voltagevalue
459 function = ramp_channel;
460 }
461 else{
462 volt = channelSet(brd, chan, volt); //sets channel to chosen voltage
463 function = idle; //goes back to idle that ramping is not recalled
464 }
465 }
466 else function = channel_status; //goes back to channel status that to tell status
467 return volt;
470unsigned int RampGlobal(unsigned int volt){ ///ich gehe zunächst mal davon aus, dass ich nur von Null rauf rampe
471// for (unsigned int channel = 0; channel <= NUMCHANNELS; channel++){ //check if evvery channel is set to 0
472// if (recent_voltages != 0x0) return; //otherwise leave function
473// }
474 if ((volt - recent_voltages[0]) > 0 && recent_voltages[0] + RAMPSTEP < volt){ ///wie bekomme ich die Spannungen der einzelnen Kanäle
475 volt = globalSet(recent_voltages[0] + RAMPSTEP); //ramps all channels one Step to voltage and gives back voltagevalue
476 function = ramp_global;
477 }
478 else if ((volt - recent_voltages[0]) > 0 && recent_voltages[0] + RAMPSTEP > volt){
479 volt = globalSet(volt); //sets channel to chosen voltage ang gives back voltagevalue
480 function = idle; //goes back to idle status that ramping is not recalled
481 }
482 return volt;
487void CommandToPLD(unsigned int txe, unsigned int rxf ){
488//txe auf D8, rxf auf D9
489if (txe == HIGH){
490 if (rxf == HIGH){
491 PORTB = B00000011;
492 }
493 else if(rxf == LOW){
494 PORTB = B00000001;
495 }
497else if (txe ==
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