#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "MH.h" #include "MLog.h" #include "MLogManip.h" #include "MDirIter.h" #include "MFillH.h" #include "MEvtLoop.h" #include "MCamEvent.h" #include "MGeomApply.h" #include "MTaskList.h" #include "MParList.h" #include "MContinue.h" #include "MBinning.h" #include "MHDrsCalib.h" #include "MDrsCalibApply.h" #include "MRawFitsRead.h" #include "MBadPixelsCam.h" #include "MStatusDisplay.h" #include "MTaskInteractive.h" #include "MPedestalSubtractedEvt.h" #include "MHCamera.h" #include "MGeomCamFACT.h" #include "MRawRunHeader.h" using namespace std; MPedestalSubtractedEvt *fEvent = 0; MLog *fLog = &gLog; struct Single { float fSignal; float fTime; }; class MSingles : public MParContainer, public MCamEvent { Int_t fIntegrationWindow; vector> fData; public: MSingles(const char *name=NULL, const char *title=NULL) : fIntegrationWindow(0) { fName = name ? name : "MSingles"; } void InitSize(const UInt_t i) { fData.resize(i); } vector &operator[](UInt_t i) { return fData[i]; } vector &GetVector(UInt_t i) { return fData[i]; } UInt_t GetNumPixels() const { return fData.size(); } void SetIntegrationWindow(Int_t w) { fIntegrationWindow = w; } Int_t GetIntegrationWindow() const { return fIntegrationWindow; } Bool_t GetPixelContent(Double_t &val, Int_t idx, const MGeomCam &cam, Int_t type=0) const { return kTRUE; } void DrawPixelContent(Int_t num) const { } ClassDef(MSingles, 1) }; class MH2F : public TH2F { public: Int_t Fill(Double_t x,Double_t y) { Int_t binx, biny, bin; fEntries++; binx = TMath::Nint(x+1); biny = fYaxis.FindBin(y); bin = biny*(fXaxis.GetNbins()+2) + binx; AddBinContent(bin); if (fSumw2.fN) ++fSumw2.fArray[bin]; if (biny == 0 || biny > fYaxis.GetNbins()) { if (!fgStatOverflows) return -1; } ++fTsumw; ++fTsumw2; fTsumwy += y; fTsumwy2 += y*y; return bin; } ClassDef(MH2F, 1); }; class MProfile2D : public TProfile2D { public: Int_t Fill(Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z) { Int_t bin,binx,biny; fEntries++; binx =TMath::Nint(x+1); biny =fYaxis.FindBin(y); bin = GetBin(binx, biny); fArray[bin] += z; fSumw2.fArray[bin] += z*z; fBinEntries.fArray[bin] += 1; if (fBinSumw2.fN) fBinSumw2.fArray[bin] += 1; if (biny == 0 || biny > fYaxis.GetNbins()) { if (!fgStatOverflows) return -1; } ++fTsumw; ++fTsumw2; fTsumwy += y; fTsumwy2 += y*y; fTsumwz += z; fTsumwz2 += z*z; return bin; } ClassDef(MProfile2D, 1); }; class MHSingles : public MH { MH2F fSignal; MH2F fTime; MProfile2D fPulse; UInt_t fNumEntries; MSingles *fSingles; //! MPedestalSubtractedEvt *fEvent; //! public: MHSingles() : fNumEntries(0), fSingles(0), fEvent(0) { fName = "MHSingles"; fSignal.SetName("Signal"); fSignal.SetTitle("Title"); fSignal.SetXTitle("X title"); fSignal.SetYTitle("Y title"); fSignal.SetDirectory(NULL); fTime.SetName("Time"); fTime.SetTitle("Title"); fTime.SetXTitle("X title"); fTime.SetYTitle("Y title"); fTime.SetDirectory(NULL); fPulse.SetName("Pulse"); fPulse.SetTitle("Title"); fPulse.SetXTitle("X title"); fPulse.SetYTitle("Y title"); fPulse.SetDirectory(NULL); } Bool_t SetupFill(const MParList *plist) { fSingles = (MSingles*)plist->FindObject("MSingles"); if (!fSingles) { *fLog << /* err << */ "MSingles not found... abort." << endl; return kFALSE; } fEvent = (MPedestalSubtractedEvt*)plist->FindObject("MPedestalSubtractedEvt"); if (!fEvent) { *fLog << /* err << */ "MPedestalSubtractedEvt not found... abort." << endl; return kFALSE; } fNumEntries = 0; return kTRUE; } Bool_t ReInit(MParList *plist) { const MRawRunHeader *header = (MRawRunHeader*)plist->FindObject("MRawRunHeader"); if (!header) { *fLog << /* err << */ "MRawRunHeader not found... abort." << endl; return kFALSE; } const Int_t w = fSingles->GetIntegrationWindow(); MBinning binsx, binsy; binsx.SetEdges(fSingles->GetNumPixels(), -0.5, fSingles->GetNumPixels()-0.5); binsy.SetEdges(300, -7.5*w, (60-7.5)*w); MH::SetBinning(fSignal, binsx, binsy); const UShort_t roi = header->GetNumSamples(); // Correct for DRS timing!! MBinning binst(roi, -0.5, roi-0.5); MH::SetBinning(fTime, binsx, binst); MBinning binspy(2*roi, -roi-0.5, roi-0.5); MH::SetBinning(fPulse, binsx, binspy); return kTRUE; } Int_t Fill(const MParContainer *par, const Stat_t weight=1) { const Float_t *ptr = fEvent->GetSamples(0); const Short_t roi = fEvent->GetNumSamples(); for (unsigned int i=0; iGetNumPixels(); i++) { const vector &result = fSingles->GetVector(i); for (unsigned int j=0; jDivide(2,2); pad->cd(1); gPad->SetBorderMode(0); gPad->SetFrameBorderMode(0); fSignal.Draw("colz"); pad->cd(2); gPad->SetBorderMode(0); gPad->SetFrameBorderMode(0); fTime.Draw("colz"); pad->cd(3); gPad->SetBorderMode(0); gPad->SetFrameBorderMode(0); fPulse.Draw("colz"); } ClassDef(MHSingles, 1) }; MStatusDisplay *d = new MStatusDisplay; MSingles *fSingles; TH1F *fluct1 = new TH1F("", "", 100, -50, 50); TH1F *fluct2 = new TH1F("", "", 100, -50, 50); TGraph weights("weights.txt"); Int_t PreProcess(MParList *plist) { fSingles = (MSingles*)plist->FindCreateObj("MSingles"); if (!fSingles) return kFALSE; fEvent = (MPedestalSubtractedEvt*)plist->FindObject("MPedestalSubtractedEvt"); if (!fEvent) { *fLog << /* err << */ "MPedestalSubtractedEvt not found... abort." << endl; return kFALSE; } d->AddTab("Fluct"); fluct2->Draw(); fluct1->Draw("same"); fSingles->SetIntegrationWindow(20); //if (weights.GetN()==0) // return kFALSE; return kTRUE; } Int_t Process() { const UInt_t roi = fEvent->GetNumSamples(); const size_t navg = 10; const float threshold = 5; const UInt_t start_skip = 20; const UInt_t end_skip = 10; const UInt_t integration_size = 10*3; vector val(roi-navg);//result of first sliding average for (int pix=0; pixGetNumPixels(); pix++) { vector &result = fSingles->GetVector(pix); result.clear(); const Float_t *ptr = fEvent->GetSamples(pix); //Sliding window for (size_t i=0; ithreshold || val[i+4]>threshold || val[i+5] val[k]) k_max = k; } //search for half maximum before maximum UInt_t k_half_max = 0; for (UInt_t k=k_max; k>k_max-20; k--) { if (val[k-1] < val[k_max]/2 && val[k] >= val[k_max]/2 ) { k_half_max = k; } } // Evaluate arrival time more precisely!!! // Get a better integration window Single single; single.fSignal = 0; single.fTime = k_half_max; // Crossing of the threshold is at 5 for (UInt_t j=k_half_max; jAccessPathName(map, kFileExists)) { gLog << "ERROR - Cannot access mapping file '" << map << "'" << endl; return 1; } if (gSystem->AccessPathName(drsfile, kFileExists)) { gLog << "ERROR - Cannot access drsfile file '" << drsfile << "'" << endl; return 2; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- gLog.Separator("Singles"); gLog << "Extract singles with '" << drsfile << "'" << endl; gLog << endl; // ------------------------------------------------------ MDrsCalibration drscalib300; if (!drscalib300.ReadFits(drsfile)) return 4; // ------------------------------------------------------ iter.Sort(); iter.Print(); // ====================================================== //MStatusDisplay *d = new MStatusDisplay; MBadPixelsCam badpixels; badpixels.InitSize(1440); badpixels[ 424].SetUnsuitable(MBadPixelsPix::kUnsuitable); badpixels[ 583].SetUnsuitable(MBadPixelsPix::kUnsuitable); badpixels[ 830].SetUnsuitable(MBadPixelsPix::kUnsuitable); badpixels[ 923].SetUnsuitable(MBadPixelsPix::kUnsuitable); badpixels[1208].SetUnsuitable(MBadPixelsPix::kUnsuitable); badpixels[1399].SetUnsuitable(MBadPixelsPix::kUnsuitable); // Twin pixel // 113 // 115 // 354 // 423 // 1195 // 1393 //MDrsCalibrationTime timecam; MH::SetPalette(); // ====================================================== gLog << endl; gLog.Separator("Processing external light pulser run"); MTaskList tlist1; MSingles singles; MRawRunHeader header; MParList plist1; plist1.AddToList(&tlist1); plist1.AddToList(&drscalib300); plist1.AddToList(&badpixels); plist1.AddToList(&singles); plist1.AddToList(&header); MEvtLoop loop1("DetermineCalConst"); loop1.SetDisplay(d); loop1.SetParList(&plist1); // ------------------ Setup the tasks --------------- MRawFitsRead read1; read1.LoadMap(map); read1.AddFiles(iter); MContinue cont1("(MRawEvtHeader.GetTriggerID&0xff00)!=0x100", "SelectCal"); MGeomApply apply1; MDrsCalibApply drsapply1; MTaskInteractive mytask; mytask.SetPreProcess(PreProcess); mytask.SetProcess(Process); mytask.SetPostProcess(PostProcess); MFillH fill("MHSingles"); // ------------------ Setup eventloop and run analysis --------------- tlist1.AddToList(&read1); // tlist1.AddToList(&cont1); tlist1.AddToList(&apply1); tlist1.AddToList(&drsapply1); tlist1.AddToList(&mytask); tlist1.AddToList(&fill); if (!loop1.Eventloop(max1)) return 10; if (!loop1.GetDisplay()) return 11; gStyle->SetOptFit(kTRUE); MHSingles* h = (MHSingles*) plist1.FindObject("MHSingles"); if (!h) return 0; TH2 *hsignal = h->GetSignal(); TH2 *htime = h->GetTime(); TH2 *hpulse = h->GetPulse(); d->AddTab("Time"); TH1 *ht = htime->ProjectionY(); ht->Scale(1./1440); ht->Draw(); d->AddTab("Pulse"); TH1 *hp = hpulse->ProjectionY(); hp->Scale(1./1440); hp->Draw(); // ------------------ Spectrum Fit --------------- // AFTER this the Code for the spektrum fit follows // access the spektrumhistogram by the pointer *hist MGeomCamFACT fact; MHCamera hcam(fact); //built an array of Amplitude spectra TH1F hAmplitude("Rate", "Average number of dark counts per event", 100, 0, 10); TH1F hGain ("Gain", "Gain distribution", 50, 200, 350); TH1F hGainRMS ("RelSigma", "Distribution of rel. Sigma", 100, 0, 30); TH1F hCrosstlk ("Crosstalk", "Distribution of crosstalk probability", 100, 0, 25); TH1F hOffset ("Offset", "Baseline offset distribution", 50, -7.5, 2.5); TH1F hFitProb ("FitProb", "FitProb distribution", 50, 0, 100); TH1F hSum1 ("Sum1", "Sum", 100, 0, 2000); TH1F hSum2 ("Sum2", "Sum", 100, 0, 10); // define fit function for Amplitudespectrum TF1 func("spektrum", fcn, 0, 1000, 5); func.SetParNames("Maximum", "Gain", "Sigma", "XtalkProb", "Offset"); func.SetLineColor(kBlue); // Map for which pixel shall be plotted and which not TArrayC usePixel(1440); memset(usePixel.GetArray(), 1, 1440); // List of Pixel that should be ignored in camera view usePixel[424] = 0; usePixel[923] = 0; usePixel[1208] = 0; usePixel[583] = 0; usePixel[830] = 0; usePixel[1399] = 0; usePixel[113] = 0; usePixel[115] = 0; usePixel[354] = 0; usePixel[423] = 0; usePixel[1195] = 0; usePixel[1393] = 0; int count_ok = 0; // Begin of Loop over Pixels for (UInt_t pixel = 0; pixel < singles.GetNumPixels(); pixel++) { if (usePixel[pixel]==0) continue; //Projectipon of a certain Pixel out of Ampl.Spectrum TH1D *hist = hsignal->ProjectionY("proj", pixel+1, pixel+1); hist->SetDirectory(0); const Int_t maxbin = hist->GetMaximumBin(); const Double_t binwidth = hist->GetBinWidth(maxbin); const Double_t ampl = hist->GetBinContent(maxbin); double fwhm = 0; for (int i=1; iGetBinContent(maxbin-i)+hist->GetBinContent(maxbin+i)GetBinCenter(maxbin), fwhm*1.4, 0.1, -10 }; func.SetParameters(par); const double min = par[1]-fwhm*1.4; const double max = par[1]*5; //Fit Pixels spectrum const TFitResultPtr rc = hist->Fit(&func, "N0QS", "", min, max); const bool ok = int(rc)==0; const double fit_prob = rc->Prob(); const float fGain = func.GetParameter(1); const float fAmplitude = func.Integral(0, 7*fGain)/h->GetNumEntries(); //func.GetParameter(0); const float f2GainRMS = func.GetParameter(2); const float fCrosstlk = func.GetParameter(3); const float fOffset = func.GetParameter(4)/singles.GetIntegrationWindow(); hAmplitude.Fill(fAmplitude); hGain.Fill(fGain); //hGainRMS.Fill(f2GainRMS); hCrosstlk.Fill(fCrosstlk*100); hOffset.Fill(fOffset); hFitProb.Fill(100*fit_prob); hGainRMS.Fill(100*f2GainRMS/fGain); hcam.SetBinContent(pixel+1, fGain); usePixel[pixel] = ok; if (!ok) { cout << "Pixel " << setw(4) << pixel << ": failed!" << endl; continue; } for (int b=1; b<=hist->GetNbinsX(); b++) { hSum1.Fill(hist->GetBinCenter(b), hist->GetBinContent(b)); hSum2.Fill((hist->GetBinCenter(b)-fOffset)/fGain, hist->GetBinContent(b)); } if (count_ok==0) { TCanvas &c = d->AddTab(Form("Pix%d", pixel)); c.cd(); hist->SetName(Form("Pix%d", pixel)); hist->DrawCopy()->SetDirectory(0); //func.DrawCopy("same"); } count_ok++; delete hist; } hcam.SetUsed(usePixel); TCanvas &canv = d->AddTab("Gain"); canv.cd(); hcam.SetNameTitle( "gain","Gain distribution over whole camera"); hcam.DrawCopy(); TCanvas &c11 = d->AddTab("SumHist"); gPad->SetLogy(); hSum1.DrawCopy(); TCanvas &c12 = d->AddTab("GainHist"); gPad->SetLogy(); hSum2.DrawCopy(); TCanvas &c2 = d->AddTab("Result"); c2.Divide(3,2); c2.cd(1); gPad->SetLogy(); hAmplitude.DrawCopy(); c2.cd(2); gPad->SetLogy(); hGain.DrawCopy(); c2.cd(3); gPad->SetLogy(); hGainRMS.DrawCopy(); c2.cd(4); gPad->SetLogy(); hCrosstlk.DrawCopy(); c2.cd(5); gPad->SetLogy(); hOffset.DrawCopy(); c2.cd(6); gPad->SetLogy(); hFitProb.DrawCopy(); /* TCanvas &c3 = d->AddTab("Separation"); gPad->SetLogy(); hSep.DrawCopy(); */ return 0; } Double_t fcn(Double_t *xx, Double_t *par) { Double_t x = xx[0]; Double_t ampl = par[0]; Double_t gain = par[1]; Double_t sigma = par[2]; Double_t cross = par[3]; Double_t shift = par[4]; Double_t xTalk = 1; Double_t y = 0; for (int order = 1; order < 5; order++) { Double_t arg = (x - order*gain - shift)/sigma; Double_t gauss = TMath::Exp(-0.5 * arg * arg/order); y += xTalk*gauss; xTalk *= cross; } return ampl*y; }