1 | #!/usr/bin/python -tt
2 | #
3 | # Werner Lustermann, Dominik Neise
4 | # ETH Zurich, TU Dortmund
5 | #
6 | import os
7 | import sys
8 | import numpy as np
9 | import ROOT
10 |
11 |
12 | ########## BUILDING OF THE SHARED OBJECT FILES ###############################
13 | if __name__ == '__main__' and len(sys.argv) > 1 and 'build' in sys.argv[1]:
14 | ROOT.gSystem.AddLinkedLibs("-lz")
15 | root_make_string = ROOT.gSystem.GetMakeSharedLib()
16 | if not "-std=c++0x" in root_make_string:
17 | make_string = root_make_string.replace('$Opt', '$Opt -std=c++0x -D HAVE_ZLIB')
18 | ROOT.gSystem.SetMakeSharedLib(make_string)
19 | ROOT.gROOT.ProcessLine(".L extern_Mars_mcore/izstream.h+O")
20 | ROOT.gROOT.ProcessLine(".L extern_Mars_mcore/fits.h+O")
21 | ROOT.gROOT.ProcessLine(".L extern_Mars_mcore/zfits.h+O")
22 | ROOT.gROOT.ProcessLine(".L extern_Mars_mcore/factfits.h+O")
23 | if not "-std=c++0x" in root_make_string:
24 | make_string = root_make_string.replace('$Opt', "$Opt -std=c++0x -D HAVE_ZLIB -D'PACKAGE_NAME=\"PACKAGE_NAME\"' "
26 | ROOT.gSystem.SetMakeSharedLib(make_string)
27 | ROOT.gROOT.ProcessLine(".L extern_Mars_mcore/DrsCalib.h+O")
28 |
29 | ROOT.gInterpreter.GenerateDictionary("map<string,fits::Entry>","map;string;extern_Mars_mcore/fits.h")
30 | ROOT.gInterpreter.GenerateDictionary("pair<string,fits::Entry>","map;string;extern_Mars_mcore/fits.h")
31 | ROOT.gInterpreter.GenerateDictionary("map<string,fits::Table::Column>","map;string;extern_Mars_mcore/fits.h")
32 | ROOT.gInterpreter.GenerateDictionary("pair<string,fits::Table::Column>","map;string;extern_Mars_mcore/fits.h")
33 | ROOT.gInterpreter.GenerateDictionary("vector<DrsCalibrate::Step>","vector;extern_Mars_mcore/DrsCalib.h")
34 |
35 | ########## USAGE #############################################################
36 | if __name__ == '__main__' and len(sys.argv) < 3:
37 | print """ Usage:
38 | ----------------------------------------------------------------------
39 | To just build the shared object libs call:
40 | python pyfact.py build
41 |
42 | To build (if necessary) and open an example file
43 | python -i pyfact.py /path/to/data_file.zfits /path/to/calib_file.drs.fits.gz
44 |
45 | Any of the 3 file 'types': fits.gz zfits fits
46 | should be supported.
47 |
48 | To clean all of automatically built files, do something like:
49 | rm *.so *.d AutoDict_* extern_Mars_mcore/*.so extern_Mars_mcore/*.d
50 | ----------------------------------------------------------------------
51 | """
52 | sys.exit(1)
53 |
54 | ######### START OF PYFACT MODULE ############################################
55 | path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
56 | ROOT.gSystem.Load(path+'/AutoDict_map_string_fits__Entry__cxx.so')
57 | ROOT.gSystem.Load(path+'/AutoDict_map_string_fits__Table__Column__cxx.so')
58 | ROOT.gSystem.Load(path+'/AutoDict_pair_string_fits__Entry__cxx.so')
59 | ROOT.gSystem.Load(path+'/AutoDict_pair_string_fits__Table__Column__cxx.so')
60 | ROOT.gSystem.Load(path+'/AutoDict_vector_DrsCalibrate__Step__cxx.so')
61 | ROOT.gSystem.Load(path+'/extern_Mars_mcore/fits_h.so')
62 | ROOT.gSystem.Load(path+'/extern_Mars_mcore/izstream_h.so')
63 | ROOT.gSystem.Load(path+'/extern_Mars_mcore/zfits_h.so')
64 | ROOT.gSystem.Load(path+'/extern_Mars_mcore/factfits_h.so')
65 | ROOT.gSystem.Load(path+'/extern_Mars_mcore/DrsCalib_h.so')
66 | del path
67 |
68 | class Fits( object ):
69 | """ General FITS file access
70 |
71 | Wrapper for factfits class from Mars/mcore/factfits.h
72 | (factfits might not be suited to read any FITS file out there, but certainly
73 | all FACT FITS files can be read using this class)
74 | """
75 | __module__ = 'pyfact'
76 | def __init__(self, path):
77 | """
78 | """
79 | if not os.path.exists(path):
80 | raise IOError(path+' was not found')
81 | self.f = ROOT.factfits(path)
82 | self._make_header()
83 | self._setup_columns()
84 |
85 | def _make_header(self):
86 | """
87 | """
88 | str_to_bool = { 'T':True, 'F':False}
89 | type_conversion = { 'I' : int, 'F' : float, 'T' : str, 'B' : str_to_bool.__getitem__}
90 |
91 | self.header = {}
92 | self.header_comments = {}
93 | for key,entry in self.f.GetKeys():
94 | try:
95 | self.header[key] = type_conversion[entry.type](entry.value)
96 | except KeyError:
97 | raise IOError("Error: entry type unknown.\n Is %s, but should be one of: [I,F,T,B]" % (entry.type) )
98 | self.header_comments[key] = entry.comment
99 |
100 | def _setup_columns(self):
101 | """
102 | """
103 | col_type_to_np_type_map = { 'L' : 'b1', 'A' : 'a1', 'B' : 'i1',
104 | 'I' : 'i2', 'J' : 'i4', 'K' : 'i8', 'E' : 'f4', 'D' : 'f8'}
105 | self.cols = {}
106 | for key,col in self.f.GetColumns():
107 | self.cols[key] = np.zeros(col.num, col_type_to_np_type_map[col.type])
108 | if col.num != 0:
109 | self.f.SetPtrAddress(key, self.cols[key])
110 |
111 | def __iter__(self):
112 | return self
113 |
114 | def next(self, row=None):
115 | """
116 | """
117 | if row is None:
118 | if self.f.GetNextRow() == False:
119 | raise StopIteration
120 | else:
121 | row = int(row)
122 | if self.f.GetRow(row) == False:
123 | raise StopIteration
124 | return self
125 |
126 |
127 |
128 | class RawData( Fits ):
129 | """ Special raw data FITS file access (with DRS4 calibration)
130 |
131 | During iteration the C++ method DrsCalibration::Apply is being called.
132 | """
133 | __module__='pyfact'
134 | def __init__(self, data_path, calib_path):
135 | """ -constructor-
136 | *data_path* : fits or fits.gz file of the data including the path
137 | *calib_path* : fits or fits.gz file containing DRS calibration data
138 | """
139 | super(RawData, self).__init__(data_path)
140 | self.cols['CalibData'] = np.zeros( self.cols['Data'].shape, np.float32)
141 | self.cols['CalibData2D'] = self.cols['CalibData'].reshape( self.header['NPIX'], -1)
142 | if not self.cols['CalibData2D'].base is self.cols['CalibData']:
143 | print "Error seomthing went wrong!"
144 | self.drs_calibration = ROOT.DrsCalibration()
145 | self.drs_calibration.ReadFitsImp( calib_path )
146 |
147 | self.drs_calibrate = ROOT.DrsCalibrate()
148 | self.list_of_previous_start_cells = []
149 |
150 | def __iter__(self):
151 | """ iterator """
152 | return self
153 |
154 | def next(self, row=None):
155 | """
156 | """
157 | super(RawData, self).next(row)
158 |
159 | self.drs_calibration.Apply( self.cols['CalibData'],
160 | self.cols['Data'],
161 | self.cols['StartCellData'],
162 | self.header['NROI'])
163 |
164 | for previous_start_cells in self.list_of_previous_start_cells:
165 | self.drs_calibrate.CorrectStep(
166 | self.cols['CalibData'],
167 | self.header['NPIX'],
168 | self.header['NROI'],
169 | previous_start_cells,
170 | self.cols['StartCellData'],
171 | self.header['NROI']+10)
172 | self.drs_calibrate.CorrectStep(
173 | self.cols['CalibData'],
174 | self.header['NPIX'],
175 | self.header['NROI'],
176 | previous_start_cells,
177 | self.cols['StartCellData'],
178 | 3)
179 | self.list_of_previous_start_cells.append(self.cols['StartCellData'])
180 | if len(self.list_of_previous_start_cells) > 5:
181 | self.list_of_previous_start_cells.pop(0)
182 |
183 | for ch in range(self.header['NPIX']):
184 | self.drs_calibrate.RemoveSpikes3(self.cols['CalibData2D'][ch], self.header['NROI'])
185 |
186 | return self
187 |
188 |
189 |
190 | if __name__ == '__main__':
191 | """ Example """
192 | print "Example for calibrated raw-file"
193 | f = RawData(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2])
194 |
195 | print "number of events:", f.header['NAXIS2']
196 | print "date of observation:", f.header['DATE']
197 | print "The files has these cols:", f.cols.keys()
198 |
199 | for counter,row in enumerate(f):
200 | print "Event Id:", row.cols['EventNum']
201 | print "shape of column 'StartCellData'", row.cols['StartCellData'].shape
202 | print "dtype of column 'Data'", row.cols['StartCellData'].dtype
203 | if counter > 3:
204 | break
205 | # get next row
206 | f.next()
207 | print "Event Id:", f.cols['EventNum']
208 | # get another row
209 | f.next(10)
210 | print "Event Id:", f.cols['EventNum']
211 | # Go back again
212 | f.next(3)
213 | print "Event Id:", f.cols['EventNum']
214 |
215 | import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
216 | plt.ion()
217 | for i in range(f.header['NPIX']):
218 | plt.cla()
219 | plt.title("Event %d"%(f.cols['EventNum']))
220 | plt.plot(f.cols['CalibData2D'][i], '.:', label='pixel %d'%i)
221 | plt.legend()
222 | answer = raw_input('anykey for next pixel; "q" to quit. :')
223 | if 'q' in answer.lower():
224 | break
225 |