D Neise: april 2014 In this folder I want to develop some improved version of pyfact. I would like to deal without the special python accessors, we included into fits.h. Or maybe reduce them to only something like: int GetNumberOfKeys() string GetKey( int key_id) In addition I would like to enhance the funcionality of calfactfits.h, i.e. of the CalFactFits class a bit. Currently this class can only be constructed with a RawData file name and a Calibration File name, but I would like to be able to use this class as well, for working on *not* calibrated data. Also I would like re-use the Drs calibration code from Mars/mcore/DrsCalib.h instead of reimplementing it in calfactfits.h I currently don't really see how to re-use either the DrsCalibrate class or the DrsCalibration class (both implemented in Mars/mcore/DrsCalib.h) but I'm sure there is a way.