1 | #!/usr/bin/python
2 | #
3 | # Werner Lustermann, Dominik Neise
4 | # ETH Zurich, TU Dortmund
5 | #
6 | # plotter.py
7 |
8 | import numpy as np
9 | import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
10 | import os.path
11 | import sys
12 |
13 | class Plotter(object):
14 | """ simple x-y plot """
15 | def __init__(self, name, x=None, style = '.:', xlabel='x', ylabel='y', ion=True, grid=True, fname=None):
16 | """ initialize the object """
17 |
18 | self.name = name
19 | self.x = x
20 | self.style = style
21 | self.xlabel = xlabel
22 | self.ylabel = ylabel
23 |
24 | #not sure if this should go here
25 | if ion:
26 | plt.ion()
27 |
28 | self.figure = plt.figure()
29 | self.fig_id = self.figure.number
30 |
31 | plt.grid(grid)
32 | self.fname = fname
33 |
34 | def __call__(self, ydata, label=None):
35 | """ set ydata of plot """
36 | style = self.style
37 |
38 | # make acitve and clear
39 | plt.figure(self.fig_id)
40 | plt.cla()
41 |
42 | # the following if else stuff is horrible,
43 | # but I want all those possibilities, .... still working on it.
44 |
45 | # check if 1Dim oder 2Dim
46 | ydata = np.array(ydata)
47 | if ydata.ndim ==1:
48 | if self.x==None:
49 | plt.plot(ydata, self.style, label=label)
50 | else:
51 | plt.plot(self.x, ydata, self.style, label=label)
52 | else:
53 | for i in range(len(ydata)):
54 | if self.x==None:
55 | if label:
56 | plt.plot(ydata[i], style, label=label[i])
57 | else:
58 | plt.plot(ydata[i], style)
59 | else:
60 | if label:
61 | plt.plot(self.x, ydata[i], style, label=label[i])
62 | else:
63 | plt.plot(self.x, ydata[i], style)
64 | plt.title(self.name)
65 | plt.xlabel(self.xlabel)
66 | plt.ylabel(self.ylabel)
67 | if label:
68 | plt.legend()
69 |
70 | if self.fname != None:
71 | plt.savefig(self.fname)
72 |
73 | plt.draw()
74 |
75 |
76 | class CamPlotter(object):
77 | """ plotting data color-coded into FACT-camera """
78 | def __init__(self, name, ion=True, grid=True, fname=None, map_file_path = '../map_dn.txt', vmin=None, vmax=None):
79 | """ initialize the object """
80 | path = os.path.abspath(__file__)
81 | path = os.path.dirname(path)
82 | map_file_path = os.path.join(path, map_file_path)
83 | if not os.path.isfile(map_file_path):
84 | print 'not able to find file:', map_file_path
85 | sys.exit(-2)
86 |
87 | self.name = name
88 | if ion:
89 | plt.ion()
90 |
91 | chid, y,x,xe,ye,yh,xh,softid,hardid = np.loadtxt(map_file_path ,unpack=True)
92 | self.xe = xe
93 | self.ye = ye
94 |
95 | self.H = (6,0,30./180.*3.1415926)
96 |
97 | self.figure = plt.figure(figsize=(6, 6), dpi=80)
98 | self.fig_id = self.figure.number
99 |
100 | self.grid = grid
101 | self.fname = fname
102 | self.vmin = vmin
103 | self.vmax = vmax
104 |
105 | def __call__(self, data, mask=None):
106 | # define some shortcuts
107 | xe = self.xe
108 | ye = self.ye
109 | H = self.H
110 | name = self.name
111 | grid = self.grid
112 | vmin = self.vmin
113 | vmax = self.vmax
114 |
115 | # get the figure, clean it, and set it up nicely.
116 | # maybe cleaning is not necessary and takes long, but
117 | # I've got no time to test it at the moment.
118 | plt.figure(self.fig_id)
119 | plt.clf()
120 | self.ax = self.figure.add_subplot(111, aspect='equal')
121 | self.ax.axis([-22,22,-22,22])
122 | self.ax.set_title(name)
123 | self.ax.grid(grid)
124 |
125 | # throw data into numpy array for simplicity
126 | data = np.array(data)
127 |
128 | #handle masked case specially
129 | if mask!= None:
130 | if len(mask)==0:
131 | return
132 |
133 | elif mask.dtype == bool and data.ndim ==1 and len(mask)==1440:
134 | length = mask.sum()
135 | mask = np.where(mask)[0]
136 | mxe = np.empty( length )
137 | mye = np.empty( length )
138 | mdata = np.empty( length )
139 | for i,chid in enumerate(mask):
140 | #print i , chid
141 | mxe[i] = xe[chid]
142 | mye[i] = ye[chid]
143 | mdata[i] = data[chid]
144 | #print 'mxe', mxe, 'len', len(mxe)
145 | #print 'mye', mye, 'len', len(mye)
146 | #print 'mxe', mdata, 'len', len(mdata)
147 |
148 | self.ax.axis([-22,22,-22,22])
149 | self.ax.set_title(name)
150 | self.ax.grid(grid)
151 | # the next line is a stupid hack
152 | # I plot invisible pixels, so that the axes show look ok.
153 | # this must be possible differently, but I don't know how...
154 | self.ax.scatter(xe,ye,s=25,alpha=0,marker=H)
155 |
156 | result = self.ax.scatter(mxe,mye,s=25,alpha=1.,
157 | c=mdata, marker=H, linewidths=0., vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax)
158 | self.figure.colorbar( result, shrink=0.8, pad=-0.04 )
159 | plt.draw()
160 |
161 |
162 | elif mask.dtype == int and data.ndim ==1:
163 | length = len(mask)
164 | mxe = np.empty( length )
165 | mye = np.empty( length )
166 | mdata = np.empty( length )
167 | for i,chid in enumerate(mask):
168 | mxe[i] = xe[chid]
169 | mye[i] = ye[chid]
170 | mdata[i] = data[chid]
171 |
172 | self.ax.axis([-22,22,-22,22])
173 | self.ax.set_title(name)
174 | self.ax.grid(grid)
175 | # the next line is a stupid hack
176 | # I plot invisible pixels, so that the axes show look ok.
177 | # this must be possible differently, but I don't know how...
178 | self.ax.scatter(xe,ye,s=25,alpha=0,marker=H)
179 |
180 | result = self.ax.scatter(mxe,mye,s=25,alpha=1.,
181 | c=mdata, marker=H, linewidths=0., vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax)
182 | self.figure.colorbar( result, shrink=0.8, pad=-0.04 )
183 | plt.draw()
184 |
185 | else:
186 | print "there is a mask, but I don't know how to treat it!!!"
187 | sys.exit(-1)
188 | else: # i.e. when mask is None
189 | # handle 1D and 2D case differently
190 | if data.ndim == 1 and len(data)==1440:
191 | result = self.ax.scatter(xe,ye,s=25,alpha=1,
192 | c=data, marker=H, linewidths=0., vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax)
193 | self.figure.colorbar( result, shrink=0.8, pad=-0.04 )
194 | plt.draw()
195 |
196 | elif data.ndim == 2 and data.shape[0] == 2 and data.shape[1] <=1440:
197 | # I assume the first row of data, contains the CHIDs
198 | # and the 2nd row contains the actual data.
199 | chids = data[0]
200 | # check if there are double chids in chids
201 | if len(chids)!=len(set(chids)):
202 | print 'warning: there are doubled chids in input data',
203 | print 'you might want to plot something else, but I plot it anyway...'
204 | print chids
205 | data = data[1]
206 | # now I have to mask the xe, and ye vectors accordingly
207 | mxe = np.empty( len(chids) )
208 | mye = np.empty( len(chids) )
209 | for i,chid in enumerate(chids):
210 | mxe[i] = xe[chid]
211 | mye[i] = ye[chid]
212 |
213 | # check if I did it right
214 | if len(mxe)!=len(data) or len(mye)!=len(data):
215 | print 'the masking did not work:'
216 | print 'len(mxe)', len(mxe)
217 | print 'len(mye)', len(mye)
218 | print 'len(data)', len(data)
219 |
220 | self.ax.axis([-22,22,-22,22])
221 | self.ax.set_title(name)
222 | self.ax.grid(grid)
223 | # the next line is a stupid hack
224 | # I plot invisible pixels, so that the axes show look ok.
225 | # this must be possible differently, but I don't know how...
226 | self.ax.scatter(xe,ye,s=25,alpha=0,marker=H)
227 |
228 | result = self.ax.scatter(mxe,mye,s=25,alpha=1.,
229 | c=data, marker=H, linewidths=0., vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax)
230 | self.figure.colorbar( result, shrink=0.8, pad=-0.04 )
231 | plt.draw()
232 |
233 | else:
234 | print 'CamPlotter call input data has bad format'
235 | print 'data.ndim', data.ndim
236 | print 'data.shape', data.shape
237 | print 'data:----------------------------------'
238 | print data
239 |
240 |
241 |
242 |
243 | class HistPlotter(object):
244 |
245 | def __init__(self, name, bins, range, grid=True, ion=True):
246 | """ initialize the object """
247 | self.bins = bins
248 | self.range = range
249 | self.name = name
250 | self.figure = plt.figure()
251 | self.fig_id = self.figure.number
252 | self.grid = grid
253 |
254 | if ion:
255 | plt.ion()
256 |
257 | def __call__(self, ydata, label=None, log=False):
258 | plt.figure(self.fig_id)
259 | plt.cla()
260 |
261 | bins = self.bins
262 | range = self.range
263 | grid = self.grid
264 |
265 | ydata = np.array(ydata)
266 |
267 | if ydata.ndim > 1:
268 | ydata = ydata.flatten()
269 | if label:
270 | plt.hist(ydata, bins, range, label=label, log=log)
271 | plt.legend()
272 | else:
273 | plt.hist(ydata, bins, range, log=log)
274 |
275 | plt.title(self.name)
276 |
277 | plt.draw()
278 |
279 |
280 |
281 | def _test_Plotter():
282 | """ test of maintaining two independant plotter instances
283 | with different examples for init and call
284 | """
285 | x = np.linspace(0., 2*np.pi , 100)
286 | plot1 = Plotter('plot1', x, 'r.:')
287 | plot2 = Plotter('plot2')
288 |
289 | y1 = np.sin(x) * 7
290 | plot1(y1)
291 |
292 | number_of_graphs_in_plot2 = 3
293 | no = number_of_graphs_in_plot2 # short form
294 |
295 | # this is where you do your analysis...
296 | y2 = np.empty( (no, len(x)) ) # prepare some space
297 | y2_labels = [] # prepare labels
298 | for k in range(no):
299 | y2[k] = np.sin( (k+1)*x )
300 | y2_labels.append('sin(%d*x)' % (k+1) )
301 |
302 | # plot the result of your analysis
303 | plot2(y2, y2_labels)
304 | raw_input('next') # do not forget this line, or your graph is lost
305 |
306 | plot1(np.cos(x) * 3.)
307 | plot2.name += ' without labels!!!' # changing titles 'on the fly' is possible
308 | plot2(y2)
309 | raw_input('next') # DO NOT forget
310 |
311 |
312 | def _test_CamPlotter():
313 | """ test of CamPlotter """
314 |
315 | c1 = np.array(range(20))
316 | chids1 = np.empty( len(c1) , dtype=int)
317 | for i in range(len(chids1)-2):
318 | chids1[i] = np.random.randint(1440)
319 | chids1[-1] = 15
320 | chids1[-2] = 15
321 |
322 | c2 = np.linspace(0., 1., num=1440)
323 | plot1 = CamPlotter('plot1')
324 | plot2 = CamPlotter('plot2')
325 |
326 | plot1( (chids1,c1) )
327 | plot2(c2)
328 | raw_input('next')
329 |
330 | def _test_HistPlotter():
331 | """ test of the HistPlotter """
332 | plt.ion()
333 |
334 | data = np.random.randn(1000)
335 | hp = HistPlotter('test hist plotter',34, (-5,4))
336 |
337 | hp(data, 'test-label')
338 | raw_input('next')
339 |
340 | if __name__ == '__main__':
341 | """ test the class """
342 | #_test_Plotter()
343 | _test_CamPlotter()
344 | #_test_HistPlotter() |