1 | #!/usr/bin/python -tt
2 | #
3 | # Werner Lustermann, Dominik Neise
4 | # ETH Zurich, TU Dortmund
5 | #
6 | import sys
7 | from ctypes import *
8 | import numpy as np
9 | import pprint # for SlowData
10 | from scipy import signal
11 |
12 | # get the ROOT stuff + my shared libs
13 | import ROOT
14 | # factfits_h.so is made from factfits.h and is used to access the data
15 | # make sure the location of factfits_h.so is in LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
16 | # having it in PYTHONPATH is *not* sufficient
17 | hostname = ROOT.gSystem.HostName()
18 | libz_path_dict = {
19 | # hostname : /path/to/libz.so
20 | 'isdc' : "/usr/lib64/libz.so",
21 | 'neiseLenovo' : "/usr/lib/libz.so",
22 | 'factcontrol' : "/usr/lib/libz.so",
23 | "max-K50AB" : "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libz.so",
24 | "watz" : "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libz.so",
25 | "grolsch" : "/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libz.so",
26 | }
27 | libz_loaded = False
28 | for my_hostname in libz_path_dict:
29 | if my_hostname in hostname:
30 | ROOT.gSystem.Load(libz_path_dict[my_hostname])
31 | libz_loaded = True
32 | if not libz_loaded:
33 | print """Warning - Warning - Warning - Warning - Warning - Warning - Warning
34 | I most probably need to load libz.so but I don't know where it is.
35 |
36 | Please edit pyfact.py around line 16-24 and insert your hostname and your
37 | path to your libz.so
38 | Sorry for the inconvenience.
39 | """
40 | sys.exit(-1)
41 |
42 |
43 | root_make_string = ROOT.gSystem.GetMakeSharedLib()
44 | if not "-std=c++0x" in root_make_string:
45 | root_make_string = root_make_string.replace('$Opt', '$Opt -std=c++0x -D HAVE_ZLIB')
46 | ROOT.gSystem.SetMakeSharedLib(root_make_string)
47 |
48 | ROOT.gROOT.ProcessLine(".L extern_Mars_mcore/izstream.h+O")
49 | ROOT.gROOT.ProcessLine(".L extern_Mars_mcore/fits.h+O")
50 | ROOT.gROOT.ProcessLine(".L extern_Mars_mcore/zfits.h+O")
51 | ROOT.gROOT.ProcessLine(".L extern_Mars_mcore/factfits.h+O")
52 | ROOT.gROOT.ProcessLine(".L calfactfits.h+O")
53 |
54 | ROOT.gInterpreter.GenerateDictionary("map<string,fits::Entry>","map;string;extern_Mars_mcore/fits.h")
55 | ROOT.gInterpreter.GenerateDictionary("pair<string,fits::Entry>","map;string;extern_Mars_mcore/fits.h")
56 | ROOT.gInterpreter.GenerateDictionary("map<string,fits::Table::Column>","map;string;extern_Mars_mcore/fits.h")
57 | ROOT.gInterpreter.GenerateDictionary("pair<string,fits::Table::Column>","map;string;extern_Mars_mcore/fits.h")
58 |
59 | #ROOT.gSystem.Load('my_string_h.so')
60 | ROOT.gSystem.Load('extern_Mars_mcore/fits_h.so')
61 | ROOT.gSystem.Load('extern_Mars_mcore/izstream_h.so')
62 | ROOT.gSystem.Load('extern_Mars_mcore/zfits_h.so')
63 | ROOT.gSystem.Load('extern_Mars_mcore/factfits_h.so')
64 | ROOT.gSystem.Load('calfactfits_h.so')
65 | from ROOT import *
66 |
67 | class RawDataFeeder( object ):
68 | """ Wrapper class for RawData class
69 | capable of iterating over multiple RawData Files
70 | """
71 |
72 | def __init__(self, filelist):
73 | """ *filelist* list of files to iterate over
74 | the list should contain tuples, or sublists of two filenames
75 | the first should be a data file (\*.fits.gz)
76 | the second should be an amplitude calibration file(\*.drs.fits.gz)
77 | """
78 |
79 | self.__module__ = 'pyfact'
80 |
81 | # sanity check for input
82 | if type(filelist) != type(list()):
83 | raise TypeError('filelist should be a list')
84 | for entry in filelist:
85 | if len(entry) != 2:
86 | raise TypeError('the entries of filelist should have length == 2')
87 | for path in entry:
88 | if type(path) != type(str()):
89 | raise TypeError('the entries of filelist should be path, i.e. of type str()')
90 | #todo check if 'path' is a valid path
91 | # else: throw an Exception, or Warning?
92 |
93 | self.filelist = filelist
94 | self._current_RawData = RawData(filelist[0][0], filelist[0][1], return_dict=True)
95 | del filelist[0]
96 |
97 | def __iter__(self):
98 | return self
99 |
100 | def next():
101 | """ Method being called by the iterator.
102 | Since the RawData Objects are simply looped over, the event_id from the
103 | RawData object will not be unique.
104 | Each RawData obejct will start with event_id = 1 as usual.
105 | """
106 | try:
107 | return self._current_RawData.next()
108 | except StopIteration:
109 | # current_RawData was completely processed
110 | # delete it (I hope this calls the destructor of the fits file and/or closes it)
111 | del self._current_RawData
112 | # and remake it, if possible
113 | if len(self.filelist) > 0:
114 | self._current_RawData = RawData(filelist[0][0], filelist[0][1], return_dict=True)
115 | del filelist[0]
116 | else:
117 | raise
118 |
119 |
120 |
121 | class RawData( object ):
122 | """ raw data access and calibration
123 |
124 | class is **iterable**
125 |
126 | - open raw data file and drs calibration file
127 | - performs amplitude calibration
128 | - performs baseline substraction if wanted
129 | - provides all data in an array:
130 | row = number of pixel
131 | col = length of region of interest
132 |
133 | """
134 |
135 |
136 | def __init__(self, data_file_name, calib_file_name,
137 | baseline_file_name='',
138 | return_dict = True,
139 | use_CalFactFits = True,
140 | do_calibration = True,
141 | user_action_calib=lambda acal_data, data, blm, tom, gm, scells, nroi: None):
142 | """ -constructor-
143 |
144 | - open data file and calibration data file
145 | - get basic information about the data in data_file_name
146 | - allocate buffers for data access
147 |
148 | *data_file_name* : fits or fits.gz file of the data including the path
149 |
150 | *calib_file_name* : fits or fits.gz file containing DRS calibration data
151 |
152 | *baseline_file_name* : npy file containing the baseline values
153 |
154 | *return_dict* : this option will be removed in future releases.
155 | formerly the next() method returned only a subset of (important) event information,
156 | and it was not transparent how to retrieve the other (less important) information.
157 | Nowadays next() returns self.__dict__ which contains everything we were able to find in the fits file.
158 |
159 | *use_CalFactFits* : formerly the DRS amplitude calibration was
160 | implemented in python. But for performance reasons this was now moved into
161 | a C++ class called CalFactFits. For test purposes, this option can be set to
162 | False, but this is not really maintained anymore. If DRS the DRS calibration algorithm is
163 | beeing updated in C++ it may not be updated in the python implementation.
164 |
165 | *do_calibration* : In case *use_CalFactFits* is False, one may choose
166 | not to calibrate the data at all, thus safe quite some time.
167 | This is imho only needed in case one is interesting in learning something about the
168 | calibration algorithm itself.
169 |
170 | *user_action_calib* : callback function, intended for tests of the DRS calibration algorithm.
171 | but since this is not done in the Python regime anymore, this function is never called.
172 | (depending on *use_CalFactFits* of course)
173 | """
174 | self.__module__='pyfact'
175 | # manual implementation of default value, but I need to find out
176 | # if the user of this class is aware of the new option
177 | if return_dict == False:
179 | print 'you are using RawData in a way, which is nor supported anymore.'
180 | print ' Please set: return_dict = True, in the __init__ call'
181 | self.return_dict = return_dict
182 | self.use_CalFactFits = use_CalFactFits
183 |
184 | self.do_calibration = do_calibration
185 |
186 | self.data_file_name = data_file_name
187 | self.calib_file_name = calib_file_name
188 | self.baseline_file_name = baseline_file_name
189 |
190 | self.user_action_calib = user_action_calib
191 |
192 | # baseline correction: True / False
193 | if len(baseline_file_name) == 0:
194 | self.correct_baseline = False
195 | else:
196 | self.correct_baseline = True
197 |
198 |
199 | # access data file
200 | if use_CalFactFits:
201 | try:
202 | data_file = CalFactFits(data_file_name, calib_file_name)
203 | except IOError:
204 | print 'problem accessing data file: ', data_file_name
205 | raise # stop ! no data
206 |
207 | #: either CalFactFits object or FactFits object, depending on *use_CalFactFits*
208 | self.data_file = data_file
209 | #: 1440x300 nparray containing the event data. pixel sorted according to CHID
210 | self.data = np.empty( data_file.npix * data_file.nroi, np.float64)
211 | data_file.SetNpcaldataPtr(self.data)
212 | self.data = self.data.reshape( data_file.npix, data_file.nroi )
213 | #: copy of data. here for historical reasons
214 | self.acal_data = self.data
215 | #: region of interest. (number of DRS slices read).
216 | # for FACT data mostly 300. for special runs sometimes 1024.
217 | self.nroi = data_file.nroi
218 | #: number of Pixel in FACT. should be 1440
219 | self.npix = data_file.npix
220 | #: the total number of events in the data_file
221 | self.nevents = data_file.nevents
222 |
223 | # Data per event
224 | #: starting at 1
225 | self.event_id = None
226 |
227 | #: data=4 ; the rest I don't know by heart .. should be documented here :-)
228 | self.trigger_type = None
229 | #self.start_cells = None
230 | #self.board_times = None
231 | #: slice where drs readout started for all DRS chips (160) .. but enlarged to the size of 1440 pixel. thus there are always 9 equal numbers inside.
232 | self.start_cells = np.zeros( self.npix, np.int16 )
233 | #: each FAD has an onboard clock running from startup time. Currently I don't know the time unit. However this is an array of 40 times, since we have 40 boards.
234 | self.board_times = np.zeros( 40, np.int32 )
235 | self._unixtime_tuple = np.zeros( 2, np.int32 )
236 | self.unixtime = None
237 |
238 | # data_file is a CalFactFits object
239 | # data_file.datafile is one of the two FactFits objects hold by a CalFactFits.
240 | # sorry for the strange naming ..
241 | data_file.datafile.SetPtrAddress('StartCellData', self.start_cells)
242 | data_file.datafile.SetPtrAddress('BoardTime', self.board_times)
243 | data_file.datafile.SetPtrAddress('UnixTimeUTC', self._unixtime_tuple)
244 |
245 |
246 | else:
247 | try:
248 | data_file = factfits(self.data_file_name)
249 | except IOError:
250 | print 'problem accessing data file: ', data_file_name
251 | raise # stop ! no data
252 |
253 | self.data_file = data_file
254 |
255 | # get basic information about the data file
256 | self.nroi = data_file.GetUInt('NROI')
257 | self.npix = data_file.GetUInt('NPIX')
258 | self.nevents = data_file.GetNumRows()
259 |
260 | # allocate the data memories
261 | self.event_id = c_ulong()
262 | self.trigger_type = c_ushort()
263 | self.data = np.zeros( self.npix * self.nroi, np.int16 ).reshape(self.npix ,self.nroi)
264 | self.start_cells = np.zeros( self.npix, np.int16 )
265 | self.board_times = np.zeros( 40, np.int32 )
266 | self._unixtime_tuple = np.zeros(2, np.int32 )
267 |
268 | # set the pointers to the data++
269 | data_file.SetPtrAddress('EventNum', self.event_id)
270 | data_file.SetPtrAddress('TriggerType', self.trigger_type)
271 | data_file.SetPtrAddress('StartCellData', self.start_cells)
272 | data_file.SetPtrAddress('Data', self.data)
273 | data_file.SetPtrAddress('BoardTime', self.board_times)
274 | data_file.SetPtrAddress('UnixTimeUTC', self._unixtime_tuple)
275 |
276 | # open the calibration file
277 | try:
278 | calib_file = factfits(self.calib_file_name)
279 | except IOError:
280 | print 'problem accessing calibration file: ', calib_file_name
281 | raise
282 | #: drs calibration file
283 | self.calib_file = calib_file
284 |
285 | baseline_mean = calib_file.GetN('BaselineMean')
286 | gain_mean = calib_file.GetN('GainMean')
287 | trigger_offset_mean = calib_file.GetN('TriggerOffsetMean')
288 |
289 | self.Nblm = baseline_mean / self.npix
290 | self.Ngm = gain_mean / self.npix
291 | self.Ntom = trigger_offset_mean / self.npix
292 |
293 | self.blm = np.zeros(baseline_mean, np.float32).reshape(self.npix , self.Nblm)
294 | self.gm = np.zeros(gain_mean, np.float32).reshape(self.npix , self.Ngm)
295 | self.tom = np.zeros(trigger_offset_mean, np.float32).reshape(self.npix , self.Ntom)
296 |
297 | calib_file.SetPtrAddress('BaselineMean', self.blm)
298 | calib_file.SetPtrAddress('GainMean', self.gm)
299 | calib_file.SetPtrAddress('TriggerOffsetMean', self.tom)
300 | calib_file.GetRow(0)
301 |
302 | # make calibration constants double, so we never need to roll
303 | self.blm = np.hstack((self.blm, self.blm))
304 | self.gm = np.hstack((self.gm, self.gm))
305 | self.tom = np.hstack((self.tom, self.tom))
306 |
307 | self.v_bsl = np.zeros(self.npix) # array of baseline values (all ZERO)
308 |
309 | def __iter__(self):
310 | """ iterator """
311 | return self
312 |
313 | def next(self):
314 | """ used by __iter__
315 |
316 | returns self.__dict__
317 | """
318 | if self.use_CalFactFits:
319 | if self.data_file.GetCalEvent() == False:
320 | raise StopIteration
321 | else:
322 | self.event_id = self.data_file.event_id
323 | self.trigger_type = self.data_file.event_triggertype
324 | #self.start_cells = self.data_file.event_offset
325 | #self.board_times = self.data_file.event_boardtimes
326 | #self.acal_data = self.data.copy().reshape(self.data_file.npix, self.data_file.nroi)
327 |
328 | self.unixtime = self._unixtime_tuple[0] + self._unixtime_tuple[1]/1.e6
329 |
330 | else:
331 | if self.data_file.GetNextRow() == False:
332 | raise StopIteration
333 | else:
334 | if self.do_calibration == True:
335 | self.calibrate_drs_amplitude()
336 |
337 | #print 'nevents = ', self.nevents, 'event_id = ', self.event_id.value
338 | if self.return_dict:
339 | return self.__dict__
340 | else:
341 | return self.acal_data, self.start_cells, self.trigger_type.value
342 |
343 | def next_event(self):
344 | """ ---- DEPRICATED ----
345 |
346 | load the next event from disk and calibrate it
347 | """
348 | if self.use_CalFactFits:
349 | self.data_file.GetCalEvent()
350 | else:
351 | self.data_file.GetNextRow()
352 | self.calibrate_drs_amplitude()
353 |
354 | def calibrate_drs_amplitude(self):
355 | """ --- DEPRICATED ---
356 |
357 | since the DRS calibration is done by the C++ class CalFactFits
358 |
359 | perform the drs amplitude calibration of the event data
360 | """
361 | # shortcuts
362 | blm = self.blm
363 | gm = self.gm
364 | tom = self.tom
365 |
366 | to_mV = 2000./4096.
367 | #: 2D array with amplitude calibrated dat in mV
368 | acal_data = self.data * to_mV # convert ADC counts to mV
369 |
370 |
371 | for pixel in range( self.npix ):
372 | #shortcuts
373 | sc = self.start_cells[pixel]
374 | roi = self.nroi
375 | # rotate the pixel baseline mean to the Data startCell
376 | acal_data[pixel,:] -= blm[pixel,sc:sc+roi]
377 | # the 'trigger offset mean' does not need to be rolled
378 | # on the contrary, it seems there is an offset in the DRS data,
379 | # which is related to its distance to the startCell, not to its
380 | # distance to the beginning of the physical pipeline in the DRS chip
381 | acal_data[pixel,:] -= tom[pixel,0:roi]
382 | # rotate the pixel gain mean to the Data startCell
383 | acal_data[pixel,:] /= gm[pixel,sc:sc+roi]
384 |
385 |
386 | self.acal_data = acal_data * 1907.35
387 |
388 | self.user_action_calib( self.acal_data,
389 | np.reshape(self.data, (self.npix, self.nroi) ), blm, tom, gm, self.start_cells, self.nroi)
390 |
391 |
392 | def baseline_read_values(self, file, bsl_hist='bsl_sum/hplt_mean'):
393 | """
394 | open ROOT file with baseline histogram and read baseline values
395 |
396 | *file* : name of the root file
397 |
398 | *bsl_hist* : path to the histogram containing the basline values
399 | """
400 |
401 | try:
402 | f = TFile(file)
403 | except:
404 | print 'Baseline data file could not be read: ', file
405 | return
406 |
407 | h = f.Get(bsl_hist)
408 |
409 | for i in range(self.npix):
410 | self.v_bsl[i] = h.GetBinContent(i+1)
411 |
412 | f.Close()
413 |
414 | def baseline_correct(self):
415 | """ subtract baseline from the data
416 |
417 | DN 08.06.2011: I didn't use this function at all so far... don't know how well it works.
418 | """
419 |
420 | for pixel in range(self.npix):
421 | self.acal_data[pixel,:] -= self.v_bsl[pixel]
422 |
423 | def info(self):
424 | """ print run information
425 |
426 | not very well implemented ... we need more info here.
427 | """
428 | print 'data file: ', self.data_file_name
429 | print 'calib file: ', self.calib_file_name
430 | print '... we need more information printed here ... '
431 |
432 | # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
433 | class RawDataFake( object ):
434 | """ raw data FAKE access similar to real RawData access
435 |
436 | DO NOT USE ... its not working
437 | """
438 |
439 |
440 | def __init__(self, data_file_name, calib_file_name,
441 | user_action_calib=lambda acal_data, data, blm, tom, gm, scells, nroi: None,
442 | baseline_file_name=''):
443 | self.__module__='pyfact'
444 |
445 | self.nroi = 300
446 | self.npix = 9
447 | self.nevents = 1000
448 |
449 | self.simulator = None
450 |
451 | self.time = np.ones(1024) * 0.5
452 |
453 |
454 | self.event_id = c_ulong(0)
455 | self.trigger_type = c_ushort(4)
456 | self.data = np.zeros( self.npix * self.nroi, np.int16 ).reshape(self.npix ,self.nroi)
457 | self.start_cells = np.zeros( self.npix, np.int16 )
458 | self.board_times = np.zeros( 40, np.int32 )
459 | def __iter__(self):
460 | """ iterator """
461 | return self
462 |
463 | def next(self):
464 | """ used by __iter__ """
465 | self.event_id = c_ulong(self.event_id.value + 1)
466 | self.board_times = self.board_times + 42
467 |
468 | if self.event_id.value >= self.nevents:
469 | raise StopIteration
470 | else:
471 | self._make_event_data()
472 |
473 | return self.__dict__
474 |
475 | def _make_event_data(self):
476 | sample_times = self.time.cumsum() - time[0]
477 |
478 | # random start cell
479 | self.start_cells = np.ones( self.npix, np.int16 ) * np.random.randint(0,1024)
480 |
481 | starttime = self.start_cells[0]
482 |
483 | signal = self._std_sinus_simu(sample_times, starttime)
484 |
485 | data = np.vstack( (signal,signal) )
486 | for i in range(8):
487 | data = np.vstack( (data,signal) )
488 |
489 | self.data = data
490 |
491 | def _std_sinus_simu(self, times, starttime):
492 | period = 10 # in ns
493 |
494 | # give a jitter on starttime
495 | starttime = np.random.normal(startime, 0.05)
496 |
497 | phase = 0.0
498 | signal = 10 * np.sin(times * 2*np.pi/period + starttime + phase)
499 |
500 | # add some noise
501 | noise = np.random.normal(0.0, 0.5, signal.shape)
502 | signal += noise
503 | return signal
504 |
505 | def info(self):
506 | """ print run information
507 |
508 | """
509 |
510 | print 'data file: ', data_file_name
511 | print 'calib file: ', calib_file_name
512 | print 'calibration file'
513 | print 'N baseline_mean: ', self.Nblm
514 | print 'N gain mean: ', self.Ngm
515 | print 'N TriggeroffsetMean: ', self.Ntom
516 |
517 | # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
518 | import ctypes
519 |
520 | class SlowData( object ):
521 | """ -Fact SlowData File-
522 |
523 | A Python wrapper for the fits-class implemented in factfits.h
524 | provides easy access to the fits file meta data.
525 |
526 | * dictionary of file metadata - self.meta
527 | * dict of table metadata - self.columns
528 | * variable table column access, thus possibly increased speed while looping
529 | """
530 | def __del__(self):
531 | del self.f
532 |
533 | def __init__(self, path):
534 | """ creates meta and columns dictionaries
535 | """
536 | import os
537 |
538 | if not os.path.exists(path):
539 | raise IOError(path+' was not found')
540 | self.path = path
541 | self.__module__ = 'pyfact'
542 | try:
543 | self.f = factfits(path)
544 | except IOError:
545 | print 'problem accessing data file: ', data_file_name
546 | raise # stop ! no data
547 |
548 | self.meta = self._make_meta_dict()
549 | self.columns = self._make_columns_dict()
550 |
551 | self._treat_meta_dict()
552 |
553 |
554 | # list of columns, which are already registered
555 | # see method register()
556 | self._registered_cols = []
557 | # dict of column data, this is used, in order to be able to remove
558 | # the ctypes of
559 | self._table_cols = {}
560 |
561 | # I need to count the rows, since the normal loop mechanism seems not to work.
562 | self._current_row = 0
563 |
564 | self.stacked_cols = {}
565 |
566 | def _make_meta_dict__old(self):
567 | """ This method retrieves meta information about the fits file and
568 | stores this information in a dict
569 | return: dict
570 | key: string - all capital letters
571 | value: tuple( numerical value, string comment)
572 | """
573 | # abbreviation
574 | f = self.f
575 |
576 | # intermediate variables for file metadata dict generation
577 |
578 | keys=f.GetPy_KeyKeys()
579 | values=f.GetPy_KeyValues()
580 | comments=f.GetPy_KeyComments()
581 | types=f.GetPy_KeyTypes()
582 |
583 | if len(keys) != len(values):
584 | raise TypeError('len(keys)',len(keys),' != len(values)', len(values))
585 | if len(keys) != len(types):
586 | raise TypeError('len(keys)',len(keys),' != len(types)', len(types))
587 | if len(keys) != len(comments):
588 | raise TypeError('len(keys)',len(keys),' != len(comments)', len(comments))
589 |
590 | meta_dict = {}
591 | for i in range(len(keys)):
592 | type = types[i]
593 | if type == 'I':
594 | value = int(values[i])
595 | elif type == 'F':
596 | value = float(values[i])
597 | elif type == 'B':
598 | if values[i] == 'T':
599 | value = True
600 | elif values[i] == 'F':
601 | value = False
602 | else:
603 | raise TypeError("meta-type is 'B', but meta-value is neither 'T' nor 'F'. meta-value:",values[i])
604 | elif type == 'T':
605 | value = values[i]
606 | else:
607 | raise TypeError("unknown meta-type: known meta types are: I,F,B and T. meta-type:",type)
608 | meta_dict[keys[i]]=(value, comments[i])
609 | return meta_dict
610 |
611 | def _make_meta_dict(self):
612 | meta_dict = {}
613 | for key,entry in self.f.GetKeys():
614 | type = entry.type
615 | fitsString = entry.fitsString # the original 80-char line from the FITS header
616 | comment = entry.comment
617 | value = entry.value
618 |
619 | if type == 'I':
620 | value = int(value)
621 | elif type == 'F':
622 | value = float(value)
623 | elif type == 'B':
624 | if value == 'T':
625 | value = True
626 | elif value == 'F':
627 | value = False
628 | else:
629 | raise TypeError("meta-type is 'B', but meta-value is neither 'T' nor 'F'. meta-value:",value)
630 | elif type == 'T':
631 | value = value
632 | else:
633 | raise TypeError("unknown meta-type: known meta types are: I,F,B and T. meta-type:",type)
634 | meta_dict[key]=(value, comment)
635 | return meta_dict
636 |
637 |
638 |
639 | def _make_columns_dict(self):
640 | """ This method retrieves information about the columns
641 | stored inside the fits files internal binary table.
642 | returns: dict
643 | key: string column name -- all capital letters
644 | values: tuple(
645 | number of elements in table field - integer
646 | size of element in bytes -- this is not really interesting for any user
647 | might be ommited in future versions
648 | type - a single character code -- should be translated into
649 | a comrehensible word
650 | unit - string like 'mV' or 'ADC count'
651 | """
652 | ## abbreviation
653 | #f = self.f
654 | #
655 | ## intermediate variables for file table-metadata dict generation
656 | #keys=f.GetPy_ColumnKeys()
657 | ##offsets=self.GetPy_ColumnOffsets() #not needed on python level...
658 | #nums=f.GetPy_ColumnNums()
659 | #sizes=f.GetPy_ColumnSizes()
660 | #types=f.GetPy_ColumnTypes()
661 | #units=f.GetPy_ColumnUnits()
662 |
663 | ## zip the values
664 | #values = zip(nums,sizes,types,units)
665 | ## create the columns dictionary
666 | #columns = dict(zip(keys ,values))
667 |
668 |
669 | columns = {}
670 | for key,col in self.f.GetColumns():
671 | columns[key]=( col.num, col.size, col.type, col.unit)
672 | return columns
673 |
674 | def stack(self, on=True):
675 | self.next()
676 | for col in self._registered_cols:
677 | if isinstance( self.dict[col], type(np.array('')) ):
678 | self.stacked_cols[col] = self.dict[col]
679 | else:
680 | # elif isinstance(self.dict[col], ctypes._SimpleCData):
681 | self.stacked_cols[col] = np.array(self.dict[col])
682 | # else:
683 | # raise TypeError("I don't know how to stack "+col+". It is of type: "+str(type(self.dict[col])))
684 |
685 | def register(self, col_name):
686 | """ register for a column in the fits file
687 |
688 | after the call, this SlowData object will have a new member variable
689 | self.col_name, if col_name is a key in self.colums
690 |
691 | the value will be updated after each call of next(), or while iterating over self.
692 | NB: the initial value is zero(s)
693 |
694 | *col_name* : name of a key in self.columns, or 'all' to choose all.
695 | """
696 | columns = self.columns
697 | if col_name.lower() == 'all':
698 | for col in columns:
699 | self._register(col)
700 | else:
701 | #check if colname is in columns:
702 | if col_name not in columns:
703 | error_msg = 'colname:'+ col_name +' is not a column in the binary table.\n'
704 | error_msg+= 'possible colnames are\n'
705 | for key in columns:
706 | error_msg += key+' '
707 | raise KeyError(error_msg)
708 | else:
709 | self._register(col_name)
710 |
711 | # 'private' method, do not use
712 | def _register( self, colname):
713 |
714 | columns = self.columns
715 | f = self.f
716 | local = None
717 |
718 | number_of_elements = int(columns[colname][0])
719 | size_of_elements_in_bytes = int(columns[colname][1])
720 | ctypecode_of_elements = columns[colname][2]
721 | physical_unit_of_elements = columns[colname][3]
722 |
723 | # snippet from the C++ source code, or header file to be precise:
724 | #case 'L': gLog << "bool(8)"; break;
725 | #case 'B': gLog << "byte(8)"; break;
726 | #case 'I': gLog << "short(16)"; break;
727 | #case 'J': gLog << "int(32)"; break;
728 | #case 'K': gLog << "int(64)"; break;
729 | #case 'E': gLog << "float(32)"; break;
730 | #case 'D': gLog << "double(64)"; break;
731 |
732 |
733 |
734 | # the fields inside the columns can either contain single numbers,
735 | # or whole arrays of numbers as well.
736 | # we treat single elements differently...
737 | if number_of_elements == 0:
738 | return
739 | if number_of_elements == 1:
740 | # allocate some memory for a single number according to its type
741 | if ctypecode_of_elements == 'J': # J is for a 4byte int, i.e. an unsigned long
742 | local = ctypes.c_ulong()
743 | un_c_type = long
744 | elif ctypecode_of_elements == 'I': # I is for a 2byte int, i.e. an unsinged int
745 | local = ctypes.c_ushort()
746 | un_c_type = int
747 | elif ctypecode_of_elements == 'B': # B is for a byte
748 | local = ctypes.c_ubyte()
749 | un_c_type = int
750 | elif ctypecode_of_elements == 'D':
751 | local = ctypes.c_double()
752 | un_c_type = float
753 | elif ctypecode_of_elements == 'E':
754 | local = ctypes.c_float()
755 | un_c_type = float
756 | elif ctypecode_of_elements == 'A':
757 | local = ctypes.c_uchar()
758 | un_c_type = chr
759 | elif ctypecode_of_elements == 'K':
760 | local = ctypes.c_ulonglong()
761 | un_c_type = long
762 | else:
763 | raise TypeError('unknown ctypecode_of_elements:',ctypecode_of_elements)
764 | else:
765 | if ctypecode_of_elements == 'B': # B is for a byte
766 | nptype = np.int8
767 | elif ctypecode_of_elements == 'A': # A is for a char .. but I don't know how to handle it
768 | nptype = np.int8
769 | elif ctypecode_of_elements == 'I': # I is for a 2byte int
770 | nptype = np.int16
771 | elif ctypecode_of_elements == 'J': # J is for a 4byte int
772 | nptype = np.int32
773 | elif ctypecode_of_elements == 'K': # B is for a byte
774 | nptype = np.int64
775 | elif ctypecode_of_elements == 'E': # B is for a byte
776 | nptype = np.float32
777 | elif ctypecode_of_elements == 'D': # B is for a byte
778 | nptype = np.float64
779 | else:
780 | raise TypeError('unknown ctypecode_of_elements:',ctypecode_of_elements)
781 | local = np.zeros( number_of_elements, nptype)
782 |
783 | # Set the Pointer Address
784 | try:
785 | f.SetPtrAddress(colname, local)
786 | except TypeError:
787 | print 'something was wrong with SetPtrAddress()'
788 | print 'Type of colname', type(colname)
789 | print 'colname:', colname
790 | print 'Type of local', type(local)
791 | print 'length of local', len(local)
792 | print 'local should be alle zeros, since "local = np.zeros( number_of_elements, nptype)" '
793 | raise
794 |
795 | self._table_cols[colname] = local
796 | if number_of_elements > 1:
797 | self.__dict__[colname] = local
798 | self.dict[colname] = local
799 | else:
800 | # remove any traces of ctypes:
801 | self.__dict__[colname] = local.value
802 | self.dict[colname] = local.value
803 | self._registered_cols.append(colname)
804 |
805 |
806 | def _treat_meta_dict(self):
807 | """make 'interesting' meta information available like normal members.
808 | non interesting are:
810 | since these are available via the columns dict.
811 | """
812 |
813 | self.number_of_rows = self.meta['NAXIS2'][0]
814 | self.number_of_columns = self.meta['TFIELDS'][0]
815 |
816 | # there are some information in the meta dict, which are alsways there:
817 | # there are regarded as not interesting:
818 | uninteresting_meta = {}
819 | uninteresting_meta['arraylike'] = {}
820 | uninteresting = ['NAXIS', 'NAXIS1', 'NAXIS2',
821 | 'TFIELDS',
824 | 'ORIGIN',
827 | for key in uninteresting:
828 | if key in self.meta:
829 | uninteresting_meta[key]=self.meta[key]
830 | del self.meta[key]
831 |
832 | # the table meta data contains
833 |
834 |
835 | # shortcut to access the meta dict. But this needs to
836 | # be cleaned up quickly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
837 | meta = self.meta
838 |
839 | # loop over keys:
840 | # * try to find array-like keys
841 | arraylike = {}
842 | singlelike = []
843 | for key in self.meta:
844 | stripped = key.rstrip('1234567890')
845 | if stripped == key:
846 | singlelike.append(key)
847 | else:
848 | if stripped not in arraylike:
849 | arraylike[stripped] = 0
850 | else:
851 | arraylike[stripped] += 1
852 | newmeta = {}
853 | for key in singlelike:
854 | newmeta[key.lower()] = meta[key]
855 | for key in arraylike:
856 | uninteresting_meta['arraylike'][key.lower()] = []
857 | for i in range(arraylike[key]+1):
858 | if key+str(i) in meta:
859 | uninteresting_meta['arraylike'][key.lower()].append(meta[key+str(i)])
860 | self.ui_meta = uninteresting_meta
861 | # make newmeta self
862 | for key in newmeta:
863 | self.__dict__[key]=newmeta[key]
864 |
865 | dict = self.__dict__.copy()
866 | del dict['meta']
867 | del dict['ui_meta']
868 | self.dict = dict
869 |
870 | def __iter__(self):
871 | """ iterator """
872 | return self
873 |
874 | def next(self):
875 | """ use to iterate over the file
876 |
877 | do not forget to call register() before iterating over the file
878 | call show() in order to find out, what parameters register() accepts.
879 | or just call register('all') in case you are unsure.
880 |
881 | returns self
882 | """
883 | # abbreviaition
884 | f = self.f
885 |
886 | # Here one might check, if looping makes any sense, and if not
887 | # one could stop looping or so...
888 | # like this:
889 | #
890 | # if len(self._registered_cols) == 0:
891 | # print 'warning: looping without any registered columns'
892 | if self._current_row < self.number_of_rows:
893 | if f.GetNextRow() == False:
894 | raise StopIteration
895 | for col in self._registered_cols:
896 | if isinstance(self._table_cols[col], ctypes._SimpleCData):
897 | self.__dict__[col] = self._table_cols[col].value
898 | self.dict[col] = self._table_cols[col].value
899 |
900 | for col in self.stacked_cols:
901 | if isinstance(self.dict[col], type(np.array(''))):
902 | self.stacked_cols[col] = np.vstack( (self.stacked_cols[col],self.dict[col]) )
903 | else:
904 | self.stacked_cols[col] = np.vstack( (self.stacked_cols[col],np.array(self.dict[col])) )
905 | self._current_row += 1
906 | else:
907 | raise StopIteration
908 | return self
909 |
910 | def show(self):
911 | """
912 | """
913 | pprint.pprint(self.dict)
914 |
915 |
916 |
917 |
918 | class fnames( object ):
919 | """ organize file names of a FACT data run
920 |
921 | """
922 |
923 | def __init__(self, specifier = ['012', '023', '2011', '11', '24'],
924 | rpath = '/scratch_nfs/res/bsl/',
925 | zipped = True):
926 | """
927 | specifier : list of strings defined as:
928 | [ 'DRS calibration file', 'Data file', 'YYYY', 'MM', 'DD']
929 |
930 | rpath : directory path for the results; YYYYMMDD will be appended to rpath
931 | zipped : use zipped (True) or unzipped (Data)
932 |
933 | """
934 |
935 | self.specifier = specifier
936 | self.rpath = rpath
937 | self.zipped = zipped
938 |
939 | self.make( self.specifier, self.rpath, self.zipped )
940 |
941 |
942 | def make( self, specifier, rpath, zipped ):
943 | """ create (make) the filenames
944 |
945 | names : dictionary of filenames, tags { 'data', 'drscal', 'results' }
946 | data : name of the data file
947 | drscal : name of the drs calibration file
948 | results : radikal of file name(s) for results (to be completed by suffixes)
949 | """
950 |
951 | self.specifier = specifier
952 |
953 | if zipped:
954 | dpath = '/data00/fact-construction/raw/'
955 | ext = '.fits.gz'
956 | else:
957 | dpath = '/data03/fact-construction/raw/'
958 | ext = '.fits'
959 |
960 | year = specifier[2]
961 | month = specifier[3]
962 | day = specifier[4]
963 |
964 | yyyymmdd = year + month + day
965 | dfile = specifier[1]
966 | cfile = specifier[0]
967 |
968 | rpath = rpath + yyyymmdd + '/'
969 | self.rpath = rpath
970 | self.names = {}
971 |
972 | tmp = dpath + year + '/' + month + '/' + day + '/' + yyyymmdd + '_'
973 | self.names['data'] = tmp + dfile + ext
974 | self.names['drscal'] = tmp + cfile + '.drs' + ext
975 | self.names['results'] = rpath + yyyymmdd + '_' + dfile + '_' + cfile
976 |
977 | self.data = self.names['data']
978 | self.drscal = self.names['drscal']
979 | self.results = self.names['results']
980 |
981 | def info( self ):
982 | """ print complete filenames
983 |
984 | """
985 |
986 | print 'file names:'
987 | print 'data: ', self.names['data']
988 | print 'drs-cal: ', self.names['drscal']
989 | print 'results: ', self.names['results']
990 |
991 | # end of class definition: fnames( object )
992 |
993 | def _test_SlowData( filename ):
994 | print '-'*70
995 | print "opened :", filename, " as 'file'"
996 | print
997 | print '-'*70
998 | print 'type file.show() to look at its contents'
999 | print "type file.register( columnname ) or file.register('all') in order to register columns"
1000 | print
1001 | print " due column-registration you declare, that you would like to retrieve the contents of one of the columns"
1002 | print " after column-registration, the 'file' has new member variables, they are named like the columns"
1003 | print " PLEASE NOTE: immediatly after registration, the members exist, but they are empty."
1004 | print " the values are assigned only, when you call file.next() or when you loop over the 'file'"
1005 | print
1006 | print "in order to loop over it, just go like this:"
1007 | print "for row in file:"
1008 | print " print row.columnname_one, row.columnname_two"
1009 | print
1010 | print ""
1011 | print '-'*70
1012 |
1013 |
1014 |
1015 | def _test_iter( nevents ):
1016 | """ test for function __iter__ """
1017 |
1018 | data_file_name = '/fact/raw/2011/11/24/20111124_117.fits.gz'
1019 | calib_file_name = '/fact/raw/2011/11/24/20111124_114.drs.fits.gz'
1020 | print 'the files for this test are:'
1021 | print 'data file:', data_file_name
1022 | print 'calib file:', calib_file_name
1023 | run = RawData( data_file_name, calib_file_name , return_dict=True)
1024 |
1025 | for event in run:
1026 | print 'ev ', event['event_id'], 'data[0,0] = ', event['acal_data'][0,0], 'start_cell[0] = ', event['start_cells'][0], 'trigger type = ', event['trigger_type']
1027 | if run.event_id == nevents:
1028 | break
1029 |
1030 | if __name__ == '__main__':
1031 | """ tests """
1032 |
1033 | f = fits(sys.argv[1])
1034 | test_m1 = ROOT.std.map(str,ROOT.fits.Entry)()
1035 | test_m2 = ROOT.std.map(str,ROOT.fits.Table.Column)()
1036 | print "len(test_m1)", len(test_m1)
1037 | print "len(test_m2)", len(test_m2)
1038 |
1039 | for k1 in f.GetKeys():
1040 | pass
1041 | print k1
1042 | for k2 in f.GetColumns():
1043 | pass
1044 | print k2
1045 |
1046 | sd = SlowData(sys.argv[1])