1 | #!/usr/bin/python
2 | #
3 | # Werner Lustermann
4 | # ETH Zurich
5 | #
6 | from ctypes import *
7 | import numpy as np
8 | from scipy import signal
9 |
10 | # get the ROOT stuff + my shared libs
11 | from ROOT import gSystem
12 | # fitslib.so is made from fits.h and is used to access the data
13 | gSystem.Load('~/py/fitslib.so')
14 | from ROOT import *
15 |
16 |
17 | class RawData( object ):
18 | """ raw data access and calibration
19 |
20 | - open raw data file and drs calibration file
21 | - performs amplitude calibration
22 | - performs baseline substraction if wanted
23 | - provides all data in an array:
24 | row = number of pixel
25 | col = length of region of interest
26 |
27 | """
28 |
29 | def __init__(self, data_file_name,
30 | calib_file_name, baseline_file_name=''):
31 | """ initialize object
32 |
33 | open data file and calibration data file
34 | get basic information about the data in data_file_name
35 | allocate buffers for data access
36 |
37 | data_file_name : fits or fits.gz file of the data including the path
38 | calib_file_name : fits or fits.gz file containing DRS calibration data
39 | baseline_file_name : npy file containing the baseline values
40 |
41 | """
42 |
43 | self.data_file_name = data_file_name
44 | self.calib_file_name = calib_file_name
45 | self.baseline_file_name = baseline_file_name
46 |
47 | # baseline correction: True / False
48 | if len(baseline_file_name) == 0:
49 | self.correct_baseline = False
50 | else:
51 | self.correct_baseline = True
52 |
53 | # access data file
54 | try:
55 | data_file = fits(self.data_file_name)
56 | except IOError:
57 | print 'problem accessing data file: ', data_file_name
58 | raise # stop ! no data
59 | #: data file (fits object)
60 | self.data_file = data_file
61 |
62 | # get basic information about the data file
63 | #: region of interest (number of DRS slices read)
64 | self.nroi = data_file.GetUInt('NROI')
65 | #: number of pixels (should be 1440)
66 | self.npix = data_file.GetUInt('NPIX')
67 | #: number of events in the data run
68 | self.nevents = data_file.GetNumRows()
69 |
70 | # allocate the data memories
71 | self.event_id = c_ulong()
72 | self.trigger_type = c_ushort()
73 | #: 1D array with raw data
74 | self.data = np.zeros( self.npix * self.nroi, np.int16 )
75 | #: slice where drs readout started
76 | self.start_cells = np.zeros( self.npix, np.int16 )
77 |
78 | # set the pointers to the data++
79 | data_file.SetPtrAddress('Event ID', self.event_id)
80 | data_file.SetPtrAddress('TriggerType', self.trigger_type)
81 | data_file.SetPtrAddress('StartCellData', self.start_cells)
82 | data_file.SetPtrAddress('Data', self.data)
83 |
84 | # open the calibration file
85 | try:
86 | calib_file = fits(self.calib_file_name)
87 | except IOError:
88 | print 'problem accessing calibration file: ', calib_file_name
89 | raise
90 | #: drs calibration file
91 | self.calib_file = calib_file
92 |
93 | baseline_mean = calib_file.GetN('BaselineMean')
94 | gain_mean = calib_file.GetN('GainMean')
95 | trigger_offset_mean = calib_file.GetN('TriggerOffsetMean')
96 |
97 | self.blm = np.zeros(baseline_mean, np.float32)
98 | self.gm = np.zeros(gain_mean, np.float32)
99 | self.tom = np.zeros(trigger_offset_mean, np.float32)
100 |
101 | self.Nblm = baseline_mean / self.npix
102 | self.Ngm = gain_mean / self.npix
103 | self.Ntom = trigger_offset_mean / self.npix
104 |
105 | calib_file.SetPtrAddress('BaselineMean', self.blm)
106 | calib_file.SetPtrAddress('GainMean', self.gm)
107 | calib_file.SetPtrAddress('TriggerOffsetMean', self.tom)
108 | calib_file.GetRow(0)
109 |
110 | self.v_bsl = np.zeros(self.npix) # array of baseline values (all ZERO)
111 | self.data_saverage_out = None
112 | self.maxPos = None
113 | self.maxAmp = None
114 |
115 | def next_event(self):
116 | """ load the next event from disk and calibrate it
117 |
118 | """
119 |
120 | self.data_file.GetNextRow()
121 | self.calibrate_drs_amplitude()
122 |
123 | def calibrate_drs_amplitude(self):
124 | """ perform the drs amplitude calibration of the event data
125 |
126 | """
127 |
128 | to_mV = 2000./4096.
129 | #: 2D array with amplitude calibrated dat in mV
130 | acal_data = self.data * to_mV # convert ADC counts to mV
131 |
132 | # make 2D arrays: row = pixel, col = drs_slice
133 | acal_data = np.reshape(acal_data, (self.npix, self.nroi) )
134 | blm = np.reshape(self.blm, (self.npix, 1024) )
135 | tom = np.reshape(self.tom, (self.npix, 1024) )
136 | gm = np.reshape(self.gm, (self.npix, 1024) )
137 |
138 | for pixel in range( self.npix ):
139 | # rotate the pixel baseline mean to the Data startCell
140 | blm_pixel = np.roll( blm[pixel,:], -self.start_cells[pixel] )
141 | acal_data[pixel,:] -= blm_pixel[0:self.nroi]
142 | acal_data[pixel,:] -= tom[pixel, 0:self.nroi]
143 | acal_data[pixel,:] /= gm[pixel, 0:self.nroi]
144 |
145 | self.acal_data = acal_data * 1907.35
146 |
147 |
148 | def filter_sliding_average(self, window_size=4):
149 | """ sliding average filter
150 |
151 | using:
152 | self.acal_data
153 | filling array:
154 | self.data_saverage_out
155 |
156 | """
157 |
158 | #scipy.signal.lfilter(b, a, x, axis=-1, zi=None)
159 | data_saverage_out = self.acal_data.copy()
160 | b = np.ones( window_size )
161 | a = np.zeros( window_size )
162 | a[0] = len(b)
163 | data_saverage_out[:,:] = signal.lfilter(b, a, data_saverage_out[:,:])
164 |
165 | #: data output of sliding average filter
166 | self.data_saverage_out = data_saverage_out
167 |
168 |
169 | def filter_CFD(self, length=10, ratio=0.75):
170 | """ constant fraction discriminator (implemented as FIR)
171 |
172 | using:
173 | self.data_saverage_out
174 | filling array:
175 | self.data_CFD_out
176 |
177 | """
178 |
179 | if self.data_saverage_out == None:
180 | print """error pyfact.filter_CFD was called without
181 | prior call to filter_sliding_average
182 | variable self.data_saverage_out is needed
183 | """
184 |
185 | data_CFD_out = self.data_saverage_out.copy()
186 | b = np.zeros(length)
187 | a = np.zeros(length)
188 | b[0] = -1. * ratio
189 | b[length-1] = 1.
190 | a[0] = 1.
191 | data_CFD_out[:,:] = signal.lfilter(b, a, data_CFD_out[:,:])
192 |
193 | #: data output of the constant fraction discriminator
194 | self.data_CFD_out = data_CFD_out
195 |
196 | def find_peak(self, min=30, max=250):
197 | """ find maximum in search window
198 |
199 | using:
200 | self.data_saverage_out
201 | filling arrays:
202 | self.maxPos
203 | self.maxAmp
204 |
205 | """
206 |
207 | if self.data_saverage_out == None:
208 | print 'error pyfact.find_peakMax was called without prior call to filter_sliding_average'
209 | print ' variable self.data_saverage_out is needed '
210 | pass
211 |
212 | maxPos = np.argmax( self.data_saverage_out[:,min:max], 1)
213 | maxAmp = np.max( self.data_saverage_out[:,min:max], 1)
214 | self.maxPos = maxPos
215 | self.maxAmp = maxAmp
216 |
217 | def sum_around_peak(self, left=13, right=23):
218 | """ integrate signal in gate around Peak
219 |
220 | using:
221 | self.maxPos
222 | self.acal_data
223 | filling array:
224 | self.sums
225 |
226 | """
227 |
228 | if self.maxPos == None:
229 | print 'error pyfact.sum_around_peak was called without prior call of find_peak'
230 | print ' variable self.maxPos is needed'
231 | pass
232 |
233 | # find left and right limit and sum the amplitudes in the range
234 | sums = np.empty(self.npix)
235 | for pixel in range(self.npix):
236 | min = self.maxPos[pixel]-left
237 | max = self.maxPos[pixel]+right
238 | sums[pixel] = self.acal_data[pixel,min:max].sum()
239 |
240 | self.sums = sums
241 |
242 | def baseline_read_values(self, file, bsl_hist='bsl_sum/hplt_mean'):
243 | """
244 |
245 | open ROOT file with baseline histogram and read baseline values
246 | file name of the root file
247 | bsl_hist path to the histogram containing the basline values
248 |
249 | """
250 |
251 | try:
252 | f = TFile(file)
253 | except:
254 | print 'Baseline data file could not be read: ', file
255 | return
256 |
257 | h = f.Get(bsl_hist)
258 |
259 | for i in range(self.npix):
260 | self.v_bsl[i] = h.GetBinContent(i+1)
261 |
262 | f.Close()
263 |
264 | def baseline_correct(self):
265 | """ subtract baseline from the data
266 |
267 | """
268 |
269 | for pixel in range(self.npix):
270 | self.acal_data[pixel,:] -= self.v_bsl[pixel]
271 |
272 | def info(self):
273 | """ print run information
274 |
275 | """
276 |
277 | print 'data file: ', data_file_name
278 | print 'calib file: ', calib_file_name
279 | print 'calibration file'
280 | print 'N baseline_mean: ', self.Nblm
281 | print 'N gain mean: ', self.Ngm
282 | print 'N TriggeroffsetMean: ', self.Ntom
283 |
284 | # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
285 | class fnames( object ):
286 | """ organize file names of a FACT data run
287 |
288 | """
289 |
290 | def __init__(self, specifier = ['012', '023', '2011', '11', '24'],
291 | rpath = '/scratch_nfs/res/bsl/',
292 | zipped = True):
293 | """
294 | specifier : list of strings defined as:
295 | [ 'DRS calibration file', 'Data file', 'YYYY', 'MM', 'DD']
296 |
297 | rpath : directory path for the results; YYYYMMDD will be appended to rpath
298 | zipped : use zipped (True) or unzipped (Data)
299 |
300 | """
301 |
302 | self.specifier = specifier
303 | self.rpath = rpath
304 | self.zipped = zipped
305 |
306 | self.make( self.specifier, self.rpath, self.zipped )
307 |
308 |
309 | def make( self, specifier, rpath, zipped ):
310 | """ create (make) the filenames
311 |
312 | names : dictionary of filenames, tags { 'data', 'drscal', 'results' }
313 | data : name of the data file
314 | drscal : name of the drs calibration file
315 | results : radikal of file name(s) for results (to be completed by suffixes)
316 | """
317 |
318 | self.specifier = specifier
319 |
320 | if zipped:
321 | dpath = '/data00/fact-construction/raw/'
322 | ext = '.fits.gz'
323 | else:
324 | dpath = '/data03/fact-construction/raw/'
325 | ext = '.fits'
326 |
327 | year = specifier[2]
328 | month = specifier[3]
329 | day = specifier[4]
330 |
331 | yyyymmdd = year + month + day
332 | dfile = specifier[1]
333 | cfile = specifier[0]
334 |
335 | rpath = rpath + yyyymmdd + '/'
336 | self.rpath = rpath
337 | self.names = {}
338 |
339 | tmp = dpath + year + '/' + month + '/' + day + '/' + yyyymmdd + '_'
340 | self.names['data'] = tmp + dfile + ext
341 | self.names['drscal'] = tmp + cfile + '.drs' + ext
342 | self.names['results'] = rpath + yyyymmdd + '_' + dfile + '_' + cfile
343 |
344 | self.data = self.names['data']
345 | self.drscal = self.names['drscal']
346 | self.results = self.names['results']
347 |
348 | def info( self ):
349 | """ print complete filenames
350 |
351 | """
352 |
353 | print 'file names:'
354 | print 'data: ', self.names['data']
355 | print 'drs-cal: ', self.names['drscal']
356 | print 'results: ', self.names['results']
357 |
358 | # end of class definition: fnames( object )
359 |
360 | if __name__ == '__main__':
361 | """
362 | create an instance
363 | """
364 | data_file_name = '/data03/fact-construction/raw/2011/11/24/20111124_121.fits'
365 | calib_file_name = '/data03/fact-construction/raw/2011/11/24/20111124_111.drs.fits'
366 | rd = rawdata( data_file_name, calib_file_name )
367 | rd.info()
368 | rd.next()
369 |
370 | # for i in range(10):
371 | # df.GetNextRow()
372 |
373 | # print 'evNum: ', evNum.value
374 | # print 'start_cells[0:9]: ', start_cells[0:9]
375 | # print 'evData[0:9]: ', evData[0:9]