1 | #!/usr/bin/python
2 | #
3 | # Werner Lustermann
4 | # ETH Zurich
5 | #
6 | from ROOT import *
7 |
8 | # get the MARS library loaded
9 | gSystem.Load( '/data02/scratch/Mars_20111207_2145_from_data/libmars.so' )
10 | from ROOT import *
11 |
12 | from numpy import loadtxt
13 |
14 | from callisto2 import callisto
15 |
16 | FACT_map_file_name = 'FACTmap111030.txt'
17 |
18 | df_extension = '.fits' # extension/format of the data file
19 | gzip = '.gz' # are the data compressed ? if not use ''
20 |
21 | data_path = '/data00/fact-construction/raw/' # path to the data
22 | res_path = '~/res/' # path to the storage of the results
23 | res_tag = '_callisto' # tag added to the filename with the results
24 | res_ext = '.root' # extension of the filename with the results
25 |
26 | rl_name = 'runlist_julia_dec2011.txt' # name of the file (inluding path) to the runlist
27 | # rl ... runlist
28 | rl = loadtxt( rl_name, dtype={'names':('drsf','df','dd','mm','yyyy'), 'formats': ('S3','S3','S2','S2','S4') } )
29 |
30 | for run in rl:
31 | print 'processing run: ', run
32 | dp = data_path + run['yyyy'] + '/' + run['mm'] + '/' + run['dd'] + '/'
33 | fnd = run['yyyy'] + run['mm'] + run['dd'] + '_'
34 | data_file_name = dp + fnd + run['df'] + df_extension + gzip
35 | drs_file_name = dp + fnd + run['drsf'] + '.drs' + df_extension + gzip
36 | res_file_name = res_path + fnd + run['df'] + res_tag + res_ext
37 | print data_file_name
38 | print drs_file_name
39 | print res_file_name
40 | print
41 | # call the mars macro (converted to python) for doing the job
42 | callisto( drs_file_name, data_file_name, FACT_map_file_name, res_file_name )
43 |
44 | print 'no matter what you do eventually it will be finished'