1 | #!/usr/bin/python -itt
2 |
3 | ##############################################
4 | # by Q. Weitzel and T. Kraehenbuehl
5 | #
6 | # plot rates and DTs for all runs of one night
7 | # in addition, plot DT outliers
8 | #
9 | # adapt base_path to select the night
10 | # (and change title and zoom of the graph)
11 | ##############################################
12 |
13 | from array import array
14 | import os
15 | import re
16 | import numpy as np
17 | import sys
18 |
19 | from pyfact import SlowData
20 | from plotters import CamPlotter
21 |
22 | from ROOT import TCanvas, TPad, TGraph
23 | from ROOT import gROOT
24 | from ROOT import gStyle
25 |
26 | gROOT.SetStyle("Plain")
27 |
28 | base_path = sys.argv[1]
29 |
30 | filelist = []
31 |
32 | for base,subdirs,files in os.walk(base_path):
33 | for filename in files:
34 | #include only run files
35 | regex = re.search(r'\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\.FTM_CONTROL_TRIGGER_RATES',filename)
36 | #include run files and also the nightly file
37 | #regex = re.search(r'FTM_CONTROL_TRIGGER_RATES',filename)
38 | if regex:
39 | filelist.append(os.path.join(base,filename))
40 |
41 | filelist2 = []
42 |
43 | for base,subdirs,files in os.walk(base_path):
44 | for filename in files:
45 | regex = re.search(r'\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\.FTM_CONTROL_STATIC_DATA',filename)
46 | if regex:
47 | filelist2.append(os.path.join(base,filename))
48 |
49 | trigger_rate_array = array("d",[])
50 | time_array = array("d",[])
51 |
52 | for filename in filelist:
53 |
54 | print filename
55 |
56 | file_handle = SlowData(filename)
57 |
58 | file_handle.register("TriggerRate")
59 | file_handle.register("Time")
60 | file_handle.register("FTMtimeStamp")
61 |
62 | ftm_ts_old = 1E10
63 |
64 | for row in file_handle:
65 | if row.FTMtimeStamp>ftm_ts_old:#needed to remove negative rate in first report
66 | trigger_rate_array.append(float(row.TriggerRate))
67 | time_array.append(float(row.Time)*24*3600)
68 | ftm_ts_old = row.FTMtimeStamp
69 |
70 | dt_min_array = array("d", [])
71 | dt_max_array = array("d", [])
72 | dt_avg_array = array("d", [])
73 | time_array2 = array("d", [])
74 |
75 | #trick to get the same x-axis range for all graphs
76 | time_array2.append(min(time_array))
77 | dt_min_array.append(float(-1))
78 | dt_max_array.append(float(-1))
79 | dt_avg_array.append(float(-1))
80 |
81 | mycamplotter = CamPlotter('Outlier Search Plot', map_file_path = '../map_dn.txt', vmin=0, vmax=10)
82 | pixel_outlier_array = np.zeros(1440)
83 | patch_outlier_array = np.zeros(160)
84 |
85 | for filename in filelist2:
86 |
87 | print filename
88 |
89 | file_handle = SlowData(filename)
90 |
91 | file_handle.register("PatchThresh")
92 | file_handle.register("Time")
93 | file_handle.register("FTMtimeStamp")
94 |
95 | ftm_ts_old = 1E10
96 |
97 | tmp_outliers = np.zeros(160)
98 |
99 | for row in file_handle:
100 | if row.FTMtimeStamp>ftm_ts_old:#just do the same cut as for the rates
101 | time_array2.append(float(row.Time)*24*3600)
102 | dt_min_array.append(float(min(row.PatchThresh)))
103 | dt_max_array.append(float(max(row.PatchThresh)))
104 | dt_avg_array.append(float(sum(row.PatchThresh))/len(row.PatchThresh))
105 | tmp_outliers = row.PatchThresh > dt_avg_array[-1] + 15
106 | ftm_ts_old = row.FTMtimeStamp
107 |
108 | patch_outlier_array += tmp_outliers
109 |
110 | for i,value in enumerate(patch_outlier_array):
111 | for j in range(9):
112 | pixel_outlier_array[i*9 + j] = value
113 |
114 | #trick to get the same x-axis range for all graphs
115 | time_array2.append(max(time_array))
116 | dt_min_array.append(float(-1))
117 | dt_max_array.append(float(-1))
118 | dt_avg_array.append(float(-1))
119 |
120 | canv = TCanvas("canv","canv",600,50,1000,600)
121 | pad1 = TPad("pad1","",0,0,1,1)
122 | pad2 = TPad("pad2","",0,0,1,1)
123 | pad3 = TPad("pad3","",0,0,1,1)
124 | pad4 = TPad("pad4","",0,0,1,1)
125 | pad2.SetFillStyle(4000);#will be transparent
126 | pad2.SetFrameFillStyle(0);
127 | pad3.SetFillStyle(4000);#will be transparent
128 | pad3.SetFrameFillStyle(0);
129 | pad4.SetFillStyle(4000);#will be transparent
130 | pad4.SetFrameFillStyle(0);
131 |
132 | graph = TGraph(len(trigger_rate_array),time_array,trigger_rate_array)
133 | graph2 = TGraph(len(dt_min_array),time_array2,dt_min_array)
134 | graph3 = TGraph(len(dt_max_array),time_array2,dt_max_array)
135 | graph4 = TGraph(len(dt_avg_array),time_array2,dt_avg_array)
136 |
137 | #change the time format to human readable
138 | graph.GetXaxis().SetTimeDisplay(1);
139 | graph2.GetXaxis().SetTimeDisplay(1);
140 | graph3.GetXaxis().SetTimeDisplay(1);
141 | graph4.GetXaxis().SetTimeDisplay(1);
142 | graph.GetXaxis().SetTimeFormat("%H:%M%F1970-01-01 00:00:00")
143 | graph2.GetXaxis().SetTimeFormat("%H:%M%F1970-01-01 00:00:00")
144 | graph3.GetXaxis().SetTimeFormat("%H:%M%F1970-01-01 00:00:00")
145 | graph4.GetXaxis().SetTimeFormat("%H:%M%F1970-01-01 00:00:00")
146 |
147 | #define markers, titles, etc.
148 | graph.SetMarkerStyle(7)
149 | graph2.SetMarkerStyle(7)
150 | graph3.SetMarkerStyle(7)
151 | graph4.SetMarkerStyle(7)
152 | graph.SetMarkerSize(1)
153 | graph2.SetMarkerSize(1)
154 | graph3.SetMarkerSize(1)
155 | graph4.SetMarkerSize(1)
156 | graph.SetMarkerColor(2)
157 | graph2.SetMarkerColor(3)
158 | graph3.SetMarkerColor(6)
159 | graph4.SetMarkerColor(4)
160 | graph.SetTitle("Night " + base_path)
161 | graph2.SetTitle("")
162 | graph3.SetTitle("")
163 | graph4.SetTitle("")
164 | graph.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0,250)#zoom to be adapted for each night
165 | graph2.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(150,495)#zoom to be adapted for each night
166 | graph3.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(150,495)#zoom to be adapted for each night
167 | graph4.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(150,495)#zoom to be adapted for each night
168 | graph.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.2)
169 | graph2.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.2)
170 | graph3.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.2)
171 | graph4.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.2)
172 | graph.GetXaxis().SetTitle("UTC+4h (hh:mm)")#for summer time
173 | graph2.GetXaxis().SetTitle("")#for summer time
174 | graph3.GetXaxis().SetTitle("")#for summer time
175 | graph4.GetXaxis().SetTitle("")#for summer time
176 | graph.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Trigger Rate (Hz)")
177 | graph2.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Patch Threshold (DAC Counts)")
178 | graph3.GetYaxis().SetTitle("")
179 | graph4.GetYaxis().SetTitle("")
180 |
181 | pad1.Draw();
182 | pad1.cd();
183 | graph.Draw("ap");
184 |
185 | pad2.Draw();
186 | pad2.cd();
187 | graph2.Draw("apY+");
188 |
189 | pad3.Draw();
190 | pad3.cd();
191 | graph3.Draw("apY+");
192 |
193 | pad4.Draw();
194 | pad4.cd();
195 | graph4.Draw("apY+");
196 |
197 | mycamplotter(pixel_outlier_array)