1 | #!/usr/bin/python -tti
2 |
3 | ##############################################
4 | # based on plot_trigger_rate.py by QW and TPK
5 | ##############################################
6 |
7 | from array import array
8 | import os
9 | import re
10 | import sys
11 | import numpy as np
12 | import time
13 |
14 | from pyfact import SlowData
15 |
16 | #from ROOT import TCanvas, TGraph, TGraphErrors, TH2F
17 | from ROOT import gROOT
18 | #from ROOT import gStyle
19 |
20 | import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
21 | import matplotlib.dates
22 |
23 | gROOT.SetStyle("Plain")
24 | plt.ion()
25 |
26 | filelist = []
27 | if len(sys.argv) > 1:
28 | base_path = sys.argv[1]
29 | else:
30 | print 'Usage:', sys.argv[0], '/your/search/path'
31 |
32 | for base,subdirs,files in os.walk(base_path):
33 | for filename in files:
34 | #include only run files
35 | regex = re.search(r'\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\.FSC_CONTROL_HUMIDITY.fits',filename)
36 | #include run files and also the nightly file
37 | #regex = re.search(r'FTM_CONTROL_TRIGGER_RATES',filename)
38 | if regex:
39 | filelist.append(os.path.join(base,filename))
40 |
41 |
42 | plotlist = ['H']
43 | plotfmts = ['.:b']
44 | per_name = []
45 |
46 | for filename in filelist:
47 |
48 | print filename
49 |
50 | f = SlowData(filename)
51 |
52 | f.register("all")
53 |
54 | f.stack()
55 | for row in f:
56 | pass
57 |
58 |
59 | for name in plotlist:
60 | per_name.append(f.columns[name][0])
61 |
62 | fig = plt.figure()
63 | ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
64 | plt.hold(True)
65 | for i,name in enumerate(plotlist):
66 | for number in range(per_name[i]):
67 | print name, number
68 | Time = f.stacked_cols['Time']
69 | data = f.stacked_cols[name][:,number]
70 | med = np.median(Time)
71 | # get rid of Times of the previous day.
72 | Time_today = Time[np.where( Time>med-0.25 )[0]]
73 | data_today = data[np.where( Time>med-0.25)[0]]
74 |
75 | ax.plot_date( Time_today, data_today, fmt=plotfmts[i])
76 | today_str = time.strftime('%d.%m.' ,time.gmtime(Time_today[0]*24*3600))
77 | print today_str
78 | plt.title('Humidity \n'+today_str)
79 | ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(
80 | # matplotlib.dates.HourLocator(byhour=range(24), interval=1)
81 | matplotlib.dates.AutoDateLocator()
82 | )
83 | ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(
84 | # matplotlib.dates.DateFormatter('%Hh')
85 | matplotlib.dates.AutoDateFormatter()
86 | )
87 | plt.draw()
88 |
89 | # plt.ylim(12,41)
90 | plt.savefig(sys.argv[2])