1 | #!/usr/bin/python -itt
2 |
3 | import numpy as np
4 |
5 | from scipy import optimize
6 | from numpy import *
7 |
8 | class Parameter:
9 | def __init__(self, value):
10 | self.value = value
11 |
12 | def set(self, value):
13 | self.value = value
14 |
15 | def __call__(self):
16 | return self.value
17 |
18 | def fit(function, parameters, y, x = None):
19 | def f(params):
20 | i = 0
21 | for p in parameters:
22 | p.set(params[i])
23 | i += 1
24 | return y - function(x)
25 |
26 | if x is None: x = arange(y.shape[0])
27 | p = [param() for param in parameters]
28 | optimize.leastsq(f, p)
29 |
30 |
31 | class gapdpulse( object ):
32 |
33 | bsl = -1.0
34 | height = 18.0
35 | start = 50.
36 | rising = 1.2
37 | tau1 = 7.
38 | tau2 = 25.
39 | noise = 0.0001
40 | sampling = False
41 |
42 | def __call__(self, x):
43 | if type(x) != type(np.empty(1)):
44 | x = np.array(x)
45 | val = np.zeros(x.shape)
46 | zeros = np.zeros(x.shape)
47 |
48 | #shortcuts
49 | bsl = self.bsl()
50 | height = self.height()
51 | start = self.start()
52 | rising = self.rising()
53 | tau1 = self.tau1()
54 | tau2 = self.tau2()
55 |
56 | val += bsl
57 |
58 |
59 |
60 | # this is not really the maximum, but about it.... so I call it max
61 | max = start + rising * tau1
62 |
63 | e1 = height * (1 - np.exp(-(x-start)/tau1 ) )
64 | e2 = -1 * height * (1 - np.exp(-(x-max)/tau2 ) )
65 | val += np.where( x>start , e1, zeros)
66 | val += np.where( x>max , e2, zeros)
67 |
68 | val += np.random.normal(0, self.noise, x.shape)
69 |
70 | #sampling
71 | self.presampling = val.copy()
72 | if self.sampling == True:
73 | val = np.round(val*2)/2.0
74 | self.postsampling = val.copy()
75 | return val
76 |
77 |
78 |
79 |
80 |
81 |
82 |
83 | # Target function, 6 parameters
84 | def fitfunc( p, x):
85 |
86 | # give names to the parameters
87 | bsl = p[0]
88 | height = p[1]
89 | start = p[2]
90 | rising = p[3]
91 | tau1 = p[4]
92 | tau2 = p[5]
93 |
94 | # these are just helper variables
95 | max = start + rising * tau1
96 | e1 = height * (1 - np.exp(-(x-start)/tau1 ) ) # the rising edge
97 | e2 = -1 * height * (1 - np.exp(-(x-max)/tau2 ) )# the falling edge
98 |
99 | y = bsl
100 | if x > start:
101 | y += e1
102 | if x > max:
103 | y += e2
104 | return y
105 |
106 | def fitfunc2(p, x):
107 | # give names to the parameters
108 | bsl = p[0] # just the baseline
109 | height = p[1] # this is not the pulse height, but the maximum of the discharging edge
110 | # it *would* be the pulse height only in case the
111 | # recharging process would set in later...
112 |
113 | start = p[2] # start of avalanche aka start of discharge of diode capacitance
114 | stop = p[3] # stop of avalanche, or start of recharging of diode
115 | tau1 = p[4] # time constant of discharging process
116 | tau2 = p[5] # time constant of recharging process
117 |
118 | # these are just helper variables
119 |
120 | e1 = height * (1 - np.exp(-(x-start)/tau1 ) )
121 | e2 = -1 * height * (1 - np.exp(-(x-stop)/tau2 ) )
122 | zeros = np.zeros(x.shape)
123 |
124 | y = np.zeros(x.shape)
125 | y += bsl
126 | y += np.where( x>start , e1, zeros)
127 | y += np.where( x>stop , e2, zeros)
128 | return y
129 |
130 |
131 |
132 | # Distance to the Targetfunction
133 | def errfunc( p, x , y):
134 | return fitfunc2(p, x) - y
135 |
136 |
137 |
138 | if __name__ == '__main__':
139 | import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
140 | plt.ion()
141 | from gen_TH1D import SignalGeneratorCSV
142 |
143 | g = SignalGeneratorCSV('EdgeOverlayTemplate_AllPixel_1440_0.csv')
144 |
145 | x = np.linspace(0,300,300,False)
146 |
147 | fig = plt.figure()
148 | plt.grid(True)
149 |
150 | plt.plot(x,g.csv_maxprob, label='max prob')
151 |
152 | pnames = ['bsl', 'height', 'start','stop','tau1','tau2']
153 |
154 | p0 = [-1., 10., 50., 70, 30., 30.] # Initial guess for the parameters
155 |
156 | # plot function before fitting
157 | #plt.plot( x, fitfunc2( p0, x) , '.:')
158 |
159 | p1, success = optimize.leastsq(errfunc, p0[:], args=(x[0:300], g.csv_maxprob[0:300]))
160 |
161 | # plot function after fitting
162 | plt.plot( x, fitfunc2( p1, x) , '.:')
163 | print 'Start values:'
164 | for par,name in zip(p0,pnames):
165 | print name, ':', par
166 | print
167 | print
168 | print '------------------'
169 | print 'Fit parameters'
170 | for par,name in zip(p1,pnames):
171 | print name, ':', par
172 | print '------------------'
173 |
174 | print 'Fit successfull?:',bool(success)
175 |
176 | |